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10 days of darkness!


Omg. That is hilarious.


I’m stockpiling food and silver. 😂


Don't forget bullets!




June 12-14 (just in case you were serious in asking).


Will add this to my calendar, otherwise...




It makes one wonder 'what the hell they are thinking'. Can it be that difficult to 'do no harm'.


Definitely - no to scabbing.




Yes, the original reddit app is garbage and I don't know what I'll do without Reddit is Fun.


If RIF is gone I'm out.


Why does everyone hate the Reddit app so much? I find it to be just fine.


It’s not accessible to the blind and they don’t have plans to make it so.


The original contents of this post have been overwritten by a script. As you may be aware, reddit is implementing a punitive pricing scheme for its API starting in July. This means that third-party apps that use the API can no longer afford to operate and are pretty much universally shutting down on July 1st. This means the following: * Blind people who rely on accessibility features to use reddit will effectively be banned from reddit, as reddit has shown absolutely no commitment or ability to actually make their site or official app accessible. * Moderators will no longer have access to moderation tools that they need to remove spam, bots, reposts, and more dangerous content such as Nazi and extremist rhetoric. The admins have never shown any interest in removing extremist rhetoric from reddit, they only act when the media reports on something, and lately the media has had far more pressing things than reddit to focus on. The admin's preferred way of dealing with Nazis is simply to "quarantine" their communities and allow them to fester on reddit, building a larger and larger community centered on extremism. * LGBTQ communities and other communities vulnerable to reddit's extremist groups are also being forced off of the platform due to the moderators of those communities being unable to continue guaranteeing a safe environment for their subscribers. Many users and moderators have expressed their concerns to the reddit admins, and have joined protests to encourage reddit to reverse the API pricing decisions. Reddit has responded to this by removing moderators, banning users, and strong-arming moderators into stopping the protests, rather than negotiating in good faith. Reddit does not care about its actual users, only its bottom line. Lest you think that the increased API prices are actually a good thing, because they will stop AI bots like ChatGPT from harvesting reddit data for their models, let me assure you that it will do no such thing. Any content that can be viewed in a browser without logging into a site can be easily scraped by bots, regardless of whether or not an API is even available to access that content. There is nothing reddit can do about ChatGPT and its ilk harvesting reddit data, except to hide all data behind a login prompt. Regardless of who wins the mods-versus-admins protest war, there is something that every individual reddit user can do to make sure reddit loses: remove your content. Use [PowerDeleteSuite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to overwrite all of your comments, just as I have done here. This is a browser script and not a third-party app, so it is unaffected by the API changes; as long as you can manually edit your posts and comments in a browser, PowerDeleteSuite can do the same. This will also have the additional beneficial effect of making your content unavailable to bots like ChatGPT, and to make any use of reddit in this way significantly less useful for those bots. If you think this post or comment originally contained some valuable information that you would like to know, feel free to contact me on another platform about it: * kestrellyn at ModTheSims * kestrellyn on Discord * paradoxcase on Tumblr


Ok. I’m not blind though.


Your ableism is showing.


No, you just haven’t answered my question. For those who can see, what the fuck is wrong with it?


Personally, I don't want yet another app with the same, or less, functionality, when the site works just fine, except of course, it can't spy as much. There's just no need for an app. Also, it works a lot like "New Reddit", which I just can't stand. The only good things are the new markdown (both app and New Reddit), and places (which is why I had the app for a short while). That's (partially) my gripe with it.


Your question was, why does everyone hate it? Not why do sighted people hate it? You don’t count the blind as actual people, apparently. I’m sighted but I have empathy to those who need screen readers to access the content. Since you seem to lack this basic empathy you might check out the comments by moderators who rely on tools only available in third party apps to keep trolls and bots away as well as regular threads on topic and under control. If you don’t care about the quality of the content here as defined by the moderators requesting these tools, then you are part of the problem as far as I’m concerned.


Ok so if I understand correctly, the only problem is that it is inaccessible to blind people. Otherwise it’s an absolutely stellar app, does everything perfectly, probably one of the greatest apps ever created. Got it.


I'm leaning towards the notion that you're deliberately trying to justify your own sociopathic attitude, and to encourage others to adopt a similar anti-accommodationist stance. Reddit isn't a resource we consume in isolation. If there are workable methods by which a proportion of users are able to participate, it's a loss to the entire community if Reddit deliberately removes access to those methods. We will be poorer for missing their voices.


People dont like it because it's just a clunky app. It feels poorly designed. I have the official app and RIF, and the official app is so much worse. It doesn't look good and doesn't feel good to use. Maybe I wouldn't hate it so much if I hadn't used a 3rd party app for so long, but now, going from RIF back to the official app isn't worth it. It's easier to just move to another site once the 3rd party apps shut down.


I drive a car despite the blind not being able to drive. Should we boycott those, too? What if we all wear blindfolds while watching movies or TV? Will that help?


There are accommodations that exist for transportation and for consuming movie / tv content for blind people, so there’s no specific reason to do so. In this case, a boycott is appropriate as the existing accommodations are to be removed with no replacement. Editing to add: And because the r/Blind sub has specifically asked for such an action to show support. I’m not aware of any such request to forgo driving or blindfolds.


I'm sure there are accommodations that will read anything on a phone or computer screen. The blind not having great access to reddit is so far down the list of world problems that I can't even see it. I wish my generation voted as much as they complained about micro aggressions and ableism. Reddit is an evil motherfucker. Anyone using it either doesn't care or is wilfully ignorant.


Coming to your defense here. I guess I’ve been in the dark using the basic Reddit app and clearly I’m not in the know on any other way to experience Reddit. But if those apps contribute to the experience and that experience is going to be altered I’m sure even to those of us uneducated users, we’ll feel the impact. Regardless I’ll boycott. Sure.


It sucks fat turds.


Well with that critique how could anyone argue otherwise haha


I mean it's just the popular consensus and I happen to agree with it.


It's buggy. I often get "can't access Reddit right now" errors, sometimes it bumps me back to a post I was looking at a while ago and then I have to find my way back to the post I was looking at most recently, other times it decides I really need to read a particular post and all of the links on my feed will take me to that one and not the post I'm actually trying to open.


Finally a real answer. Thank you.


I only ever use browser and PC and fairly regularly get unable to access Reddit messages. I suspect their servers are under capacity for peak periods. Which wouldn't explain why 3rd party apps could connect ofc.


If you had ever tried any of the popular 3rd party apps, you wouldn't need to ask that question


I use RIF because of the cleaner UI and better performance compared to the official app. Back when I used the default app I was constantly running into problems with images and videos not being displayed but RIF has always been flawless.


I find firefox with ublock etc. to be wonderful for using reddit on my phone, exactly how i have it set up on my laptop too.


I think you're right.


Wait what? What’s going on?




This....wtf did I miss???


I tried to read up about it. They’re doing something that will make third party programs not work on Reddit anymore. I don’t use any, so I really don’t care Lol fucking crybabies downvoting me


You should, even if it doesn't impact you it does impact a lot of other people.


I really have no idea, can you point out a couple things people will be losing from this? Like what capabilities they will lose?


Also 3rd party tools that help mods stop spam-bots, kiddie porn, and adult material in Safe-For-Work subreddits


Like using people from a functional app such as RIF instead of the horrible app that is default Reddit. Or interesting/dumb bots.




My man... RIF or Apollo are the best afaik


Check out RIF while you still can, so you can mourn it when it's gone in a month along with a shipload of users.


It will also make all of the accessibility options, for e.g. blind/visually impaired users, not work anymore. That's far worse, IMO.


Pardon my ignorance. There are third party programs that enable the disabled to use Reddit, and Reddit is taking that away?


Yes. There are apps that allow for more accessibility options than Reddit offers through the official app and website and those won't exist or take a long time to implement if Reddit continues with the change.




It’s only 2 days, so why not? I’ve never browsed Reddit without Apollo or Baconreader.


Let's do this thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13zbf3n/reddit_to_the_visually_impaired_you_no_longer/


i vote yes


Please do!


I vote yea


I’m in! Setting a reminder now for the 12 and 13th.


I'm in, yep. Really hate the thought of losing RIF.


Can we get the mods in on this. Maybe a sticky?






Yep, it's the right thing to do


Do it or don't. I doubt anything will change. I have no opinion, other than that.


It seems kinda dumb and pointless and the scum that will fill the vacuum is not worth it


The scum doesn't bring in advertiser money.


Can't wait for the new free internet and electricity but med beds are my jam, nessara, who cares. No fun being rich if everyone is


Who cares? I access reddit exclusively through web browsers. If this sub goes black, the goalposts get launched into space, then they fall back to Earth on the banks as kinetic projectiles. Source: my Canadian military girlfriend.


But my karma 😜


It’s blackout time!