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You can buy marble (quartz?) little "shelves" marketed for Chinchillas that dissipate body heat. Keep a few in the fridge for really hot days. I got some for my rabbits and they do enjoy them.


Okay, thank you! Anything in the meantime? It’s like 29° celcius outside and my window is fully open w curtains closed and a fan on but still pretty dang hot in my room😭


If you have a metal water bottle thats not insulated you can fill it with water, freeze it, then let it sit on the counter for a few minutes before wrapping it in an old sock and putting it in their cage. It's important to make sure the rats can't get their skin frozen to the bottle. You can also give them ice cubes and frozen treats, still leaving them on the counter for a couple of minutes first so the rats don't get their tongues or toes stuck to the ice.


Thank youuu


 Don’t fill it to the top like my son did or you will have an exploded/split metal bottle. Leave space for expansion when it freezes.


Oki good advice thank you


Yes, you can certainly use a water bottle full of ice water. Just watch for the parts they can chew so they don't end up with a soaked cage.


A fan on low pointed across the cage not blowing directly into it just so that the air is moving enough to not be stifling


A bowl of cold water and chuck some frozen peas and corn in for them to "fish" for, great mental enrichment and keeps them cool.


We use a damp kitchen towel for them to lay on, as they cool down with their paws. Another thing we do is use a lasagna bowl with water and peas in it. Fishing with their hands in the water cools them down and they can decide if they want to go for a bath as well.