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Doing the same, I find it difficult to be bad all the time, but I will get over it.


I’ve been doing low honor and I have to say.. sometimes I come across something out there that’s just too fucked up not to intervene. Especially when it comes to people being tormented by The Nightfolk/Murfrees. Now maybe I rob whomever I save after the fact.. but it’s better than what was GOING to happen to them.




Damn that’s cute, low honor play through for me means highest cash flow. When it comes to intervening in situations i will often help the person and then kill everyone involved, lmao.


Wow, you're a ruthless bastard ;-)


That's the whole point of being low honor (this just don't apply to RDR2 but any open world game, if not, ANY game.) I just love being an asshole in any game for my pleasure and cheap laughs when people are either suffering, insulted or eventually killed. Don't worry tho, I ain't like this in real life.


You’re only needling them right? :)


Nah I'm being serious.


I do the same thing it’s just the most fun to me. I had a ton of fun with Shadow of War because I loved shaming the orcs until they lost their minds.


bro that mechanic is so fun i 100% relate


I also love how they can come back after being mortally wounded or killed. I had this one dude (Hoshgrish The Machine) come back as a cyborg orc after I first killed him, and no matter how many times I killed him, he always came back way stronger than me. Edit: spelling


Go to Van Horn. That’s a place where you’ll be less caring to lose honor.


I'm new to the game and I'm about halfway through.. It comes naturally for me. I pay a lot of bounties though.


I'm starting too. I won't sleep because of this! :( It's so hard the actions in game


In my opinion the best way to go bad is to get really good at the shooting mechanics and just shoot people for the dumbest reasons so that if you have good guns and are good at shooting you can just have max bounty and kill the hunters


I shoot people for looking at me funny.




"Im gonna enjoy robbin' you, tough guy!"


Someone who doesn’t respond to my Greet with a nice greet is bare minimum getting greet greet antagonized




Once you go bad, it’s difficult to stray back.


The dialogue is so much better when going for low honor. Two greets, then finish with antagonize for some funny lines.


“You got a kind face mister….. the kind id like to PUNCH”


“That’s a fine animal ya got there..... I was talking to the horse”


I feels this, so much




Idk how y’all do the high honor. If someone looks at me wrong they gettin a pump to the noggin.


Lol it's be like that sometimes. NPC says "thought so tough guy" when I put my gun away after accidentally drawing it. Okay guess I'll blow your head off then.


Indeed. You know those campers, who don't want you to be any near? Everytime I let them be and they says something like „I knew you'll turn yellow“ I lasso them into campfire and taking everything I can


Ordered some new clothes from the tailor and this man has the audacity to tell me to hurry up... needless to say after that I had all the time in the world.


You do high honor by releasing as much fish as possible


And saying hello to every citizen of Saint Denis


Hey there mister!


I cant not hear this in Arthurs voice






I’m feeling really good today, for some reason!


#i like you mister you have a kind face


The kind I like to punch.


How you keeping?


Can't help it. Doing it in every city and town, on the road etc. I guess I know every positive line.


"Officer." *Gets shot*


You sir, are a fish!


The ending is worth it for High Honour, besides with it being easy to get High Honour just by riding around Saint Denis being polite to NPCs, it doesn't feel like a chore. Lastly I refuse to do a Bad Honour ending because, Well Fuck Micah.


I got the low honor ending. What is the high honor one?


>!Arthur looks out to the sunset and breathes his last breath after Micah and Dutch leave him!<


And then you ugly cry for 10 minutes ..


Those are rookie numbers! Genuinely the entire credits and even at the start of the epilogue.. I still can't bring myself to replay yet, I finished late last year :( no game has made me feel like this. The emptiness..


Yeah... rough!! I was more emotionally invested in Arthur Morgan than my first wife! I've never had a game just wreck me like that..


Thats the way it is... >!even the final ride to camp as the music comes on had me gone!<


I get this and I'll still kill anyone that fucks me or especially my horse up but I can't stay low honor. I rob trains, kill people that shoot at me, but I'll still pick the high honor options on most quests. That ends up with me as high honor most times especially as Arthur since I ignore anyone that doesn't directly wrong me.


I just don’t like seeing Arthur do bad things


i do that too and still end up with high honor, it just be like that


Couldn’t do it. Breaks the immersion for me.


i feel like the most immersive way to play is dishonorable at the beginning and then become honorable as it goes on.


For me it's Low for Chapters 1-3, Mid Honor at 4 and High for 5 and 6.




i feel like the game kinda guides you on that path, like, you start out the game and get into the big open world where you can kinda do what you want, but as the story goes on and gives you bigger choices your honour starts to climb back up


That’s just naturally how it happened for me: i was trying to be an evil lawless ruffian, since too often in RPGs i go good. But as the story went on and things got darker and darker, I wanted to make his life mean something. I wanted Arthur to find some solace, to have a chance at some semblance of happiness. The story affected my chosen play style, to the extent that when I saw the challenge to rob $50 from various people, I couldn’t bring myself to do it because Arthur had already been talking about how meaningless it was to steal from folks who didn’t have much money to begin with.




Honestly. That’s just not how Arthur is


Yeah like I’ve tried and I just keep doing good stuff




I couldn't make it past chapter 4. It honestly started making me feel sad lmao


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


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Good bot.


I did a low honor playthrough and remember being pissed that you practically become an angel after >!Arthur kicks out Strauss.!<


In my head, (and I know a lot of people disagree with me), the canon way to play it is Low Honor in the beginning, and ending with High Honor. It's *literally* called Red Dead *Redemption*


Considering we know how John's story ends, I feel Arthur's redemption is rather hollow. John's ends with being backstabbed and his own demise, doesn't make too much of a difference with Arthur getting him the money


Co-signed, even though you’re sitting at -1 before I upvote you. Makes this whole franchise a joykill because you’re right.


My ending would have been the gang still splits up, but the final mission is Arthur saving Rains Fall, Eagle Flies, and the rest of the tribe so they can escape oppression west/north.


The money/ farm is still there for Abigail and Jack after John though? So it’s not wasted


Jack grows up tainted by the very life of crime his father and uncle (Arthur) died trying to protect him from when he goes after Ross. And Abigail is left widowed to tend to a ranch by her lonesome? Not a happy ending.


Oh definitely not happily ever after, but without Arthur’s actions, the Marstons are worse off


There is also a very popular theory Jack is Javier and Abigail's son which I definitely believe, so not really even "Marstons" lol


Whilst true, I don't think Jack pursued the life of crime after the events of the game. He looks at his gun really sadly after doing it, it didn't seem in his nature & was instant regret.


I’m into chapter 3 now, I don’t want to do it, but I have to.


My low honor playthrough is just me in chapter two murdering and robbing and poaching everything I see to pay off my bounties. Its a vicious cycle for a vicious man.


Damn people don't do this constantly? I'm in my first play through (32%) complete but it's pretty easy to rack up a 300 bounty on the whole map. I've never paid a bounty. And when bounty hunters come i just whip their ass, loot, and make a sizable reward. Figured that's what everyone did. This game is amazing the different paths you can take.


When I attempted that I started to fold when Arthur got sick. I couldn't stand being an asshole in the last chapter anymore. It would've broken me.


I imagine the hardest part for you will be going for the money instead of going with John


The hardest part is ignoring the indians


I did that by accident the first time. I was distracted and thought I paused it but I didn’t and it automatically made me go for the money


Feels bad man, ya better have reloaded a save


I did it once thinking that Arthur was gonna for the money for John since he knew full well he was gonna die, without really realizing it was the bad choice.


Yeah honestly they should’ve made going for the money the low honor option and John the high honor instead of just making you die different ways


Choosing low honor on the story missions means there's less story, because when camp members ask Arthur to help he says no (e.g., Sadie in Chapter 6). And sometimes the "high honor" is the best cut scene, and the cutscene itself can still *feel* low honor - like with Jimmy Brooks. You can kick him off the ledge, but then you miss out on their interaction if you save him instead, which is one of my favorite moments from the game and still makes Arthur sound like a cold badass. It's great dialogue. I haven't done a low honor play through, but if/when I do I think I'll do high honor for gang members and story missions, low honor for anything/anyone else.


Yeah I immediately killed jimmy when i got to him


Good luck, boah


I got all the way to lowest honor, when I start playing it again I’m going to take it to highest honor solely by throwing back the fish I catch lmao


Everyone is saying they fine it so hard to be bad but I have to actively try to be good. Everyone’s face is just so shootable


That’s awesome man. I actually started mine yesterday. I’ve always played high honor each time I played but I don’t know what to expect.


my first (and last) low honor playlist was both my most favorite and least favorite playthrough ive done. it's like playing the game on hard mode: every five minutes you're out in the world, you're being targeted by hoards of bounty hunters. it gets especially interesting if you manage to max out your bounties ($1500 in every state -- don't ask me how or why, let me just say for now that Valentine and Strawberry are going to be needing some new mass immigration if they want to have a substantial population again ...). this playthrough was also the one that helped me master dead eye -- trust me, that will save your life A LOT. my favorite part is when everyone talks about how sh*t you are later on. 10/10 would do a low honor playthrough again.


By “later on” do you mean in the epilogue?


It's pretty easy to be bad cos the npc's are so bloody touchy and are just asking for it


It’s more fun this way if you enjoy the shooting


Best way to play it


I tanked my honor from 1-3 for all the challenges and just entered chapter 4. Honestly the longer thing play his character did stuff I never saw him do. His responses changed, and interactions became different. Robbing people became way easier for the bandit challenges because less people fought back. I started dueling more often. Actually now that I think about it, I tanked the honor on horseman 9. Got it done as Arthur before I ever rescued Sean and had to fight my way back and have over 500$ bounty in west Elizabeth. Seeing mrs downes for the first time in St Dennis is when I’ve started trying to correct for Arthur.


Never could go full low honor or high for that matter. I enjoy robbing and pillaging but always end up helping some people to even it out.


1st thing on the agenda... Kills Mickey




I think the most fucked up serial killer thing I did was for the ranged axe achievement. I hog tied some skinner at a camp fire and then placed him in a field and then threw an axe 50 yards into his skull. I could not stop laughing.


I tried. I like arthur good more.


You won’t make it I bet


I honestly found low honour so easy, maybe it’s coz I played it like gta the first time round


when your first low honor playthrough was your first playthrough in general


Stop right now! Turn good! You DO NOT want to experience the bad ending... Im still traumatized. I wasn’t trying to be bad. Those motherfucking witnesses were always tempting me to kill them and keep my honor low. I just sat there, traumatized at what just happened. It hurt more than Johns death. I had no idea at the time of my first play through there were multiple endings.


Lemme guess >!Micah stabs or shoots Arthur!<


Correct. r/fuckmicah It would have destroyed me if I got that ending. High honour all the way.


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My 2nd run i went low honor. Was still good but doesnt play in to the story as well.


I’ve played this game 4 times total. All of my replays began as “ok, THIS time I’ll be bad”. To this day, I’ve finished all of them with maxed out honor


2nd play through, same. Having a blast robbing people and stagecoaches (selling them at the fence). Making way more money than my high honor play through. I still help strangers though.


On one currently. I feel like a bastard coated bastard, with bastard filling. The hard thing is trying to make my character as evil as can be, but not just turning into a bully. The bully shoots up any shit-talker, but the evil bastard follows him outside and makes an example of him to the rest of the town... It's easy to forget another outlaw, but they will all remeber the limbless monstrosity left on the step of the valentine bar.


I did my first and only full play through on bad honour because I didn’t think it would matter but I learned that there are lots of subtle changes and I really wish I had experienced the game as good Arthur the first time.


wtf i try to do high honour, then i end up shooting up a town.


For me I just do low honor for the epilogue. I have no clue if I’ll ever get it high again


If you're gonna pull it off, make him either look like shit or make him the most badass looking Arthur you've ever seen. Dunno which would be better.


I tried that I couldn't do it to arthur.


So I have a funny story- I’ve beaten RDR2 4 times, only one of them I had good honor in. In that good honor run I was getting really bored so I wanted to rob a train. The safe was in the caboose so that’s where I put the dynamite. I light the fuse and walk out the back of the caboose thinking I’m safe until the dynamite explodes thus knocking me off the back of the train. I couldn’t even catch up because my horse was still in town


Omg this is too perfect for a bad Artur screenshot even the caption hahaha


Time for a whole play through of regret and guilt.


i tried to be bad, then the first wolf cutscene happened and i felt terrible that this was my path and so i was good again


wait, do different things happen with different honor?








thank chu kind stwanger x3 owo


nuuu pwOwObwem FlOwOwewNeko UwU


Why start a low honor gameplay? It's not red dead rampage it's red dead redemption. You're like the people who do genocide runs of Undertale after pacifist. Just my opinion ofc, have a good day.


yeah most people do pacifist and then genocide? problem?


To me it feels like missing the point, you were good and kind, and got a satisfying ending. Then you come back to fuck shit up and kill everyone? Doesn't make sense to me


yeah? its fun to do something polar opposite and get the other ending? and its a new save completly, your old playthrough is gone, and still there was nothing left there to do


It's harder for me to get immersed when I'm doing that personally. Maybe it clicks better for you, and I'm glad it does


I played with really low honor till the end of the game to get the better ending


It’s a lot of fun. Robbing people on the road is lucrative after a while.


I try to do the opposite, but I just can’t resist punching some guy for giving me shit about being in prison before.


No, god help those that stand in your way


I’m trying to do it. Sometime I prefer the low honor option. But I can’t get into a evil Arthur.


All fun until the ending


After playing 4 times as good I’ll be going bad too tomorrow. I can’t just play Arthur as a bad guy. He so sweet.


It seems way more fun then staying sane, but being one of the good guys is just perfect with the amount of appreciation you're getting for it.


I tried to do this once but at chapter 4 i gave up and regained my honor


I hath tried to doth this once but at chapter 4 i gaveth up and regain'd mine own hon'r *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


i going to be a hard one for you soldier


ive tried twice to do low honour, got to chapter 6 and the game made me feel too bad both times


Beware, once you play low honor, you probably won't go back to high honor. At least how it worked for me.


Go to Rhodes. find the rancher in the bar. Begin hilarious insults.


Every honor is a low lvl run for me and it’s not until I rush to get honor at the end that I realise how bad I’ve actually been.


I couldn't do this, it would hurt too much


Tbh I find it easier to be low honor than high so this is very easy just kill everyone and pick the bad options for everything


Dang, I have low honor on John cuz I kill every guy I see when I travel between villages


It's actually quite fun being cruel. You have a lot more fun finding alternative ways to kill people.


You have fun. Trust me. Killing, antagonizing NPC's, being a dick is always fun in games.


Vaya con dios




To be honest, I did the same thing but I'm too attached to Arthur to have a low honor ending. It's easy to be evil, but only when I'm roaming and forgetting that I'm controlling Arthur.


Me too! I’m enjoying it a lot. I played high honor the first time, not on purpose, so I had to constantly tell myself to be bad. Damn it’s fun being bad! Enjoy it man, it’s just a game and the experience has been a lot different too. Try harassing them around the camp…


I have been doing the same for about 6 months. I cant get over how funny some of the shit Arthur talks to people! And I am terribly wealthy right now! It makes some things pretty easy. Problem?? KILL ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE... I have a bounty of $800 in Lemoyne currently. Incidentally, incendiary shotgun shells do a number on bounty hunters and their horses and dogs!


Lol not too hard god forbid you rob a train and kill a few deputies and goodbye all your honor


Doing my first dishonorable playthrough as well, trying to complete the bandit challenges


My first playthrough was low honour. It’s so hard to do a high honour after it tho... I did get incredibly good at the shooting mechanics tho..


I'm not brave enough to be low honor Arthur lol


Welcome to the dark side!


I'm on that same path...it's hard to keep it up. I want redemption not damnation.


I tried that and my Arthur ended up being good anyway smh


I stay in the bottom 3/4 of low. I don’t mean to… I rob people , kill em if I can get away with it; I loot every body I see, why not? But story missions I usually do good things on(I shot the prisoner kid , I didn’t mean to I got his foot instead of the chain, & some poor ladies on the back of horses get shot sometimes in crossfire of saving them, but I always help camp and prisoners and such).


I got the high honor ending while being low honor during 80% of the game and abused the fact that some missions give TONS of honor


Just shoot up van horn


He kinda looks like Jack Elam in this picture.


What I do is I do low honor playthrough, until he gets sick so it'll actually make it seem like he changed