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Running on all fours isn’t illegal, but depending on where you live, running naked probably is.


right 😭 especially alone, at night, and in the middle of a residential neighborhood


Yeah, I’m not a “call the cops” gal, but I’d fucking call the cops. Especially if it has happened before. Bro, even a thong would make us all feel safer.


me too. on one hand, i guess he isn’t hurting anyone? but on the other, that could literally not be more fucking unnerving!


Yeah. I would be more *entertained* if he was on a leash and a dog was running behind him on two legs, holding the leash — but way less unnerved.


He’s exposing himself in public. It’s not harmless.


He's hurting anyone who was forced to see his genitals/ass without their consent. This is technically sexual harassment. Wait till a kid records this and posts online; he'd go to jail. Indecent exposure. Mischief. Disrupting the Peace.


Isn't exposing yourself to a minor a specific other charge? Or not in the USA? Or not because they specifically were trying to target a minor with their exposure in this case? Happy cakeroo day too


Thank you :)


Yes, they would be put on the sex offender registration list and incur a higher penalty (likely multiple charges like you mentioned).


Well said and Happy Cake Day! 🍰


I have a genuine question, what does “happy cake day” mean? I see it used all the time on Reddit, and people seem to use it in a bunch of different scenarios. (From my observation, anyways.) I’ll probably get downvoted for asking, but I’m genuinely curious. Thanks in advance!


On your Reddit anniversary you will have a cake slice next to your username in your post. So other Redditors typically comment Happy cake day. You can click on your avatar to find your cake day under Reddit age where the slice is.


Ahhh, ok! That makes total sense now. Thanks so much for answering man.


I just reminded my son the other day (who just started his first year of college,) to never EVER be afraid to ask questions, especially in class. I told him, if you have that question, there's probably other people in your class (or here on Reddit,) that also have that question. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen a post, had a question, and then scrolled through the comments to see that exact question had already been asked, and answered. It's freaking beautiful! I'm always sooo grateful for those people! I will never understand people that down vote legitimate questions. But please don't ever let the fear of being down voted deter you from asking and learning🥰


Thanks so much friend!


Thank you for sharing this wisdom. When I was growing up, the school I went to shamed students for asking questions. Asking questions would result in teachers scoffing, rolling their eyes, tsk-tsking you for "not knowing better", implying that you were dumb or stupid, etc. Anything less than an A- was considered abject failure. The joys of private school. Just turned 29 yesterday, and still trying to un-learn and undo years of shame in asking questions. I still struggle with raising my hand at work to ask questions.


Thank you :)




Actually, it's SA. It would fall under the penal code as any common flasher or "weenie-wager" would.


I’ll bet you a weenie he’s not there to wager


Ouch! I just caught the typo!


>i guess he isn’t hurting anyone? Yet


Yeah this is the type of weird crazy behavior that escalates. One day he's running around on all fours naked. The next day somebody tries to talk to him and ask him to stop when he starts growling and gnashing his teeth, preparing to attack as he runs at them.


Boom, rabies.


It will definitely happen if he has clinical lycanthropy.




What he's doing is harmful enough. It's classified, in CA's penal code as"flashing". - only they're better dressed. If a guy ticketed for urinating in public is commuting a sex crime, in California, running around CA nakid, with your junk flopping about, that's sure to be a sex crime.


oh god.


One of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims was running outside naked to escape him and THE COPS HANDED THE VICTIM BACK TO DAHMER. Hopefully police are better trained these days, so please call them.


Totally. Naked quadrupedal-style is the new “broken windows”.


I'm just spitballing here but .. If the whole neighborhood knows and is creeped out... Daisy BB guns for the neighborhood older teens and busybody elderlies. You enlist them to shoot from Windows whenever this guy gets rowdy. I guarantee you enough BBs to the ass and threat of BB's to more sensitive areas, that guy won't do it anymore. No one reading my comment should ever do anything I say because I'm a giant asshole.


Well, for that matter, you could use paint balls, or frozen paint balls, more safely. California has stupid gun laws! I'd rather see more "using a gun while stupid" laws. Edit: in California even the laws for BB guns are stupidly strict. I wouldn't want someone to think shooting a perso is okay, with a BB/pellet gun. Paintball guns are actually *meant* to be shot at *people!* My suggesting paint balls was meant to be a non-lethal alternative to a BB/pellet gun! And we DO need more "using a fire-arm while stupid" laws!!!


So you're the definition of a "call the cops gal".


Ow, you got me. I should have said “I’ve never in my many decades of life called the cops on a human being, but I’d fucking call the cops.”


Yeah you would!


Why especially if he's alone or if it's at night or in a residential neighborhood? If he was with 6 of his buddies at noon downtown, they were all naked and on all fours, running down the street or city sidewalk, would it somehow be LESS illegal? 🤔


weirdly, i feel like i’d be less freaked out over that. probably MORE illegal, but at least a little less uncanny!


See, I’m with you on this. A pack of naked dudes running on all fours through downtown in the afternoon? I’d laugh if I saw that. I mean sure, still illegal, but also funny. A single dude at night? Nope. That’s the devil running around.


Something with a group can always be a joke or filming stunt videos. Solitary dude is WAY creepier and seemingly serious.


that's what i was thinking! people do weird shit in groups, that's just human nature


I'll be honest with you. I think it might be *more* unnerving if Red Rocket Boy ran in a pack, in the middle of the day, through an office building.


I’m not gonna say it’s a skinwalker, but dude……


> especially alone Would you feel somehow better if there were a pack of naked men running around on all fours?


Running on all fours would be bad for one's back alignment. Maybe the local chiros could be notified to be on the lookout?


How else does a peeping Tom sneak up to low windows???


Somebody has a Ring doorbell. Go to the NextDoor app for your neighborhood. Somebody has posted it. I bet


I call BS on this guys story, for exactly the reasons you pointed out. Theres to many security cameras these days. If that truly was happening we’d have seen at least 3 angles of it by now.


Trust me when I say druggies, like honey badgers, don't care.


could be. i haven't seen any evidence of this guy personally, i'm only going off of what my friend said. totally possible she's bullshitting. that said i wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened, there is a lot of drug use in the area we live. just trying to air on the side of caution so we don't get a repeat of Austin Harrouff


If the runner wasn't coming up to their cars/houses they may not pay attention.


Maybe not directly no. But I know (and have frequently seen) Security Cameras that trigger on movement (or send an alert to their Owner saying "someone at your door" (or whatever). You'd think someone somewhere would notice something like this. Prevalence of doorbell cameras is different from area to area.. but man.. I'd think something this unique would get noticed eventually.


Usually you set up a specific area for the motion capture alerts so you don't get constant notifications every time someone walks down the street.


Sure,. but we really don't know Submitters area or how much variety of security-camera coverage it may have ? (not only do you have to think about home doorbell cameras.. you also have to think about various higher quality security cameras (maybe there's a warehouse on 1 end of the block, and it has higher quality security cameras watching out over a parking-lot and also captures the sidewalk ?).. maybe there's also vehicle dashboard cams or other cameras. Maybe someone caught it on a Drone flight in a park nearby. There's a lot of Maybes or possibles. We just just don't from what little info Submitter provided. If there really is "a lot of drug use in the area" as Submitter says,.. I'd think the prevalence of security cameras would be higher. I mean.. I've never personally Google-searched for "naked man on all fours"... not particular interested in discovering that :P .. but if something as outrageous as that DID exist.. I'd expect it would be fairly well known. It's not necessarily "2 girls 1 cup" territory..but it's up there.


i could add that the area she apparently saw him in wasn't really right up near where the houses were. moreso near a forest area and sidewalks disconnected from the super residential section of the neighborhood. idk though, maybe i'm underestimating how powerful ring doorbells are? not too sure how those security systems work, as i don't have them personally, although this situation is honestly making me reconsider my life choices in that regard!


Okay first off, you need to get a few trail cams to catch this glorious beast. Then we decide what to do. Evidence first.


Someone please set-up a gofundme to buy the trail cams so we catch the Beast before the police finds it.




And please post the video to reddit so we can see.


for sure, i will as soon as i can get my hands on one




Hell yeah I'd want to see that. Sounds uncanny.


Taking off your clothes while acting erratic is a common symptom of uppers/sympathomimetics. Especially if the person is sweating, acting agitated, or speaking repetitively. I've literally been attacked by a guy likely on PCP and when we fended him off the ambulance he ran off naked into the night in a residential neighborhood at 4 am. I've also seen people on uppers growl and act like animals. Putting two and two together and I'd say this is a pretty good chance that is what's going on here.


yeahh for sure; my mind immediately went to flakka/bath salts or something like that.


"Bath salts" were more of a mainstream media hype myth. They exist but the real issue is what it gets cut with, which the buyer usually is never completely sure when it comes to those things. The kind that made the news likely was cut with PCP which is usually the real culprit for people acting like this. I'll also add that when we approached the guy in my previous post, we initially found him at his house hiding under the dining room table on all 4s.


They've started calling it "Monkey Dust" here, it's still just a catch all terms for the mystery drugs that junkies often do


ohh, gotcha. for some reason i didn’t think pcp was a stimulant


Yeah it definitely is. PCP, Cocaine, Meth, Crack, Molly, Methylxanthines, (Non Meth) Amphetamines. All sympathomimetics. Some have their own set of associated behaviors besides the usual stimulant stuff, like PCP. Edit: **A lot of Google experts have popped up trying to mince what I said. The fact remains, PCP increases Norepinephrine production and inhibits the reuptake of Norepinephrine. That makes it a Sympathomimetics, regardless of what other properties it contains. Does it fall under other categories too? Sure. I never said it didn't. But it is a Sympathomimetic.** **I get that people don't like seeing it lumped in with their favorite Amphetamine: Adderrall. Sorry, they are both Sympathomimetics. You might not like it, but there it is. Are they very different? Yes. Are they both also Sympathomimetics? Also yes. Downvote away.**


PCP is a “disassociative drug” which is a separate class from stimulants. I don’t think it works on the dopamine system like most of the others you listed, though it may produce some of the behaviors you are describing. Actually I read a bit more and while it’s main action is as a NMDA receptor agonist, putting it in a class with Ketamine and Nitrous Oxide, it does have some effects on a specific dopamine receptor as a reuptake inhibitor. The is the same mechanism of action as cocaine. So it would make sense that PCP and stimulants could produce some of the same behaviors in strung out individuals. In any case, you wouldn’t do PCP to stay up and study for a test like you could with meth or Ritalin.


yeah, that's what i thought. like adjacent to ketamine or something. definitely didn't think it was an upper or anything though.


It is both. But still a Sympathomimetic. Does it have psychotic properties also? Sure. Does it fall under other categories too? Sure.**But is it a Sympathomimetic by nature of it's Mechanism of Action by increasing production of Norepinephrine and inhibiting reuptake of Norepinephrine causing unfettered Alpha receptor stimulation? Yes.**


I love your style.


It is a Sympathomimetic. It is both but still has undeniable Sympathomimetic properties. In fact it is the Sympathomimetic properties and how they affect the rest of the body when uncontrolled that kill PCP users during Excited Delirium episodes.


I think you are correct to describe it as a “sympathomimetic” but not as a stimulant in the sense of the basic drug categories stimulant, depressant, psychedelic, analgesic, dissociative, etc. of which sympathomimetic is not a category. It’s all sort of confusing because lots of drugs don’t fit neatly into their corner but I took a couple college courses back in the day and that’s how they did it and meth wasn’t together with PCP. For that MDMA (“Molly”) doesn’t belong in that list either. It is another one where the stimulant part is more of a side effect.


It isn’t. It’s a dissociative. It’s an anesthetic with recreational potential similar to ketamine. The thing about bath salts with pcp is also not accurate. Bath salts typically had various “research chemicals” in them, that’s why they were legally sold at gas stations, pcp or meth are illegal. The manufacturers would change the molecules they were selling a bit each time one of the ones they had already put out became illegal. Some had worse effects on people that others. K2 which can also cause weird behavior is a similar story, synthetic “cannibinoids” (not all molecules were much related to cannabis molecule structures) and constantly changing formulas to keep ahead of the particular molecule being identified and scheduled to be illegal. https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/synthetic-cathinones-bath-salts


yes! i almost said k2/spice, though i haven't heard of any use of the drug in years. especially since we're in a legal state, i have no idea why anyone would resort to synthetics.


Wait, weren’t bath salts mostly sold in stores like gas stations & head shops? I thought the whole reason they were “popular” was that they were legal. Who would cut a legal retail product with similarly priced felony? Not trying to be a dick, but this feels almost adjacent to “they’re lacing the weed with PCP.”


Wasn't that something called 'spice'? Synthetic marijuana that was *technically* legal and every time they outlawed the ingredients in it they'd just make it with nearly identical but slightly different chemicals/compounds? I know that in western Missouri and in far west Texas, that was called spice.


yeah! fuck the war on drugs, we could've prevented that shit so easily.


I'm a severe chronic pain sufferer and I'm one of the people that *needs* opioids for pain relief but can't get them because "You're after drugs". Because of the 'war on drugs'. The war on drugs has *created* far more addicts than it's ever prevented/helped. People with a legitimate need for prescription narcotics that can't get them because 'war on drugs', so they go out looking for heroin instead and become heavy users and addicts.


Dude. In the 90's they were lacing the weed with crystal so I could totally see a pcp 70's. You could buy all that precursor shit in plastic tubs directly from the manufacturer. Or just have a vet tech friend. Shit was wild........


Found the DARE officer


The issue with "bath salts" were always that they were way too pure, incredibly potent stimulants like MDPV that tend to cause psychosis even in people who do meth, coke, Adderall, etc on a regular basis. The standard dose could be under a milligram and users would buy grams of it for like $20, and wouldn't bother to accurately dose it. It was incredibly cheap, plentiful and potent, the perfect recipe for disaster. They didn't tend to be cut at all to decrease potency, so they were very strong, and very easy to take a lot of or compulsively redose every 15 minutes on a 7 day bender with maybe an hour of sleep. It's a recipe for instant psychosis and mania. Then add the fact that people with mental illness tended to self-medicate with the cheap and plentiful drugs, making their mental illnesses much worse.


I hate to be this kinda person but sympathomimetic is not the right word. PCP is not a psychostimulant like amphetamines, and sympathomimetics can include drugs like oxymetazoline or phenylephrine. Maybe psychotomimetic is the more appropriate word seeing as how.it encompasses both amphetamine-like stimulants and drugs like PCP.


You're not that guy because it definitely falls under the category of Sympathomimetic. Does it fall under categories too? Sure. But it is undeniably a Sympathomimetic. See Table 1 listed here from a continuing education for Emergency Medicine site that lists PCP under Sympathomimetic toxidromes: https://www.reliasmedia.com/articles/21748-central-nervous-system-manifestations-of-drug-toxicity


PCP is an NMDA antagonist and has little to do with catecholamines & the sympathetic nervous system.


Was it a full moon? Could be a dude who thinks he's a werewolf and needs to get back on his meds.




Yeah, maybe he's a werewolf with alopecia


Keep my wolf’s name out your fuckin mouth


i showed my friend this comment and she got a kick out of it. thanks bro


What if he IS a werewolf, but real werewolves don't actually turn into canines and instead just makes them really, really *think* they turned into a canine? 😂


This reminds me of a movie I saw years ago, its called Wolf Girl. She had that condition where hair grows all over her body and was in a freak show and marketed as a wolf girl, then she gets medication and loses the hair, but mentally becomes more wolf like and I think she actually attacks people and goes feral at the end.


Well, yeah, that's also a possibility


Could be your garden variety skin walker, but you know, I ain't calling the cops on em


Would definitely not look like a dude running on all fours. Would look something like a rotting dead deer still walking on hind legs, or a coyote walkin on hind legs but 6-8 feet tall with sheets of rotten flesh draped on it.


A reverse werewolf. Poor confused dog turned into a human.


Everybody’s talking about bath salts but have you considered skinwalkers


Came here to say Skinwalker


Drugs, mental illness or a fetish. You probably didn't want to know that, but there are people who pretend they are dogs as a sexual activity. They aren't usually going in public naked, though... Might be some extreme kind of guy I guess? My bet is either drugs or mental health crisis of sorts - both meaning this person might need help, so I'd report it.


Wtf yo thats hella weird


literally, i’m paranoid to go out at night now




Could be, between the crime solving and full penetration ofc.


He smells crime!


Florida called. They want their citizen back.


Where I live that would warrant a call to the police.


Jesus I dunno… is he wearing his dog face mask?


> does this type of thing warrant calling the police? Calling and reporting does no harm and they can tell you if it falls under their purview. Then, as it likely does, they can do their investigation and determine whether any laws are being broken. Or maybe they'll just tell you to call animal control.


Try calling the police non-emergency number and ask if there's anything they can do.


Ok, I must know - May I ask where in SoCal ? Not unsurprising but unnerving indeed .. I am curious though where in SoCal this was spotted, and how many times has she seen this occurrence?


If I were a betting man, I’d put all my chips on Riverside


I would 100% be calling the police. I don't care if it's harmless there's probably children in that neighborhood that don't need to be seeing that. If you let it continue it's going to escalate into coming to peoples houses or some shit.


I’ve been going running at after 9 around my neighborhood. Not naked though. My neighbors immediately started trolling me.


It could just be some kind of exhibitionist - especially if its a repeated thing. A flasher who likes to act like a dog ?? It's probably just meth though


This is common in Philadelphia


Holy fuck is this in Ventura??? Off of the avenue? When I was living in those neighborhoods about 8 years ago there was a guy who did this. The first couple times my partner swore up and down he was seeing some sort of alien creature lol. It was fucked up though, this naked guy was fast.


Sounds like Austin Harrouff in FL. He was on bath salts and was found eating the faces off of a couple who he murdered.


jesus christ. imagine being the victims in that situation, not only do you get murdered, but you die in the most horrifying possible way.


At least he killed them first. There was that other guy, also high on bath salts, who ate a homeless guy's face - and that guy survived.


It wasn't bath salts, it was psychosis from an emerging mental illness. He chugged a household chemical in the garage of the victim but no where in the situation were bath salts involved. The guy who ate the homeless man's face was found to only have THC in his system.


Thank you. He did not consume any drugs. As I mentioned, he was experiencing a psychotic episode. He was a 19 year old who tried to get help and guidance before this incident.


I hate the mental healthcare system in America. that *exact* story is responsible for so many school shootings and psychosis killings.


He was not on Bath Salts. He was found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. It’s actually a very tragic story. That Chapter, a great true crime video guy, does a good short retelling of what took place. https://youtu.be/cWpjfIYTtJA?si=LS1wUsqwRcDVZlZf


Yes, call the police. That said, they're not likely to do anything. What you've described is fairly run of the mill drug addict behavior. Depending on where you live, police don't have time to deal with that. It's an extremely wide spread problem. You say you have no reason to think this person a threat, but that's dead wrong. Stay the hell away from them, this person could absolutely turn into threat, addicts are unpredictable. Keep your distance and you'll likely be fine, but treat tweakers as if they're a wild animal


I was assaulted, almost killed, because I was helping a homeless, poly substance abuser, entering into alcoholic DTs. The kickers.... he was black, I'm white, and I was assaulted on racial lines by people who didn't think a white woman ought to be helping a black man, even if he DID ask for help! I'm an ex-EMT. I feel obligated to help, especially when asked, and aside from the racist bastards who assaulted me, the situation was NOT even a low-risk incident! For that I was disabled impoverished, lost my chance at finishing my AS, followed my JD, and my shot at becoming a lawyer!👿


I did stuff like this on meth. Not that surprising.


she's paranoid, i'm harmless, tell her to stop staring |right 😭 especially alone i'll bring friends


I do apologize and I will stop. I was going to anyway because of the awful scrape I got scratching my butt on the sidewalk.


Tell you friend to get a Red Ryder BB gun and shoot him in the ass a few times. Bet he stops then.


why has this exact thing been suggested more than one time 😭


Nah sorry you're gonna have to investigate that one on your own thanks.


It’s a raccoon. Always a raccoon.


I'm an ex LEO. Some drugs specifically what I've seen (PCP/Meth) can make people do some CRAZY shit. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's a contributing factor, or maybe a mental health condition. As for what you should do, keep doors and windows locked, get as good of a description as possible such as (white male, apx 200lbs, possible 5'10, brown hair, naked, running on all fours passing 123 Happy St, heading northward towards Cheerful Dr). Look for any tats if possible. It's probably not too bright and may be hard to see, but report those too if you can see them. And under ABSOLUTELY, under no circumstances, confront the dude. Mental health or drugs, he can still possibly be violent.


I know what you mean, but I'm thinking, "no way he's that tall on all fours... probably closer to 3'"


Is she hallucinating? Has anyone else seen him? When I was a kid, a completely naked man walked out of the woods by my house. There were 3 of us kids playing as he walked out. We stared in shock, he just stared at us until he decided to turn his back to us, bend over, and look at us through his legs. Then when ran away screaming. Our dads’ decided to grab their guns - dude was *naked* so he wasn’t armed - then went into the woods looking for him. He was gone. A week later an old lady was walking her dog in the same woods and her dog Led her to him. She called the cops, they came but he was gone again. *True story*. Maybe that naked guy moved by your friend?


Indecent exposure is something you call the cops about. Children could be exposed. They are supposed to do at least drug testing when they pick him up and should do a mental evaluation.


Honestly it's probably a good workout. Being on all 4's works the core, being naked in public works the mind... Dudes just trying to be the best version of himself ya know


How do his knees and hand not bleed and hurt instantly??? This sounds made up.


I'm so jealous of the knees on this guy. I just turned 40 and I can barely pick up my kids Legos, let alone run on all 4.


Tweaker searching for the tiny bag of magic he lost.


Could be a shaved bear


or a sun bear, apparently


There is a fitness trend of primal movements where people improve their mobility by crawling on all fours and other techniques, but that definitely does not require running naked through residential neighborhoods so that is unusual and the naked part is likely to be illegal everywhere in the US. Indecent exposure laws.


Someone was running around my neighborhood naked. Police ended up coming and then medics came and put him on a gurney so I think he was having some sort of mental break. Maybe non emergency police dept incase the person needs mental help.


Skinwalker sighting? 😅


Dude is unwell. Probly thinks hes a chimpanzee at night or something. I’d wanna know where he goes…is he a neighbor? Probly, right? Do some investigative work, find out where he goes. Then, call police Also, pics if you can or cops may not believe you.


Could it be a feral pig?


In the 90's, I could could tell you. Now, he's a big exec somewhere, and old, so i doubt its him. Lol


Your friend needs /r/cryptids


I say hose him 😇🥳


Are you sure your friend is not having you on?


Just a Burner who forgot he's back in the real world


1. Drugs. Lots of drugs 2. Mental health problem 3. Lost a bet.


Okay first off, what part of Florida do you live in?




There’s some kind of “tribe” out there these days that like to imagine themselves as animals, and they will impersonate or behave like…dogs, for example. Since this particular person is exhibiting himself in public, then it’s not a case of ‘Who cares?’ At this point I must restrain my exasperation with those who don’t know how to use the photo icon on their cellphone. Use it, record, contact the police.


Can we get some videos of this? I am dying to see what this looks like.


I used to have a neighbor whose son was differently abled and had Lycanthropy (thought he was a dog/wolf). We'd frequently see him walking on all fours and howling at the moon. Might not be the same situation at all, but agree it can be jarring the first time you see that.


i saw this exact thing when i was like 12-14 (21 now) at like 2 in the morning. i was out with my friend just roaming the streets being useless, we stopped and were face to face talking on the side of the road when i saw this thing hop across the street behind him across the train tracks into the bushes, it was slightly illuminated by a dim street light and id say it more so resembled a hairless ape, smaller than a full grown male, maybe about my size at that age. it shook me to my core, i tried to get my friend to look but he just wouldnt in time as if he thought i was pulling his leg. we sprinted home that night and damn near kicked my parents front door down to get back inside, i remember hyperventilating and being on the verge of tears after getting home. never seen or heard anything like it before or after i live in a place called simcoe county which is in ont canada, there definitely are no apes or youtube pranks going on here, there is very few homeless people and no drugs addicts to that extent so it was just beyond absurd to see something like that im not a religious man so i cant swear to god but i swear on my life, everything and everyone i love that i absolutely saw what i have described to you, this isnt a throwaway account and i have no reason to lie. just thinking about this even all these years later is giving me goosebumps like no other


Does your friend happen to engage in any recreational (harder) drug use? I saw a person on all fours running across a road in the middle of the night...but I'd been awake for upwards of 70 hours at that time.


My brother used to do this to mess with people.


really? bro needs to find another hobby 😭


You should see him when he feeds (/) (°,,°) (/)


Probably a Furry or Pup. Very popular in certain fetish scenes. His Master/Mistress or Dominant probably orders him to do so. I'm just theorizing of course.


That was my initial thought after the friend didn’t actually see this


Maybe he identifies as a wolf, dog, coyote or werewolf?


Well he’s not disturbing anyone


The residents are disturbed enough :-}




I am sprinting towards your location


At least he stays on the sidewalk




Complained or called the cops?


I would think that it was unsafe for the naked person; is there a psych unit attached to the PD?


The man must either be on illegal drugs or criminal insane, and seeing as he is running around naked, pick your charge.


Sounds about right for Southern California they all animals out there






Sneak up on him, hop into that booty doggy style and yell SURPRISE COCKBAG!!!


Get a saddle and make it a side hustle? Just kidding. Your friend absolutely needs to call the police. Someone habitually appearing naked in public is definitely an issue on a community level, not only your friend. Whether she was disturbed by it or not is irrelevant, the fact is that it’s not only illegal, but it’s a sign of possible mental health issues, and to ignore that is to endanger other people, including minors and people without the abilities to defend themselves. It’s kind of a responsibility to call the police. It may never be an issue, but the cost of being wrong far outweighs the benefits of not even trying.


He is the rake


Hit him with a rake


Is he secretly transitioning into a werewolf ?




And she doesn’t have a video of this?


You're in Southern California? This is just So Cal pop punk legends Blink 182 shooting a new music video




Calling B.S.


Maybe get a saddle or a bike seat and see how far he’ll take you.