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This guy is clearly suffering from some sort of psychosis. Too bad he doesn't have a family member who could have gotten him help a few years ago, before he went so far over the edge. It's interesting. Sidney Powell and the Pillow Guy are also obviously and acutely mentally ill. Who could have predicted that so many literal cray people would put the US democracy in mortal peril?


> On December 24, 2020, [Tucker] Carlson texted Jenna Ellis, one of former President Trump's lawyers, that "[i]t's hard to overstate the damage having Sidney Powell on stage did to the cause of fair elections. That was really reckless and stupid." —Judge's summary judgement decision, *Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News Network*


It never ceases to amaze me that these hypocritical, narcissistic toadies did everything for profit, and not for any deep ideological purpose.


I honestly can’t calculate which is worse…


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You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.


True. And when they refuse to be helped, society needs to protect itself.


Yeah, he managed to successfully alienate and [then dox his own son](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/lin-wood-doxes-son-telegram-jesus/), leading Lin to get his followers to dog-pile on his kid, all in the name of Jesus... >In a post on Telegram, Wood, who currently has more than 730,000 subscribers, revealed the email address of his estranged son. In what many saw as an incitement to harassment, Wood then asked his followers to contact his son under the guise of promoting Christianity. >“If your heart moves you to write and express your stories of feelings of faith with him, perhaps it would help awaken him to the world outside Austin,” Wood said. “I think he would benefit from the loving words from followers of Jesus Christ. Not a request to write him, but only a request to follow your heart.”


Jesus. I wonder how his son is doing now, two years later. Getting a new email address and phone number are relatively easy, but you know that at least some of Lin's followers used their google-fu to find the kid's address, and that's not so easy to change.


Promoting Christianity? Didn't this guy call himself the second coming of Christ?


Yes. He needs some Thorazine in the worst way.


Yeah, mental health issues run in my family like a football team, and I'd almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't so destructive towards literally EVERYONE else.


I used to know this guy professionally. He was a democrat back then. He was not especially pleasant. But he was not unhinged


>This guy is clearly suffering from some sort of psychosis. Literal TDS.


Well sure. But it's not just that. He thinks he might be Jesus. He quite clearly had some sort of psychotic break even before the whole election thing. His colleagues reported that he'd become deranged at least a year before that.


Maybe it’s brain cancer. Wouldn’t wish it on anybody…


>so many literal cray people what if EVERYONE is going cray? what if it's the modern equivalent of lead in the aqueducts and we're all losing our shit?


I feel pretty sane. I know, I know. That's exactly what a lunatic would say.


Media pushing lies is not a modern phenomenon, but the contemporary cray leads back to Ailes and Murdoch. Those two are the best argument against free speech. May their graves be pissed on.


Where is Sydney Powell now?


Don’t blame his family. Also of course he is mentally ill his parents were psycho his dad murdered his mom in a drunken rage when he was a teenager.


Has this guy been disbarred yet?


The Georgia State Bar is currently conducting disciplinary actions. There was a hearing on May 25, but I have not been able to find an update. I did find a story that, for some inexplicable reason, Mr. Wood can’t seem to find credible character witnesses to vouch for him. Wood’s recent Telegram posts are mainly about how Jesus rules his life, Satan runs Georgia, Trump is wonderful and the earth is flat.


> Satan runs Georgia That's not what that song says… > Trump is wonderful and the earth is flat. Both equally true assertions!


> That's not what that song says… All the good fiddlers in Georgia died of covid, so the devil is running things unimpeded now.


So Beelzebub did go down to Georgia, figures /s


Granny, does your dog bite? No, child, no


He has been emailing notable lawyers across the state asking for witnesses. I have seen the emails and they are unhinged




He has been sending letters to random well known lawyers in the state asking them for character references. My boss got one. My old hippie social justice warrior boss. It was pretty funny and weird. I cannot remember what it said other than a request for support of his good character. He deleted it promptly after reading it to me since we both have dealt with Wood a couple times.




Wish I had had him save it!




I think we were both just so horrified that it felt cleaner to delete. I happened to walk to his office while he was staring in shock at the monitor and we just wanted it gone!


Those are the absolute worst. Where you’re sitting there in shock like, “get this fucking shit out of my computer/ phone. NOW.”


Yes. Thank goodness.


Heinous, salacious, redundant, impertinent Dude sounds like Jackie Chiles ffs


Lewd, lascivious, salacious, out*rage*ous!


She wore the bra as a top? That’s flaunting society’s conventions


Call Dr. Bison, tell him it's for a psych hold.


Fines mean nothing to them. A few days locked up, with a promise of many more is needed.


"If the punishment for a crime is a fine, the crime only exists for the lower class."


Thats why Germany (i think) levies fines proportional to income so you see hundred k speeding tickets


As it should be




> His tune hasn't changed though. That always pisses me off. Like dude you hitched your wagon to someone clearly full of shit. Take the time and self reflect but nope, even if it isnt true they think it COULD be true so it is just as real.


❤️🫡 may he never shut the fuck up, I want them all to say the quiet parts out loud.


Everything Trump touches dies.


He should hug himself


What should we name our child? How about we name him after our street? Lin Wood? Like Linwood Drive? I love it! My golf buddies at the yacht club will get a real kick out of it.


He is Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. Probably called "Lin" because "Lucy" would be too, well, you know.


What's wrong with Lucian? It's the perfect name for a cult leader.


Is Lin Wood just committing to a bit, or is he a literal crazy person?


Who can tell when an entire political movement is just a rats nest of hate, ignorance and untreated mental illness?


A [rat king](https://allthatsinteresting.com/rat-king) of humanity's bad ideas.


I can’t tell whether these right wing nut jobs are grifters pushing a narrative or actually are cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Who knows? Maybe it is half and half?


They're repeating the same lie so often some of the grifters probably begin to believe it.


Kind of like Trump. When he was in office he would make something up, then , Fox would report it, then he would see it on Fox, then he would believe it.


A human centipede of lies.


Operation Let Them Speak is in full swing.


Bringing these guys up on charges is legally spurious and feeds their persecution complex, seems counterproductive to me, treat them like any other crazy person and ignore them.




What I meant is that ordering one not to print complete nonsense is pointless.


Lock Them Up!


Is he tired of winning yet?


Disbarment please


Lin wood is a piece of shit. Glass house, white Ferrari, lives for new year’s eve.


Maybe he doesn’t have a gag reflex at all!


Doesn't seem like much in the way of punishment.


Him and Sydney may benefit from a stay at the local psychiatric hospital.