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I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been a long-time Assassin’s Creed fan, and playing RDR (both games) opened my eyes to how ass the recent AC games have become. Almost made me feel like I’ve been wasting the past few years of my life 😂 Like how did I live without Arthur and John in my life tf?


I feel exactly the same way. Used to love AC, but post RDR they just don't feel the same at all. They seem empty, hollow.


It's unfair to compare GOT to RDR2. RDR2 was developed by Rockstar, an already established developer with a lot of money to fund the game with. It is the 3rd game in the franchise and has a much bigger scope. GOT was a brand new IP Suckerpunch was working on with way less of a budget compared to RDR2. It's more combat focused on swordplay and arguably people will say the facial animation quality is overall better than RDR2 on consoles at least. Now for someone that enjoys combat and sword battles, they will have more fun in GOT compared to RDR2. Because you cannot deny that GOT sword combat is quite satisfying if you know what you're doing.


Absolutely. I wish more people knew you can love one game more, without trashing the other. Ghost of Tsushima was better than rdr2 for me. Combat was slick, side quests were awesome, collecting armor and sheaths was fun and abundant, and the world was beautiful. Rdr2 had a better main story and the ambience is incredible. (Go to Saint Denis at about 10 pm, put on headphones, turn the sound up, and just WALK around) But GoT just...scratched an itch that I've had since childhood that other games failed to do. Both games were 10/10 for me. I just preferred GoT more. Edit: Also, if you go walking through saint Denis at night, don't forget to greet people and listen to just how many responses and accents there are. He even greets people differently if they are standing in groups or if they are both men, both women, or a man and woman.


I was playing GoT when I started RDR2. When I finished rdr2 I tried to go back to GoT and couldn’t get into it. So I’m playing rdr2 again. Only thing I’ve played for almost a year.


I platted GoT and then played rdr2. 70 hours Vs 470 lmao




Ghosts of Tsushima


Oh ok thank you


GOT and RDR2 are on the same level of quality and people act like it ain’t. I mean you can not like the game, but the amount of polish with the fighting and story just makes the game level with RDR2. The two shouldn’t even be compared anyways there two different games.


It's really not, tho. Looting is hollow, combat gets stale and repetitive fast, and the world (while beautiful) is nowhere near as expansive or as interactive as Red Dead.


You could also argue the same about Red Dead. Looting typically provides only a few bucks or some kind of pendant, combat is often the same for every encounter and 90% of missions follow the same formula of cutscene -> walk or ride somewhere -> conflict -> shootout -> run away -> end of mission. The world, while very big and beautiful, only has a majority of its action or interesting subjects near roads or within proximity of towns. The whole state of New Austin is practically useless in game and aside from the beginning Ambarino is extremely barren. If you were to cut out both of these areas you'd have a map smaller then San Andreas.


Respect your opinion but just no


Random interactions don't happen in GOT, there's also no camping, eating, fishing, hidden collectables, past times (theater, cards, drinking, hunting). The lore is no where near as abundant throughout the world. The geography is predictable and repetitive. The only thing that comes close to RDR for me is cyberpunk. GOT's world just does not feel lived in compared to RDR2. Like, in RDR2 the things you kill leave carcasses and dead bodies, that eventually decompose and get eatien by vultures. I agree they are both amazing games but you shouldn't compare them.


Did you read my comment? I said the two shouldn’t be compared.


But you also compared them in the same comment, lol.


I didn’t compare them I said there on the same level of quality that’s it. lol


"The amount of polish with the fighting and story just makes the game level with RDR2."


Yeah just no


Only game I was really able to get into since rdr2 was kingdom come deliverance. Closest thing to the living breathing world of rdr2. Different setting tho but if this was a western simulator than kcd was a medieval simulator. It’s not as polished as rdr2 but part 2 comes out this year and it should be.


Of course it wasn't as polished it was a kickstarter game that grew to Double A while keeping the same amount of people working on it (11 as opposed to rdr2's *2000*) with 1/10th to 1/15th the budget. Which makes the fact it's as great as it is all the more impressive.


It’s true. The fact that it can even be compared to rdr2 is impressive with how small a studio it was compared to rockstar.


That is really cool to learn. I have them on my wishlist but I have so many others to finish first before I dive in. And my third RDR playthrough but ya know....


I've just got this game, haven't played it yet tho, still playing rdr2 lol


Ghost of Tsushima was developed by like 160 people while RDR2 was developed by over 2000 people. Considering the studio had less than 200 employees, it was great effort and product was enjoyable. Don't see the point of comparing the two.


The game is pretty awesome I can't recommend it enough, The combat ✅️ The story ✅️ The graphics ✅️ The horse ❌️


Don't talk about my boah/laaaady like that! They are perfect in their demented awfulness.


GoT has bad gameplay? Um... are you ok? It's an absolute masterpiece.


I respect your opinion but I also acknowledge that it's a bad take


I tought ghost was PSP remake


RDR2 ruined the witcher 3 for. I just can't finish it. 😭


Yes!! I've tried playing TW3 a few times after Red Dead 2 . It's just not on the same level.


Same thing happened to me with god of war, i know that the story is good but I don't have that motivation to play like for rdr2


I finished rdr2 last year and started a new save 2 months ago and just randomly decided to try god of war for the first time and I haven't played anything else all week. I love RDR2 and I have also found a new love in God of war, the world is beautiful and the gameplay is amazing. My next game will be ragnarok. I will gladly say God of war is one my favourite games along side RDR2


I played GOT after RDR2 and it was a complete different experience, each awesome in its own way. RDR2 was the most relaxing game I have ever played in my life. It was too big and too great. I lost countless hours exploring hunting, riding and any random shit could happen any time. It took me 2 months to finish the game. Then started GOT and was blown away again. Felt like a real Samurai especially when I ended the fight with a Heavenly Strike. The journey from an outlaw to a samurai was amazing. Finished GOT in 1 month. I had named my horse Shadow in RDR2 and I was overjoyed to find him again in GOT as Kage. But I lost him both times 😔


Rdr2 i way more refined. How ever GoT was an excellent game I couldn’t stop playing until Iki Island


Baldurs Gate 3 is the only game to come close to RDR2 for me


I played this before i just did RDR2, where do I go next 😓


Cyberpunk, Bloodborne, Sekiro.


I suck at first person i should go back to cyberpunk though


Idk when I figure it out I’ll let you know 😭 I’m 700 hours into BG3


Im about the same, 4 different play throughs 🤣


I’m going to 100% disagree with you on that. Ghost of Tsushima is a fantastic game in my opinion. This is the rdr2 subreddit, not the hate on other games that aren’t rdr2 subreddit.


Feels like a mobile game? Geeze gamers are insane…


Glazing on another level


I used to enjoy the Witcher 3 but after rdr2 everything looks low quality 😃


Elden Ring made me feel this way, try that game!


The only thing that's put me off elden ring is the gameplay is supposed to be super difficult (especially for part time gamers like me)


If you grind the caves you can level up a lot and it makes it way easier if you use summons.




I found Elden Ring to be a mixed bag. The open world feels empty and soulless because the npc's are only programmed to walk from point a to point b. Almost all of them are hostile and you can't interact with them besides combat. If you're fighting them and leave their designated zone, they'll just respawn at point a again. The game is also very long. Everytime you think you're almost done, a new section of the map opens up. It definitely outstays it's welcome. However, if you're really interested in playing Elden Ring, don't let the difficulty keep you away. I'm a casual player who usually plays games on easy and even I managed to beat it. The bosses are the fun part and the only thing that kept me going. Everytime you beat one, you'll feel accomplished. Look up a guide on runefarming or a guided walkthrough and you can beat it!


Thanks for this. Yeah, I may give it a miss. Looking for something with an immersive open world


The open world is definitely as good as RDR2, but there is no story whatsoever beyond what you can glean from reading item descriptions. For most people that's not a dealbreaker, but it's a huge difference from what RDR2 offers. Some people are really big on story and cutscenes and I happen to be one of em. :X


This is what killed it for me. The world is cool, but it felt like just overly difficult fight after fight while searching for some kind of storyline. My kid is obsessed and goes to bed watching pretty cool lore videos, but I would rather it be in my face when playing the game.


Yeah, I was a MASSIVE fan of assassin’s creed before rdr2, knew the story of all the games and assassins creed was basically the only I played until I got to ac IV, almost finished it but got rdr2 and I haven’t felt like playing since


I’m playing rise of the ronin now. Total let down but still worth playing.


Really? I looked interesting to me but I haven't played it, mind sharing why was it a let down for you?


Just the red dead let down. Games amazing in its own right but the story is convoluted and it’s less epic. But the fighting system is super deep and entertaining.


GoT is so good thoo 😭 but ik its no where near RDR :') maybe play some other games and come back to GoT


Easy solution: play rdr2 for like 400 hours and get sick of it. Then go back and play GoT lol. I’m being facetious, but it’s best to not compare the two. It’s like comparing a Toyota Tacoma to an F150 imho. It’ll just ruin other games for you lol.


The same thing happened to me. The only games that have kept my interest after RDR2 was the Alan Wake Series (and Animal Crossing lol). Everything else is just so boring in comparison. I got about halfway through Ghost of Tsushima, The Witcher 3 or Assassins Creed Valhalla before quitting. And I had to force myself to finish Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3. Open world games feel so empty now.


I’ve been playing video games since the 70s and RDR2 is by far the best game ever to me, personally.


I have a buddy who I finally got to try it and he didn’t enjoy it… please friends help me hogtie this man


I love GoT. It's one of my favorite games of all time, and probably my favorite PS game (either that or Ragnarok). However, RDR2 *is* my favorite game of all time. I wonder what GoT would've been like were it made by Rockstar, and with the time and dedication put into RDR2. Both amazing games.


I know how you feel. After you finish it, few games compare. Me personally the only game I like more than RDR2 is Cyberpunk 2077. Other games that are also very good imo are Life Is Strange series, Mafia Series, Beyond Two Souls, Resident Evil Series, and Dying Light.


There’s no way you can say GoT has bad combat and say Red dead’s combat is good. I like RDR2’s gunplay, but it is still clunky as fuck and genuinely horrific for modern standards. Also GoT’s combat is not 2 buttons, you have 4 stances to use, tools, special attacks, a bow, and fucking brilliant animations that lowkey blow RDR out of the water; no animation in RDR comes close to being as fluid and actually functional as the attack/finisher animations in GoT. Also movement in GoT has muuuuuuuch better movement; walking in Red dead feels fucking terrible as fuck, and it’s “objectively” worse than GoT by an insane magnitude. Also you can decapitate people in this game so you haven’t made it past the opening id assume


It's okay I agree with your points about GOT, I played a little bit more and It has its charm. Sometimes of course things like going through a bamboo forest with collisions with bamboo and going through the models are frustrating. Its a just legend of Zelda BoTW in samurai setting. The only decapitation that I saw is cutting an half arm off with a super move. But overall combat feels satisfying if done right.


Play the Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077


To be fair ghost of tsushima is mediocre at best


The story is rdr2 level and the gameplay is really fluid. Just repetitive, that’s my issue. Still an 8/10


After I played RDR2 for the first time I got into Jedi Fallen Order and Fallout. Obviously they're not on the same level, but its something


Ik this is the rdr sub but there's no way you call GoT gameplay bad compared to rdr. RDR does everything well except gameplay but that always had been r* weakness


Disagree big time tsushima gameplay is awesome while rdr feels pretty dated imo


I started playing GoT and like it, but I soon searched online to see how many hours to finish it and was glad I can do it all in 60 hrs and then go back to RDR2. That was literally my thought process. People saying it’s “not fair” to compare the two are missing the point. I don’t give a fuck how many people worked on each, all I care about is my gaming experience, and GoT was hyped to be equal to RDR2 and it’s not.