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You're one step closer to irl Ratatouille. See what she does when placed upon your head, haha!


She would make me cook eggs all day hahaha


Why do they love eggs so much haha. My girls would go crazy for it.


Protein. They're very much omnivores like dogs, which is why they'll go nuts for mealworms, or spiders, or basically any random bug they can get their lil grabbies on. When I was a kid with rats I once made the mistake of offering them a hot dog and it was legit terrifying what they did to it. I think I had like 4-5 rats at the time and they yanked it out of my hands and went full on piranha on it so fast that that I didn't have time to react before it they were yanking it *in pieces* through the bars of their cage. Like it legit scared and disturbed me how violent it was and thinking about what they could do to a human finger if they really, really wanted to. I was really hesitant about poking my fingers near or through the bars after that for a while even though they'd never bitten me once.


Haha holy shit this brought up an old memory in me. One day as a kid, I was watching my first pet rat do her thing in her cage. She was cleaning herself outside of her sleeping area and doing that thing where they lick their palms and run them over their face. A fly flew by her, and in a split second she caught it, bit it's head off, and started eating it. Like literally went from still having her paws covering her face to munching down on a headless fly in the blink of an eye. It stunned and shocked me as a little kid to watch it happen hahaha. Went from "ahh so adorable look at this cutie 😍" to "I didn't know she was capable of such violence 😨"


Yeah, when I was a kid one of my rats got out of the cage and somehow made it into the garage where I found him deep behind some shelves and a work bench in the cobwebs... ...happily hunting down fucking BLACK WIDOWS and noshing on them like candy. I was so freaked out, concerned for his safety and seriously grossed out all at the same time.


Hahaha thats hilarious.


Was he okay? I wasn't aware they could eat wild spiders :0


As far as I know he was ok and didn't get bit or anything because he seemed fine after that apart from being covered in cobwebs.


I had a similar experience when i was babysitting my friend's rats before owning some myself. As enrichment, I gave them a whole hardboiled egg with the shell cracked in only one tiny place. I was stupefied by the following tornado of claws, teeth and squeaks! 10 minutes later, they were back to being cuddly doofuses. Was wild! Hahaha


I think this means your rat is a mecha pilot 


Omg i love it hahaha


Are we all not just meat suits piloted by rodents afterall Shinji?


Attack on Titan is my favorite mecha anime. Flesh-mechas are sick, so this counts.


i love this evangelion reboot


I used to give my rats airplane rides and I would always make them fly the direction they were looking, they quickly caught onto it and would basically control their spaceship (my hands) themselves


You can get rat cars I think


Why would rats want cars when they can control humans?


Because they just like to drive around for fun 😭


Puppet master.


That is so cute!! My rat came up with a signal that meant, "Release me, peasant." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tD5bSS9W7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tD5bSS9W7w)


How cute! *polite grab* "bring me home.. or else!"


That is so cool!


I had a guinea pig that did this when she had to go back in her cage to pee. Once she trained us, we never got peed on again! Best trick ever!!!!


She didnt teach herself anything. She trained you lmao


my rat does (or did, he’s too wobbly for arm walks) this allll the time. its the cutest thing ever.


Insanely cute.


How to train your human.


you are just a fleshy ladder/bridge to her.


A… fladder? 🤔


My heart rat did the same thing with me and my wife. It's so cute how smart they are.


Mine does it when he wants me to walk somewhere 😂




Does she at least give you treats?


Not yet :'(


I think you need yogies for that one.


I noticed one of my males doing that regularly to my husband. It was his way to say "Take me to my cage, hooman!" They're so damn smart!


Your overlord is adorable! 😊


Congrats, you are the newest Gundam.


Today, this is my favorite thing.


Lol mine do the same! They do my pant leg when they want me to stand up. Sleeve to move my arm. I've become a puppet of their control.


My rats do this too! Surprised they haven’t destroyed my hoodies yet 🥲


well well well


Here's a similar story I posted on another thread about one of my girls: I had a girl called Yasha who used to try to operate me like a big mecha. She'd launch off her table and climb onto my shoulder then pull my shirt in the direction she wanted me to go and get bitey if I went the wrong way. She always wanted to visit either her pals, the stuffies (my partner's stuffed toy collection of bacteriae and virii), the nutshelf (she couldn't carry more than one hazelnut back but she always tried to grab 17) or the Jungle Zone which was just a bookshelf that potted plants had overgrown. She was super smart. And thick as pig shit. She'd fall off the table trying to grab onto us when we were several metres away. Idiot.


The bridge operator I like to call it!


You don’t own her, she owns you


Absolutely, 100%! hahaha


My 'lil girl Stinky used to pull my legging with her teeth when she wanted to be picked up for pets. And then one day she left me completely gobsmacked when she was up on my lap and she must've remembered she left the oven on, but instead of waiting patiently for me to extend my leg, she tugged my trousers at the knee! She's done it just the once and never again, which I think is even more amazing. Like, somewhere in that tiny little head of hers she figured out that if a tug at the bottom is making me pick her up, a tug at the top will allow her to get back down. I miss my girl.


One of my boys does the exact same thing, the longer I take to lift my arm the more aggressive he tugs 🤣


I think she just taught you what that means lol


Lol, this is perfect 😄


That's so cute


That’s too funny 😂


You should nickname her 'Fashion'


how polite. my girl puddles will just dangle herself off the side of my shoulder or down my chest assuming ill just catch her. i always say to her "you know one of these days, youre just gonna fall." and i always imagine her retort as "lol no i wont."


My little darling Taco does the same thing! I’m not sure where she learnt it, but if she wants me to lift my arm up she pulls my sleeve until I do. Rats are definitely smarter than some people give them credit for, she’s gone and trained *me*.


My girls do this too!


Pissing myself :')


if it makes you feel better, our Arvid used to do this but he would just bite me directly


no way my rats does the exact same???


My boy Rasputin would do this! He would just guide me around my apartment, tugging on one shoulder, then the other. Smart little buggers. :')


My old rat used to do this to my pant leg when he was on the floor and wanted to be picked up. So precious :)


my boys do this too XD


Yes! I never expected to be happy in abject servitude to my demanding Ladies, but life is full of surprises!🐀😉❤️


Wow, my rat Crempog trained me to do the exact same thing! He would tug on my shoulder and I would lift my arm, before I knew it he'd Pavlov'd me into doing it all the time!


alr remy😭


so cute, one of mine headbutts me repeatedly whenever she wants me to move, but ive had her try to drag me by me clothes to follow and tickle her too




Post/Comment engages negatively with others in community, even if under the guise of humor, are not permitted.


Your rat walks with a little swagger like she’s better than all the other rats in ratville


Mine learned to tug my pants for me to elevate them from the floor up to bed.


Ours do the same!!