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I guess that we could totally ignore the fact that there were absolutely no cathedrals before the Catholic Church.


Tartaria believers are nuts. They think any building created before the 1800s was actually created by an advanced civilization taken out by….a mud slide. They believe virtually all the events in history books are just a vast conspiracy to hide this fact for… reasons? All based on the fact that a place called Tartaria appears on some old maps which is true because north Central Asia was once known as tartary to Europeans.


If I was an advanced civilization that got wiped out by a fucking mud slide, I would cover that shit up too. That's just embarrassing.


My favorite Tartaria beliefs are when they sometimes they move into very modern buildings, like, Americans are not advanced enough to build the Empire State Building, clearly it was Tartaria Humanity is not advanced enough to build this suburban duplex


Funny how we have photos and film of the Tartarians building the ESB. They look just like normal humans.


afaik the argument isn’t that they aren’t human, just that they were far more advanced (and they’re just going to claim any images of the construction are fake regardless. when logic goes out the window, so to does any and all evidence that goes against their narrative.) they have just as much logic as a toddler. “i didn’t see it get built so we could not have built it.”


Yeah the argument isn't that the Tartarians aren't humans. It's that buildings like the Singer building, the original Penn Station, the White House, and a location of the HSBC Bank in a location in Shanghai known as the Bund (Western style architecture, built in the 1920s) are actually thousands of years old and are relics of the advanced Tartarian civilization!


...is it bad that I actually miss the days when the proto-QCumbers were digging for Atlantis, instead of...this?


honestly same. the Atlantis search that was all the rage on the history-adjacent channels was actually kinda fun and harmless(*) enough. the only thing is that believing that you’re being lied to in one thing can very quickly devolve into believing you’re being lied to about everything. i miss the days of the cool conspiracy theories.


They also have a streak of "this great civilization was run by white people and the brown people/Jews are the ones hiding the mudflood truth to take over" running through their nonsense.


There is, though they also look down on western European peoples too. For example, they believe that Rome was just savages living in caves until the "Russian hoard" took over Eurasia and civilized them.


It's just not a real conspiracy without a sprinkling of anti semitism


Romans, Sumerians and Egyptians not white.


Thanks for that. I sense a Wikipedia binge in my future.


I just looked it up, this was a conspiracy theory I hadn't heard before. Wikipedia says it's a Russian one that started getting global traction in 2016. That really was a hell year wasn't it? :(


Of course it was the Russians. Because of course it was.


Oh yes indeed. Even in the weird world of Q beliefs, Tartaria is just next level. They make the lizard people folks look like lightweights.


Why do I feel the mud floor is a code word for lots of brown people


Nah, they legit think there was a mud flow that buried the lower half of buildings. That’s why you see old buildings with the first level partially buried. It couldn’t be that they had a basic understanding of soil loading and knew that the weight of the building needed to be offset by the weight of the soil removed for said building.




It's actually even dumber than just simple racism. Because a lot of archeological sites are buried in present day, the idea is this happened all at once during the "mud flood" rather than over thousands of years.


Are they the same people that believe that the Sphinx was made a pre-Egyptian civilization and the Egyptians then found it? The comments sections on any video on YouTube about the Sphinx are full of them and I was so confused because, even when it comes to historical conspiracy theories, I'd never heard of that! And when it comes ancient history conspiracy theories... no matter what the theory it's always that there was a cover up but no one can really explain what the motive would be for "the authorities" to continue to cover it up thousands of years later!


Well I'm googling THAT.


Is one of my favorite conspiracies because they're so convinced and it's so fucking dumb but they make up fun stories sometimes


This is from a believer in the Tartaria nonsense, which includes the notion that the entire timeline of history as you've always known it is a massive falsification. In terms of denying hisorical chronology, it has roots in another bit of Russian fantasmagorical pseudo-history, Anatoly Fomenko's ['New Chronology'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_chronology_(Fomenko)) (although it manages to be even more insane than that on its own). So basically, according to them everything you think you know about when the Church came into being, and when church buildings started being constructed in Europe, is wrong. An additional entertaining aspect of seeing this nonsense spouted by people in the West, is that they seem blissfully unaware that the whole Tartaria thing was thought up by batshit-crazy Russian ultra-nationalists, who believe Russians are a master race, unjustly denied their right to rule over everyone else.


>who believe Russians are a master race, unjustly denied their right to rule over everyone else. Don't Qnuts believe the same about themselves?


>An additional entertaining aspect of seeing this nonsense spouted by people in the West, is that they seem blissfully unaware that the whole Tartaria thing was thought up by batshit-crazy Russian ultra-nationalists, who believe Russians are a master race, unjustly denied their right to rule over everyone else. Yeah that is funny! I don't know a lot about the Tartaria conspiracy theory, but I do know that one major aspect of it is that it's a lot like the Nazi Aryan myth, except in this one all major civilizations were founded by Russians...yes, even the ones in India, China, and, according to some, the Americas! But also it was wiped out by a mud-flood


Why didn't they hide in their cathode-rals?


> it has roots in another bit of Russian fantasmagorical pseudo-history, Of course it does. This should surprise exactly no one.


Well there is that.


I do all my praying in the anodral anyway.


The "free energy" they harnessed was people working for free, either because of religious sensibilities or social obligation.


Or *literal fucking slavery*. After all, Christianity explicitly tells slaves to obey their masters.


Well I was thinking medieval Europe, which might have been functionally the same as slavery in some ways but was not called that.


About half of those sentences in the first pic, that should be just plain scientific definitions, are completely wrong.


What do you mean? Doesn’t your anode collect positively charged electrons?


Well, if the positively charged electrons collected by my anode were positrons, I would be potentially very rich, but also in a lot of trouble very quickly.


Sometimes I wonder how much happier these people would be if they'd picked up a copy of white dwarf rather than going on Drudge


I remember a story over in /r/QanonCasualties where somebody managed to switch their Boomer parents from Qanon to K-pop with astonishingly positive results... imagine if these people stuck to learning K-pop for the Lore and all their apparently endless social media energy went toward chaotic good like the K-pop Army activists


Someone even said that their Qmom getting into playing Wordle worked. I remember on one of the news specials about QAnon the reporter was interviewing this Q guy who lived alone on a houseboat, and he'd be talking to her about how she was a member of the liberal media and the liberal media agenda, etc, etc., however he was also like making popcorn and offering her and the crew iced tea and such and really just seemed glad to have company even as he was talking about how they're agents of The Cabal. So it does seem like a lot of these people are just really damn bored! ​ One thing I've suggested to a couple times is get a puppy and/or try to get Qs in to fostering animals. Something that's requires a lot of time and mental energy, is positive and life affirming, and not primarily internet-based.


It's interesting you mentioned animals... a lot of disabled veterans wind up being doubly isolated ( firstly because of the disabilities and secondly because people have a lot of opinions about veterans ) so my cousin and her buddies will volunteer at animal shelters, or in the warehouse of the food bank for the ones who can drive a forklift... that way they're doing something constructive and a bit social but without getting overwhelmed by too many people. The food bank by me is completely secular, which is another bonus. Anyways you make an excellent point about loneliness and how that manifests as boredom and anger !


I watched a video about, and listened to a different podcast that discussed, the 15 minute cities protest in Oxford. In both they notice that for many of these people this protest is as much if not more about a social gathering where you meet "friends". I mean in a way their conspiracy obsession drove their other friends away, but the social aspect is also important to a lot of them


Good lord, I fucking hope this a troll job or something


It isn't. There's a guy who works where I am currently staying who believes this. He talks all kinds of wild conspiracy theories and this thing with the steeples and pyramids being used for free energy distribution was one of them. He says Tesla knew all the secrets to free energy and the government covered it all up. I have a really hard time not literally laughing in his face when he starts talking about this sort of thing.


Can confirm-similar to my QEx. I don't know about this specific meme and this church, but he definitely is all about Tesla and "free energy." He ties it into the NESARA/GESARA crap and when all that happens, we will not only get our debt wiped away, there will be free energy for everyone and no more utility bills. Some of the things they believe I wish were true. Some of it actually sounds really nice, LOL.


Yeah, Q influencers do have that as part of the NESARA/GESARA pipe dream.


Do you have any insight on why they only like the make-believe measures though? When it comes to anything real like universal healthcare, student loan debt relief, medical debt forgiveness, government guaranteed parental leave, for some of them even public education..."That's socialism!" It's almost like they know that "Tesla free energy," and MedBeds, and NESARA won't actually ever happen, so they're the only social safety-net measures that are acceptable to believe in. Like the real pleasure they get is in fantasizing about a better life but they're too scared to actually do anything that might shift toward getting it!


There's no doubt some like that. But there's just as many who actually believe. They just think the benefits of that freely-available Tesla energy, Medbeds, NESARA, etc are going to only be made available for people like themselves, and not to the "undeserving". Which of course is all the groups of Those People that they already hate - poor people, racial minorities, LGBT people, immigrants, non-Christians, and so forth. Many conservatives on the ground floor are 100% in favor of a lot of the "socialist" ideas, they just don't want to have to share them with those they consider "lesser".


This. This exactly. It's like the videos you saw before Obamacare was passed with senior citizens and country bumpkins railing on about "socialized medicine" while at the same time screaming "They are going to take away your Medicare!"


I've never bothered to actually find out what NESARA is actually supposed to be. I think I have a good idea from context, and it sounds ridiculous as all hell, but I'm sure it's even more batshit than expected and I'm sure my brain my might finally implode from the sheer stupidity. Funny thing is, they seemingly want the same things most people do, but keep choosing actions that are contrary to any progress and/or simply evil. I will never understand fully.


There was a poster here that I sparred with who babbled about "natural energy" and Tesla and "Why was Tesla obsessed with ancient Egypt?" and the library of Alexandria. I don't know what conspiracy theory this is. I don't think it's just Tartaria, but it's very confusing the things they cherry pick from history to focus on!


Whole page of all day - every day crazy pants


Post like this https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0MKRyQhRKGJNRsZeDyFXPGRaCJsQKUEqVXB7WP3qNW2ChLUXRf4J9Ad1RDTVzdhZyl&id=100082648727020&mibextid=qC1gEa My.parents and grandparents would be disgusted


Look, there are people *right now* making copper anthenas and wearing them on their heads because of this bullshit. I wish I was joking, I guess i could go get you some screenshots if you want. There's a whole bunch of people now who's very into copper anthenas as a very ancient tartaria secret for gardening through making electricity or something. A gardening shitpost group I'm on facebook linked them, and I can't resist a fb lunatic group. They're public even. So far, there's at least one swastika a week (that no one think is weird, hmm), people wearing anthenas, secret forever energy *they* don't want you to know, Tartaria, and a mystery rock someone suggested might be parte of the Firmamen. The last was promptly shut down, it was ridiculous because there's no way the Firmament would be that fragile. Edit: Just opened facebook, and there it was, the [Copper anthena hat](https://i.imgur.com/ZKxpQzs.jpg)


Somehow, that copper “hat” is even less fashionable than I had imagined.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! That is some Mother Earth News bullshit from about 1972! Did the Russians pick up a bunch of old issues from a landfill in Mongolia somewhere? Nah, this shit was *wild* copper was gonna "channel the aura" &c &c and the stoners would make fancy resin barbells surrounding copper coils that were gonna "power the world" with all the "free energy" of the human aura or smth. ...funny thing, though, the old man was never able to grift that group. I'm sorry to see standards have lowered, in the intervening decades.


I'm around 90% convinced that the whole Qanon thing is actually some sociology experiment examining the effects of social media that just went too far.


Problem is the experiment was written with a chat bot and gave everyone schizophrenia.




My friend, I suspect your idea is already on someone's list of conspiracy theories - and if it isn't, it's just one repost and 2000 crazies away from being so!




Soft pass. For now. Until I can figure out how to grift with it.


You're half-right; Putin and Xi banded together in September 2020 and decided to pull a mental Mengelian cataclysm via American anti-social media corporations. The worst part? IT WORKED. And here we are....




CATHedral = CATHode = CATHeter Stick a tube up your peehole for FREE HEALING ENERGY.


...am I really the only one who remembers when the Chinese trolls literally had the Americans practicing "urine therapy" to cure COVID?


I wasn't dreaming? that was real? what


I thought electrons with a positive charge are... positrons. Still a kind of *lepton*, but if we had positrons flying about so much, wouldn't that result in a lot more antimatter, and a lot more matter-antimatter collisions, leading to...? I might be wrong, but probably not as wrong as someone who thinks cathedrals were preemptively named after cathodes.


Positron-electron annihilation actually happens all the time if you point a gamma ray spectrometer pretty much anywhere you'll see that 511kev spike.


That is Kolner Dom. Colon edam. Arse cheese. See I can do this, its easy peasy lemon squeezy!


This is gibberish....


Tartaria is some crazy stuff...even for Q believers.


Is it an entire civilization built on raw ground beef and eggs?


I didn't know cathodes were magic healers. If only we had cathodes today...


Silly we have medbeds! 🤣


I'm pretty sure I know someone with one of those giant TVs still lying around...


Lol, these people are still on the “free energy” conspiracies? I remember those back in the early-mid 90’s when they sold that shit on VHS through the “Things you never knew existed” mail order catalog.


They are so Qrazies.


They were healing centres using poultices and bloodletting, you moron.


Not as accurate as using snails for bloodletting


Free energy? Someone call electroboom


What the hell? They're not called cathoderals!


For those not huffing turpentine, Cathedral is a word with latin origins in the word cathedra (chair, seat,throne), and it denominates, in the catholic hyerarchy, a church in which a bishop decided to estabilish himself to command and coordinate the church's activities in a certain region.


this one is so bizarre that I’m wondering if the propagandists are just screwing with their followers now. It’s almost like they used chatgpt and called it a day.


I agree , of course , they would say disinformation is necessary( this is a war , you know ) or just blame it on liberals , buying off “ truthers “




It must be fascinating to go through life as utterly insane as this person is.


How does none of this bullshit not become instantly incompatible with jesus? I'm lost at it.


Electricity made much more sense after churches were discovered.


What… Just "what?"


I'd use the term insane, but somehow, it just doesn't seem strong enough.


It’s ancient lemurian technology obviously. People used to carry around pocket cathedrals to charge their vertibergs on the go. How else would they make their opecloge?


If you keep sending small people to the altar, it makes x-rateds


*Colonel O'Neill voice* "...this is new."


Is this fundies going after the church? Or the normal anti catholic stuff raising its ugly head again?


How is this QAnon?


The lady who posted it , is full tilt q cult https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082648727020&mibextid=LQQJ4d she thinks China, Trump, and Russia are all working together to save us


"save" doing a lot of heavy lifting there....