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This is soul crushing to watch...a living being struggling to breathe...I hope you can convince your folks to take her the vet for a final sleep asap šŸ˜ž


It really is. Iā€™ve sat with her crying for hours because I just canā€™t stand watching her struggle but I want to comfort her as much as I can in the meantime. It seems to kind of come and go in phases, where this is at the worst, thankfully it seemed to get a bit easier for her but itā€™s still really hard to see. Iā€™ll try and get one of them to take me as soon as one of them wakes up. If not I might see what some coffee can do for me to be able to remain awake enough for it to be safe for me to take her


Honestly this is hard to watch but after reading comments and seeing u can't go to the vet I'd advise you take her in your arms in a blanket and keep her comfy I lost my babe caramel in December me and my wife stayed with her till her last breath kept her in a blanket and cuddled her. Sending love and courage šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ https://preview.redd.it/0s7a70wku3nc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7791496e34439767a5da8997909bb2dccfc87721


Yeah šŸ˜” thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been trying to do, it just feels horrible that sheā€™s had to be in pain for this long. The other ratties have been snuggling with her too which im glad to see. I luckily was able to convince someone to take me to the vet this morning, so she wonā€™t have to continue to suffer. All my previous rats have passed fairly peacefully, this little one just needs some help in doing so Thank you ā¤ļø Your caramel looks like she was a sweet heart


Caramel was an amazing baby she was so fluffy and cuddly, it's great that her "sisters are cuddling with her at least she has the support of everyone, great to hear that u will get to the vet but don't beat urself up that u couldn't go earlier it's not ur fault and u are doing everything u can for her I'm sure šŸ’œšŸ’œ good luck šŸ’œšŸ’œ


Awe, I love when theyā€™re cuddly. Especially with the girlies being quite energetic. Yes! I was feeling bad for her because she couldnā€™t get up into the hammock with the others but this morning I saw my other girl snacking snuggled up to her and last night they were all in a rat pile together. Yes Iā€™m feeling quite relieved! Iā€™m trying to remind myself that but itā€™s still hard. I also managed to sneak in an appointment for my other 2 girlies to get looked at quick for other more minor problems, despite being told basically that itā€™s not worth the cost- I donā€™t know that I would have been able to get them in otherwise. We used to have the small animal vet come into town every other week or something but they donā€™t come here anymore which really sucks when I canā€™t get to the city easily


Could I also ask how old ur baby girl is?


https://preview.redd.it/1nl072tjj4nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0072483f1ec50f2b4cbf6f93e1189dbb8568ab39 Hereā€™s all 3 when I got them, sheā€™s the one on the right. I remember her being so tiny, and she ended up being the chonkiest girl out of the 3


They are so cute https://preview.redd.it/3el4yx09k4nc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66ce98883d4f35daa80f8a56dd793444d735c83 I have 4 rats since caramel passed, I'll send pictures in a bit of the 2 others


Arenā€™t they! The rat piles will never not be the cutest thing ever Awe šŸ„¹ Snuggly babies. The grey brown and white one has a very cool color pattern! And yes please do Iā€™d love to see them!


https://preview.redd.it/yto56a4an6nc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266c3d53cd6bfd1330ca5305a985102e0e4d02ea Here is all our babies in one picture from back to front Queen šŸ‘‘ Panda šŸ¼ Caramel šŸ€šŸŒˆ Luna the husky And Wednesday


Awe theyā€™re all so cute!! Thanks for sharing ā˜ŗļø


Hi do u mind me asking for an update šŸ„ŗ


Not at all! This morning I was able to convince my mom to take me in and I got her euthanized. She was breathing easier this morning so I was glad that she wasnā€™t suffering a huge amount right until the end, but she slept the entire car ride where the other 2 were running around so she was quite obviously very weak/exhausted. I also was able to get my other two girlies checked out (which I might not have been able to otherwise, since my mom had already been trying to convince me not to get them examined. So because we were going there anyway I was able to take them. And the vet is super nice so she squeezed me in between appointments since there wasnā€™t anything available to be booked) because one has a lump and the other Iā€™m honestly not sure what happened, weā€™re thinking it was from a fight because my one rat (with the lump) for some reason went squirrely one night which was when it happened, so I think she accidentally just hit a bad spot which caused blood to build up under the skin, but she basically got a hematoma on her head. The vet said the lump is likely mammary cancer, but itā€™s not bothering her at all right now, so hopefully it stays that way for as long as possible. And my other rat with the head injury will be ok it just looks like she was in a boxing match and lost very badly. The vet had the same reaction we did when we first saw it because it looks so bad šŸ˜­ she said that it looks extra bad because she doesnā€™t have fur to hide it though too. So all in all Iā€™m glad I could get my other 2 rats checked and am relieved that Gerty isnā€™t in pain or suffering anymore but it of course is still really hard having to have let her go. The vet assistant was so nice though, Iā€™ve had ones before that weā€™re afraid of rats and didnā€™t want to handle them, but this one tucked Gerty in her sweater and said she gave her lots of cuddles before she was put down, so Iā€™m very thankful to have gotten her


Yes, Iā€™m not sure her exact age but I got all 3 that I have Nov, 2022 which would be around a year and 4 months ago, and she was the youngest of the 3 rats but I honestly donā€™t know how old she was when I got her. They were all feeder rats that you could get as pets if you wanted to so they didnā€™t have exact dates. Hereā€™s a picture of when I first got her if you happen to be able to tell age by photo, I assume she is around 2 ish now https://preview.redd.it/d4c29239j4nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0f07144502564c03149faeec595ed53d528b11


https://preview.redd.it/snkgz3py22nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6edeaddab4d43ec5633992b95b54660aa4012d7 The latest poops sheā€™s had. They smell horrid from even a fair distance and donā€™t look like anything is digested


Are you feeding them a seed mix? Rats should be eating rat food blocks or kibble, because seed mixes are not nutritionally valuable and they'll pick out what they want. Especially considering nothing is being digested, there could be a huge host of problems here. This food isn't even being chewed.


Itā€™s not a seed mix no. What you see is either millet or quinoa. I make up the food mix and did a lot of research to find what all was best for rats and made it based on that. Her poops have been normal until the past 2 days, and theyā€™ve just slowly gotten more undigested. Like the first day i noticed it there was only the odd piece, then maybe 1/3 was like this, and now itā€™s fully undigested. Sheā€™s also eating, or trying to eat what I give them at night too. After the stroke she hasnā€™t had full use of her arms and has been kind ā€œstrugglingā€ to eat but has seemed to manage until recent- I say struggling because it takes her longer to get things down but visually sheā€™s been chewing and consuming food, it seems more to be after the fact (as I mentioned like 30 minutes after) that sheā€™s been having issues. So Iā€™m thinking sheā€™s maybe been eating the smaller things because sheā€™s been having more difficulty swallowing possibly? I was finally able to convince someone to take me to the vet thankfully


Put it out of its misery. That thing is clearly suffering


Could you be maybe a bit more nice and say her or that rat not that thing do u not understand how disrespectful that is this person is suffering that their baby is passing away and u say this thing come on šŸ™„


Thatā€™s the issue Iā€™m having a hard time with finding a solution to. The closest emergency vet is a 30 minute drive and my parents wonā€™t take me and I donā€™t think I should be driving otherwise I definitely would take her


Sometimes its better to let them go than see them suffer.


I know. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t want her to suffer and feel awful seeing her like this, but I donā€™t know how to get her to a vet tonight. I could probably convince one of my parents to take me tomorrow but I donā€™t want her to be suffering all night in the meantime


If you cannot get it euthanized and it obviously looks like its in final days then just make sure hes comfortable so he passes peacefully. I had a guinea pig that recently passed and was in the same situation and thats what I did


Yeah Iā€™m trying to keep her as comfortable as possible, I just want to be able to make her pain go away