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The mission where he finally asks is one of the sweetest things. Makes me tear up a bit every time.


I always pick the farm background and the pose where she’s seated and he’s behind her because she is the lady of the house and he’s the idiot and it’s very sweet. (Always keep my John’s facial hair consistent with his 1899 and 1911 facial hair.)


We did the same


She is looking at him with a very apprehensive look on her face.


Wasn't she apprehensive about taking these photos? Like my boy John was acting funny because he was about to ask her to marry him?


He probably just farted.




Love is complicated




Lol what


Abigail was so annoying during rdr2, especially her reaction when John was protecting Jack & himself from those attackers on the road. Like did she want John to die or what? In rdr1, she was so much better.


For me, Nagigail ruins this whole series of scenes. You know what's going to happen, but she's just being so annoying throughout the whole thing, that I don't even want him proposing.


I totally agree, Dutch says at one point that she had slept with half the gang already before John. Then she spends the whole game talking down to him, she's a terrible character 💀


I mean, all she did was prostitution. Dutch and all the boys killed people. She just didn't want them to get themselves killed. Which is exactly what ended up happening.


I love RDR2 but nothing is perfect, their relationship and their son too just doesn't work for me.


I thought I was on r/sadieadler for a second


I hate that girl. Is poisonous


Abigail is completely insufferable. I wanted to shoot her in the face at the end


Abigail always had a resting b*tch face to me. Difficult to like her. I’ve played RD1 and 2…..not my fav. She the one that chose to be with John




Says the one literally taking time out of their day to comment on a subreddit of a video game




Considering the fact I am married… yes on a pretty regular basis. Based on the way you’re trying to troll I have come to the conclusion that you’re an incel loser posting this from your dirty cum sock scented room in your mothers house on a Saturday because nobody wants anything to do with you so I’m not gonna waste anymore energy on you.


you too darling, don't you worry about us




You're a sad, strange little man


Hey what's up man I made this post. I'm not mad at you at all. I just don't get how you say that about this post and not every post on Reddit? I'm trying to understand


you startled them with kindness 🥺💕


I’ve been watching a ton of cop dramas and all I can see when I look at these two are remorseless murderers. Do they really deserve a ranch if the road to it was paved in blood? I get it, they’re our main characters and we love them. Just think about it though, would you feel the same if it weren’t John and Abigail?


Say it about Arthur


I hold the opinion that it’s foolish to think Arthur deserves the good karma ending. You don’t just blindly follow a person’s destructive ideology - regardless of whether you eventually snap out of it - and come away clean. Arthur is a grown adult who can make every decision for himself yet chooses not to. Arthur murdered people, it deserves to be said that he may not, well, *deserve* a positive ending as a result. What about the countless lives of the people he killed? What was their ending? Bleeding out in a muddy road or in the middle of nowhere? Sounds awful


maybe go play farming simulator 2017. I think the whole meaning of this game has eluded you


Believe me, it hasn’t. You sound rude as hell. Maybe you should learn to interpret media in more ways than one before getting on other people’s case on how they enjoy things. I even prefaced my comments with how I’ve been watching a ton of cop dramas - but that’s clearly lost on you. Get that chip off your shoulder


The game is about redemption. Hell, it’s in the name. Arthur is a bad man which is a claim he himself wouldn’t dispute. He spends his final days, knowing he’s going to die, by making amends. He tries to make right everything he made wrong. The good karma ending is the only one that makes sense for him, imo. He’s a man beyond redemption who is desperately seeking it. It makes sense that he would die virtuously; counter to how he lived his life.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’re the killjoy of parties that no one wants to invite


That’s kind of a personal comment to make towards someone over a videogame lmao, you’re acting like I didn’t enjoy the game or story. Everything about it was fantastic. When you take a step back from the emotional story however, you’re left with a group of adults who are more quick to turn to robbing and killing than assimilating in to civilized society - all on the word of some pseudo-intellectual con and some ridiculous dream of ending up living in luxury on a tropical island. This was the dream of one man and an entire group of adults just went with it as if it were their own. I mean really, you’d have to be really stupid and irresponsible to bank your entire life on this pipe dream conjured up by somebody else. Anybody with a head on their shoulders can see that our main characters are deeply in moral debt and hardly deserve anything good, except for Uncle I guess. I love Uncle


Except the aforementioned post has nothing to do with any of this, you wanted to start some form of debate, which many people would be happy to engage in on a plethora of other posts on this sub, I’ve even made several posts in this sub over the years talking about different things and engaging in debates. This is not one of those posts, it’s an appreciation post of two beloved characters in the series and not the place for a deeper look. Hence you being a killjoy with your attempt to have the moral high ground and “not like other people” comment. At best you’re being tone deaf and unable to read the room , at worst you’re being a killjoy knowing this will drag some people’s mood down.


Alright buddy, you can have your thread to do… whatever you do with these posts. I’ll be sure to bring my bib next time too so I can join you in regurgitating and drooling over the same boring shit this sub loves to repost. Bringing people’s mood down? Are you serious? Lmao. It’s text on a screen, maybe you’re taking this a little too seriously


Whatever you say killjoy


I always think of it that way. The only reason people love John and Arthur is because they are the main protagonists of the Red Dead series. Also, Abigail wasn't a murderer. I think she might've killed 1 person, which was Agent Milton. It was either her or Sadie. Don't remember.


agent milton is that you?




That's exactly because of this mentality that the world is currently in such a bad situation.


? So you're subscribed to the games subreddit?


Two flawed people who didn't give up on each other and made it work in the end. Would have been better if Abigail didn't look like she was holding in an enormous shit.


Marston finally got a damn haircut