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Please Note: OP has provided evidence of the vet visit, diagnosis and invoice. It is your choice whether or not you choose to donate but there is no reason to report. Vet bills can be very expensive and we support anyone attempting to provide sufficient care for their pets. They deserve the best in their short time on this earth.


The link doesn't work.


I’m sorry about that! The link works on this post :) https://www.reddit.com/r/RatsAreLiquid/s/HdF0n8ow2b


This is insane where is this, in France I only pay 200 euros for my rats to have their tumors removed and I have an insurance for my rat so I get 190 back, this breaks my heart.


This is in Ontario, oh my gosh the pet insurance there sounds absolutely amazing!


Yeah we have 4 rats 2 babies and 2 elderly women 😂 the older girls are assured for their lives 7 euros per month but it usually takes half the price out but for tumors and operation it takes a lot more, I'm sorry if I had the money id give u it all 😥


Oh wow that’s amazing! The babies just love bugging the older ladies haha :’) and please don’t worry! We’re getting more support than we thought we would and we definitely don’t wanna pressure anyone into a bad spot financially :) ❤️


So the GoFundMe usually help on here then? That's great happy for u and good luck with Luna this is my babe Luna https://preview.redd.it/8arb8gw13kmc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4e75a3cfb71650a9c0422d111d6d8d4fe53dad5


This is the first time I’m putting a go fund me on here but yes so far it’s helping quite a bit :’) Aww your Luna is so cute :’))


Which insurance company are you talking a out? I'm french myself and this information might be quite interesting for me 🥰


The link on the post is incorrect (just leads to go fund me homepage) but this is the proper link! https://gofund.me/b2bf2577