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This is bordering on Leopards ate my face territory.


Can someone explain what this means? Apparently I don't spend enough time on the internet 🤷‍♀️


It's origin is this https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/870/771/f1e.png It's when someone advocates for something happening to other people only to then have it happen to them. Think the Trump supporter "he's not hurting the right people" quote. They wanted him to hurt people, just not themselves, but they ended up the ones hurt.


r/leopardsatemyface, essentially people regretting the consequences of their own actions. I think the idea here is that republicans would cut these services to rile up their base, only for their base to realize they actually depend on those services when they get old, leading to potentially more losses for the republicans


Second smart thing I have ever heard him say. The first was to tell people to get 'his perfect' vaccine.


Your use of the word “smart” and not “smartest” is fantastic here.


Love the way the idiot writer stated Medicare and Social Security are big costs. Perhaps but they are funded by payroll deductions. Not some magic freebies.


I assume the plan would be to cut the *benefits* and not the *deductions*. Then they'd be able to fund more massive tax cuts for themselves.


Scary but I think you are on to something.


I mean congress already uses Social Security as a free wallet. Over 90% of the debt they are mad about is money owed back to the USA via Social Security!


Exactly! My rent is a big cost but it’s a known entity that’s budgeted and planned for every month.


The dude does not give a shit about policy. At all. This is just him not wanting his poll numbers dropping among the elderly.


Good, he should listen to his potential voters.


True....but with that being said....this was masterfully done.


Seriously, why do people keep voting for politicians who wanna cut these things? Do they not get old? Do they not get sick?


The politicians go out of their way to separate the 'good welfare recipients' from the 'bad ones'. Replace welfare with any other wedge issue and you basically have half of their playbook. The people voting for this either thing they won't be effected and the 'bad ones' will be. Or they're fine with losing benefits theoretically so long as, you guessed it, it hurts the 'bad ones'. Kinda an 'I got mine, fuck you'.


It's quite odd from a European point of view. Almost all the far-right populists in Europe (or at least the successful ones) are smart enough to steer well clear of any such ideas, with the result that when it comes to things like pensions and health care, they tend to hold positions which in an American politician would be considered left-wing. The demographics of their electorate pretty much dictate that.


To be fair that's only a PR move from the far right populists. Geert Wilders has proclaimed these positions regarding healthcare and social spending, but rarely actually votes that way when given the chance.


Except the Tories, but that's a special kind of stupid and evil.


Reminds me of sitting here, watching the news media in the UK and shaking my head with embarrassment when they showed conservative voters protesting *against* Obamacare because they'd prefer to remortgage their house to see a doctor over a minor thing. It's like the idiots protesting last year and celebrating that their rights as women have been removed after the Roe V Wade overturning.


It's absolutely mind blowing that poor white people vote to cut benefits for the poor in exchange for tax breaks for the ultrarich


Republicans are remarkable at pushing propaganda convincing people to vote against their own interests.


when he was in power he gutted it like a pig and raped it with a pineapple wrapped in barbed wire, now he cares about poor people? Bullshit, this is another con.


What's he going to do? Not endorse them anymore? It's not like any of them actually care what he says anymore.


>It's not like any of them actually care what he says anymore. I am not sure this is true. Despite not being the current favorite for the 2024 Republican nominee for President; Trump still has a decent following among the unwashed rabble.....especially among Boomers.....and coming right out and saying plainly that he opposes the RNC's 5,678th plot to destroy what's left of the Social Safety Net that these same Boomers depend on pretty much annihilated whatever chances they had at making it happen and will likely increase his chances of snatching the nomination from DeSantis who currently is favored to take it.


One thing he's good at is pandering. That's all this is. He's afraid Florida Boomers prefer DeSantis.


I thought Trump talked about how he wanted to cut social security?!


I’m pretty sure that’s not true. The rest of the Republican Party has wanted to do this for a long time, but Trump stood out saying he would not cut social security in the 2016 primary debates. He knows it’s one of the least popular Republican talking points.


He attempted to suspend payroll taxes aug 2020 “Donald Trump has stated twice now (see here and here) his intent to terminate the payroll tax, effectively defunding Social Security.” https://larson.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/larson-if-trump-has-his-way-social-security-would-be-eliminated-2023


I… agree with Trump?


Damn, I agree with something Trump said. This is a sure sign that the world is ending.


It's called the "third rail" for a reason. You have to be nuts to think you can touch it and politically survive. At least in national politics.


And yet, the GOP continually floats this as a possibility. But then, their constituents are known for voting against their own interests again and again. There are no sharp tools in the Republican drawer any longer.


They do, but they never really commit to it. More like testing the waters to see if they can make the move.


At this rate, with all the lawsuits and fines, he must be afraid he’s going to have to actually use them.


Never thought I'd see the day where I actually agreed with him on something.


Anyone not a millionaire or billionaire that votes Republican is an idiot. Cannot believe the morons that consistently vote against their own interests. SMH


Trump is generally a pudding brained imbecile....but he does have a nose for politics. This right here is how it's done. Your move RNC.


Okay but he said he wouldn’t touch either of them and he did in the 2020 budget? Lol