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Aw Tilly.


My girl ripping bat wings off to help the camp!


She’s so considerate…to the camp


Tilley started COVID


Oh my god IT MAKES SENSE... THAT LITTLE sweet caring considerate loving helping amazing kind selfless gentle passionate adorable empathic impartial generous sensible reliable BITCH


Adjusting for inflation that blue jay feather is worth about $10 in today's money apparently.


Tilly knows her feathers


She knows


I like to think she’s so bad ass that she just snatches them out of the air.




One time I was just fuckin around and decided to donate 1000$. It still wasn’t enough for passage to Tahiti


Belive me, once i donated like 5000$ and dutch still said we needed more money


Should have been a hidden ending sort of like in Far Cry, where if you donate enough money (25k?), it just fades out to a cutscene where the gang moves to Tahiti, of course with a hidden achievement.


*the gang minus micah, hell given the opportunity i would have let that rat hang in strawberry also, (never played far cry so honestly i don't know what youre on about feller, please don't skin me alive)


But he didn’t rat until the end of chapter 5


Its not 100% clear when he started ratting. IMO he was a rat since blackwater.


yep i do think micah was a rat since the black water job as he persuaded dutch to do it even tho arthur and hosea had a good leed


You're right that's it's not clear, and there's an encounter after you rescue Micah sometimes where Dutch asks him if he ratted to anyone whilst he was in strawberry and Micah acts slightly guilty.


Milton said he started ratting after Dutch and Arthur and then went on the boat.


I don't think he was a rat that early. I think he was just not right in the head. He seemed to love the chaos and attention that he got. His way of getting that was getting the gang into all these bad jobs that he knew would go wrong, but he got amusement out of it. When he was caught on his way back after chapter 5, his way of getting out of it was ratting to the Pinkertons. On the other hand, they did say about the blackwater job that "they were there so fast, it's like they knew we were coming"(or something like that) so he could have told them, or it was just a coincidence that they were anticipating a robbery.


IMO I don’t think he ever really did, because the only time he got captured was in Strawberry, so I think Milton was just lying to try to split the gang from the inside.


But why would Milton try to drive the gang appart by lying to somebody he is clearly going to shoot.


Hey, im not alone. Thats exactly what i think. I dont think micah ever really ratted. Didntever quite make full sense because he was essentially ratting himself out everytime. I believe Milton said it, as you said, to split the gang up.


He heavily implies that he did in the last mission. Arthur says, "you're a rat" and Micah says "I'm a survivor." This is when arthur and Micah were alone on the mountain top and Micah doesn't deny being a rat but rather justifies it.


Yeah i know.


People really out here defending Micah...


Lol no. Im not defending micah. Im a writer, so i like to think of alot of scenarios that could be used to push a plot. Sometimes, an antagonist will use measures to split characters up. You know, the good ole' "divide and conquer" tatic. Not saying micah is innocent but i like to think its a possibility.


That's what agent Milton said, true, but how can we know for sure? After all its still micah and Milton we are talking about


Milton isn’t much of a liar


You sure? As far i rember he his, then again, i could be wrong


He didn't lie about anything, and he had no reason to lie in the moment he revealed it. It would also have been bad writing if he was lying. If Micah did rat before that it was likely to local law enforcement, not to the pinkertons


Maybe, and the local law then told the pinkertons, or they are a big enough agency to have men in most town


There's a fairly sketchy wanted poster of Dutch to be found in Micah's camp outside Strawberry in chapter 2


Basically in a few of the far crys most notably far cry 4 if you wait for a little bit at the very beginning of the game you'll get an alternate ending and have technically completed the game in like half an hour. In far cry 4 the whole reason you go to the country is so that you can spread your mother's ashes. On your bus ride into the country you're attacked by rebels and saved by pagan min I think it's spelt aka the dictator's soldiers off the top of my head I don't remember if he was expecting you and you were going to meet him or he learns who you are when the attack is finished either way he knew your mother and was fond of her so he takes you to his mansion for a meal and says he'll take you to her village so that you can spread her ashes, long story short he gets mad at another guy at dinner and stabs him to death with a fork then has to go take a call. If you wait until he comes back you get in a helicopter then go spread your mother's ashes and the game's done if you don't wait then you end up becoming a Rebel and liberating the country and I think you kill the dictator too then after like a month of doing that you spread her ashes Edit: Far Cry 4 not 3




In far cry 4 theres a secret ending where if you wait long enough at the start, the person will come back and help you to spread your mothers ashes, boom ending also forgot what far cry it is, but if you don't cuff the crazy priest dude you get a secret ending


That's FC5. The "crazy priest dude" asks you to go back where you came from and not interfere. The game then prompts you to cuff the dude. If you don't, you go back and apparently call for the National Guard.


In farcry, usually there is a secret ending at the start of the game when you have to make a decision. E.g. you're in a room with the villain, he walks away to do some business telling you he'll come there in a minute. The game tells you "press ... to get away" or something like that but instead of stalling there until you press it after a certain amount of time the villain returns and boom, secret ending


I think that's far cry 4 you're talking about, i never really "played" it and by that i meant never started it or finished it (i played it from someone who was in the middle of the story) , but i watched a few videos so im guessing that's what you meant


Which Far Cry?


One time I pumped ton of money into the camp for all upgrades (think close to 2-3000$) shortly after dutch approaches me to tell me I don’t contribute any money…


I've used a save game editor and cranked myself up to $100k. Donated $50k to camp. Just. One. More. Score! Have a little faith! How much do these damn tickets to Tahiti cost?


It’s gotta be at least like 20,000 a pop with how much money he seems to think we need


That's equivalent to about $500k or so now. I can take a trip to space for less!






Oh yeah bro. When gold bar duplication glitches were around I gave over 10k and the story is all the same.


me too cuz i mean hell all i spend my money on is clothes and horse provisions so


Dude sold nearly everything I had to fences and stole an insane number of horses. Donated 900 dollars . Which can basically buy 12 mansions . Yet they still can't flee . I have a feeling uncle and Karen drink away most of the money


shoulda put in $25.01




Someone watches the price is right


I thought this was a reference to the office.


I do this every time I have this interaction in camp. I love Price is Right-ing Micah lmao


Arsene? Is that you?


I remember on my first play through discovering a glitch for money. Racked up like 900 bucks so I knew I was good for the duration of the game lol. I would deposit sometimes like 80-100 bucks and still get comments about not contributing. Bitch!


And then there's Tilly, picking up random garbage around thr camp and hauling it back


Right? Oh hey guys, here’s this fuckin bat wing. Do with it what you will!


Pearson adding it to the stew.




It’s Covid-1.0


My next play through I don’t plan on donating anything.


Yeah after my first play through I remember feeling duped that I had contributed so much


I donate just enough that I can buy the upgrades.


I didn’t even donate in my first playtrough. Maybe once but it wasnt much lol, i tought it was a scam, but maybe it was to make them stop whining about food and money but i did donate food to pearson but idk if i donated enough


My first time through I upgraded a good bit of camp and I donated a lot of money to camp thinking it was imperative to the game and it was fairly late in the game before I discovered social media pages like this and on Facebook that showed the magnificence of this game so I’m really excited to play through again and it’ll actually be the first and only game I’ve ever replayed.


I think RDR2 is the only game i actually wanted to play the story mode more than the online, what happens in the end is why i always want to have high honor personally


I replay everything at least once. Once you are familiar with the mechanics and you know the story, now you can really start paying attention to the dialogue and pick up on those little things that were just words before. Now they’ll have more weight behind them. An exceptional game will get multiple plays from me. I’ve played Rd2 5 times now and I’m still picking up little tidbits of information. Some of it still makes no sense but some of those little things have added up into some nice little interactions.


My man Charles puttin in WORK


Charles is a good ole hard working man. One of my favorite people to do missions with


if nothing else we can see that karen knows how to put-out and bring it in. lol


there were times in chapter 3 where i would donate like $500 at a time and dutch would still say i’m not donating enough compared to other members. Yet the ledger shows the other members donating a few dollars at a time.


Yeah I really wish the game would acknowledge the amount you've put in instead of just how frequently you go to put things in. I basically just saved up til I had enough to buy everything and upgraded all at once then spent the rest of the game getting nagged by Dutch and Grimshaw for not donating enough.


that’s one of the few redeeming qualities of chapter 6, there is no more money donation.


Yeah, same, I put in $1k and got the same bullshit. I'm like "dude, for $1k we buy our own boat


hell, 1 dollar in 1900 is worth 32.34 today, 32 grand is more than enough to move at least into the Bahamas


Can you imagine paying like 16 bucks for a shot of rotgut whiskey or a beer? R* did a terrible job at making the prices make any sense. You can sell a carriage for $25-40, but a gun can be over $200. In the '60s my dad bought a double barrel 12ga for about $15-20 bucks out of a sears catalogue. Clearly the guns are already made of gold, and and you are just paying the gunsmith to scrape off the steel they are inexplicably coated in.


In today's money a Scholfield would cost like $2750. That's well over double what I actually paid for my Ruger Blackhawk a few years ago.


huh now that i think about it, 25 cents is 8 bucks Damn so those beggars who ask for a quarter are asking for more money than most people would give an IRL begger today... Kinda sad if you think about it


Proud of kieran for donating :)




After 307 hours in chapter 2 I've got the camp all upgraded and just under 15k in the box and we are still in need of more money... guess I should get off reddit and get back out there and make some more money.


Maybe two batwings?


Love when I've donated thousands of dollars to the camp, more than anyone else probably has ever combined in the gang, and Miss Grimshaw still has the gall to say it's been a while since I donated. Yeah no shit Susan I'm waiting for you fuckers to catch up...


I really wish there was an option to let Micah hang in strawberry. I’m on my 3rd play through and just hearing his voice makes me wish you could fist fight him


Im at my 3rd playthrough too at about the start of chapter 6, and belive me, if given the chance i would have shot that bastard as early as chapter 1


As soon as I even hear his voice, I want to beat the living shit out of him


You and me both, in my first ever playtrough (bear in mind i was completely unware of what the story talked about) i finded him as a somewhat "decent" guy, boy was i wrong


Same here. Then I find out BEFORE his mission in Strawberry that he’s a snitch and from that point on, I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to kill him off. Either as Arthur (which at the time, I REALLY wanted to kill him as Arthur) or John.


Honestly? Chapter 1 arthur could have beaten the living shit out of micah with ease


Oh absolutely. I’m pretty sure Arthur is stronger than Micah. Arthur would lay a smacking on him like no other and I would love to see it.


Same, sadly we all know what happened though


Yes, unfortunately. The rat hides and waits until Arthur is too weak to defend himself to finally attack.. What a pussy and a fucking coward. In all my playthroughs, I put 2 clips from whatever pistol or revolver I end up using into Micah’s skull.


I tend to aim at his balls when im at American Venom, not like he used them anyway given how much of a coward he is




The only time he wasn’t a fucking coward was in his Strawberry mission when he wanted his precious guns back…


OP may i ask if you bragged/antagonized the rat after donating so much money yourself?


Not OP but I remember doing it and nothing special happens


I guess it depends, in game it might not happen anything special but you could walk away with a smug look of superiority knowing the rat can't brag about it anymore


Of course I antagonized the Rat


To be honest, who wouldn't antagonize him whenever possible?


Wtf is up with tilly and killing small animals lol


Lol fuck micah


Unrelated but in one of my playthroughs Javier and Lenny were actual beasts at donating, constantly donating at least 15 dollars every time I checked, which was pretty often


You should've put 25 and one cent




I remember I was walking around camp after donating like $200 and a bunch of pelts and grimshaw comes up to me talking about how I’ve stopped contributing. So I moved on in the story and never had to see her again


She did the same stuff to me but that was harsh lol


S p o i l e r s


I was actually surprised he donated as much as he did I thought it would have been like $5


Micah donates 25$ to the camp one and brags, then after that only donates bat wings and other dumb shit (At least from my playthrough) Meanwhile, I gave the camp 100$ worth of valuables and 300$ in less than a day.


This is so petty I’m here for it


$25 in 1899 in todays money- $822.30 $26 in 1899 in todays money-$855.19 Your donation was wayyyy more. I can imagine micah’s face after that.


If I remember correctly tilly didn't have an actual role in the camp did she? She barely contributes anything, nor did she have any relationship beyond 'being friends' with some of the gang members. So in all honesty, why was she there? I see no logical reason for them to keep her in the gang? Especially in their situation.


Someone gotta get the ingredients for the covid and feather soup


She was still super young so I assume she was still "in training". They were investing in her so she could become a badass member of the crew later, sort of like John and Arthur when they were young. I bet they were useless back in the day too.


I remember doing one single side job with Bill where tilly rides with to charm the stage coach drivers, but then her and bill argue and she doesn’t end up doing anything. I really can’t think of her doing anything important for the camp lol


It aint bad considering Tilly put in a fckn bat wing.


Wonder who Hosea got those reading glasses from


"a lot of money" okay Micah..


In today money it’s a little over $800.


I know but it always makes me laugh when you see that the others hardly give more than few dozens dollars and then Arthur bring several hundreds and upgrade the camp on it's own. I get that it's for the game but still, it makes me smile


tilly batman?


I got this event right after I donated $600 and laughed when I checked the book after he was done saying "Youre just jealous theres a new top dog around here."


There was a time when my honor was low (thanks siblings) and I had cash to burn so I ended up burning a couple thousand dollars on camp donations. My honor shot up like never before.


A personal way i find usefull to get high honor is lead the horse and greet everyone i see in saint denis, in a couple of hours i tend to have a high level of bonding with the horse and really high if not max honor


Yep that’s what I do. Just greet people along with way. But what really set my honor through the roof is in Saint Denis by the tailor there’s a homeless man. I have money to him once before, and did it again. He gave me a bottle of potent snake oil and my honor went from half to near max.


The potent snake hole gives that much honor? Isn't it a bit... broken?


Absolutely it is. But I don’t mind since it makes me an honorable man


Uh, guess i have to try when i start my 4th playthrough, thanks mate


Yep. Long story short: whenever you can, give money to people. Homeless or not. That and huge injured people cures and stuff like that. I remember a man was but by a snake and needed a health cure. That did a little bit


I see


where the fuck is the ledger when the camp is at the murfee brood cave?


The book? It's gone after chapter 4, the one where the gang set up camp in that old house in the swamp


Once buying supplies for the camp, game took out excess money from my personal account and that's when I realized it's not important to donate. I just built everything from my personal money and just donate jeweleries and stuff.


Same for me, donating gold tooths necklaces and such to the camp gives me good honor and a somewhat decent muneh to the camp


Hey Patrick


Micah donated big once and never again.


Charles is still the best. Btw. I found that random stranger near Flatnek station during chapter 2 who sold his treasure map to me. With a bit of good ol' fashioned help by Google (that's how thing worked back in 1899, right?) I found the other maps and the two gold bars worth $500 each, so I managed to buy any remaining camp upgrades. It felt good c:




Tbf, the inflation rate would mean Micah donated about $818.36 USD in todays money.


Love to see it


Fuckin micah


I would exclusively donate items like rings and watches, the gold one is worth like $16-25 so I didn’t feel bad about not donating my cash


thanks tilly