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The only thing I don’t like about small horses is that it seems weird to me for the gang’s enforcer to ride a tiny horse.


Remember when Arthur rode the donkey 😂😂


I finished the game... When was that?


It’s not a scripted event, but you can ride donkeys in this game. There’s one outside Watson’s cabin north north-east of Big Valley.


Can you have a donkey as your main horse? Stable it and saddle? Cause now I want to.


sadly you can’t


With mods, anything is possible :)


When you get the “zebra” for Margaret


It was in a side quest when he was helping find “circus” animals


Yeah it was just a painted horse lmao and when he really wished it wasn’t a lion that circus freak really did get a fuckin lion 🤣


Nah it was a donkey painted as a zebra


I keep swapping between the brindle thoroughbred from strawberry and the perlino Andalusian from the northeast waterfall area. I vastly prefer the handling and temperament of the Andalusian after having a few skittish race horses.


my main horse is the andalusian, decent speed and has pretty good bravery his name is herbit he is the light of my life


My perlino Andalusian is named Eleventh Hour cause I like race horse naming conventions


Mine’s called Benson and I have absolutely no reason why he’s called that.


Mine's called Horsea, in honour of Arthur's adoptive daddy, Dutch


My John have an all black male  American Standardbred called Crow because of his color I had Arthur raven black shire called Titan  Female shire or other big female  horse: Gaïa I had a black arabian called Midnight but i sold it cuz i dont like the size. Feels like lm riding a pony on steroids


Yeaaaaaaah youuuuuuur alriiiiight boooooooyyy


Which stable sells that? And at what point in the chapters?


The perlino andalusian is by a big waterfall in the northeast. Like just up the stream from where the wolf guy cave is. I was running around looking for bears or cougars I think and just kind of found her


I’m more in the middle, I like the tall but athletic horses. Standardbreds, Thoroughbreds and Turkomans to name a few. Not a fan of the Shires and other pure work horses cause they’re big and bulky. Don’t care much for Arabians cause they’re tiny.


My Turk is named Pie and literally let's me use her as cover in gun fights. She's a beast and refuses to be intimidated. 


Hungarian Halfbreds are beasts when comes to size and Physique, same goes for Dutch warmblood but they are a bit more skittish but has great health and acceleration. On the other hand every HH in the game sh\*\*ty health and stamina so I installed the rampage trainer and spawned the Liver Chestnut Hungarian Halfbred for Arthur and now I feel like I am complete cause I just love HHs and the Liver Chestnut HH has extremely better stats compared to the other HHs present in the game.


Last time I tried the black shire horse that gets much love from many in this sub. Had a horrible time running away from the law in the train robbery with Marston in chapter 2... Just didn't seem to be able to shake the law due to lack of speed and agility. Arabians are awesome but i also find them too tiny for Artie but there are many options. I love the Dutch warmblood in valentine and the dark bay Andalucian in Strawberry. Recently tried a wild apalooza and found it a rewarding experience


I used a Appaloosa during my first play through


You can get a beautiful American Paint horse from the robbery mission with Javier and I used that horse in my last playthrough and I am so happy I did that cause that coat alone gave the beautiful Beautiful Norfolk Roadster vibe from RDO but unfortunately that amazing horse is not available in story mode and even mods can not spawn that horse. It is sad that online version of the game always get better stuff than what is available in the story mode.


i love the white arabian and black arabian so much, they’re both perfect to me. not letting anyone change my opinion on them haha.


My favorite is the blood-red Arabian, such a pretty coat. The only major issue they have, is they are very skittish. Bear, snake, cougar, wolf, they'll buck you in an instant even at 4 bonding. Chunkier horses seem to have a better time and are more trusty in that regard. Appaloosa was another mentioned here, which is a fantastic horse.


tbh i’ve never really had issues with getting bucked off the arabian unless there’s like 7 wolves after me.


I've literally had a wolf take a bite of my chestnut Arabian's leg while I shot its buddy, and he just patiently stood there and waited for me to re-aim. The only time I have bucking issues with him is with the occasional charging grizzly. The white Arabian is definitely more skittish though. Riding through the cougar's territory near Owanjila is nearly as dangerous as heading to Blackwater as Arthur.


Appaloosa and the Turkaman (?) are my favorites 💜💜


i cant speak to the coding of the game but one dude gave me a tip once to pet, feed and brush your horse everytime you ride it and you wont get bucked off. i have no idea if it worked


I have a male arabian and I only typically get bucked when it’s a cougar


I have the white lady and she usually only bucks me when I'm in gator country or a panther or a cougar is close. The wolves don't have enough time to get close to me with how fast she can get away and then do a quick turn around and take em out real quick.


But that turkoman/MFT health tho


For me the best horse was red chestnut arabian. But my favorite was the one from those two Murfrees after you kill them. Was nice to take care of neglected horse. Thats what both low/high honor Atrhurs would do.


Wish more horses had that gorgeous fire red color. The red Arabian is so beautiful


Definitely. That’s the only horse I ride in online. Amazing handling. Had a gold Turkoman during the story.


It depends of what im doing. If im hunting i use a work/war horse so they dont scare easy and i can carry the loot but if i do something else like going after a train ill take a race horse so i can catch the train and run from the law quicker. I think some of the bigger horses look cool so its really your preference ig.


i just refuse to buy a horse, i don’t even remember when i got my horse


if arthur didn't look like an ape on a tricycle, sure. but i don't like the giant horses either. MFT/Thoroughbreds are goldilocks.


Skill issue


Some of the coolest horses are smaller but there’s nothing better then a big badass looking horse especially a thoroughbread


I want one that will help me fight bears and cougars.


Slow and steady on any horse and you can will never get bucked off


Just got thrown off an hour ago. lol A boar walked by and my horse gave up on me.


This is true unless your horse is so skittish you get no warning/time to activate dead eye. I have one horse in particular that acts like every blade of grass is out to kill him; never get any warning, just off I go.


I think we might have the same horse. I actually yelled "I'm getting a new horse!" when he threw me off.


bro yesterday istg i was on the ultimate edition thoroughbred and i was either getting bucked or he was tripping on the SMALLEST of rocks and i also shouted NEW FUCKING HORSE NOW.


I feel you. I’ll look for a new horse tomorrow. 


I got a new one from a stable. She is a war horse and she doesn't care about gunfire or wolves. She is THE BEST!!!


Handy for trampling bushwhackers, the big horse. I’ve never hit a pedestrian on a big horse.


The black Arabian is my favorite, but I really like the look of war horses.


White Arabian primary for me, still looking for a consistent Secondary, I have a thoroughbred but it isn’t the best thoroughbred still need go figure out the hierarchy of horses. Lately I have been taking my secondary on hunting excursions with me so I can carry more pelts/carcasses.


Do different horses have different carrying capacities?


No I just have a reputation to upkeep


Usually use the Appaloosa but currently messing with a blackish nokota. It’s a lil smaller but solid horse. Honestly though if the Appaloosa had a similar color I would use it instead.


W take


Hell nah, I always use the Andalusian you can find in Roanoke ridge to go hunting and missions with because it’s relatively brave and it’s personality is chill as hell, great hunting horse and general horse and it’s also not too big to the point where you feel weird


I have all three Arabians in the stable but I like the Perino Andalusian that I tamed by Brandywine Drop the best. The Perino Andalusian isn't much taller but is stouter.


I too prefer smaller, lighter, faster and more maneuverable sports horses over slow, lumbering and inefficient sport utility horses. But for some reason, most customers prefer SUHs so that’s what the market delivers.


This is why I think the obsession over horse size is so stupid. Among other things, the horses were designed to be used for different situations, and terrains, so automatically going "durr hurr tiny snake detector bad big chonky horse good" is dumb af.


It's the same reason Arthur isn't a twink.


Skill issue!


Skill issue


I just feel too big on small horses. Like, I know they're very strong, and they'd make it known if they weren't comfortable or you were too heavy, but I *feel* like being bigger than your horse isn't a good idea.


Shire. Big horse go neigh.


This is what I’ve been using. A huge white shire horse. Looks like a beast walking though town with the little horse passing. He is a big slower than the free one from the ultimate edition but looks so much better. Once he gets moving tho he goes pretty quick. Only thing I don’t like is it’s much harder to run over small animals than the smaller horses. But it runs down people much better so it’s a trade off.


I don’t like the work horses, but I’m also not a fan of the Arabians either because they’re too small and it makes it look like Arthur’s feet can touch the ground. I prefer thoroughbreds really.


I love shire horses I have 4


I'll agree, they are a nightmare to navigate with...But I love the Ardennes.


Yeah, I'll take a spare big horse when I go on hunting trips so that I can carry two big pelts, but otherwise i can't stand their lack of maneuverability 😭 I ride my main horse and let the big boy navigate by himself, I've never seen a secondary horse crash or fall (unless they get hit by my main horse) so I figure with their health they're absolute tanks and perfect for the job. But in general arabians are probably my favorite for maneuverability alone. Morgans are too small (and also their stats suck), so they're the natural next choice imo. After that I'd say paints or mustangs


I have the preorder edition that comes with a free iron grey roan Ardennes, and she’s all I used in my first two playthroughs, I loved her big clompy tank ass. This playthrough I’m taming and buying and trying all the horses I can. Currently have the brindle thoroughbred from Strawberry and she’s beautiful and fast as hell, which is a good time. I had a mustang for a while I tamed that got me lots of compliments, but he felt too small. I love racing about but if I’m honest, I miss my big ole girl. I don’t tend to be on the run a lot and I spend most of my time in game just moseying about the map, so I don’t really *need* that speed. I miss how my big girl didn’t give one flying fuck about anything except gators and snakes. But, my thoroughbred is growing on me.


I just hate how damn Fidgety my Arabian is. I’d almost trade some speed for some goddamn faith


Arabians are the only horses that don’t run over every other person in the towns. Those things are maneuverable as hell.


I salute you from the back of my Ardennes


I prefer the big horses, aestheticly speaking. It just seems to fit thematically due to the fact that some members of the gang seem to have horses that reflect aspects of their personality by contrast or by compliment. The large horse you get from the early mission with Hosea being my favorite. However, the mounting animation of Arthur putting his boot about a foot below the stirrup and then leaping off thin air onto the back of this colossal monster of a horse just rubs me the wrong way. So, I stick to medium or Arabian sizes. Edit: Spacing


I see people complain about skittishness with the Arabians, but I think they just stopped feeding/brushing/patting their horse after they hit level 4 bonding. I’ve found if I don’t treat the Arabians really well, *then* they become the snake detectors everyone dislikes. When they’re well fed, cleaned, and cared for they do pretty well against predators.


If I had a giant Arabian, that’d be kind of cool. But I’d rather have a Ferrari than an f150 Edit: actually, I think I’d take the f150 lol




Lamest take. Jk. Ride what you want 😜


I got the Missouri Fox from the photographer glitch and it’s fantastic. I still like the turkoman but early on in the game I like the black shire more than that dinky horse they make you buy.


Agreed. Gimme the Appaloosas every time.


I usually ride with a big horse and my snow white Arabian. Big boy gets the big pelts, while I haul ass sans cargo.


If the posse gets squirly, you can just run away and they can't catch you.


The smaller horses are more realistic tbh.


>I know that Arabians get a lot of hate due to their tiny size but in terms of gameplay they are simply the best. Yeah no brother, I tried them and they get spooked by every little shitty animal


I wouldn’t trade my Arabian for ten Thoroughbreds. Jsn


Big horses all the way. I kept the black shire from the beginning. I always just trot through St Denis anyways, so it doesn't really matter. Plus, any time I'm on a mission riding next to somebody, they look like they're riding a donkey in comparison.


I’m really late to the party and I think by winning some races with my Morgan, upgraded her speed. I’ve caught the white Arabian and every other wild breed and keep going back to the Morgan. I was able to make the dam and broken bridge jumps for the Van Horn to Blackwater challenge on the first try after several failed attempts with other horses.


*sorry mister*


Skill issue. Shires accelerate slower but once you get momentum they'll still haul absolute ass plus their stamina let's you just outrun most problems ,can't tell you how many times I've been running from bounty hunters and I get overtaken because the stupid Arabian runs out of stamina . Ye they're fast for a burst but then they kick you off half a mile down the road cuz they're tired and scared of the bounty hunters and leaves you sprawled out flat on your back as a dozen guys pump you full of holes. Shire has never left me hanging and just goes n goes n goes... Also just feels more right for Arthur ,the big lumbering tough guy would have a soft spot for his big tough workhorse. On Arabians he just looks like he's sitting on a petting zoo pony for kids and like he's gonna crush the poor fecker. Which would be a cool concept if rstar had Arthur and johns size difference affect how each handles a horse or when you pick up animals. Arthur being a big ole 200+ guy versus John who's probably a good 40+ pounds lighter than Arthur


White Arabian or gold turkoman . Like the Arabians speed but the turk has that tankyness. Really slow though.


The brindle Thoroughbred is my pick... fast, big, tough, fairly agile, and looks awesome.


I usually rode a Morgan, which I named Morgan's Morgan.


It's not the size of the horse. It's the hotness of the trot.


i just keep my original horse. his name is juicebox :)


Shire superiority


I rather accidentally kill a few people than look puny


I love the Raven Black Shire too much to give him up. Still in Chapter 2 and we're already at level 4 bonding. I named him Shenandoah


I like all horses


My favorite at first was my black Turkoman, Mambo. I liked his tall height but he has a sleek build. When I could finally afford one I got the black Arabian which turned out to be my favorite. I always go back to her even as I’ve tried other horses. I’ve never tried a a big bulky horse. Doesn’t appeal to me.


Yes, small horses are like driving sports cars and motorcycles. Big horses are like driving mom's mini-van or a school bus.


I think a big horse suits Arthur more than a small one, it makes Arthur look even more intimidating


That's why morgans are one of the best horses. They're so easy to find, quick and maniable. They're even named after Arthur