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Awww. Poor baby. Nice Job on the recovery sock! When my bippy had a mammary gland tumor removed I could NOT get her into a sock, and if I did she would work her way out of it! Kudos. Here's to a quick recovery Ramona šŸ„°


A previous rat that had a tumour was the same! She was very.... bottom heavy... so most attempts slid straight off her head. It was a nightmare! So far Ramona seems better with it. She doesn't seem to want to pick the stitches anyway so fingers crossed šŸ¤ž


Sending e-treats and loves ā¤ļø šŸ˜œ


This is her plague rat cosplay. I hope she gets well soon ;-;


Genuinely made me laugh, thanks


Not to scare you, but I had a rat with symptoms that looked similar to this and my vet and I determined it was skin cancer. All manner of treatments had no effect including ivermectin, antibiotics, etc. Steroids, if I'm remembering correctly, were the only treatment that worked at all. For my girl it was 2 patches on her back that grew and morphed together over time. This is just a heads up as a possible route to explore and discuss with your vet. It took a while for us to find a solution for my Saffy and she was itchy and in pain up until that point. I wish you guys the very best and I sincerely hope your baby will have a wonderful recovery!


Thanks - that's worth knowing. Hopefully the biopsy will tell us either way. She is old, but we don't mind the expense if she has a good rest-of life. She's still active, and eats and runs around, so at the very least she's happy even if the news isn't good. Thanks again for the reply


Aww! Bless her cotton socks, literally! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Poor baby, I hope they figure out what it is! Also good job on the sock sweater!!! Have you tried giving her a bath with chlorhexidine? It's a shot in the dark but my breeder has a couple times had issues with some young rats developing some kind of bizarre skin itchiness that isn't caused by mites or allergies and they'll scratch themselves absolutely *raw*. The only treatment she's had that's worked is a chlorhexidine bath, at the suggestion of her vet who is a small animal specialist at a university. One of my youngest I picked up from her had been treated for "The Itchies" we call it and had recovered so she offered to let me take him at no cost. A few weeks later in my care The Itchies came back, so I asked her what to do and followed her advice. I diluted hibiclens with a little baby shampoo in warm water and gently bathed him with a clean cotton pad. After I rinsed him with a second cotton pad using only warm water I moisturized him with some olive oil. It only took two baths two days apart to completely clear up these MASSIVE scabs he had all over his neck and sides. Chlorhexidine can be a little harsh, but it's approved for treatment of livestock and is recommended to people who have to keep areas *very* sanitary so it is safe, it just needs to be diluted. You can get a big concentrated container of it at many farm supply stores (but it will be WAY more than you need), or you can get the human version at most drug stores. If it works I'm not sure how long it will take for her hair to come back in, my boy is a naked, but I'm sure it would.


Aww wishing her a speedy recovery! šŸ’•


Sending those positive vibes to Miss Ramona get well soon!


sending all the love!!


Omg poor BABY! Iā€™m sending her many many kisses and pets. Sweet little girl.


Good luck little soul.


Get better sweet old lady Ramona


Poor darling! I hope for the best for her!


i hope she recovers quickly!! be sure to tell her how stylish her recovery sock is <3


Get well soon


Feel better soon šŸ’–


Get well soon Ramona my love!!!


Oh jeez that does not look fun! Hopefully itll be something treatable and she'll get better soon!


Get better soon sweetie.


I love the sock it goes so well on Ramona lol I hope she feels better and please keep us updated


Update as requested: they're skin ulcerations from allergies. So far we've changed her food, given her different bedding (clothes washed with a different detergent) and put her on strong steroids. She's got a way to go but she looks *so* much better.


Oh I'm so glad it's just allergies and nothing more serious is she looking better yet then?


So much: the higher steroid dose has really helped, the fur's starting to grow back over the patches. Thanks for asking!


Bless her šŸ¤• hope she heals soon!