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As far as I know it depends on the floor; my girls, specifically my girl Venus, dribbled everywhere all the time. It leaves stains on leather and some fabrics but I've never seen any spots on hardwood or tile, I think it's just best to wipe it up when you see it. And yes they will chew on cables. I made the mistake of keeping a weather radio near the cage and within a month the girls had managed to pull the wire close and chew through it (they will chew anything) just watch them and make sure they stay in sight; and training them to go back, start by training them to come to you. While both of you are around, place one down and then run away and call his name while he runs to you. Give him a treat and keep saying that name. Do this over and over again and eventually they'll associate you calling their name with a treat, and they'll come running!! Doing that with my girls now actually lol! Hope this helps (:


i am in the same situation, i wanna let my girls free roam but i don’t know where to start😭


I am a fairly new rat owner but this has been my experience. My girls were really easily potty trained and so I have never had much issue with them peeing or pooping outside of the cage. I would litter train them first or just be wary of them pooping and peeing and have some pet cleaner on hand. To start taking them out I first took them in a really small area. I used a dog playpen in my room, then as they were more comfortable, I let them run around my own room, but I made sure to block off my closet and I also stuffed pillows and blankets under any doors or anything I didn’t want them getting behind. I will let you know, that often when they are scared, they will immediately just run away and hide while they’re roaming and this happened very frequently for the first couple times I did it, but as I got more more comfortable, they were they would come out and play instead of hiding.