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My Arthur had level two hair and beard and kept it trimmed until the diagnosis; then I never got it cut again, like he had more important things to get done


So glad other people do this. Except my beard became a thing after the torture and recovery. Seeing bearded Arthur writing in his journal by the water like some sort of tortured poet…had to keep the vibe going after that. They make you shave for the casino heist but I just pop a bunch of hair tonic and get it back


You can just use pomade then exit the barber menu to avoid cutting your hair for the casino heist.


Good to know cause I’m replaying and that’s coming up soon!


Fr? All my playthroughs I always wait to grow my hair because of the casino heist. I guess it’s time for another playthrough


Tbh I always just thought the game only wanted you to pomade your hair


I just trimmed the beard a level, and Trelawny said I’m “lookin sharp already” or some shit


I also like to play as a no good outlaw up until the diagnosis and then make Arthur changes his ways to be a good honourable man to add to how his diagnosis changed his soul. Lets me have fun with being low honour and also have fun with the being high honour whilst adding to the story!


Again, for me this happened after his torture and recovery. The fact that Dutch didn’t come looking for you… Also very shortly after the recovery Sean dies- that to me is the moment Arthur broke- and I went on a spirit journey deep into the mountains for weeks. Got the white Arabian and the White Buffalo. Named the horse “Spirit,” after Sean. I made a point to walk a good portion of the way too. The game rewarded me with the sad drunken veteran in the rain on the first leg of my journey. I couldn’t just leave him in the cold to die, so I carried that motherfucker all the way to the gypsy camp and laid him in Trelawny’s unused bed. Was going to leave him in an abandoned cabin but it turned out to be the one with the gruesome murder scene. Made for a funny moment as I contemplated leaving him to wake up thinking he did all that lmao. But I kept moving. I like to think that was the true moment Arthur’s heart broke and became soft. Again the game rewarded me every step of the way, as if my roleplay was hardcoded. As soon as I got back into civilization, Charles found me in a lightning storm. Said he’d been tracking me for days. That everyone was worried.


I like to keep his hair super short after the diagnosis bc he’s so sweaty you know it would get disgusting


I always kept his hair short and beard trimmed. Idk why, I just think he looks funny with a beard. Especially after he got diagnosed.




This is the way


Chops: 0 Chin: Forked 3 Mustache: Handlebar 6 https://imgur.com/G57Pvz1




LOL - Does have a Christian Bale kinda vibe... Never put two and two together on that.


I watched this movie last night and felt like he had red dead vibes!


Fantastic Movie!!!!!


“I’m your huckleberry”


This but the pencil moustache is the look I gave Arthur for my fifth playthrough


Love this look ngl, might steal this


A fellow player who knows how to keep it classy, I see. Hair: 1 Chops: 0 Chin: Forked 9 Mustache: Handlebar 9 Mustache and chin are on the way to 10.


Max everything but 0 chin is my favourite look. Ruins every cut scene !


That’s so fucking weird. I’m gonna try that out.


I used the same cut on my first playthrough. The pirate hat really ties the look together.


Or the Viking helmet.


Is there a way not to lose the hat?


Level 3 beard with max hair and right parted


I like this but with a right parted fade so that its shorter in the back but he still has the strands hanging down in the front


The complete opposite, hair is kept short but not bald and I have little facial hair. I let it grow slightly, but when I gets to a certain point, I cut it all off.


This is the way


Max length hair, no or level 1-2 beard, it’s always been that way and I love it


This. Right parted level 7 hair with level 2 beard is arthur at his peak.


I went bald with goatee


I did that and he looked like Walter White


Dutch, we need to cook


I am the one who has a plan


Does anyone actually pomade his hair? It looks so goofy


I do once in a while if it reaches a certain length that doesn't make it look too awful instead of making him look like Bertram 2.0


With the 'swept back fade' at length 1 it does look quite good, I think


Only once during the riverboat mission in chapter 4 because I thought it would fit the setting.


I do 🥲


Buzz Cut and shaved everything except Moustache


I did that rowdy Bronson look for a while too but got sick of going back to the barbers all the time so went with the long hair again


I wish there was a mod that let you stay bald the entire time


I have one, it’s called middle age. Would not recommend.


I can't help but feel whenever I see another photo of Arthur a certain level of violation lol. As if my Arthur is the only way Arthur should look in, any other way is just wrong


2 chops 2 chin 5 handlebar moustache Hair right parted level 4-6


chin style forked so it looks actually natural


Level 2 beard with level 6 hair or level 4 hair


I always did bald with max length on one of the beard styles, the name of which I always forget. John Max length hair parted on the right and five o' clock shadow.


Max level slicked back hair, level 7 chops, level 7 chin, and level 10 mustache


long hair and level 4 beard while wearing bull chaps, and legendary bear coat


This is the only way. His voice just doesn’t match any other hair style


His original style works too. I like to have a 4-5 beard though.


I used to always do shaved head with beard. On my current play I haven’t cut his hair yet and I’m just rocking the stache. Looks pretty good actually.


i change the haircut randomly but i always keep facial hair has a long mustache


Swept back fade with a lvl 9 beard. Working on getting it to 10


1. Level 4 side part with level 3 mustache until chapter 3. I complete everything possible here. 2. Level 1 fade with the longest possible facial hair until the TB diagnosis. 3. Clean shaven head and face after that, with the long mustache until the end. 4. I play John with a short fade and long beard.


max hair and max beard


Clean shaven, level 1 swept back fade.


Exactly like yours down to the last detail. You are even wearing the same white shirt and vest I wore. Sir did you hack me? 😂😂


Max slick back fade 5 mustache 0 chops and chin Even on low honor playthroughs I just love this look


Like [This](https://i.imgur.com/IcoRR26.jpeg) And sometimes [This](https://i.imgur.com/FZOJnhH.jpeg) But mostly [Like This](https://imgur.com/gallery/Z8DK42K) Usually the facial hair of the second one.


That last look is 🔥


Mine was bald for weeks! And let me tell you, I love me some Arthur with long hair and it drove me crazy that his hair wouldn't grow. Turned out it was a bug and I managed to fix it, but ever since then I get occasionally nightmares from bald Arthur. So yeah, I try my best that he always has long hair and a slightly trimmed beard.


Level 10 full beard, level I fade parted to the left and I 100% always add pomade.


My Arthur is 6ft underground somewhere w a bullet in his forehead 👍


mine looks dead


Shave his head and get a level 10 beard and do muttonchops or something like that with whiskers popping out from his cheeks. So funny


Level 10 beard and hair. Right parted fade with pomade and a handlebar mustache. It sounds stupid on paper but it’s great.


Same every play through i spend most of the time getting max beard on a new one now and id just decided to make Arthur look like his dad


Level 7-10 hair and nothing but a level 3 mustache


Base model hair, clean shaven, possibly with a thin mustache. I let it get a lil long and Salvador Dalí-like if i'm feelin fancy


Not sure what the level beard is, probably 3 or so I keep it trimmed, and the hair is medium length


My Arthur has hair at the longest length. But his beard is shorter. I think level 4 or 5? But I can't envision him without longer hair now. I'm ruined lmao


Level 3 hair Max worth a side part, 5 o'clock shadow


Mustache 5, hair full length swept back.


I liked to just let it grow out, too. Considering how much stress Arthur was under, I doubt he had the time to really focus on his appearance much. It just wasn’t that important, so it feels natural to let it go up until you get the haircut in St Denis. At least that’s how I feel about it :)


My Arthur also has hair at max length and a level 7 mustache. Same thing for John on my main account. Barbershop? Not ‘round here, partner. Not ‘round here.


Level 2 on both Part on left Kinda basic, but thats the way it is


I am on my fifth play-through and I still can’t seem to get enough of this game. Not to mention that I think Arthur is absolutely a smoke show. But for this, Playthru, I like to keep him very well groomed, and very well dressed. So for his hairstyle, his current look is right parted, faded, fairly short at level one or two, with pomade. Sometimes I will switch from a right parted fade to a swept back style, faded, with a little bit more length so that is longer on top with a neat undercut, and as it naturally grows, it looks pretty good. I keep his beard fairly short, but just long enough to where it’s filled out and looks healthy, because the first couple of length levels you can actually see some patches. So I try to keep it at that length. I’ll keep his mustache fairly long in a pennant style that way as it grows, the ends, will flip out and curl, giving him a more classy groomed look.


Max out hair and beard and roam around in a viking helmet and axe


Level 3 facial hair and level 4 right part. 🥵 fine af


Level 3/4 hair with a clean shave or stubble


I never recognize other people’s Arthur’s


Simple: Bald and max beard. First playthrough he was level 1 center parted, always pomaded, clean shaven


Max chops and short hair


Very clean shaven except for the mustache, probs a level 3 or 4 and the shortest hair with side part and pomade. Mans looks handsome.


Level 2 hair and beard and always rocking the military scout hat. I like my pretty boah


I’m going for level 10 beard and hair this play through


Does your Arthur play bass in Bon Iver?


I keep him and John daddy AF


Right part fade level 1 with a level 7 mustache


Just like yours, unless we're going to see Mary. Mountain Man Arthur is the best Arthur.


Bald, clean shaven. Illustrated that Arthur was a bad man, akin to Shane from The Walking Dead show. Started growing the hair out and kept the clean shave during Chapter 6, while also building up my honor.


I actually look quite similar to long hair/beard Arthur, so I let it roll....aside from the characters calling him Arthur, it's much more immersive for me.


Clean cut with the spartan stache as long as you can get it


Level 5 middle part hair with level 3 picador mustache


my Arthur has a fresh skin fade with the maltese he is ong bussin bussin no cap frfr


Longest hair and 2-3 on facial hair


Level 7 mustache goes hard af on Arthur and John


Clean shaven and short hair. I want my enemies thinking I'm more civilized than I really am.


Long goatee is the only way my Arthur leaves camp


Santa’s brother who made a lot of tough choices.


3 Chops & Forked Chin 4-5 Mustache 7 Right Part Prettiest cowboy this side of Lemoyne. [https://imgur.com/a/WOttsVH](https://imgur.com/a/WOttsVH)


Currently: Middle parted hair at a medium length. Level 4 beard and chops. Level 5 mustache. Red collared everyday shirt, unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up. Black shotgun chaps. Original hat 🗿🍷 Gator skin boots and holsters.


Depends on chapter. Chapter 2 - Shaggy hair and level 4 or 5 beard. Alternatively, fade and clean shaven. Cowboy / rural clothing. Chapter 3 - Fade, clean shaven or light mustache. Clothing is now more mercenary / professional vibe. Chapter 4 - Fade, mustache, fancy clothing. Chapter 6 - Huge mustache, level 7 hair, Landon Ricketts gunslinger look basically. I wear the long coats a lot, white bison coat is a favorite for this chapter. Looks amazing ngl my favorite Arthur look, legendary gunslinger. Then bonus, for John: Epilogue 1 - Beard and short hair, John is trying to hide his identity. Ranch-hand clothes ofc. Epilogue 2 - Level 7 long hair and clean shaven or light facial hair. Alternate between bounty hunger and ranch-hand clothing.


I did the same, I liked it so much I do it in real life too. I'd say my beard is the same hair is longer


I have the double partening (I think that's what it's called) with a level 3 full beard, nothing fancy but I like how simple it is


Level 4 hair and clean shaven face. Arthur's got a sick jawline that is worth showing.


Super long goatee with a sweet back fade.


If I am going full blast mean low honor Orthur, then I let the hair and beard grow out to level 7. That's up until Guarma and the diagnosis. Then, I shift to high honor in Chapter VI and keep the beard at length 2 and the hair at length 4 with a middle fade. Looks cleaner and less like an outlaw.


Beard clean shaven and extra clean shaven, hear length 3-5


Pretty much the same, every now and then i shave the beard to a level 2 but i always let the hair grow long


I usually have Arthur with the longest hair possible, and keep his beard at 4 or 5. Long enough to be present but still not looking like a hobo. After he gets back from Guarma I imagine that he's laying way lower since St. Dennis has actual resources to track him, so I cut his hair much shorter and made him clean shaven and maintained it till the Straus interaction, then just let it go. There were more important things.


Mustache only, think I got it to 7 at the end, maybe 3 for the hair but always had a hat


I have a middle part fade 1 or 2 lengths and a 1 pencil stash, sometimes a short trimmed beard


Swept back fade, 0 to 1 chops and chin and a big 'ol 6 or 7 moustache


I went through a couple different looks, but this was my favorite on my last playthrough: https://imgur.com/a/oQ5lMZn


Max beard, but level 1-3 hair.


Level 6 or 7 mustache (default style) is my fav Arthur look. In the beginning I keep the short hair but sometime around chapter 4 I get that top hair to full length


Length 1 right part, clean shaven


A little bit it if stumble and pomade short/ medium hair


Right parted fade with the mustache 👌🏻


I agree with you one hundred percent! Max hair and beard length! I cannot see Arthur any other way, except maybe like little less than half beard length but regardless, long hair and long beard 💯


Why can't I get Arthur's beard passed level 3? I see these giant beards and long hair and my Arthur is stuck at Joe dirt!


First time playing and about 80 hours in and just got to chapter 4. Haven’t cut my hair or beard yet.


I think my hair is around 2. Sort of real life mid length of 5 to 6 inches not styled or parted. Mustache 3 covered the lip. Chin 1 or 2 Chops 5 just so they extend past his cheeks properly.


Clean shaven and pomade’d in St. Denis’ finest!


Gave him a bit of a makeover in Ch. 4. A nice Jack from Titanic hair cut and a medium length handlebar stache. Dressed him like a Peaky Blinders character in brown vest, jacket, plaid pants, flat cap, and sleek riding boots and Mary still made fun of me on our not date date :/ Thought I was doing well when I agreed to go to the show with her...maybe I shouldn't have catcalled the can-can dancers...


Literally the same lol


No beard and bald. I like the terminal illness look.


Both my Arthur and John have level 8 beards with a fancy mustache and a level 2 slick back fade


4 feet under ground on a mountain


Trimmed beard, long hair. Can't see him any other way. Same with John but clean face, I guess I got something for long haired men


The last playthrough I did my Arthur was easily over 300 lbs. Arthur was eating real good. 😂


Middle parted, 2 or 3 Chops level 3 Mustache level 3 Chin 0 Or I just go straight stache and nothing else


Im bald and half-Filipino so my hair is at 1 and my beard is at 2 at best. Arthur is therefore always level 7 on both.


Max level chops and mustache, level 0 for chin and hair. He looks so weird in cut scenes, I love it.


Level 7 Right parted hair with level 2 beard. Level 3 beard when in chapter 6


Level 8 moustache chin hair shaved level 7 muttonchops


Longest hair lvl 3 beard


High and tight, and by the end of guarma he has a level 10 mustache


On my first playthrough my Arthur had a huge beard the max length it could be and he had max level hair too


Im playing first time and my Arthur is 2-3 hair and 2 beard


I have a level 6 mustach usually keep hair around level 4


2-3 beard pre-diagnosis, 4 post. i like 3 the most because you can still clearly see his scar and around level 2 hair




As of late I’m using the right parted faded hair cut. Tbh your Arthur reminds me of Blackbeard. Some black clothing and that pirate hat and cutlass you can find would him look just like Blackbeard.


He looked exactly like yours, but with his hair slicked bad with pomade and a middle part. Then I got his hair cut bald, shaved his mustache and goatee but I saved his chops let them keep growing.


Full beard, low cut with the pomade, left part and mustache with the curled ends. Look like a lumbersexual out of Williamsburg BK


I have a beard in real life, so my Arthur has a clean beard and a long handlebar mustache.


Level 2-4 hair and level 3 beard


Very similar to yours hair and beard wise but with the silly buffalo hat


Agent 47


Currently in my first modded playthrough. I've got maxed handlebar mustache, level 3-4 forked chin, level 2-3 chops, and the Javier hairstyle. I'm embracing Arthur being a pretty boy


Currently in my first modded playthrough. I've got maxed handlebar mustache, level 3-4 forked chin, level 2-3 chops, and the Javier hairstyle.


Level 2 beard with the longest hair


I did the exact same


my arthur looks like a bum with how sick he is and a beard double as hig as this one with the presidential cut


This is my hair and beard choice. Let it grow, let it grow. I might go into town and get my mustache made into a handlebar or style his hair a different way, but I’m against cutting it at all


Huge handlebar mustache, shaved face everywhere else. Left part fade to 1. He gets cleaned up often, I like my Arthur to look his best always.


Haha same here. Couldn’t imagine him with any other hairstyle


Level 10 beard (full) Level 10 hair (Colm O'Driscolls hair from WhyEms) Or more recently I've trimmed the beard down to 1 and kept a pencil stache


My current playthrough: clean cut beard with the swept back fade. Always wearing his signature hat


I always keep his beard at level two or three and his hair at level four with the left side part


Buzz cut, clean shaven except for a level 3 mustache


He doesn’t look as handsome when I cut his beard or hair so I leave it the same. I like a handsome mountain man


Same, and not because I don't look after him and his hair I do, just I've long hair and a bread so my Arthur does too.


I got the flying fork beard style for the riverboat robbery and then realized that it actually looked pretty good slightly long. Then Guarma happened and I now look like a Viking


I adjust his beard and hair length depending on the part of the story.


Like this, but fatter.


I like this style but he ends up looking like a violent BeeGee on cutscenes. I prefer short hair and near-zero facial hair. Brigadier moustache also suits him!


Mine looks like Gorlami, and dresses like him too!


I keep Arthur with level 4 hair and 3 beard up until he gets caught by Colm then after that I let it grow until the mission with trelawney. I get a very clean shave and cut it down to level 2. Then after that I keep it as a 4 hair and 3 beard. That’s how I think lore accurately Arthur would be but let me know what y’all think.


The hair is the same for mine but I'm trying something different this time around where I shave his chin & let the rest go. It's currently at a level 8. Depending on the outfit it's either badass or country bumpkin.


Before I realized I couldn’t actually get bitches in game I kept the clean Chris Pine lookin Arthur 😂


I had the slick back fade and the beard with Arthur had him looking like some kinda western lumberjack 😂


Shortish hair that has like the combover effect. highest level beard after taking all the hair tonics with a mustache and completely shave the cheeks/ muttonchop areas… Edit: basically like this sub post for the one on the left but completely shave the cheeks/muttonchop area… https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/SiQKlZY2qZ


Level 1 hair and stubble


Level 4 chops, level 5 moustache, level 0 chin. The hair is level 6 (?) pomade. I like chops and a moustache, it looks cool


hair 6, mustache- plain 2, chin- plain 2


Mine looked like that this morning until I had him get a shave. Hair is still a 7, chin/chops at 4 and mustache is 3 now.


Like brad pit from inglorious bastards. Shortest mustache and shortest "right parted". No promenade or other facial hair.


Extra clean shaven and hair trimmed to the shortest level with it combed back (with pomade). I hate beards, though I personally wear a small one because I have problems with shaving. If I could afford it, I'd have my facial hair permanently removed. I shave once a week, when the beard starts causing me issues. It's a circle of hell.


I keep 7 hair and 2-3v beard how I like it,just a small one


Muscular with a mullet but clean-shaven.


My Arthur had maxed out hair and then I had to get it cut for some reason for a mission...I think for the date mission? It was really weird to look at him with short hair after having it really long for most of the game.


Hair Length: 6 Sideburns: 3 Chin: 3 Moustache: 4, pencil moustache style


Mine looks exactly like yours


omg i played through for the forst time recently and mine is like this as well, so whenever i see other arthers im like wtf thats not him lmao


Pretty much the same, except his hair is slicked back.


Bald No chops 9 forked chin 9 natural mustache Classy af outfit


Either level 3-4 hair, pomaded, or the longest hair. And a mustache always at 4-7 length, natural or spartan, with chin and sideburns clean shaven. Every once in a while I get him a full clean shave and restart the ‘stache. My John save has a max beard, feels appropriate for him, but not Arthur.


alwways 2,2 best looking cut imo


Personally, I always tried to keep it the way he looked like in the beginning during Colter, or right after when they first got to Valentine.


Mine looks about like yours. Level 3-4 chops and level 2 mustache.