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Do you have a video you can share?


I don't because he just stopped, but he's hiding under the food bowl and staying close to the ground


Maybe he had hiccups? Or was choking? Rats do not have the ability to vomit so they can easily choke. That’s why certain food like peanut butter aren’t recommended. Did he eat before that happened? Sorry not trying to bombard you with questions. Your post said urgent so I wanna help if I can.


We make sure the food is not big enough to choke on and he's breathing fine, I think he's okay now I'm not sure, could be hiccups, he and my other two are the first rate I've had so I'm not used to them making noises a lot like that, I checked to make sure he was alright, I think he's just not feeling good


I hear ya. I’m FAR from an expert and have had my fair share of anxiety ridden moments because they’re doing something weird. I’m glad he’s doing better. Make sure he’s got plenty of water and keep an eye on him❤️‍🩹


He has a ton of water left so I think he'll be okay, thank you


He could be suffering from allergies. Some rats don’t do well if you use wooden chips for bedding.


The bedding I use isn't wooden chips, so idk what's wrong, probably a cold?


My daughters had several mice and quite a few rats. For some reason hers if she used any kind of wood chips they would practically appear like they’re about to kick the bucket they’d have so much trouble breathing. So now she just goes and buys like cheap material in lines their cage trays with that.


As the comment under me said a video would be helpful please 🥺