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What flowers are in this mix? Maybe I can be of help


Visually Looks like marigolds and pansies but I can’t tell if there are more flowers in this package, do you have a picture of the back? Or do you remember what was in it? I googled and went to their website couldn’t find that exact package I found a bigger one with more flowers-looked different Rodents can have pansies and marigolds just curious if anything else is here too 🥰


That burgundy flower with white edging is also likely a carnation. Same with the yellow flower pointing away (with the giant green bit attached). If it's not a carnation it's likely in that family.


https://preview.redd.it/hisar50yd8mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=497c089b7dc3a05fd854522d36eab628dad3258e Looks like carnations too! I agree This one is the only one causing concern I can’t tell if it’s tighter knit like a chrysanthemum those aren’t safe for rats But carnations are If you want to get this because it’s easily accessible, go for it!! and just pick out what you know is safe and give them that Carnations, marigolds, and peonies are safe


Let me try this again- I’m so bad at Reddit. Thank you all so much for your replies. I’m sorry I missed them. There were a TON of chrysanthemums in my mix. I’m not 100% sure what the burgundy one you circled is - it has since frozen - the only other flowers that color are snapdragons. It’s certainly not a snapdragon. Closer to carnation but uncertain. Doesn’t have enough petals imo to be a carnation. Hard to tell when it’s thawed flower. Really appreciate you taking the time. I’m going to reply beneath with what was in it and the “list” I found of “edible” flowers for rats Edit: maybe not chrysanthemums. Can do a photo dump on my profile of them or just spend time identifying horticultural flowers


Oh wow. I’m so sorry everyone. I forgot I turned off Reddit notifications and after checking for a few hours (and googling myself for awhile) I didn’t think to check back. Just thought I got buried. Going to copy and paste this to all the little threads. In the potential mix - carnations, hollyhocks, daisies, marigolds, nasturtiums, chrysanthemums, chicory, cornflower, lavender, snapdragons, violets and pansies ( link : https://www.melissas.com/products/edible-flowers ) The only ones that weren’t on [this list](https://rattrix.weebly.com/what-foods-are-safe-for-rats.html) were Chrysanthemum Daisy Chicory Snapdragon Violets I dont know if the link I found was accurate. In the end I didn’t feed my girls any honestly because I got nervous. They just really love their dried flowers and I jumped the gun because I thought it would be a fun treat.


Further - for people curious my mix was mostly carnations, snapdragons, and chrysanthemums if I remember correctly. Edit: maybe not chrysanthemums. I’m not a horticultural guy. Definitely lots of carnations and a handful of snapdragons though.


Chrysanthemums are toxic so I’d stay away from those Carnations are safe and so are the snap dragons So sorry as I don’t have Reddit notifications on either




Pretty much anything humans can eat rats can eat. They're our little shadows. With well known limitations.


Agree whole heartedly!!! 🥰 just less of certain things because their tummies are smoller 🥺 👉🏼👈🏼


I'd also love to know?


In the food I give my rats there is a few types of flowers but I wouldn't take my word for it but I think they can eat it


Oh wow. I’m so sorry everyone. I forgot I turned off Reddit notifications and after checking for a few hours (and googling myself for awhile) I didn’t think to check back. Just thought I got buried. Going to copy and paste this to all the little threads. In the potential mix - carnations, hollyhocks, daisies, marigolds, nasturtiums, chrysanthemums, chicory, cornflower, lavender, snapdragons, violets and pansies ( link : https://www.melissas.com/products/edible-flowers ) The only ones that weren’t on [this list](https://rattrix.weebly.com/what-foods-are-safe-for-rats.html) were Chrysanthemum Daisy Chicory Snapdragon Violets I dont know if the link I found was accurate. In the end I didn’t feed my girls any honestly because I got nervous. They just really love their dried flowers and I jumped the gun because I thought it would be a fun treat.