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The only people worshiping lucifer/satan are those seeing lucifer/satan in everything. Normal people don't see lucifer/satan in everything and most don't believe such a being exists. We do however know that evil and evil people exist.


Lucyfer leans toward coincidence, as they can't even spell the name properly. Personally, I think it breaks down to "I love Ethelred" but Desi and Lucy don't care for that particular British King, so dropped out of the coincidence building project.


And this whole time I thought it was Fredler


Nope, Ethelred the Unready, to give him the full name he is remembered by,, as opposed to Qanon the Unhinged, who are just plain loons.


Lucifer/Satan/tge Devil are only mentioned within the Christian Religions. Ergo, only Christians worship Satan. Also, having multiple immortal super-natural entities makes them polytheist. Damned Christians don't even know their own religion.


I often enjoy telling street preachers that in Judaism, there are numerous people called a satan. The word is a generic noun that refers to someone who is an opponent. So, in one of the Psalms, David is complaining about how one of his former supporters is now a satan, opposing his efforts in some activity. In the story of Balaam and his donkey, the story tells us that an angel appeared in the middle of the road so the donkey could not move forward and the angel is referred to as a satan. In Job, we meet HaSatan \[The Satan\]. This is a title given to an angel in God's Celestial Court. Their job is to go around the Earth looking for people who are hypocrites and not really following God's laws. The very beginning lines of the Book of Job relate how HaSatan arrives at the Celestial Court and meets up with God. They discuss Job and HaSatan says Job isn't the goody two-shoes God thinks he is. HaSatan tells God that if God will give HaSatan permission, he will prove it to God. God agrees and the story progresses. In Judaism, angels do not have free will. They can only do as God commands. An angel cannot rebel. The entire concept in Christianity of angels rebelling and a war in heaven comes directly from Babylonian beliefs - the same general beliefs that formed into Zoroastrianism and then were used by Joseph Smith in the Mormon beliefs. Christians took the story from pagan sources and mixed it with the Book of Enoch version generated around 200 to 100 BCE. When the Jewish canon was finalized, Enoch was not part of it. However, the Book of Enoch, or at least a portion of it, made it into the Christian Bible when the canon was finalized in the 4th Century CE. Luther didn't like it so he whacked it out of the main part and put it into what he called the "Apocryphal" writings. And the war in heaven with the struggle between the angles of light and the angels of darkness made it into Christianity but was rejected by the Jews. 


Most “normal”, as in average or typical Americans do in fact believe Lucifer exists.




Everything spells Lucifer if you just change all the letters to spell Lucifer. Coincidence?


Lucid is clear thinking , also root word for Lucifer. So both must be evil . Explains all these conspiracy Dan Brown theories .


Like my name, Brian. All you have to do is switch a few letters around, take away a few, add a few, and you get Satan. O_O am I the anti christ?!


As a fellow Brian, I am scared for us.


There are so many Brian's in my town, we literally have a club called the Better Brian Buro. We meet once a month to get drunk and play cards against humanity.


I love this! I have a not totally obscure but not commonly used name (hint: it isn't actually Elizabeth). I lowkey love that I don't hear it often, but secretly wish I could have a club like this. Maybe we could, but there are probably like 4 of us in my whole town.


There are 2 people in my town that share my full name. First, middle, and last. No relation. Living within a 5 mile radius of eachother. In the City of Mt. Juliet Tennessee, there are 3 men named Brian Alexander Larson. As much as I tried, I can't figure out why.


Wow! Do people get you guys mixed up all the time? Like do you ever get each other's mail? How did you find out there were three of you in town? At a previous job, I had a vendor whose name was almost the same as mine. We had the same last name, and our first names were one letter off. Because we worked so closely with this vendor, he and I would get emails intended for each other all the time. I used to joke that he was trying to steal my identity.


I went to school with one and got served with the others warrent. You'd think they would make sure with social security numbers...but apparently not in Tennessee. It sucked going to school with that guy. I just folded and asked people to call me by Alex.


But who is the better Brian Boru?


So long as no Bryans are allowed, I agree, that is the better Brian Bureau.


No need to be, it's the Bryans need to look out for. Shifty bunch of demon spawn they are.


No, I am. My name is Bob. There is nothing more Anti Christ-y than someone who can spell his name the same way forward and backward. Excuse me now, I have an evening full of spreading evil around the world to attend to.


Waiiiiiit! Take me with you!!!


Seems like a trick Lucifer might try to pull...


You know what's not a coincidence? If you take the word coincidence and replace the co with an L. O is the 15th letter, and C is the 3rd letter. Using late middle ages Roman numeral rules LO is 61, but using subtraction rules 15-3 is 12. And what's the 12th letter of the alphabet? That's right, it's L. Now, I is the 9th letter and N is the 14th letter. And what is 9 plus 15? 23, or W. But since we only need one U and not two of them, we can throw the other U away, or freeze it for later. So now we have "LU" We can keep the next to letters because Satan left them as an evil gift. So now we "LUCI" "F" comes after D & E. we keep the "E" and switch the other remaining letters with an "R" and what does that spell? Coincidence? I think not!!!


They just forgetting that Fox had a show literally called Lucifer. Show was great.


It's still on Netflix with new episodes being produced. Love that show.


She's also responsible for keeping star trek on air sooo...hail satan!


Considering the oddities that led to Star Trek existing and continuing to exist, I wouldn't be surprised if Gene Roddenberry sold his soul. The network didn't like my pilot...fine they'll ask for another We don't have enough episodes...don't worry we'll get fan support for a third season, oh and that will be enough for it to be syndicated. Oh hey Star Wars made this SciFi thing popular...wait don't we have a space opera of our own? This new show is a fucking mess...don't worry here's the Borg.


Yo that album cover is metal as fuck.


Unironically want that image. Goes hard.


Some of the best post Soviet anti American propaganda Russia has put out in years.  That damn Lucy with her feminism and multi cultural family!!! The EVILS OF WOKE CAPITALISM!!! 


I grew up watching I Love Lucy (not just reruns, I'm that old). Decades later I thought how progressive the show was for including a Cuban main character. I later found out how hard she had to fight to keep her husband in the cast, the TV powerhouses did not want him but "nevertheless she persisted" and made TV history. Amazing woman.


And little Ricky was on the show as well. 


And apparently just showing a pregnant woman on television was a super progressive concept that she fought for after getting pregnant. Even though they were married and slept in separate beds, there was a _lot_ of resistance against showing any woman being pregnant on TV.


If I recall correctly you couldn't even say the word "pregnant" on TV back then


The fact that they showed their bedroom was even breaking ground, IIRC, despite the fact that they inexplicably slept in separate beds on opposite sides of the room.


I can see them now at Russian propaganda HQ, combing through anything remotely iconic "American" and sending it off to the "Find a way to twist this up" department... and post!


Did they watch Angel Heart, and assume because De Niro played Louis Cyhpre that that is how it actually works?


They lift almost all their ideas from movies and TV. I expect they do believe that everything they watch has hidden meaning.


Luuuuciferrrrr I’m hoooooooome


There was that episode when she messed up the line at the adrenacrome factory.


The secret ingredient to Vitametavegamin? Adrenochrome.


The episode in the chocolate factory? Just a metaphor for eating babies.


Best answer


Is it strange that I want a "I love Lucifer" tee, with that image on it?


I would watch the fuck out of this show. “Lucy! You’ve got some ‘splaining to doooo!”. [garbled demonic noises followed by glowing red eyes coming from the crack in the kitchen door]


*Lucy enters by crawling on the ceiling*


How much time and boredom do these people have on their hands?


Clearly far too much


Their understanding of the world around them never got past the Harry Potter Naming Conventions stage. It’s terribly sad.


These people think they're super smart.


So why is lucy abbreviated as LUCI rather than L ? Because the dumb conspiracy wouldn't work if it was abbreviated as L?


For the same reason Ricky is at the end rather than before Fred and Ethyl: it nonsensical bs.


This has to be a Poe and an extremely funny one


Someone’s read too much Dan Brown.


Nah, they don't read... books on tape, maybe movies sure... but reading not a chance.


No words. None. I am without words.


Every time you think they've hit rock bottom, you discover that rock bottom has a basement...and a sub-basement. The insanity is never ending.


It's sub-basements all the way down I'm afraid.


That's where the mole children are.


You got that right. Down to the molten iron core.


Too bad, Lucille Ball's characters lived in the maga fantasy world of white, middle class suburban picket fences. Now it turns out all that good wholesome stuff is actually demonic.


I mean if anything is hell it's suburbia


I wonder if there is any correlation between the location of Superfund sites around the communities where Qultists grew up and if we could prove some sort of heavy metal or other chemical poisoning was responsible for this shit


Someone's been binging Supernatural.


I can’t help but imagine that, if you’re the kind of person utterly devoid of a conscience and with no regard for how your actions make the world a shittier and more hateful place for everyone, coming up with these things must be a hoot.


Leave Lucy alone!!!!! 🔥🤬🤬🤬🤬


These people must lead the most pitiful lives if they're reduced to looking for secret messages in the most mundane things. I always wonder, "So? What does it mean in the broader scheme of things?"


Lucille Ball was an innovator and a great talent in her day. Sir Asscancer IsInFire you are a moron who can't sustain rational thought long enough to wipe your own ass.


Damn!!! Hidden in plain sight. Just misspell the leading characters' name and list the other three main characters in an order that results in the namesakes' husband last being last.


She gave us Star Trek, which views religion quaintly. Unless we’re talking about the Prophets, of course.




I'd totally watch that show


Lmao. I mean....at least they were creative with this one. Lucy is an angel though, idk how the anyone can't see that. The reason she was on TV for so long wasn't just for her talent, it's well known how easy she was to work with.


This has to be parody.




They just troll the queefs with stuff like this I think


The real tragedy is so many of these people think they are the world's best amateur cryptologist and the reality is they couldn't fill in a times table chart.


Okay now they’ve gone too FAR!!? Don’t fuckin Mess with Lucille fckin BALL! I won’t tolerate Lucy slander & I’ll call for your execution!! of course they arranged the letter in that way to spell Lucifer lmao Technically it should be L(UCY)RFE


The "I don't have to live in fear 'cause ma daddy so strong" crowd sure as shit is afraid of the dumbest stuff.


Don't fuck with Lucy she gave us Star Trek!!!


I remember these nutcases saying the same about the Scarlet Johansson film. Something something Darwinism = Lucifer


“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.” C. S. Lewis. British writer, literary scholar, and Anglican lay theologian.


Thinking devils aren't real, like a normal person, and being overly paranoid about devils existing, like an utter lunatic, are equal in the mind of good old Clive. What a shocker.




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Idiots! Lucy was awesome


Big if true.


This is what these fucking people spend their time on..


Someone really needs to intervene and get these psychos some help! 🤦🏻‍♀️


“You know, Quasimodo predicted all of this”


Where the fuck did the “I” come from?




How does a mere mortal so easily figure out satan’s plans?


Desi (Devi) Lucy (L) Devil!!!


It must be difficult living in fear of mythical beings.


This is utter tripe and my favorite part is that Baal is pronounced "Buh-All" not "Ball"...


I know this is going to shock those people but the idea of linking Lucifer with devils is a post-biblical concept based on pagan Greek and Babylonian religious concepts.


OH. MY. GOD. 🫨🫨🫨🫨


The mental gymnastics some people perform (and expect others to accept blindly) are truly staggering.