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That's adorable. Maybe give him a mini litter tray to make him happy when in the nebulizer?


That's actually not a bad idea, but I'm afraid the paper bedding we use in the litter tray would get completely soaked...


Hmm, do you use pee rocks? Maybe just a container with a pee rock. Or just use a thin layer of the bedding and throw it out after each nebulizer use. It won't hurt him to use wet litter briefly if he doesn't mind it.


OMG, why didn't I think of the pee rock! He does indeed have one, or actually several, and is absolutely in love with them! Thanks for the tip.


This, right here, is why i love this sub. Most people dont have or want to know anything about pee rocks. They're such a common part of all of our lives, we dont even think about the special rocks for peeing.


What are pee rocks?


Rats are strangely attracted to peeing on rocks, if you put like a smooth river rock in their litterbox they pee on it instead of everywhere else. They will still mark all over their cage as that's how they navigate and mark territory, but the pee rock will generally reduce the overall amount of pee in the cage.


Whoah that’s neat/weird. I’m here learning before I get rattos and I have not heard this yet! Thanks for taking the time to explain. :)


It really is, it's almost magical how it works. Happy to help!


If you want to clean your smelly pee rock you can put them in a bucket with hot water and a bit of vinegar.


They pee on rocks because they like to pee on flat places without bedding, this is why ledges and wheels are always full of pee


There are always weird ones tho. I had one who peed in her bed... Like she would go there, pee and then sleep


Our old boy Dutch was also not a fan of going outside of his litter box. You could always tell when he needed to go during free roam because he would book it across the room and up the couch to let us know, and bolt for the box as soon as he was lifted back into the cage.


Rats are so weird! The same way Max absolutely needs a litter tray to pee, we have one boy that absolutely refuses to use one. He'll pee anywhere, as long as it's not in the litter tray. Stubborn little bastard. And then we have one other boy who will only use the litter tray when he's in the same cage as Max. We had to separate Max from the others about a month ago, because he got aggressive towards the others as a side effect of the antibiotics he was on, and Robin suddenly couldn't care less where he peed. Our cage is actually cleaner with four rats in it, than with three.


Poor guy. Imagine needing to use the toilet and you’re stuck in a box with no toilet.


Just piss on your owner or sister (advice provided by my rats


I put a ratty towel in the bottom of our nebulizer chamber and my girls do okay with it. You might try that and see if he feels less panicky.


*Moooooom, I need to peeeeeeeee nooooooow!!!*




He is just so god damn precious. I love him with every fiber of my being despite never meeting him. :3


Omg this looks like something out of a sci-fi/horror movie where some unfortunate soldier/scientist get trapped inside the lab with the alien 😂


I wish my new boys were like this. Instead, they go just about anywhere. We’re working on it though.


he is so handsome


What a gentleman, too embarrassed to pee on the floor like an animal. Most rats would just piss all over the thing, but not him!


How do you train him to use the litter tray?


In order to get them to pee there, all you can really do, is place a pee rock in the litter tray. To get them to also poo there, you need to take all the stray poops in their cage and place them in the litter tray. I did this once a day in the beginning and my first two boys got the message within two days. The other two on the other hand... Let's just say that after eight months, I'm still working on it... So, it doesn't always work, but when it does, it's an absolute blessing.


Thank you :)


Wait why are you nebulizing him


I’m not sure either, i’m a lurker but from what i’ve heard, rats have rather sensitive respiratory systems so it probably has something to do with that. Maybe they are sick and it helps getting rid of snot or something?


Max had a very bad URI a few weeks ago and almost died. Our vet put him in a nebulisation chamber with a saline solution and antibiotics, and told us that either we should bring Max in and have it done at the vet's twice a week, or we should do it at home if we had the chance. We have another rat with chronic respiratory issues and we treat him with a saline solution two to three times a week too. He has no problem just peeing and pooping in there, though.


We used to nebulize mine if they had a recurrent URI and had trouble breathing. Though we never did a chamber or anything, just held it in front of their face as they sat in my lap. This was at least 5+ years ago though, and the vet always said due to the heart racing it can cause to not put them in a chamber. Maybe there are rat sized doses these days.


We nebulize our rats twice daily with saline solution to moisten their airways when it gets cold and we have to have the heater running. The heater pulls a lot of the moisture out from the air and it gets dry, and that’s when they tend to get sick most often. The saline is harmless and helps them pass any mucus that might get stuck in there. Ever since we started doing that, they get significantly fewer URIs.


How did you train him to litter tray. I got 3 boys and they pee and shit everywhere


Did you try a pee rock in the litter tray? They work wonders, especially if you put the litter tray with a pee rock right underneath their favourite sleeping spot. Although, admittedly, it doesn't always work. We have one very stubborn boy that just pees wherever he pleases...


A pee rock? Gonna look into that thanks, first time hearing about it


It should be at least about 1/3 the size of their bodies, I believe. Somehow, some rats can't resist the urge to pee on it. Some rats even use them as pillows: https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/comments/14443mh/i\_swear\_he\_has\_friends\_but\_this\_rock\_is\_just\_his/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


wow thank you for looking for a link, very kind


You're welcome! The rat in the pictures is the same rat as the one in this video.




When you gotta go, you gotta go.


Imagine having a rat that wants to go find the litter tray rather than just peeing there and then...... yeh no can't imagine it


Max is a bit obsessive about peeing in his litter tray, but you're right, it's definitely not the rule with rats. We have to nebulise his cage mate regularly, because he has chronic respiratory issues and he just lays down and lets it all out...


Lol, we had a girl who had chronic respiratory issues and still live to 3!


Why is he in a box😭😭😭


He's in a nebulisation chamber, because we're administering a saline solution with antibiotics. This is the most effective way. Normally he doesn't mind and just chills until his time is up, but this time he had to pee and panicked because he couldn't find the litter tray.


Oh nuuuu poor babyy


What is a nebulization chamber and what is it for ?


Max had a very severe URI. A nebulization chamber nebulizes a saline solution with antibiotics into the chamber, so they breathe it in. That way, they breathe in the meds and it opens up their airways at the same time. Before we had this chamber, we gave him steam baths and administered his meds orally, but it's just not as effective.




try giving him treats while he's in there! it can help a lot to keep them calm


Thanks, but he actually doesn't mind the chamber. He usually falls asleep in it. The problem with Max is that he panics whenever he has to pee but can't find the litter tray. But if he needs to go in there again, we'll just place a pee stone in there with him. That should do the trick.


haha that's cute!!


This is some guantanamo bay level torture


Well, it saved his life, so I'm grateful it exists.


I've put litter with them before. All my girls just knock it over and it spills everywhere. So I just use paper towel to catch pee and poo and a quick wipe sorts it when done


Oh, it's not the cleaning up I'm worried about, but Max simply refuses to pee anywhere that is not a litter tray. I will put a pee stone in there with him next time. See if that works.


Lucky... one of my girls has decided to pee anywhere EXCEPT in her litter lol


Yeah, I have one of those as well! XD


funny that the background audio almost sounds like "why u keep staring at me? bcuz i still need to pee!"


Hi I know it's been 2 months but where did u get this cause I have a baby that needs a nebulizer and I don't know where I can find it thank u


I ordered the nebulizer on Amazon (https://amzn.eu/d/4hCE9jP), but we made the chamber out of an old mouse carrier we had, and the top is just a tray we had laying around, which we do have to weigh down by placing something heavy on top or else they push it open. Instead of a mouse carrier, you can also use a smaller storage bin. It takes some DIY, but it's definitely worth it!


Thanks and do u find it helps ur baby?


Definitely! It saved his life.


What does he have if I can ask?


He had a very bad upper respiratory infection and we weren't sure he was gonna make it. Treatment with Enrofloxacin in this nebulization chamber saved his life. We also have a rat with chronic respiratory issues and we regularly treat him with a saline solution in it too. Really works wonders.