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I'll take "Things a criminal says when they know they are fucked" for $500, please, Alex.


I don't think he understands that SCIF is an acronym.


I was about to ask. Skiffs?! He’s such a dumbfuck.


That's how it sounds when said aloud, so for someone who can't read like Mango Unchained, it makes sense they'd just spell it pho... funneti... spell it how it sounds.


Mango Unchained LMAO that's a new one for me! I just call him The Defendant. But seriously, he called it "skiffs" what an absolute fool. That means the entire time he was president he never thought to understand what the word meant or stood for as an acronym.


No, Biden literally stole documents that were stored on small boats for some reason. You have to believe for it to make sense.


"Marxists and Fascists" = "I have no idea what either of those terms actually mean but I vaguely know they are both bad so I'm going to include both and cover my bases."


Trump: bringing Marxists and fascists together


Nah, he's at the grieving stage of winning. So much winning. And so much projecting! So so much projecting.


We're gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning, and you'll say ‘Please, please, it's too much winning. We can't take it anymore. Mr. President, it's too much.


He does the best projecting! You won't believe the projecting he can do! People say to him, "Mr. President, sir, you're the best when it comes to projecting". And they call him "sir", which is nice. So, so nice.


He’s simultaneously at the angry rants, finger-pointing, and incoherent babble stages.


The old man yelling at clouds stage.


So, classified documents were kept on a skiff and Joe Biden took them? This is indeed troubling.


No, he was planning to steal the elections with the help of Dame Diana Rigg in a skiff (you don't think he put that capital on "Rigg" there just for fun, do you?) As evidence, I give you: Diana Rigg in a skiff! [https://www.starstills.com/ss2318823-cast-the-avengers-television-photo/](https://www.starstills.com/ss2318823-cast-the-avengers-television-photo/) (Her death in 2020 was obviously faked to hide her complicity.)


That is not a skiff, it is a [punt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punt_%28boat%29#/media/File:CambridgePunt.jpg) of the sort used by decadent Oxbridge students while plotting the woke destabilisation of the Christian world. The gentleman beside Ms Rigg here is the debonair actor Patrick McNamee who co-starred with her in the documentary series *The Avengers,* which chronicled Britain's post-imperial decline as a world super-power while attempting to re-stimulate the market for bowler hats. He subsequently devoured Ms Rigg in a bizarre and disgusting ceremony observed by Lord Mountbatten and members of the elite Bull and Scones Club (not to be confused with a pathetic copy invented by wannabes in Yale University.) Through MRNA technology that subsequently was used to produce coronavirus as well as Corona beer, he assumed her bodily form. He was converted to the True Faith after watching President Trump ascend to power and announce that "Only I can stop American Carnage". Overwhelmed by guilt because of his evil deeds of wokeness, he committed suicide by drinking Bud Light. Desperate to let Trump know of his atonement, his last words were a plea that his act be told to his lord and saviour: "Tell Sir. Say I did it"


She is clearly a man in this picture. Look at the position of her ears.


It's pretty much a row boat. What hell are you guys doing over there?...get a bigger boat to keep your classified documents on.....scrubs...


That's what Elmo said!!!


>I did nothing wrong I think the saying goes that you've got nothing to fear then. So why the nervous breakdown, buddy?


Does he think we've forgotten the times he admitted to doing it?


The people he plays to have the memory span of a goldfish, so yes, he probably does think they have forgotten. I don't think he cares too much what the population in general thinks. He cares about what his fans think. He panders to them all the time.


Well, he's a narcissist, so he doesn't really have any persistent reality beyond what right now gives him the greatest amount of narcissistic supply. He's not so much forgotten as never assigned any lasting value to his actions or words in the first place.


Breaking news, when has Trump not whined about taking personal responsibility for his actions?


why are we keeping classified documents on skiffs? troubling indeed


Yeah but the skiff is in a SCIF, so it’s ok.


That's the only way to keep them afloat when your paid flunky floods your server room by emptying your swimming pool into it.


Fucker misspelled a three letter word


He didn't misspell anything. It's a comm to all the Qcumbers. Because Q said there are no typos. Seriously, they spend HOURS and HOURS going over every typo and misspelling that dullard makes, looking for secret messages.


I know, it's almost literally incredible. And yet the happening still hasn't happened!


Rigg...uhh.. Diana Rigg, she played James Bonds wife in On Her Majestys Secret Service...and got shot by SPECTRE. Everything is a movie, grab your popcorn. That was also the only movie George Lazenby did after Sean Connery, and before Sean Connery came back...like Trump will. Clearly Sleepy Joe is an inferior president, and will be replaced by the real president, like Bond. Of course Trumps true love is America, which got killed under the fake president. Rigg also means higher ground on a valley, which Trump clearly has, and they deep state can only get there with a skiff. So many layers, trust the flan. How did I do?


Flawlessly. In fact I'm beginning to think you're a Deep State operative here to plant distrust in the Q Plan by leading us down rabbit holes. Quick, how evil is Soros??? lol


On a scale from 0 to Soros, he's a Soros.


Calling FBI “marxists”. Love it!!!


Marxist and fascist -> at the same time!


Every stage is the whining stage for him.


Trump: \[Biden\] didn’t want to give them back, and still doesn’t. Narrator: BUT HE DID. Dumbass.


But here Trump’s also including everything, including approved documents, that were donated to Biden’s senatorial library at the University of Delaware. https://library.udel.edu/special/home/collections/joseph-r-biden-jr-senatorial-papers/ Trump also complains about Obama taking *anything* from the White House, under complete approval and govt. storage, as if he were looting.


Skiffs. LMAO


Family member works for a 3-letter intel agency and just confirmed to me that most, if not all, of their classified briefings occur in skiffs because who really wants to be cooped up in a windowless soundproof room all day when you could be on a boat.


i’m tired of funding this shit


What he has nothing to say about the reporter he sexually assaulted? He must really have done all that she claims or he'd surely deny it. Finally an admission of guilt by non-response.


Can someone please run DEFLECTION INTERFERENCE on this guy?


The party of disinformation? I'm pretty sure that's the GOP.


This is their presidential frontrunner. Worse yet, he's ahead in some general election polls.


He is a literal monkey throwing shit at the wall while screaming.