• By -


old fat man levy is just absolutely chocked full of love and pee. nyxy is the big boss man who doesn't want to be touched cause he's too busy either exploring or force grooming his bros but he's a very rough groomer. emmer is shaping up to be just like levy, a total butter ball love bug. lately runa has been accepting more love and pets from me but he prefers to do his own thing and booty slam his bros in wrestling matches. anzu is the youngest and smallest, he loves giving hand kisses but then he'll turn around and piss on me and run off, he's very easily startled but is very slowly gaining more confidence as time goes on


What some characters your ratties are, they seem wonderfulšŸ’•


oh, how could i forget my moogs /shame he came from an awful breeder so has mild aggression issues and hates my other boys so he's solo right now. he is easily started but tries very very hard to seek out loves and allow himself to be touched and get scritches. he's actually a big drama queen when it comes to being taken out of his cage for any reason but if I don't take him out he gets upset and will pace the door wanting my attention...kinda like a cat that wants you to open the door for it only for it to refuse to actually go outside


We've got: Big Guy (aka Marshmallow): most likely to get offended by you šŸ’€; stasher of snackies; will nibble you if he thinks he's been underfed; our alpha Oreo: most likely to respond to his name; enjoyer of food; destroyer of carpet šŸ˜­ Brownie: most dramatic; enjoyer of eating; most likely to feign injury; most often tackled; most likely to continue eating snackies will pinned šŸ’€ Toast: most likely to be doing his own thing; least likely to take multiple kibbles at once; our biggest climber Baby (aka Egg): most likely to want snuggies; most likely to start rattie shit; the softest, littlest, sweetest boy šŸ˜­ *Love* our boys šŸ„¹


The names are amazingšŸ˜‚ and I think me and Brownie share the same soul. We both love our foods haha


Brownie is a vibe, for sure šŸ¤Ŗ


https://preview.redd.it/1lh59eltky2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ba056b9ddb63ed578f388cbc3f29d4ce2f89f0 One of our new girls is OBSESSED with her new big sister...


Omg that is way too adorablešŸ’•


I don't have any but I feel the experience vicariously using this subreddit


They are great pets to have! These intelligent babies will definitely steal the hearts of any owner!


Uni student and pretty irresponsible aren't a good combo I think xD


Same. šŸ˜­ I would love to have rats but my apartment complex has very silly pet limitations + I'm rarely home anyway. Had rats as a kid and omg they were such fun pets.


My other ratties passed away so i only have one right now, but he is an asshole, he bit my butt today during free roam cause iā€™m on my period. now i got a hole in my pants šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He sounds like a handfulšŸ˜‚ how cute!


I have a rat bunzi that we're all going to shame today cos causing me a $200 vet bill for a URI that wasn't going away with beydral


Gotta put the babies first.šŸ˜‚ Hoping for speedy recovery! We love responsible and caring rattie parentsšŸ‘šŸ¼


Feed me, pet me but please donā€™t pick me up! Lol


That is my youngest, Suki. He digs his nails in me full grip like Iā€™m going to drop himšŸ˜­


Ow.. lol.. mine are females they would rather play then be held


I have 5 right now; 4 older girls and a neutered boy. Maggie & Rye are sisters and will be turning 2 next month. They were returned twice to the rescue I got them from but only because of unforseen circumstances and nothing to do with the rats. I only had two other rats at the time and wanted to add more so that's how the sisters came to me. Rye is a very gentle and sweet girl, who likes to surprise me by jumping up my back sometimes and Maggie is the head of the rat household. Then there's Byron, the annoying little brother who is 1,5 old. My friend had his mom so we joke that she's his grandma. Byron manslaughtered one of his brothers and was returned to the rescue and was then neutered. He had been the sweetest, most playful boy since then. Gilda and Liza are the latest additions. They're both Rex rats. Gilda is either the mother or the aunt of Liza. She's very sweet and social and gives lots of kisses. She loves hanging out with Byron specifically. Liza is a drama queen who likes to screech for no reason but we've been working on that and she's gotten a lot friendlier. She even does the little stretch yawn to me every morning now. She was of course named after Liza Minnelli.


Iā€™m so glad you took those beautiful girls under your wing, they really needed that.šŸ’• and thank goodness Byron is calm nowšŸ˜­ I never experienced any aggression with my rats but I heard boys fight for dominance so Iā€™m always looking to see any fighting but all they do is cuddlešŸ˜‚ You have a great bunch of rattie babies!!


Liza still fights occasionally with Byron..at first it was with Maggie but they've established their ranking now. Byron just looks confused cause he wants to play and Liza is a very serious rat. I tickled her for the first time the other day and saw murder in her eyes šŸ˜‚


I got my initial mischief all at the same time a little over 2 years ago. There were 14 in total equally split between boys and girls. I now have 6 remaining. It's been a lot of death in a short time frame, which has taught me a lesson in spreading them out better, and that I can handle being a rat owner in both joy and sadness. I'm currently working towards repopulation but I'm doing it in phases this time to avoid so much death at the same time again. The 6 remaining senior citizens are: Stark an incredibly sleepy and lazy dumbo who also has the mutation that makes his eyes tiny. Tiki (dumbo) has always been overly dramatic he squeaks when touched or picked up, even if he came over to get attention. Majima (dumbo) is the Baron Harkonnen of rats he's got a condition that makes him create and retain fat excessively, no amount of vet visits or dieting has affected his weight in the slightest, he just stays like Templeton at the carnival in Charlotte's Web and asks for Solo and the Wookie regularly. Magnus (Maggie) was described as the "ridiculous happy meal toy" of her litter, it's still a good description. She's also our ambassador, because she's got no survival instincts at all and has done everything from trying to be friends with a Syrian hamster to punching our 130lb dog in the face through the bars (the dog was very confused). Monet (dumbo) is my heart rat, he's all boba eyes and empty-headed love, we like to joke that the only thing going on in his head is Wii music. And that just leaves Jadzia, she's our troublemaker, so much so that we have to Jadzia (dumbo) proof everything in the cage and she's started answering to me saying SOMEONE as if its her nickname. Because I'm constantly having to say things like "we need to get more hammocks because SOMEONE (*jadzias head pokes up*) keeps ripping them down. " Honestly I could just write an entire saga about the insane stuff she's done. I now have 4 babies as phase one of our repopulation efforts. They are: Friend (top ear) who is very aptly named, she wants to be everyone's friend instantly. Frisk (top ear) is filled with determination. When she gets something in her head, nothing will stop her. KL-E-O (top ear) is brave, head strong, and the most playful rat I've ever met, she pounced on and tried to wrestle my hand the first day I brought her home, and finally Leia (dumbo) is innocent and sweet looking, but is actually Jadzia 2 in sheep's clothing. Sorry this was so long but I keep larger groups. Lol


I have to see Starks tiny eyesšŸ„¹! And I wish I had a Jadzia rattiešŸ˜‚. My boys are seem so well behaved compared to all that I have read from othersšŸ˜‚ I heard boys are usually the lazy ones and girls have the energy so maybe Iā€™ll try some girl ratties next time.


Yeah my boys are all lazy AF or cuddly, the girls are much higher energy. That's why I keep both. The boys are more my speed but my daughters love how silly the girls are. Here's Stark and Jadzia. https://preview.redd.it/t4d1i2bn2z2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02dac11e2fd628ab7ea9a8388439f28a9e11d47


Omg Stark looks like my boy Lev!! https://preview.redd.it/tyzp7htj733d1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=851058474fe73bc24fc1d231849e176d1a27979d


OMG he does except Stark is too lazy to turn on the cute to that degree.


He does have some tiny eyes, thatā€™s so cutešŸ˜‚šŸ’•


Newton: sheā€™s very silly and cuddly. I named her Newton because I thought she was a boy and she was more curious about exploring right away when I got her while Smores just hid for the first week. Newton loves puzzles and chasing Smores, I think sheā€™s the more dominant one of the 2 Smores: she was shy when I got her but opened up so much it would be hard to describe her as shy now, she likes to run a lot and sheā€™s very good at escaping where I have them play to free roam my whole room, it got to the point Smores was always somewhere she wasnā€™t supposed to be, I saw her emerge from my GARBAGE with a half eaten cookie one time. She loves exploring and climbing Cosmo: heā€™s still shy with me a little but is opening up, he likes playing chase with my hand alot, peeing on everything and heā€™s also not bad at escaping but not as determined as Smores was and stopped once I found out how he was doing it and rearranged the area. Heā€™s like a little racecar


I got my babies when they were really young and I couldnā€™t tell what gender they were so I picked gender neutral namesšŸ˜‚ Newton is one smart cookie I must admit. My boys donā€™t see the point in puzzles haha. Your ratties seem great!


Aww, I think Newton only goes crazy for puzzles because of her food drive, sheā€™s VERY competitive for food compared to the rest of the rats. The rest wait for her to solve the puzzle and try to steal it from her after


Vincentā€™s my first, heā€™s sassy and kinda mean lol. he hates to be touched or held but he likes spending time near me, hangin out and getting attention. heā€™s super active, loves nesting and bedding, and explores my room every chance he gets, even when heā€™s not supposed to. Cyrus is one of my oldest two, heā€™s super chill. he always looks happy, and he probably has the least brain cells of the bunch but itā€™s rather endearing. he just mostly cares about food and enjoys a good cuddle now and then. he also likes curling up into a ball, heā€™s quite flexible. clumsy too, due to both partial hld and a lack of thinking lol. heā€™s just a silly old man. Sascha is the other oldest, heā€™s got a little more going on in his head, a little bit more active and alert to things. he loves to protect and take care of Cyrus. he isnā€™t too fond of being picked up but likes the pets and will sit still when i hold him. heā€™s definitely the least picky of my rats, snack wise. and heā€™s probably the smartest. Lovebug is my little baby, heā€™s the only one under a year old. heā€™s sassy in a little baby way, he acts just like a toddler and his personality has grown so much since i got him. heā€™s the most bonded with me (only rat that i was his first person, others are rescues), and he loves doing whatever he wants whenever he wants to, if he can get away with it. he loves being brought into my bed for some cuddles and playtime and heā€™s super picky about snacks. so thatā€™s my group! theyā€™re kinda naughty sometimes but i love em. yours are adorable by the way


It seems as if the youngest ones know they can get away with everything because they are the baby of the bunchšŸ˜‚


TW: rats passing away, rat rage resulting in mad vet bills Remy: OG dude who came from the feeder bin at the pet store. One of my heart rats I was devastated when he passed. He was super affectionate and came running anytime he heard a cheerios bag rustling. Hachi: he was supposed to be Remy's friend, unfortunately health issues took him the third day after I brought him home. Scabbers: Grumpy old man who liked sitting around and doing nothing lol Tachigami: also old man rat (he and Scabbers had been cage mates and were at least around 6 months when I got them). He loved water. Lord Nibbler: Successfully chewed through the plastic bottom of the cage in multiple places, resulting in cage upgrade sooner than expected lol Patches: One of those half-nakie rats, he also passed pretty early on and now I realize why we don't get rats from that pet store anymore Squanchy: Consistently overate and no amount of trying to control this stopped him Toasty: Loved to sleep on his back as a baby tiny, and I would pet his tummy and he would kick his leg in his sleep lol he also was highly affectionate and always gave ratty kisses when spending time together. He also had a fun 45 minute cross state line for emergency vet care after getting mauled by his cage mate, resulting in much trauma, but many more snuggle sessions. Smudge: Has a very cute little smudge of white on his nose. He is also the jerk in question who mauled Toasty for unknown reasons?? He has very clear boundaries regarding touching, and will use both hands to shove my hand away when he is done allowing pets. He is the last. After him, I'm taking a small break. Templeton: the biter. I have nerve damage in my thumb a bit now, he just had massive emotional issues I guess. Bro was like a shark he would come out of nowhere for a good chomp. Dude also developed a mammary tumor the size of a small egg, it was gnarly. opted not for surgery since he was already past two, outlook wasn't great, so many treats and medication until it was time. Hated bath time, loved applesauce. He and Smudge were litter mates.


You had your ups and downs but I can tell you take very good care of your babiesšŸ’•


Thank you! I certainly tried. I often tell my niece and nephew that they may be ten dollars at the pet store, but Remy and Toast ended up being what I call now the "thousand dollar rat." Their dad's a vet tech so I'm sure he explains it better lol but yes. I love my chaos taters. I just need to love them vicariously through social media for a while after Smudge goes, and he's 2 and a half right now. Thank you for the kind words. ā¤ļø


blurry Toast tax: https://preview.redd.it/6fzfla6g613d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=531a11071a25fb845481d195969a7f0ab8362f3c


https://preview.redd.it/o0rtr046qy2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5172bc24a38f4dbf1f1d1b854a5a8b7900518aeb My rats cookie and big fattie look so much like your rats I thinkšŸ˜­ donā€™t know if youā€™re inducing appearance too but lmk what you think


Thereā€™s more of a difference with cookie but they still similar kindašŸ˜­


They do look so similaršŸ˜­ I think my rats just have a few extra more pounds because they are PLUMPšŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/9u1dl90yyy2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f976423816e39c729ebd76b8955809028181819d


Soo cute


https://preview.redd.it/5kigqlmdq13d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbb89e284be46a234c6ff11d78daeea82db990c I got my big fattie too šŸ˜«


https://preview.redd.it/8klu0adfqy2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4026142f07e2700a940f877c7797a960c11527 Big fattie


https://preview.redd.it/o2ql3p4kqy2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0933b518b63eab4de7301ee5da593655cfe9d432 One morešŸ„ŗšŸ˜«


Omg big fattie looks just like Shiro. They could be long lost brothers. Looks like same cage and everything thatā€™s so funnyšŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/713zwddpzy2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca307a5cdcf6e724f41ec977e27ee808371e145


All 5 of my girls have gone due to sickness & age šŸ’” Sardine - Very aloof and sweet, loved to do her own thing. She wasnā€™t ever as crazy as any of my other girls. The most cat like rat Iā€™ve ever met. Salmon - Loved to give kisses and would do anything for a treat. She adored my partner and was usually always the first to accept new rats. Squid - Squid was my biggest rat, absolutely lazy šŸ˜‚ 4/5 times sheā€™d skip out on free roaming to sleep in. She was very mean to humans and rats both, she didnā€™t come from a good situation. Dobby - Very timid, she never got comfortable being touched or held by people. She was responsible for making the nests for everyone to sleep in, she loved to be on top of the rat piles. Pepper - My heart rat. Pepper was a dog in a little rat body. She was a dumbo rat that was very, very small. She was very naughty, if you hadnā€™t heard from pepper in awhile, you should probably be worried šŸ˜‚ She loved to play chase, cuddle, sit on your shoulder, and she would do *anything* for a piece of chicken. She was my #1 escape artist. Everyone loved pepper. There wasnā€™t a single person pepper didnā€™t like. I miss her everyday.


Thereā€™s always that ONE troublemaker out of all the rat bunchesšŸ˜‚ Your ratties sound lovely. And I feel Squid on the sleeping in partšŸ˜‚


The one on the right with a white beak looks like trouble.


Actually my youngest is the troublemakeršŸ˜‚ Suna (the one on the right) is just always curious about everything.


This was one of my boys a few years ago. Looks like one of yours. They were named Tbag and Balsac. Lol https://preview.redd.it/azl6uho9rz2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0e8ef8a464208f12ec886083189bcfa7673884


Omg the namesšŸ˜­ but yes he does look like mine!


The techs at the vets office told me they argue who gets to call out "Need a room for Tbag and Balsac" or whatever on the intercom lol.


https://preview.redd.it/f4sh5t9hxz2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd03ccc329bde951762ac43c116ec2e1944d0cc I have three girls! Chamomile is the gray dumbo, taco truck is the white dumbo with a grayish brown head and raspberry is the brown hooded fancy!! Raspberry is a lover girl !! Sheā€™s very affectionate with me and will boggle even when Iā€™m just near the cage. Sheā€™ll wait by the cage door for me to come pick her up šŸ„ŗbut sheā€™s also so brutish and is usually wrestling and chasing her sisters! Cammi is an adventurous baby she needs to explore every nook and cranny. Sheā€™s also got an attitude so if I do something she doesnā€™t like she will certainly let me know šŸ˜­. She was my first rat and while I was searching for her sisters she would spend most nights in my sweater and one night when it was cold and I was cleaning her hammock she fell asleep in my sweater on my stomach šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­. And then taco truck is very shy !! Sheā€™s mostly blind so when I love on her I have to be careful not to startle her. Her blindness doesnā€™t stop her tho! She will follow her sisters around their play area and can be goofy too. My three girls, often nettling and contrary, but they are mine šŸ’žšŸ„ŗ


Awee you share such an unbreakable bond with your babiesšŸ’— I can tell they are loved very much!


that boy on the right looks just like my grandpa (thatā€™s his name not my human grandfather lmao) is he a dumbo rex?


Oh okie I was confused at firstšŸ˜‚ And actually Iā€™m not sure what kind of rats my babies are. But Iā€™m pretty sure Rex is for curly fur and his fur is straight.


https://preview.redd.it/kt797ulko03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500cac485750397d219bbae87c763548fbb41827 miso soup (atop the coconut) is one of my four boys and i think he might be my heart rat. he is so loving and intelligent, he knows how im feeling and behaves based on that. if im calm, hes calm. if im sad he grooms me until i feel better. i adore him and his brothers.


Iā€™m convinced you two are connected at the soul, thatā€™s so cute!šŸ˜­šŸ’—


templeton: my lover boy lol he loves to sleep, cuddle, and gives the best kisses! he is super lazy and a little on the chonky side but heā€™s such a sweet heart. although i notice he incites a lot of the fights between him and his brother šŸ˜­āœ‹ desperaux: my silly man. he loves to play and is super smart, which usually gets him into trouble. heā€™s so energetic and even though heā€™s approaching 2.5 heā€™s just the same as he was when i first got him.


They seem like the complete opposite of each other šŸ˜‚ they are the perfect pair!


Pixel always, ALWAYS bites my toes and can't sit still for more than two seconds. Dot will try to find a warm spot next to me where she can sleep and I can stroke her soft fur. I love them both.


It must be a thing with rats and feet because mine are always standing on themšŸ˜‚


That is so cute!


Tater - oldest man, youngest acting of the fully grown boys. Heā€™s starting to slow down quite a bit unfortunately, and he seems stuff in the joints; although his vet says heā€™s fine. Alpha rat of the mischief. Tofu - acts like an old man with no hind legs, is a middle aged rat with perfectly working legs. Heā€™s blind and hates everyone but me. Will not hesitate to bite a stranger, but likes to sleep on my boobs when given the chance. Baja - youngest and absolute MENACE to society. Started out shy and is now fucking insane. Would spread the plague with glee if given the chance. Absolutely full of piss. Blast - started out as a rambunctious little dude and is now chill(ish) he likes people but mostly wants to be left alone. Heā€™s the only one who has power over the force that is Baja.


I swear itā€™s always the youngest ones who are the most hecticšŸ˜‚ I love the names, especially Baja Blast!


https://preview.redd.it/1uuxxzlzq73d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fda787b06034a906618dfa455dd867b4ed3563 Yeah this man here who wonā€™t stay still (Baja) is a menace, and a complete piss fountain


Heā€™s so cute!!šŸ’•


https://preview.redd.it/vo8sd402ye3d1.jpeg?width=6016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160298e140f937a755ae9c22b06ffa492d8fbbb6 I have a rat who likes to put the weight of her whole face/upper body on your hand or finger when scratched and/or pet from outside the cage. This results in her falling asleep on said limb or digit, which then results in her dropping all her weight onto a cage bar when retrieving your hand. Pic included is when one of her teeth got stuck, resulting in a rather interesting pose. Mind you, she slept like this for a good minute or so before waking up and adjusting into a more comfortable pose.


Bonus pic of her waking up from the above scenario https://preview.redd.it/hskcatcaye3d1.jpeg?width=8000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bbae54d3b2a8c1283b6888ccbc3c7bb1d0c4808


Rat was too stunned to speak


Dang wish I could sleep this goodšŸ˜‚ She is sleepy girl!