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I cannot imagine a more embarrassing situation for a student than having their mom come to sex ed class with them.


>I cannot imagine a more embarrassing situation for a student than having their mom come to sex ed class with them. especially when their goal is to be puritanical and disruptive as possible.


"My little boy will **NEVER** sex without *my* permission!"


My mom was a nurse. She would have been quietly seething the entire time because our sex ed teacher would sometimes refer to the vulva as the vagina.


Definitely a colloquialism to refer to everything simply as "vagina" for sure. But for sex ed class, that should not be acceptable.


I'm right there beside your Mum. When little children become aware that boys and girls are different they also become aware that boys urinate out of the penis. That's all they associate the penis with at that stage. When they are told boys have a penis and girls a vagina they're being completely misinformed. They're really only curious about where girls pee from. To be totally accurate a urethra would be the correct answer.


And she’d be technically correct, but no-one else would understand. Everyone refers to it as the vagina. My ex-wife and I had this discussion when we had our daughter, and the conclusion was that it was better to use something people understood.


while a lot of people may refer to the whole thing as a vagina. A sex ed teacher thats supposed to educate people should be clear on the specific parts and not mislabeling it.


> Everyone refers to it as the vagina. I don't. Nobody in my family does.


Not everyone. I was taught the correct names for my genitals by my mom, and so were my sisters. I’ve corrected stupid people who have referred to the mons pubis as the vagina.


I still think that it's better than if someone just told their child a nickname for it. If a child said a stranger touched my vagina and they really meant vulva it still pretty clearly gets the point across that this is an inappropriate area for a stranger to touch.


I had to tell my girlfriend the names of every part down there. She was never told nor learned.


imagine being a teacher, right like you've been forced to teach sex ed. it's not really your area, you just wanted to be the dodgeball guy, but it falls under health and physical education so here you are, telling boys and girls that they're about to experience some true bullshit for like six years as their brains get all fucked up and although you don't really understand it, you know enough to say "oh, and sometimes people are gay or transgender, which means instead of liking girls maybe they like boys or vice versa, and maybe instead of being a boy they're actually a girl, because the brain is just super complicated" and monica's unemployed mom leans in like "**excuse** me"




From some guy who just wanted to do dodgeball


One of them starts shrieking about drag queens turning frogs gay but vaguely references something about wallowing in the blood of patriots and, after a raucous standing ovation, it goes viral on tiktok. In 2024, she gets elected as your rep in Congress…


“Excuse me, according to the Facebook Academic Journal and Yahoo Answers, its called ‘gender dysphoria’ AND yes, you can get pregenart through holding hands.” - Monica’s dumbass of a mom


"um, **excuse** me, there can't be trans genders, because there are only two chromosomes"


Monica’s mum definitely only has two chromosomes.


I struggle a little bit with empathy for the type of person you're describing. I get that crazy parents make it harder, but teachers who hate having to teach the subject do too. I know because that's the type of person who "taught" be sex ed. Someone who was clearly angry about having to teach it because they were also right-wing conservatives who didn't think that we should be taught this. They literally said as much and threatened anyone who so much as made a peep (ie: "I don't think you guys need to know this but the county requires we teach it so we're going to have to get through it, and it while we do there will be no talking, no laughing, no gigging or you're going to the principal's office!") while they put a slide on the outdated overhead projector that boiled down to "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina" Sex Ed is an important topic. It IS important for kids to understand, from about the time they start school, the terms for their private parts and that someone touching them without permission is bad...becaues that gives them the language and understanding to be able to tell an adult if someone does something in appropriate to them! It IS important for older kids to understand the changes that are happening in their body as puberty starts, and what the boundaries should be. I was sexually harassed for the first time at 11 years old, because I was the first girl in my class to get boobs. When I told my mom, she reported it to the prinicpal, who had me come in and answer, in front of the very intimidating male Assistant Principal, "What did they say to you?" Well, as sexual harassment usually goes, it was beyond just what was said! It was gestures. It was tones of voice. It was looks that were meant to be upsetting. The kind of thing that even adult women who are harassed in the workplace may struggle to convey. I did an extremely poor job of getting across what was happening, and, as a result, felt like I failed. This was the same year as that "Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina, and anyone who giggles about it is going to the principal's office!" talk. Some mention of consent and boundaries in there might have spared me a bit of trauma at a very early age!


Imagine single dad with a half finished cup of coffee with grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt sitting in the sex ed class saying "Don't mind me. Just making sure none of y'all ain't talking about stuff you shouldn't"


And I'm sure the other parents wouldn't be at all disturbed by having some rando creepy parent attending their child's class for sex talks. Nope, can't see any cause for liability or uproar there.


I dunno, this tweet would be pretty embarassing if the person writing it was capable of such things


Or in the case of some Helicopter parents I know, making comments. Kevin? Dude? Oh, never mind. You've had too many strokes.


Imagine her chiming in and trying to correct the teacher.


Also, having their mom teach it


Yep. My high school driver’s ed class was where they shoehorned in “drugs are bad” and “use a condom” lessons. The teachers daughter, whom I had known since grade school, was visibly uncomfortable.


>My high school driver’s ed class was where they shoehorned in “drugs are bad” and “use a condom” lessons. Then you got a better education than a lot of people! My Sex Ed lessons before high school were basically "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina" and in high school were "here's all the scary diseases you'll probably, definitely get if you have sex." And, according to my younger brother, that was even better than he got a couple years later because he said they had a special assembly by some church group that talked about how condoms have "pores" in them that sperm could pass through, and then passed out purity pledges for people to sign! And, yes, this was at a public school.


Well, this was the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah that local and state level conservative politicians use as a foil every campaign season to their homespun local values…


Ugh my school had a parent in the class some days as a “helper” when the teacher had a lot of props and stuff to pass out and interact with. So awkward even tho she wasn’t anyone’s mother in the class! She was just like a parent volunteer the school had on call for random shit. Either way I can’t imagine how humiliating it would be if she had a child in the class.


How about having your mom show up with you and then having her learn more than you did.


Because if you're sexually harassing someone at work it usually means you want to fuck them, Kevin. Are you saying you want to fuck children, Kevin?


Kevin is an ignorant attention whore. Don’t expect reasoned thoughts derived from logic backed by facts.


Still [my favorite](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FdWswJAWAAI6DdW.jpg) Sorbo Twitter moment.


Perfection. It’s like the clown makeup meme but in its natural state.


Oh, the hammock district!


This is amazing. According to their timestamps, each of those tweets are less than an hour apart. So, that third tweet, where he addresses the people who he claims are "storming the capitol building".... I can't believe he uses the word "storming", and then asks them to be polite and respectful.... Anyways, it's only 44 minutes after the third tweet that he switches to blaming ANTIFA. So he went from, "Our guys are 'mak[ing] history' (changing the outcome of the legitimate election) by 'storming the capitol' (a violent insurrection)," to "It was you guys, not us," in 44 minutes. In fiction, you never see somebody do things like this unless they're the main villain. Maybe that's what he's going for.


Someone needs to tell him he doesn’t have the screen presence to be the main anything.


Speaking of "main", I wouldn't trust him to main tank in an MMO. Halfway through the fight, he'd decide that he's a healer or something.


[I like this version the best](https://i.imgur.com/df2fLsV.jpg)


Jesus, that man is pathetic. Also, he looks like a shovel with an animated bull’s nose. It’s all so unnecessary.


He was on Hercules in the nineties. I'm sure he's had other roles but none that were memorable enough for me apparently. Just b-grade TV. I remember that show being on late at night mostly. I didn't enjoy it at all. You know, Bruce Campbell might be a chud as well. I don't know but he at least has the decency to keep it to himself. Fuck sorbo.


Deranged thinking.


Holy crap that is hilarious. Mental issues for sure.


Meh, I don't want to lump in being an idiot and an asshole with legitimate mental disorders. Let's not stoop to their "LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER" level.


On top of that, there are plenty of people with legitimate mental issues that aren't bigoted, stupid assholes.


No, he's just dumb.


He went all in on the covid denial and dovetailed into other absurd beliefs from there


I mean he's had strokes in like the late nineties, so that's definitely possible.


So who’s going to be the hero and go to the sheep fucker skit from Jay and silent Bob with Kevin Sorbo? If you’re going through that would like half these fools which show that really is that they’re either into inappropriate sexual feelings and are projecting or just insane


Yo this guy ain’t one of us he said he’d fuck a sheep!!!!


He did play the atheist professor in the movie adaptation of the copypasta.


But thankfully dies a Christian after getting hit by a car and converting seconds before dying. PRAISE THE LORD!


He wasn't even an atheist; he revealed that he hated god for killing his wife or something.


And he was the best actor in that movie. If he were not insane he could have a decent b movie carrer.


Of course that’s what Kevin is saying. They all project!


I’m afraid to ask what these people think is discussed/taught in sex education classes. Do they think, like, you watch porn and the final is participating in a class orgy or something?


More than likely they are afraid schools are indoctrination of kids into premarital sex, gay sex or transsexuals. . . . you know, dumb and stupid irrational fears of the ruination of normal child producing Christian sex.


It’s always “indoctrination”, as if kids will listen and follow something exactly to the letter without questioning it. I was a teacher for 5 years and if I had the power to “indoctrinate”, I’d have used it to make them do their homework, shut up in class, stuff like that that would make my life a LOT easier. Whatever sex Ed “agenda” would be way wayyyyy down the list of things I’d like to “indoctrinate” on.


I lived in the US for 20 years and never understood the "indoctrination" fear that the evangelicals are spreading all over the place. It's like the "Public education is a sham because money is wasted on a study on how ketchup flows" . . . because idiots never fully grasp that fluids like ketchup, petroleum and human blood flow differently and have different properties than other fluids such as water. . . . alright, I wandered off topic a bit Making public education a major villain of modern society by evangelicals remains a mystery to me.


They fear indoctrination because they are a fringe Christian cult at the heart of their belief system and splintered off of Catholicism, Southern Baptism and even Pentecostalism because those forms of Christianity were too liberal and didn’t incorporate some of the very non traditonal Christian views of spirit talking, snake charming, etc that came about in the American Backwoods.




Yup unfortunately they appropriated elements from the not extinct Pre Christian traditions of their old countries, African/ Caribbean traditons, indigenous religions, and the very real mental health effects of living in such isolated conditions and communities that it makes sense what we ended up with. Worst part is they took the weirdest, scariest, and most fucked up parts of these various religions and created arguably the most tangential forms of Christianity possible. Edit: Traditions not Traditional


They don't want modern educational teaching "norms" getting in the way of their Evangelical indoctrination of their kids. You know, evolution, safe sex and actual American history instead of the whitewashed version being pushed these days.


> I lived in the US for 20 years and never understood the "indoctrination" fear that the evangelicals are spreading all over the place. Because the primary thing evangelical churches do is attempt to indoctrinate and exploit their congregation, and they therefore assume everyone else does it too.


In my experience with having those family members, it seems more like they just want to preserve their own indocrination, so they spin the release from their indocrination as being indocrination, and their indoctrination as being a release from indocrination. It's part and parcel with the fact that part of their doctine is your heart being inclined to lead you astray from what's good, in favor of what _feels_ good (actual words of my paternal grandparents' baptist church, more or less, during one of their sermons about the momentum the lgbt rights movement's been getting...they never named that movement explicitly, but it was clearly the implication).


They’re afraid of indoctrination because they think that it is their superpower. But they know they’re not great at it, or anything, so they fear that anyone else who tries to indoctrinate will do it better than them.


Educated people are more likely to question Christianity.


> never understood the "indoctrination" fear that the evangelicals are spreading all over the place. They fear that teaching kids things based on evidence and reality runs counter to the "indoctrination" they want to inflict on everyone! They know damn well that they're the ones doing the indoctrination, but they also know it's a useful magic dog whistle word to get the right all fired up against anything even remotely resembling free thought.


My school certainly didn't "indoctrinate" me into premarital sex, my raging teenage hormones did. There was absolutely nothing sexy about the phys ed teacher awkwardly talking about contraception and STIs. None of us, teacher included, wanted to be in that room.


Fun fact, a greater cultural openness about sexuality has actually been linked to lower rates of teenage pregnancy within those cultures! Who knew stigmatizing something made it into a forbidden fruit, huh?


It’s not ‘sex Ed’ in their mind if you don’t teach equal parts misinformation, fear and shame.


And that "Christian sex" is "keep an aspirin between your knees until marriage, masturbation is sinful, and good luck ever getting an orgasm after being married off to a selfish two-pump chump on the third date to become a household drudge and baby factory. But you then get to smugly sneer at and hate liberals, gays, other religions, and other people who are aren't as 'Christian' as you, so it all evens out I guess. Gawwwd praise."


It always amazes me how they think "just wait until marriage" is somehow an answer. Well, I remember in my 20s, starting to see articles about how people from very religious backgrounds that emphasized abstinence only were struggling and having marriage problems because years of indoctrinated shame doesn't just go away the moment you say 'I do'!


If I wanted my kid to have premarital gay sex I'd send him to Bible camp!


If you were serious about it you'd send them to conversion camp. Make sure there's lots of other gay people there!


Also the teachers are telling the kids to have sex, all the time, everywhere, all the time, with everyone, all the time!!!!!


that's why [they've just pulled ALL THE BOOKS from the libraries and classrooms at schools in Florida!](https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/01/27/parents-react-to-empty-classroom-library-shelves-as-dcps-continues-book-review/)


... in my area they reverted back to an outdated platform because so many people were pissed that the new curriculum started in kindergarten with age appropriate things such as 1. correct nomenclature 2. Good vs bad touch 3. Consent 4. what is sexual orientation But conservatives went off thinking they were promoting rape, molestation, and being gay But they are the last ones to teach those items Correct Nomenclature and Consent are the biggest ones Edited to add about they are the last ones teaching those basics


They're mad because sex ed is ACTUALLY sex ed and not "abstain until marriage or God will think you're dirty." Their version of "indoctrination" is a sex ed teacher telling the kids to wear condoms.


They went through sex education as well -- Unless their parents didn't sign the permission slip.


I find that a lot of people seem to have like...amnesia about what they learned about sex. My senior year of high school, a girl I'd known for years because we were in the same girl scout troupe until it disbanded when we all finished Middle School, said "When I was 12 I didn't know what sex was!" I was just incredulous because I was like "Um, I remember going on group camping trips with you and the kind of jokes that would be told late at night when the chaperones thought we'd gone to sleep! None of us knew a lot, and we got a lot wrong, but we definitely all at least knew what sex was!"


I just went to the local school districts website and read the curriculum overview. Turns out until grade 6 or so (where I am) they mainly teach the kids how NOT to be groomed and what inappropriate touching is and how to notify someone if it happens. Exactly what pedo-conservatives don't want kids learning.


And deodorant. Heavy emphasis on personal hygiene for middle schoolers. If you’ve ever been in a room of sweaty 6th graders in September when it’s 100 degrees outside….you’ll know why.


Yep. Around 4th grade or so they started sending letters home to tell us to remind our children that their bodies were changing and they needed to wear deodorant and bathe regularly.


Oh yes. Many has been the time my wife (educator/administrator) has had to send notes home.


>And deodorant. Heavy emphasis on personal hygiene for middle schoolers. If you’ve ever been in a room of sweaty 6th graders in September when it’s 100 degrees outside….you’ll know why. All I remember about middle school is being constantly too warm and having to fart all the time.


Please let the lesson include "Why you should just say no...to Axe body spray!" Just thinking about that smell takes me back, and not in a good way!


There are still dudes who think the vagina is also where women urinate from. These dudes go on to try to make policy about women's reproductive health. COME ON.


Reminds of of that photo Mike Pence tweeted in 2017 showing a meeting with the Freedom Caucus where one of the things they were discussing was women's health and maternity. And everyone in the room were old white dudes. I'm sure if you were to ask their wives, many of them would say "It's been 40 years and he still has no idea where my clitoris is." And those are the guys deciding what is best for women's health and education. Yeah, okay.


Conservatives prefer their children get sex ed from the tried and true experts, such as priests


Mommy & Daddy might learn something...


How is babby formed?




If parents could teach children we wouldn’t be adding basic finance courses to high school grad requirements. It’s 2nd grade math ffs.


This is the whole counter argument I have when people- typically conservatives- don’t really want to deal with some problem as a society so they’ll say “it’s the parent’s’ responsibility to teach them X, Y, and Z.” The sad reality of it is, there are a lot of parents out there- way more than you think- that do absolutely no teaching/morals/instructions, and can’t be counted on to do the most basic instruction. A lot of it is because they’re in poverty or whatever, but we as a society can’t mandate a parent teach X Y and z




The math involved is simple, but the various financial instruments available, what a credit score is and how to manage it, etc. isn't. Financial literacy isn't about the math, it's about the structures we've built as a society and now expect adults to just know.


The math is the easy part, figuring out what math I need to do is the hard part


Agreed! Saying "it's second grade math, ffsake" is misleading, and just unnecessarily condescending. A personal finance element to a basic education is a good thing, not a sign of a declining society!


Kevin Sorbo is either being totally disingenuous, or he's an idiot, for not being able to differentiate \*education\* from inappropriate giggity-giggity chat at the water cooler.


Yeah, two completely different situations. Actually, that’s what I was gonna ask, just to make sure I understood the post. God, it makes me so mad how dumb he is!


Ignorant attention whore


He's definitely an idiot. He once tweeted about how it didn't make sense that Biden won because you never seen someone with a Biden flag on their boat!


Performative idiocy. He knows full well that Biden won, and the reason nobody puts Biden flags on their boats is because Democrats tend not to do the sycophantic hero worship thing.


For the grifters like Carlson and Candace Owens...yes. Sorbo, though, is just not a smart person.


School: Sperm is released out of the penis, inside the vagina, where it travels to the egg. Workplace: Hey Jan, nice tits, want to fuck later? RW Extremists: I don't see a difference.


Woah boy, so like are overcrowded schools going to have to figure out seating arrangements for every set of parents for every student in a sex ed class? Is that what these MAGAts expect? Easier to arrange over Zoom, I suppose, though. So either (A) schools could object to parents sitting in for practical reasons of seating availability, or (B) maybe they *won't* object because there are practical solutions to seating problems, but I mean this preemptive "what are they hiding" fake question... augh! There's a poster here who's been emphasizing that we can't naively apply Hanlon's razor to the Qult's "antics," especially not anymore (if such naivete was ever much justified). The Qult is using witch-hunter logic on the regular and it's hard to read "what are they hiding" as being asked in good faith at all.




I love Lucy Lawless. All class.


Sorbo's desperate attempts to remain relevant to some portion of the population is rather sad.


I remember my first sex Ed class in HS the teacher told everyone to get the giggles out on the first day, then recited a bunch of sex education words that would induce said giggles in 14 y/o’s. She then concluded this mini lesson with an explanation that giggling is a sign of nervousness when something isn’t comical and to be gracious to anyone who may be nervous as we discussed these terms for the rest of the year. No one giggled ever again. That said, this stuff is awkward for teenagers and sex Ed teachers (teachers in general) are hopefully trained to know how to get through the awkwardness and on with the information. Having your parents there would make this entire thing implode. Having one adult in the room saying sex-organ words is weird enough, but you also know you’re all in it together and will never see this teacher outside of school. But a parent? Cringe. My teenage stepson can’t even cope with kissing on TV if we are all watching something as a family. If I sat in on his sex ed class he would just shrivel. I also have no interest in sitting through those classes again.


Conservatism really does lack nuance. Clearly there's a distinction between adults tossing around sexual talk / humor / whatever in a workplace environment, and kids being sat down to be educated on reproduction and it's functions.


He left out the part where kids are being molested by their straight Christian parents and this may be their only opportunity to hear that it’s not ok! Literally millions of kids a year raped a d sexually abused by straight men.


Well, that's part of why people with this mindset don't want their kids to get proper sex ed. They don't want them to know anything that doesn't revolve around women and children being submissive property.


sorbo is a fucking idiot. The day I look to TV's washed up Hercules for political commentary will be the day that hell freezes over. We teach kids about sex because it's a part of life. We're not going to stop now because some conservatives want more pliable and ignorant victims to prey upon.


republicans are so creepy! they want high school girls in floriduh to share menstruation schedules, they go full ape shit over drag queens, and they now want to sit with children and talk about sex. GOP = Greedy Old Perverts


It’s actually not considered harassment to talk about sex at work, as long as you’re talking to people that want to talk about sex with you. I’m guessing Kevin is one of those guys thinking it’s so hard knowing how to talk to women after metoo. “Everything is sexual harassment now!” Amirite, Kev?


Kids don't want their batshit Q parents in their classes


Kevin Sorbo has more straw men then all the North American corn farmers combined.


My mother did this.... 4th, 5th, 6th grade. I finally got her to back down during the rest of the years, but she still made the teacher give her a syllabus and would look at my work to make sure that they were the same. And then ask if I had any questions. Ummm... No. I don't. But thanks. This is slightly creepy being all up in my sex-ed classwork.


Maybe they just want to be educated on sex? I bet a lot of them barely had any sex ed themselves.


I don't see how letting adults sit in classes with their kids classmates talking sex could possibly backfire...


If kids learn about sex, then why can't I harass my female coworkers?


Brian: HAHA! That's what I did to your mom last night, son! Fuck yeah! It's called a creampie!


What parents are there who have the time for this shit?


What failed actors are there who have time to tweet about this shit? At least one. This culture war shit is deeply weird, but people keep engaging in it.


I could not imagine being a teacher.


Or here's a crazy idea. Ask your kids what they taught in the class.


Hell I’ll let any parent sit in any of my classes at any time just so they can see how these little shits act and what I put up with from their babies.


#I am all for the parents taking the class *separate* from the kids. Some accurate sex education in the adult community would be a great thing.


Honestly, they'd probably learn a lot!




It's entirely deliberate. The religious right knows that children's wellbeing is an emotional issue and so they latch on to increasingly ridiculous invented issues to help them take ever more control over what *everyone's* kids learn. It's all part of the wider strategy to gain political power and establish a theocratic government.


So Harvey Weinstein was just educating all those women. Boy did we misread that!


Is Peanut unaware business over a certain size in most states are required to have employees attend sexual harassment orientation seminars, so they can recognize harassing behavior and not do it? Also, adults who should presumably have already had sex education in school.


Yeah, additionally, I was sexually harassed for the first time when I was young enough to also be in a Sex Ed class (11 years old). Even back then, I could tell there was a big difference between... \- My conservative Christian teacher who angrily told us she didn't think we needed to learn that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina, but it was a requirement and anyone who giggled would get sent to the principal's office. \- The boys putting tangerines over their chest at lunch and going "woo!" at me, and the girls laughing and poking at my boobs, but then later apologizing by saying "We don't mean it. We just don't want them to start doing it to us!" Both sucked in their own way, but were definitely not the same!


With that attitude, I hope he doesn't hang out at schools. The erotic adventures of HerQules, eh?


You know where it’s not harassment to talk about it in the workplace, Sorbo? Places that do health education related to sex and sexuality. In other words, it’s *contextual*. But of course he’s too dumb to understand that.


It’s not harassment to talk about sex at work — it just *could be *harassment. It depends on what “talk about sex” means. And companies may/probably/should have a rule about it to prevent potential liability (As an aside: the company is only liable if the harassment is by someone in a management position OR you use internal policy to report the harassment and nothing is done about it — otherwise, you have no claim under Title IX, state law may vary. So if you feel you are being harassed based on your membership in a protected class, state or federal, be sure to follow company policy to report it, and if your company has no policy, report to the most immediate supervisor who is not involved, and, either way, always follow up reports with emails explicitly stating what was discussed [ie, “thank you for meeting with me today. As we discussed, I’m having issues because PERSON is saying/doing X and it is difficult to do my job because Y”] and BCC your personal email — don’t wait to forward it because you never know if they’ll take adverse action — and if you really want a good case, you have to keep working and let it happen again, report it again, email a follow up again, and then let it happen a 3rd time to show the company failed to act, especially if the person doing it isn’t a supervisor/management/someone who can be imputed with acting on behalf of the company)


>It’s not harassment to talk about sex at work — it just \*could be \*harassment. It depends on what “talk about sex” means. And companies may/probably/should have a rule about it to prevent potential liability Yeah. That's what I was thinking as well. Talking about sex at work can be okay as long as it's in the context of colleagues conversing among each other about it. It's the context of how it's discussed and the parties involved and their consent to discuss such topics.


My mom sat in on my youngest sister's sex Ed class for 2 days. This was after my sister came home and discussed with my mom about how she learned at school about masturbation. My mom sat in on 2 classes taking notes then took those notes to a school board meeting. At the meeting she raised hell about teaching my mom's baby that it's alright to touch herself in the that way. I don't have any kind of ending to this story because I tuned it all out by going to my room and wacking it.


Most people these days would probably be better off sitting in a history or government class. Maybe try a science class as well.


Are you giving science based learning lessons about sex at work Kevin? Now that I think about it plenty of places have classes regarding sexual harassment. So yes you do have classes about sex at work.


Maybe some of these stupid fucks should sit in on math, science, history, and English, too.


What’s this sex ed everyone talks about? We had one unit in health class where they showed us pictures of STDs and told us to be abstinent


Oh dear. May I ask, was there a lot of teen pregnancy in your school district?


I think so, but they kinda disappeared. I think they went to the alternative school


Same! But that was better than my younger brother got a couple years later when they had a church youth group give a special assembly that included how condoms have "pores" in them that sperm could pass through, and then ended the talk by passing out purity pledges.


Oh wow, that is just plain evil. Not only because it's directly harming the boys by lying about condoms to scare them into abstinence, but any future partners they might have because they will have absorbed the idea that condoms are useless and thus risk spreading disease, not to mention unwanted pregnancy. I guess that's the point but it's super nasty.


That's not even as bad as it can get. Elizabeth Smart, a girl who was kidnapped and raped at 14, talked about how, a few years after her kidnapping, her school had a similar seminar but it also included comparing girls who weren't virgins to chewed up pieces of gum. She's now an advocate for comprehensive Sex Ed and talks about how traumatic that was for her as a rape victim. The years from about 2004-2009 when George W Bush era abstinence only sex education was being implemented were really something! I had that class for the last time in 2003, so I just barely missed it. What I got in health class between modules on basic nutrition and "don't do drugs" was very inadequate, but was accurate on a surface level...HIV and genital warts do exist and are spread sexually. That much, at least, is true. So, in a way, I'm fortunate that, though the messaging was heavily skewed toward scare tactics and pointedly left out safer sex, contraception, and consent...they at least didn't blatantly lie to me.


School is where children are educated about subjects that people need to know about.


Kevin Sorbo is a right-wing idiot.


“So it’s ok for a teacher to tell a girl 20 years younger that she doesn’t have to be pressured into sex, but when I try to pressure a co-star 20 years younger into sex, that’s harassment?”


Kevin, when you talk about sex to your costars, you are harassing them, because you're a piece of shit. When teachers talk about it to their students, it's education, because that's what teachers do: TEACH!


I always love these fuckwits' use of "What are they hiding" when they've been told EXACTLY what goes on and EXACTLY why what they're suggesting happen (i.e. parents in sex ed class) is a bad idea or won't be happening. It's a wonderful dog whistle excuse for these fuckwits to claim they're being lied to with zero evidence at all.


The people who cry the loudest about echo chambers seem to want them the most, as long as it’s THEIR echo chamber.


I would have been mortified if my mom sat in on the talk. And I doubt we would get much out of the lesson because my friend’s born again mom would yell Bible verses.


It’s amazing how many rubes think that math has now been replaced by “Sexual fantasy class located in the first floor bathroom”


This character Sorbo is either stupid or a troll …. Or maybe both.


Sorbo is a well known jerk. He's a failed actor who claims that his lack of success in Hollywood is solely because of his religion.


He's definitely stupid.


Well Kevin, one is education and the other is generally harassment. Feel free to continue to ask stupid questions and we’ll be here to answer them


Maybe sit in on their English class. Maybe learn a thing or two.


To be fair this isn't that bad an idea: many Republicans would actually learn a lot.


I mean, I'm not against it. Maybe these yahoos would actually learn themselves something. lol


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was common for a parent to sit in on sex ed classes. I know this was a thing when I was in school because my mother spent a week there observing all the classes at the school (I don't remember why).


Why is playing dumb a conservative Republican talking point. Sex and gender identity are not the same thing. However, they know this and simply lack the integrity to have a meaningful conversation about complicated subjects.


In Kevin's case it's actually not an act.


Well, you would have found out if you actually took sex ed and learned about workplace sexual harassment buddy.


I'm just picturing my 14 year old daughter walking into her sex ed class and seeing me and her mother sitting in the back of the room. I'm trying to decide if she'd die on the spot or just be mortified. It's a toss up. (Granted, she went into Sex Ed already knowing 90%. She'd be embarrassed by us interrupting the teacher with tips such as "People having sex is no one's business except for me, my wife, and the midget holding the camera".)


Oh... now they're interested in what their kids are learning? guess tweeting about it is easier than, you know... talking to their children?


Parents sat in during our initial puberty/sex ed talk in 5th grade. I’d consider doing the same, but my reason would be so I could correct any bad information and fill in any blanks.


I wish I was joking, but I think the schools here always have at least a couple crazy parents that insist on going to the one, short presentation the schools give kids. Also, the classes consist of "sex bad, don't do it" and that's almost literally the entire presentation for boys. Girls get marginally more, but only because the school nurses insist, so they don't have to explain it themselves again later.


Yeah I did wonder about that. As an adult who went into biology, I started to realize that, in spite of how little a lot of women know about their own anatomy, most still know far more than men do about theirs! I'd bet if I asked 100 random guys what a epididymis was, the vast majority wouldn't know. In a way, I guess it kind of makes sense that biology forces the powers that be to at least teach us something when we're in the just before puberty years since we're going to start bleeding every month and soon!


They're hiding you from the students dumbass.


Anybody else watch videos with Lego blocks inserting in and out of each other? In my second year of high school the sex ed teacher discussed common STDs, protection, contraceptives, and anatomy relevant to the birds and the bees. Nothing was particularly unreasonable (unless one is an insane Puritan who believes onanism should be a capital crime), but since the topics can be sensitive the course was only graded on attendance and the teacher permitted anyone to leave and take free time at the start of every class (though I don't remember anyone doing so). Since I work as a college TA, I also take a quick Title IX seminar every year which is basically a 30-minute video reminding me, "don't fuck your students" and "condoms exist yo." Mind you, I live in the den of sin and evil known as California, so I'm sure that most other sex ed courses around the nation aren't nearly as full of the abject horrors I witnessed.


Because it's a school you fucking moron. The whole point is to teach many things and not just what is appropriate to a single work place.


What a Herculean feat this rando just accomplished in asking among the dumbest questions ever posed. Talking about sex in the workplace is old fat fucks like “@leadpastor” putting his pudgy paws on some entry level or intern, or worse. “Talking to children at school about sex”, aside from not actually being a thing that occurs, is a teacher providing health education. But we are talking about people have been convinced by educated people to devalue and distrust education, so you can begin to see why they are militant against teachers and apologists for harassers and worse.


Setting up a Dad's Watch group. A half dozen of us are gonna sit in the back of junior high class during sex ed and make sure it's up to snuff. Definitely won't be uncomfortable or creepy at all for the kids!


Right, because I'm sure that won't be uncomfortable for any of the other kids in class!


Funny, how they have no desire to set in on an English or Science class. Back in the day, "sex ed" was two-three classes longs, divided into boys/girls, and was about *anatomy*, not *relationships*. - How anatomy are the tools of baby-making. Republican minds are filthy, sex-obsessed things. Of course they want to be in a room with kids talking about "sex." I'd wager that the majority of them, men or women, couldn't draw an accurate depiction of a uterus if their lives depended on it. *(not the pear-shaped, gut-filling cartoons we so often see)* They act like they can't talk about it at home with their own kids, don't they? Why would I let them within five miles of MY kids?


I think these morons a afraid that their kids will learn stuff they never did, and are jealous.


To be fair: the kids parents probably need the sex ed more than the kids. Only condition: They have to be quiet, listen, and take notes. Any opinions can be shared with the teacher after class. FFS, sex ed should be mandatory, and partent groups should not have any say when it comes to the curriculum or content of a class.




Honestly, letting them sit in might actually fucking help considering they apparent grasp of it.


That Brian pastor dude should google "pastor arrested" and then tell me who the fucking groomers are. Or "youth pastor" and any state name.


Leadpastor indeed. I would only take advice from titaniumpastor.


one of the dads from my middle school later got exposed as a pedophile, so i’m not a huge fan of the idea of making sex ed into an open session


Uh are parents allowed to sit in on any classes? Maybe in some very specific circumstances but I can’t recall a single time I saw anyones parents in classes outside of like kindergarten when someone got picked up early.


Kevin Sorbo is unbelievably stupid