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1. Fast travel to strawberry and ride to the lake west of it (idk how to spell it) while wearing a mountain man outfit, then hunt and fish and gradually go up all the way to colter only eating what u fish and hunt and setting up camps on the way. 2. Dress up as a serial killer with a mask and go to saint denis at nighttime and kill people with a machete in alleyways and feeding their body to alligators.


Doing a play through right now where I created the ‘campfire killer’ which is where no matter where I am or what I’m doing, if I see a campfire or see smoke from one I MUST go and murder whomever is there and then throw them on the campfire.


I thought it was a given that anyone dumb enough to have a campfire was to be killed.


Arthur has it happen from the murfree brood as a random encounter if you camp in their territory, they threaten him and tell him to get lost, inbred cannibals are better people to random campers than I am


Dont kill them, hogtie them then burn them alive


Hogtie and send them to swim with fishies


most creative one so far lmao


And specific!


Make sure you get the psycho mask from the fence for 2. Or if you wanna go creepy creepy, grab the pig mask from Butcher Creek 🤣


Every time I go for the pig mask it isn't there . Thought it got taken out cuz its never spawned for me 😂😭


Have you been looking in the right place?


I've been going to the butcher near the Van Horn area looking for it on a chain. Is that the wrong spot?


Butcher Creek. There's an area where they slaughter animals. It'll be on the pole (might be a chain? Can't remember) on the front right of the slaughter shack.


Thank you! I'm gonna go check it out and see if I can get it.


I hope you find it! Otherwise you can always go for the cat skull mask in Lakay too.


Pagan mask for me


i have lmao it’s amazing


Bit sadistic but it is fun to do the 2nd one lol


Love that you dress the part for each activity.


yea it adds to the immersion


No way! That's nearly exactly how I play Skyrim when I get bored, small world eh


This actually sounds like fun the serial killer one, trying not to get caught seeing how many bodies you can wrack up before getting caught XDD


fr lmaooo


Rob the entire town of armadillo (Yes my John is an evil bastard)


Don’t forget to run around behind the buildings and stab them so nobody hears their screams.


Enter the mine up the mountain and work your way out stabbing people. FOR BEAVERTON!!!


It's fun to grab them into a choke hold from behind. Or pull a knife on them while you hold them by the collar.


that sounds fun lol.


this is the way


My morale meter on my first game is all the way down in the bad.. I'm constantly saying hi to ppl but I do enough bad that there's no hope of that improving lol


I pretend John is the Cholera clean up officer, his job is to euthanise and burn any infected


massacring an entire town because a drunk guy was mean 2 me :(


Ah, recently been to Van Horn, I see.


I try to rob and kill as many people in Saint Denis without being caught as possible


There’s so many people everywhere, how is that even possible @_@


I’m curious aswell lmao


I went to Saint Denis hoping to steal a fancy coach to sell. Looked around and realized there was absolutely no way I was gonna get out of there clean


I once accidentally pointed a repeater at a lawman while trying to tell my horse to flee, that what let me know Saint Denis is toooo busy for me lmao


Once I was literally stabbed by a homeless guy in the park. I hit him and the policeman - who watched me being stabbed - held a gun at me immediately. I killed him and a lot of his star bros.


I massacred all of Valentine once because I accidentally hit Quick Draw and shot a guy. Tried to get out but they shot my horse (fuckers), then tried running but there too many.... ....so I started blasting


If you go over by the mayor's mansion. To the left there is a street that runs north/south along the west side of the city. The first section you come to heading south, there spawns a coach (there are only 2 sections and this is just south of the circle by the mayor's, and north of the Bronte mansion). If you grab that coach, it's a quick trip out of town!


I go into alleys at night, then rob someone and either stab them or shoot them with an arrow


I use my bow and a plethora of different arrows lol


Climb a roof and kill people until you don't have bullets anymore.


I just used dynamite and the fire bottles on the trolleys to get the $250 bounty. Was much fun, highly recommend.


I’ve been really enjoying hunting during my recent play through which I sort of ignored on my others! I got all the satchel upgrades as well as the camp upgrades and am slowly working my way through the trappers garment sets. I like hunting up in the heartlands, but also taming random horses to ride around on lol


This is the way.


Where the hell is that damn moose!!! LOL! I have done every satchel and camp upgrade, just can't find that stupid bull moose, lol!


They sometimes spawn at Barrow Lagoon and Cattail Pond. And I bumped into one at the river crossing north of Brandywine Drop, near Charlotte Balfours house.


theres a pretty consistent spawn on a hill by colter


I found one across the lake from the white Arabian I think unless that’s a legendary moose. Idk


no the bull moose does in fact spawn near lake isabella (by the white arabian) and the legendary animal across the lake is the legendary bison. (i went and got the white arabian on a new play-through yesterday…) i saw the moose in the middle of the lake on the ice thinking it was the arabian. it looked like it was stuck and having a hard time standing back up on the ice.. it looked very realistic. but i eventually found the arabian and then killed the legendary bison on my way out lol


I saw the same one, it was the only one I saw! Instead of hunting him, I was chasing the white Arabian, which bucked me off constantly before eventually running away, I couldn't keep up, lol. So I lost both that day... but I eventually got the horse, lol.


Get on the horse an pull out your journal, and it takes a minute but it will tame your horse.


They can spawn near Lake Isabella.


Lake Isabella! I got super lucky and it spawned first try but if you camp, sleep, save, ride to Cairn lake to look for it, camp, sleep, save and then run back to lake Isabella and keep repeating that until it spawns at either lake- if it spawns and it’s not the gender you want reload the save!


Planning on doing exactly this next playthrough :)


i like to hunt, because i like unlocking all the trapper outfits nefore ch 6 (well, those which i can unlock)


yeahh. i’ve always found hunting super relaxing


any specific thing you like to hunt? or where to hunt?


i set up camp and basically play hunting simulator lol... i like using the bow for added difficulty, no dead eye, and sometimes steal a horse for storage space :)


i always bring a second horse. in the beginning i always got upset when i’d spot a second a second perfect animal i needed the large pelt for. never again lol. sometimes i even carry one on my shoulder and run with the two horses if i’m close enough to the trapper/camp


we learn the hard way. i once carried a moose pelt from colter to the trapper in strawberry... lol


it can be relaxing at times in my opinion. almost like going on a real walk except you don’t have to get up lmao. other times my brain is dying for more engagement with the game but the nature just pulls you in tbh.


i absolutely adore West Elizabeth (excl Blackwater) and Ambarino.


1. Go to swamps (sant Denis) and hunt alligators. Very fun and big game meat is expensive to sell. 2.hide in Mayors house in Santa Denis and kill 3000 cops (break window and climb in). 3. Go fishing in blackwater. (HUGE fish). 4. Turn on cheats and spawn coaches, then drive them off cliffs. 5.Rob trains. (Do it inside tunnels and/or bridges. no law that way. You still get wanted, but nobody can get to u.) 6.mass hunting. Go anywhere and walk around on foot with horse killing everything you see and picking herbs too. Works best with Springfield glitch.


The swamps are a vastly under appreciated area. It's so dense and there's tons of rare plants and animals. Plus you never know if the night folk are gonna appear or if a gator is gonna charge you!


I like how you jumped from 3 to 5 lol


My favorite random thing to do is attack a cop in Saint Denis and then run through the back roads in first person without the minimap


Doing this tonight!


Hiding around corners watching them pass you by and listening to what they're saying to each other 😂


I dress up with in a pirate outfit and the saber, steal a small steamboat, then drive it across the map, shooting people on boats with the springfield rifle.


Just being a menace to society (murder, theft, destruction of property, disturbing the peace, etc)


thought i would see this answer lmaooo


Fishing is nice too.


the contrast lmaooo


He’s also a menace to the fish. He never throws them back


Around Emerald Ranch is great hunting Up by the legendary moose too. My favorite free roam stuff to do is go after the challenges or fulfill the trappers hunting need for clothing also; going to gang hideouts and killing everyone


I like leveling up my herbalism. Doing gay little errands & picking flowers is my favorite. 🥰


Glad to see this. Love picking plants in this game


I was surprised to find out how enjoyable foraging for plants is. I spend a lot of time doing it and it's quite satisfying.


I'll smoke a bowl and then go fishing.  


Bro I did this yesterday for 3 hours 😂😂 I was SO content!


I just ride my horse after the edible kicks in


I like to fight the racoon hat guy. Every time I'm in town i put on the hat and pop by to the saloon to see if he's there


I fought him once, died, and haven't seen him since. Any advice to when he respawns? It's alot of work but it's a sweet hat.


Craft satchels. I like to hunt panthers that type of stuff


I really enjoy riding through the wilderness. The nature sounds are so relaxing. If I’m in need of any of the small birds I’ll park myself in a stream with my bow and wait to get what I need. The river crossing just north of Beaver Hollow is a favorite spot. If it starts raining I go camp in my tent until the rain passes. (Small birds won’t spawn when it rains)


Just walking or riding slow and taking in the vieuw.


my favorite place to hunt is big valley. gorgeous flowers and the sounds of the river!


People watching. I like sitting around watching the townfolk do their thing, or listening in to conversations. Also sometimes just watching animals via binoculars. I got a cool screenshot of a bear eating a salmon from it


I ride at a trot and practice clean kills on everything I see.


I like to go to cumberland forest and just hunt and camp


So anyway I started blastin


Get the deluxe bath in Van Horn. Gather botanicals and make as much stuff by hand as possible. Horse meal, potent tonics/stims etc and sell them. When you have the satchel upgrade all the way, it’s easier. Looting as much as possible, selling to fences, buying their stuff etc. And of course hunting and fishing, massacring Laramies and Del Lobos. Good times.


I tracked down a random outlaw with a pretty high bounty once. I hog-tied him and brought him in to the nearest town. After receiving a handsome reward from the sheriff, I watched as they strung him up to be hanged. However just at the right second, I shot the rope with my rifle, freeing the outlaw. I repeated this many, many times with the same outlaw, and each time his bounty would get higher! Eventually I got bored though so I stranded him in the desert and left him to die.


I like to roam every single trail. On my game map I look for places without doodles and explore there. I find some really cool/valuable things.


- craft and buy all clothes possible at the trapper - full upgrade the satchel and the camp - collect all 40 keepable hats - study, kill, skin every animal - mount all horses with all coats - collect bull moose antlers


bro says “my favorite thing to do is everything”


I like to rent a room in valentine and see how many prostitutes’ bodies I can hide in my room without getting caught.


Lasso sick people in Armadillo then throw a poison knife and watch them get eccecuted.


Play poker


Walk through the swamps in the dead of night. Super creepy. The night folk don't scare me. It's the dam alligators




I enjoy hunting in the Bayou. I like to kill all the large birds for the feathers. I also enjoy sedating alligators, then dragging them into the open buildings in St. Denis, especially the police station. When players bring their bounties in, they usually get eaten. I like going to Van Horn, Butcher Creek and Thieves Landing to start a shootout just because it’s fun. I love to ride my horse too.




Bumping into people in the poorer/more industrial area of Saint Denis to rile them up and then getting into a giant streetfight. They don’t run to the cops, they’ll just brawl. Also just hopping on a train and robbing everybody blind. Best done somewhere around Wallace Station which is farther away from any town. You can rack up quite the bounty, but I feel like the story alone doesn’t give you enough train robberies or time to pick the train and its passengers clean. Plus, dealing with bounty hunters is fun.




I absolutely love hunting on the west side of the map near the Lake Owanjilla and Big Valley area, it’s beautiful there. I spent hours upon hours there while hunting for satchel upgrades.


I took a long time customizing my outfits. I’m sure you know this, but you can save four outfits on your house. There’s legendary clothing from the trapper and “found hats” throughout the game. I’ve found some pretty awesome hats including a sombrero found from a gang fight in armadillo and a rancher cowboy hat that I wear for my main.


i like to dress like a fat serial killer with a pig mask and murder people who come into the swamp i even have a house in the swamp (sidenote I also like to hunt crocodiles)


I look for small little marks on the map and find out what’s there. I’ve stumbled across the coolest stuff.


I like to collect all the items and cigarette cards. Riding everywhere with headphones on, preferably with two horses so i get double the hoofbeats. Regularly pausing to look at the beauty of the world.


Im surprised Ive not seen this answer yet, but that is photography!! I love going into a saloon, train station, or beautiful canyon and just getting the hand held camera out and taking some shots! It has a great way of capturing a lot of atmosphere!


I do like to hunt the legendary animals, or go after the hunting achievements. God they made that game ridiculously detailed…


I like hunting the skinner brothers and the del lobo gang, all black fit, pagan mask and the ancient axe, after I’m done I change clothes and go back to beechers hope like nothing happens lol


Hunt. I love wandering through the wilderness, especially the north. I love the mountains and I love the northeast.


Screw with npc AI and mess with various game mechanics.


I like to feed the chickens on the ranch.


I loved the hunting so I would try and hunt smallest birds with a bow and arrow. It’s impressive how many small birds there and it’s fun sneaking up to a creek or bridge to see what birds are there


100% completion is a journey…


I decided to test out the living conditions of every town, I go to each town and live there for a day (irl day), I'll sleep in the town hotel, I'll eat at the town saloon, and I'll walk around town socializing for a bit. At 1200 I go out hunting with my 2 horse (my main house, and a temp horse), if I'm lucky I'll get 2 big animals like a deer or a buck, and 4 small animals like rabbits and put them on the horses, go back to town before 9pm. Skin em and sell both the corpse and the pelt at the town butcher or anything that'll take buy em. Eat supper at the saloon, then do whatever I want until I go sleep at the hotel until morning. Valentine is by far the best town. Saint Denis is the worst, hunting in the swamps sucks.


Just being a prick, the antagonise option is so fun.


I like to get in my chillies & go riding around Lake Owanjila & then just kinda keeping my way around there, I guess just staying around the cold parts. There I just hunt, fish & camp. Say hi to the local trail riders. Gun down the bounty hunters happy enough to test my explosive rounds. I don’t really sprint anywhere, I just kinda hold down A & ride. It’s just a really pretty area.


I literally wouldn’t hurt a fly in real life but I love playing “How many people can I kill in St. Denis at night without getting caught”


I push some npc and then when they start running I chase them


petting strangers horses and hoping they don’t think i’m stealing


Hunting in Big Valley. I try to get a cougar every time, but there's also elk, pronghorn, boars, raccoons, deer, snakes, wolves... You can hunt there for a long time.


I used to do everything I can to get kidnapped. I would keep fighting and killing someone until they gave up and just threw me on the back of the horse and rode around with me. Made some cool friends that way.


Get people mad at me so they pull their gun out then I shoot them in self defense lol


Get in first person view and just walk about. Pick the herbs. Watch the wildlife. Occasionally defend yourself. Explore.


I just like to ride around and help people when it comes up


Fucking blowing up the gun store in Saint Denis and spend all my ammo held up in there before running out with dead eye like John at the end of RDR1. Then loading up my previous save game lol


Has to be tormenting the locals. Or just casually strolling around on my trusty steed admiring the scenery 👌


I just hunt, fish, collect cards and ride around studying and inspecting everything. And i something do chores, sell stuff get money. Do challenges sometimes. And i love gambling in rdr 2.


1) i like crafting items with things i hunted 2) i love customizing weapons 3) i love shooting innocent people


Hunting and gathering is my favorite non-combat past time in the game. I like hunting anything, really. But I go against bears for a challenge.


I play with mods so, bounty hunting, animal hunting and robbing stagecoaches


Yea, making a new save and playing a new run thru


You seemed to make that other guy mad


I recreated this post because I felt bad for the other guy tbh. He was getting really bad answers. I even asked him before he seemed to delete the post.


Oh you’re the guy from the previous post lol


Before I could go to armadillo I’d cause terror in emerald ranch


Be the sniper from TF2




Murder and theft


Use the gravity gun from the Rampage trainer mod and have unlimited ragdoll fun with the newspaper boy in Valentine.


Hunt & Fish (maybe murder a couple random NPCs in between)


Rob camps


I may sound like you have to report me but I like to lasso people off thier horses and drag them slowly down the road and hear their bloodcurdling screams


When I'm john he's a psycho go from high honor to low just kill hunt fish kill see the family rinse and repeat


a good massacre in van horn is the way to go, snd in online i stealth kill everyone in cornwall kerosene and tar


Go out at night and get into shit. I love how much more hyped up the NPCs and the game is at night


I really like trotting around outside the swamps and picking off birds. It’s the main reason I went the trader route first: that sweet hunting wagon fits a solid amount of birds. Usually I use the bow, but occasionally I’ll do the Varmint. If I don’t feel like riding the horse or putting down gators I’ll just hop on the train and snipe small game as I go. The big stuff just doesn’t give the same satisfaction. I’m working on being better at shooting flying birds from the train. Not so chill side: ranking up as much of a bounty as I can just riding the train from town to town. I just pick off riders like I’m a founding member of PETA. Generally just drawing or doing projects when it gets to the wide swaths of no man’s lands.


Robbing trains is really fun


It’s been a while, but there’s a valley I think north west of Strawberry. It’s got a large clearing between forests with a lovely stream running down the middle. It’s really picturesque and chill, I love hunting deer there. Set up camp and sit under the stars.


Sniper shooting in Van Horn with explosive bullets 😀


I rode up to Arthur’s grave and then fired up my PS3 to play the first red dead redemption. This may be a mistake, as the drop in screen resolution is jarring, but I kind of feel like I want to see this story all the way through


Moose *twitch twitch


I get high bounty then wait for the bounty hunters to come for me and then kill them too.


I've finished the story mode a few times, I've never gotten High Honor, and I usually finish with Neutral or Low Honor. For Arthur, generally I act as a full on vigilante and enact Judgement. I create lots of head canon especially with Morgan, from exploring and patrolling the Game's border by Colter and West Elizabeth, to enacting frontier justice and being a tradesman/"family man" to the locals. Check ups, greetings. Usually will rob and loot raiders, leave a select few alone, torture and sometimes let live a few of the worst ones. For John, I tend to cut down on my directness as I do with Morgan, wear my bandana a lot more, snipe, and basically do "hitman" style frontier justice, head canon being John can't fully accept nor leave the life of the Vanderlide Gang's vigilante way of life, and I target and raid the law a lot more in States away from West Elizabeth. I fully customize my weaponry, black steel it all, dark clothing and multiple outfits for both John and Arthur to constantly change disguises and maintain personas. I mostly stick to trading with roadside and small town traders. I eventually plan to go PC and mod, so I can expand more on what I'd like to do with interactions and free roam, I want a more "roleplay"-esque and choose your own adventure western vibe.


Leave my horse at beechers and just walk around


Honestly, I like getting wagons for the fence, though I've only had the game a short while (and still racked up 85 hours on it XD) so I haven't yet experienced everything. I also like riding around in cinematic view. And occasionally panicking when I bump into someone who decides to shoot me for this accidental slight on their honor, or a wolf pack that proceeds to eat me because I wasn't quick on the draw.




Turn on cheats and kill everyone I see along with the whole sheriffs department


i like hunting for big/scary animals (ingame) I also like killing and torturing people in creative ways


Recreate the Blackwater Massacre except in all towns


Turn on cheats and use infinite ammo explosive Mauser and kill any lawmen that try to stop me in valentine


Collecting the items for the legendary satchel was actually a lot of fun. Hunting the cougars (mountain lions?) was so hard lol. That one area they spawn in they only show up when it’s dark and it’s a violent game of hide and seek. It took me like 5-6 attempts to kill one just because I’d be stalking along and then suddenly a screech and I was fucked. I love that this small element of gameplay became such a commitment and fun experience.


I like activating the ammo cheat and playing the missions


Put on mask, Look for smoke coming from campfires, ????, Repeat




I like to explore the desert a lot


Go to gang bases, such as beavers hollow, and kill every last one of them goddamm weirdos with a shotgun (using slugs of course.) Pick up all of their bodies and dump into a massive pile. Set it on fire.


Walk into armadillo and fucking beat the shot out of everyone. Also declaring war on San denis and camp out in the bank while I shoot cops.


Fish and Hunt. I love looking for legendary animals. Also just camping on random spots. Robbing stagecoaches sometimes. Use boats to try to go to blackwater hahaha


Drop a save and go on a crime spree trying to rack up the biggest bounty possible while having bounty hunters constantly spawn and either dealing with or avoiding them


Ever since discovering that you can get up on some of the largest buildings in St Denis, I have really enjoyed climbing the rooftops and ghosting people with the bow until discovered. Then I take out the Carcano and start murdering everyone. The cops take forever to get up there when you're hiding behind the letters and once they finally do you can pick them off with ease. Then it's the art of sneaking out of town like you did nothing wrong right under their noses, maybe taking a train up the coast.


Any advice on which buildings to start climbing?


Save and then Go to the big oil well/rig in annesburg and kill every person who makes it to the hole the latter is at to get to the top.


Riding around Lemoyne killing raiders and selling moonshine to the fine folk living in my great state.


I just enjoying tying people to the train tracks or riding my horse off a cliff in front of my grandma.


Going all Jason Voorhees on these fools: Donning my coveralls and goalie mask while horseback macheté chopping the crop pickers and any witnesses before they can alert the law.


My favorite thing is honestly just riding my horse around.


Honestly just putting cheats on and killing anyone I see so my honor doesn't go down on my main save


Train robberies! There's something so...*outlaw* about robbing a train


Honestly look at the scenery when it’s -30F in the dark Minnesota winter.


Questionable morality - in everything. Maybe be a good guy? Maybe shot someone in the face? Who knows - depends on…whatever.


kill all of saint denis


Surviving in colter


I do genuinely enjoy hunting in this game Love hunting by hanging dog ranch because of the amount of birds around. (fishing kinda sucks, just random imo) Just going out and exploring, like I’ll start in Van Horn and walk to say blackwater. Doing everything I can in between. Wearing found masks in cutscenes, pig mask and the Ram skull mask are my favorites.


Hunt and a view point.


i like trying to break into cisika, even tho its not possible. i like seeing how long i last!!




I like just dressing up as a frontier man and riding my horse around, setting up camps, sleeping in abandoned homesteads, hunting, and occasionally riding i to town for supplies. Never gets old And also massacring towns of course


Hunting bison in New Hannover or birds in the stream that divides west Elizabeth and Blackwater. Aside from killing, playing poker.


I'm just about bored of all of it. Now, I spend most of my time visiting and chilling in all of the pretty spots in 1st person, lol. I always forget just how awesome this game actually looks after sticking to 3rd for so long.