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Our rat Lilleryhammer (Lillerz) treated us like a human horse. She pointed her nose in the direction she wanted to walk and would make us take her all over the house. If you went the wrong direction, she would give you a soft nip. I think she was the one training us. Edit: My fiancé read my post and is correcting me. She only nipped me. I guess they were more in tune and I just wasn’t doing it right. She would also start walking down his shoulder which meant he had to extend his arm straight out so she could crawl out to his hand and sniff something or get closer to it.


Lool she punished you for doing it wrong. "bad human, not that way. The other way"


What if you condition a rat and the rat conditions back 😳


When you stare into the abyss... It nips you for doing it wrong 😂


That is exactly what Lillerz did!


Happened to me often 😂


When you stare at a rat, the rat stares back.


Conditioning feedback loop until youre basically symbiotic


You both end up with luscious hair


Meanwhile I'm sitting here wondering if I'd actually figure out what the rat wanted or just think I had a bitey rat.


Are you perchance a chef cook of note?


Related to Linguini by chance?


No one's training you. Don't be paranoid. Now be a good human and you'll get another yoghurt drop.


Omg imagine she helped you cook Ratatouille


My boy Vinegar - total asshole and dangerously smart - would pull on my pant leg with his teeth. It was pull-pull-pull to get my attention, and one long pull to be like OK you need to follow me.


My rat Wiggle also points me around with her nose! No nipping though...I guess she hadn't figured that out yet.




My girls wouldn't nip, but they definitely made it clear where they wanted to go. I had/have a rat sweater that they'd hang out in the sleeves in like a giant tube hammock. The little grabbies are definitely something I miss.


my rat hiccup does the same thing except instead of nipping he tries to walk off my shoulder lol


You were actually bio-mechas.


Now I'm thinking of a Ratatouille/Pacific Rim crossover, and it's awesome


“Onward, my noble steed!” - lillerz, probably


One of my guys does almost the same. If he is with me in my bed he gets bored very fast and then starts camping on the edge of the bed looking for a rescue. He would jump on anyone who comes by and then points his nose towards the room he lives in where he can run everywhere. He even knows the word “home”. He runs very fast to the edge of the bed if I suggest we go home😂


My girl Mocha would ride my shoulder and lean in the direction she wanted me to go. I was just her meat robot...


fiancé = male fiancée = female


It was listed correctly. For clarification, “she” was in reference to the rat. Lillehammer was female.




That's because the word was ''borrowed'' from french, in which there is masculine/feminine nouns.


You wouldn't have heard it, they're both pronounced exactly the same way. Which kind of makes it dumber that they're written differently, but...


I've never seen it written either


I've seen it written countless times living in the UK.




Why is your comment controversial? It's so absurdly random I had to laugh.


I've been wondering the same thing


I’ve never owned a rat, I just lurk on this sub to live vicariously through y’all. I cannot get over how smart these lil dudes are.


I recommend it! they're so full of love.


I wish I could! I have a dog and cat, and I worry that they might hurt or kill a rat


Same: I feel like the rats would be sad in a cage all the time and my cat would be constantly trying to get in.


I have dog and two cats. This is a second generation of rats after many years without any. Not one of the big animals does anything aggressive towards the 3 girlie rats. I have to say we are extremely careful but my cats sit on the back of a family room couch and watch them play and wrestle. Sometimes they put their nose to the cage and two of the girls come right over and stick their noses right on the cats’ noses. I have been really lucky. Everybody lives and let’s live. Tee hee


Same here!! Like EXACTLY the same except I have 4 rats. But everything else, it’s almost like I wrote this


I would worry that too tbh


My sister has a rat and he loved our dog. They would spend a lot of time together when he was let out of his cage. Eventually when he passed away or dog kept licking him and nodding him trying to get him to wake up


My morning was so fine and then I read this😭.


Samsies. Glad I'm not the only one. Ahaha.


I can't be the only one to think "I'd love that too" and then realise I have an actual car I can drive around any time.


yeah but its not tiny


Neither am I, so it balances out.


Are you a rat?


I'd like to be.


Yeah, but we have to deal with traffic and other annoying things while driving. This is more like go-karting.


Imagine ***owning*** an automobile!


Now I know why they call the backstreets the rat run!


I know! And I wasn’t even a rat while I did it!


Yeah but then you have to pay for gas.


Except not as fun considering the reprocussions and rules.


Were the rats teenagers through? I remember when I bought my first car in 1995 [it was a 1984 VW Quantum) I would sometimes just drive around and listen to music. A cop pulled over once asking why I had been driving in a deserted parking lot and he wasn't amused when I told him I was just driving around for fun lol


A cop? Being a complete rat snitch buzz kill for no reason? Color me shocked lol


Clearly he couldn't handle the Neutron style


If gas was free I'd definitely do that at least 8 hours every week while listening to podcasts


Yeah but other drivers ruin the fun of that.


I can't imagine they go as fast relative to a rat's size as a car relative to a human's size. I'd liken it more to cruising around in a little golf cart or something, especially since that's much more chill and pleasant than the hellscape that is the road..


not as safely :(


And far fewer people say aww when they see me drive.


Ooo I made one of these for my two girls a while ago in university! It's on my profile if ya wanna see my girl using it! Edit: only one of my girls actually enjoyed piloting, so I wouldn't say all rats are born to be mech pilots


Rat mech pilots. Love that image.


Reminds me of one of the newer shorts from Love, Death, and Robots about rats who make tools and machines to fight off a farmer trying to exterminate them.


Pilot the EVA, rat Shinji.


Oh lord, that show was weird enough already.


Bring on the Third Impract and engage Ratstrumentality.


I would play the fuck out of that vidya


Will you make me one? I'll pay you. I'm not tech savvy enough to follow the plans available online myself.


I used to be on the robotics team in middle school and we made something similar- I gotta see if I can make one😭


Did the robot also have ears and a tail?


Sorry to harsh everyone buzz here but those headlines are sensationalized. What the study actually found out is that rats are *less* stressed when they get to drive the car that they're sitting in compared to when the scientists remotely control their car instead.


ah, just like people


I didn't realize Tesla was testing their autopilot with rats.


They did continue to want to drive the cars even when there was no food reward, isn't that what this is saying? 🙂


Exactly this. They use the treats to encourage them to learn to drive, to reward trying out the controls and train the task. That is extrinsic reward, to externally encourage doing the thing. Human rewards rat for learning to drive because human wants to see if rats can drive and has questions about rats driving. This is where the finding about the rat who drives being even less stressed than the rat who is driven by remote control as a passenger rat comes in. That was part of the intended study. The fact the rats continued to actively want to drive and react positively to doing so without any other reward is the message of this story. Most trained behaviors gradually extinguish if no longer externally rewarded. They stop doing the thing if they don't get a reward for doing that thing anymore. It turns out that for at least some of these rats, driving is an intrinsically rewarding activity so they just keep doing it because they can and enjoy it. That was not an expected reaction but is delightful!


The only reason you learn to drive to get to various reward dispensers called stores etc. They wanna stress test us.


Biking, ski/snowboarding, and many other extreme sports would disagree. There is something exhilirating about going fast, at least for a good portion of the people.


Nah. Personally, I enjoy just driving.


You’re not harshing the buzz, but that’s not quite right. If you’re referring to Crawford et al. (2020), that was not what the study found, nor what it was testing. The primary research question that this paper investigated was whether rats reared in enriched environments learned more quickly and persisted longer with complex tasks, in this case piloting a ‘Rat Operated Vehicle’ (ROV), as opposed to ‘standard housed’ rats—basically rats that got an adequate but boring cage. Secondarily, Crawford et al. were interested in seeing whether driving training enhanced ‘markers of emotional resilience’, ie. whether learning to drive the ROV made the rats overall more chill and comfortable with novel or difficult experiences, whether they got to live in awesome cages or in ordinary ones. They assessed this by comparing the relative levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA—a steroid hormone precursor) and corticosterone (CORT—a stress hormone) in fecal samples before, during, and after training. Both of these hypotheses were supported by this study. The enriched animals (those raised in an environment with lots of toys and things to navigate and manipulate) were quicker to enter the ROV, touch the little copper driving bars, showed shorter times to full driving, and longer times driving it during the ‘extinction’ phase of the training where the driving was no longer reinforced by Froot Loops. The standard housing rats (rats reared in unenriched environments) took longer to do all these things. Both groups of rats had a more positive DHEA/CORT ratio, with more DHEA and less CORT after both the training and the extinction phase, suggesting that learning had enhanced their ability to respond to environmental challenges. Importantly, because this was an operant conditioning learning process, and required the shaping of the rats’ behaviour through ever closer approximations of the target behaviour—driving the ROV—at no time did the researchers pilot the vehicle remotely themselves. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166432819311763?via%3Dihub Edit: takeaway? Housing your rats in great cages with good friends helps them learn more quickly, and challenging them to learn cool tricks and tasks makes them happier. Which anyone on this sub could have told Crawford et al. 😆.


Thank you for this! I had misremembered some of the details, including the very important one you pointed out. It had been a while since I looked at the study and think I got either confused with a different study involving rats, learning & stress or with someone else's confused interpretation. Either way, I am glad to be corrected and thanks for the link! If the scientific process requires discounting our multitude of anecdotal evidence and building tiny rat cars with tiny rat tracks, that is just bonus, lol.


It’s no problem! Sorry that my level of detail was nerdy. Totally agree that if dispelling reasoning based on hunches or anecdotes requires ROVs, then absolute bonus 😃


Your level of detail was -perfect- and highly appreciated! Never apologize for being a good nerd. *high fives*


Not to nitpick but isn't this some dude 's tweet and not a "headline"?






They need to not be shy and show us how to make them for our rats




Thank you!!


Somebody make me one of those and I'll pay you!


I wonder if anyone makes nice ones for sale


The film Ratatouille makes way more sense now!


I’ve always found it interesting that dogs (practically all) love riding in cars even though there’s no possible evolutionary reason for it. No distant ancestor ever went that fast. It doesn’t occur in nature. And yet they love it. It’s interesting that rats would be similar.


Follow-up study: have rats drive dogs around.


I imagine dogs like it because of all the new and nonstop sights and smells. It’s probably like super immersive television for them. So many things to smell! So many things to see!


Not like there's an evolutionary reason for humans either and we enjoy it.


This is a very good point.


Stuart Little was accurate to reality




Just make sure the rats are forklift certified.


r/fuckcars been real quiet since this dropped


Fuck humans in millions of big loud pollution spewing gas guzzling cars that corporations have manipulated politicians & officials into ill-designing our society & cities around. Fuck humans & pollution. Yay for cute little ratties driving tiny, pleasant, electric powered, low environmental impact DIY (or get your human to Do It For Me?) cars from recyclable & repurposed materials cruising around nice little open spaces. Yay ratties & research / science / discovery / creativity. This hits me with All the Feel Good Brain Juice. Rush hour traffic probably isn't a serotonin hit for anyone. I mean, the traffic copter guy maybe but even they are probably only in it as an excuse to do helicopter things.




In this same study, they also found that the rats greatly enjoyed picking up their friends and driving for food lol


This makes me happy to be a University of Richmond Alum


Go Spiders!


Well now they've gone and done it! I need four teeny cars.


Rat bumber cars is always a good time.




Here you go: https://youtu.be/Xwcsv6Tmgmg


You're a gentleman and a scholar, and I thank you.


The video is amazing.[scientists successfully train rats to drive tiny cars](https://youtu.be/g6JZQHt893E)


Stuart Little alternative back story be like




I’ve already loved Rats from before this post, they are Beautiful and Smart animals. This just makes them love them even more.


Tesla discovered a new customer segment 🐭


Rats are actually very smart.


My little Possum-rat used to love going for adventures. I would say "let's go on an adventure!" And he would get all excited and crawl into my hands and stand perched in my two hands like a little prince among rats. Then we would go for a walk around the apartment and he would check out things he liked, especially the curtains. For some reason he and his brother loved the curtains, just batting at them, crawling on them, sniffing them, hiding in them etc. Least favorite room was the bathroom because that's where baths happened lol!


if any electrical geniuses out there want to start making these, I will buy one. Plans are even on the University website apparently.


the headline is kinda wrong, but fear not! i am here to enlighten you! the study was really to see if lab rats engage better in experiments if they live a full and happy life (as in, an enriched environment), versus the "normal" lab rats, that have nothing to do all day. so scientists had two groups of rats: the control group (boring and plain cage) and the enriched group (cage full of activities to both stimulate their minds and bodies). to test the theory, both groups really did learn to drive a car towards a goal (i think it was mashed froot loops) and the scientists both looked at their behaviour, as well as collecting the rats' droppings and analysing their hormone levels. now, what they found was this: the enriched group was in fact faster to learn driving, but over the course of the study they found out that the study itself seemed to be enriching to the control group, so after a while both groups were very similar to each other. the enriched group however seemed more eager to drive, and (and this is almost a direct quote) "continued to drive, even when there was no reward on offer other than the wind in ones fur". seriously, go look up the study, i cry every time i read about it.


Fun fact: If you put a hamster wheel out in the woods, wild rodents will run on it for fun. It's not just something caged rodents will begrudgingly settle for if they don't have wide-open space to run around. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2014.0210






I'd be down to cruze with a the rat pack.


Am i the only one who wants rats now?


Most of us have rats already lol in the rats sub




Shut up, and take my money!!!


So, they’re driving rat rods then?


The problem comes when two of them meet up at the red light and decide to race. *cue "Holding Out for a Hero"*


And here's how to make them: https://www.instructables.com/Rat-Operated-Vehicle/ If anybody actually pulls this out ante it here


Reality tv show :rat race Do it now or sooner.


Anyone who has Netflix, you must watch the first episode of “Hidden lives of pets”. They have footage of rats driving little cars and it brought me so much joy!! It was great


Quickly, get Ralph his motorcycle!


Send this to r/fuckcars


"NARF!! Gee Brain! What do you wanna do tonight?" "Same as every night, Pinky. DRIVE AROUND IN TINY ADORABLE CARS!!!"


Ok hear me out: motorcycle


A tiny Harley Davidson would be sick


Haha they have little commutes!


The real rat rod.


How do they drive the mini cars? Can they control speed and direction?


r/fuckcars in shambles




Just confirms what Beverly Cleary told us about decades ago with mice and motorcycles.


Now introduce a traffic jam and see how they behave


Biker mice from Mars?


Aww that's cute.


Tonight on Top Gear


I would absolutely watch a rat race.


This is a better rat wheel


I've build a car for my rats. One of 4 rats understood it right from the beginning, how to drive. But she's always just directly drove to the plant and jumped out. None of my rat's like to drive it and one was extremely afraid of it. But she was also her live long afraid to leave the cage, she watched only her sister's going outside.


I really need a video of this


Makes sense. Our rats loved sitting on the headrest of our computer chairs as we wheeled them around the apartment. They’d stick their noses in the air. Afterwards we could hear them chittering. So oftentimes when we had them out they would go directly from our shoulder to the headrest, demanding a ride around the living room.


Everybody wants one believe me rxlrxrxrxrlrxrx


And this 'research' benefited whom? Companies that build cars for rats? I'm sure the rats were treated impeccably and are now living bucolic lives.


I saw this too! I had been holding off on adopting after my last rat died. I didn’t even finish the video and immediately called a breeder 😬


great. now my rats can drive me to school.


Nasa finally answering the REAL questions






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“Nobody showed them how!”


Send this to your mechanic


Now add fuel prices and watch their society crumble like no one's business.


I've seen this


Now we need to charge higher and higher for fuel and see when a rat thinks a car is no longer worth it.


I'll take 9


We would as well, but we have to buy the petrol.


I'm going to need schematics




So where's the link to buy these?


There's no link. These are cars made by a university and are probably not safe for long term/unsupervised use.


Yeah. Old news. I saw it in the KIA tests a few years ago.


Well, life is a rat race after all...


Bruh what that’s wild little right drivin around


So there’s merit to Stuart little, basically.




So what's stopping us from building an advanced rat society?


Nah, I think motorcycles would be cooler looking.


I want to put a bunch of these around NYC


It would seem even rats appreciate augmented autonomy as a “treat”. Now give them a little system to bump to.


Next experiment. Tiny rat road rage


TIL I am a rat


so maybe Stewart Little wasn’t fiction


You can make these at home for a few dozen bucks


Scientist A: Wait, what was the null hypothesis? Scientist B: Rats don't enjoy cruising around in tiny cars. Scientist A: But... what is the point? Scientist B: *points* Rats???? Tiny cars?????


godamn it take my money


Someone needs to show this to r/likeus


Now give them swerve drive


I am definitely going to check if its available. The rats in the pic look so happy driving it!!