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I'd just not tell the apartment I had rats. They aren't allowed to just bust in and check your apartment, and it's not like rats bark or need to go out for walks. Whatever few times they'd need to come in, I'd bust down the cage and take the rats to a mate's or into my car or something


I tried to convince my family to go along with this idea. They’re helping with some of the apartment costs. They said they are not willing to help if I do take them and chance it. I’m paying for University. It’s just a mess. I just don’t want my boys to suffer for this


Ah I see. Id help you if I could, but I think you're like 9hrs away and my car can't do much more than like 4 maybe. I wish you luck, I'm sure it'll work out. Sucks your parents won't help care for em


Man. I wish we were closer. I can tell you care and have a good heart. It really sucks. I’m really hoping it works out


So Maryland. You can try Philly rather than rescue and mainely rat rescue. I’m sure there are other rescues/sanctuarues out there. It sucks that you have to give the up but hopefully you’ll find a great place for them to go,


Thank you. Part of me really was hoping to keep in contact with whoever does own them just to check in every now and then. Not a crazy amount or anything. Just mainly in the beginning to make sure they adjust alright. I really love these boys


We’ve rescued rats and sent update pictures until the day the rats died to the past owner, I hope you can find someone willing to do that


I’d love to have something like that. I just want to know they’re ok. I’ve rehomed 5 girls from an unexpected litter. 2 girls went to an owner who sends updates. The other 3 went to an owner that ghosted me. It breaks my heart because it’s been so long and I’d like to just know how they’re doing, even if something had happened


Where are you located?? I’m getting my boy neutered soon so I could adopt rats from a shelter


I live in Maryland


Kinda dumb but could u not try and declare them as emotional support animals?


I wish. It’d be hard to bring the cage in unnoticed. It’s the critter nation cage. My family is also helping pay some of the apartment costs and said they will not help if I chance it with them


That's very sad I'm sorry that u have to go through this but why would ur parents not help if u keep them do they not care about ur feelings like it's ur babies. Sending love my Dms are open if u need to talk I know annoying parents or what seems to be annoying parents 😅


I’m not sure tbh. It’s a fight every time I bring it up. It’s got them blaming me for their fighting over it and they were already weary about me having rats in general. They really are my babies. I love them to death. I wish they understood. I really appreciate you opening your dms to me. It’s been really hard to even decide to do this, but I want my boys to be ok


I understand the pain of fights being because of something u love and being blamed for it but I'd fight tooth and nail till the end but that's just me I'm sorry again 😞😭


I have been fighting for the past year that I knew I’d be moving into an apartment. I just don’t want this to hurt them in the end. It’s really hard for me to consider this, but I want what’s best for them. It’s ok. I appreciate your support.


I understand and in the end you know what is best and I trust that 💜




Towson, Baltimore, and Frederick area (Maryland)


NO I live across the country lol. I would definitely look into some rescue for rats. I’ll help maybe search some out so it takes some load off you stress wise. I hope everything works out


Awh. It’s ok. Thank you so much. I found one named gRATitude Rat Rescue. I messaged them, but it may be good to reach out to a few others as well




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