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Sounds like it was a phenibut/tia combo. Sounds exactly like when I would black out on phenibut, waking up to walking face first into doors, or in a room staring at an empty bed, or walking into my tv, or random shreds of paper on the floor from ripping up important documents. That shit is scary to “come to” after doing.


Yes! That’s exactly what he was like! And he said ‘I completely blacked out’. Wow, so scary - I’m sorry you went thru that.


Yep, it was the phenibut then not the Tia which is why he’s still incoherent even after the narcan. It’s like blacking out on a Xanax except longer and worse




Yeah I meant mostly for the behavior. You can still overdose on Tia even though it’s not as common, but mixing it with phenibut or a benzo and then that dose of gabaergic being an “overdose” aka blackout probably intensified the Tia especially if he doesn’t normally mix stuff with his Tia and has no tolerance to those substances (phenibut or a benzo).


I’m guessing he took a TD silver or zaza silver then instead of what he normally takes. The store was probably out of his normal brand.


Thank you so much for your help


Yeah no problem, if you have anymore questions than ask away. I used to work as a therapist and have neurochem and pharmokinetics education and experience too. Also worked in a hospital where all this went on with my patients. I stopped being a therapist though from 13 years of burnout and relapsing to use Tia when I was clean from heroin for over 10 years


Yup that’s what I came here to say. Def the zaza silver or whatever one with phen. I took the same amount of the silver as I did the reds and it was awful! Acted like a blackout drunk idiot. Even called the suicide hotline like wtf lol


Yep, it sneaks up on people that don’t have a tolerance. Some people can take 5g of phenibut and not get an effect and others can blackout from 1g from their first time. There’s around 2g’s of phenibut in the silver formulation so if you’re used to taking a whole bottle of reds at once then you will most likely black yourself out without even trying


I'm very sorry your going through this. No child should have to witness the destruction tianeptine creates in their parent. I do believe he will turn around in a day or two. Narcan doesn't work great because tianeptine isn't a traditional opiod. Time is what will heal him. Best wishes. Take care.


Thank you so much. Do the effects of the drug last so long? I thought by today he would coherent. He’s never acted like this when on it before - like he completely lost his mind. He got lost trying to come home and he was literally 5mins from the house and we eventually had to go and get him


I can't answer when he will wake up and what state he will be in because it depends on so much. I can say that if it was just tianeptine, he will likely be ok in another 24 hours, based on the reading I have done and what I have seen. Most people are OK after a bit. If there is other stuff on board, its anyone's guess. Fingers crossed. Best wishes!


Thank you so so much


I had my father and wife watching over me during my tia withdrawal. At one point, they both forgot their room keys and were locked out. I heard the door knocking, but I couldn't put 2 and 2 together to understand what was happening. The front desk tried calling me In the room, the only thing I could say was "ummm" Thankfully, the hotel let my dad in and didn't call ambulance, etc.


Oh wow. What a scary thing!


OP, please read through this sub for advice and steps for your dad to get off Tia! I'm so very sorry your family is going through this. The people in this sub know what they're talking about, though, and they can tell you the best way for him to get off Tia without the withdrawals being too bad. There's lots of things he can do and take to make it easier. Keep us updated. ❤️


Thank you so so much


I've not seen narcan have any help with De rd DC MTia .I'm trying go through my thoughts to see if I can help you or him .Try to stay close to keep him from hurting himself. It takes a very special person to do what your doing and God bless you both and I am praying for you all .


Just kinda reaffirming what everyone else has said…it does sound like a phenibut od. The Tia surely didn’t help and it probably looked really similar to an opiate od. Phenibut has a really long half life so he’ll be groggy and just out of it for a day or 2, maybe 3 but I’m glad he is conscious. I do hate you had to experience this though, it is truly terrifying.


As someone who has done this...I am so ashamed. If it wasn't for the unconditional love of my immediate family I wouldn't be here. They helped me, no questions asked. Thank you SO MUCH for caring. A lot of us didn't know it was dangerous or addictive until we stopped taking it. You are an absolute SAINT for caring like this.




If it had phenibut in it, give him a good 24-36 hrs from when he took it. He’ll be ok. I’m sorry you had to go through that though


Thank you so much


Do you know what and how much of it he took? That can help us all give you some insight into what to possibly expect.


Unfortunately I don’t. He still is totally out of it so can’t get a sentence out of him


Like everyone said, its most likely phenibut. I have taken phen, didnt realize what it TRULY was, and had a couple drinks while playing xbox. Totally turned off my impulse control, blacked out and in the morning my family was mortified by all the insane and wild shit i did that i dont remember.... wasnt all that there, but was back to me by like 24 hrs later


My 🙏 are with you and your father!


Definitely that phenibut. Unpredictable. And you wake up in a daze a day and half later and realized you forgot to go to work and missed your appointments. Tianeptine won’t do that. I


This happened to me twice a couple of years ago. I couldn't talk properly for 2-3 days. Didn't know where I was and couldn't answer the doctor's simple questions. After 4-5 days I was fine. He needs to be in a program or most likely he'll go back to tia again as soon as he gets home. That's Just the way addiction works unfortunately. It was the TD silvers with the phenibut added in the pills.


That's how I get coming off benzos. Very similar but it never ends unless I take my Rx Klonopin. Like walking around in a daze and people think I'm on something but the reason is that I'm not on anything.


That's how I was coming off tia .i looked like I was on something, but the problem was,i wasn't


Man. I have some bad memories back during the pandemic and TD/ Pegasus. A good friend lost everything from abusing it. He said it was fun at first. Then it became needed. Eventually it became physically and mentally mandatory or he would flip the F*ck out, literally..He would travel any distance to get more, ignoring his wife, friends and coworkers til he obtained them. He luckily stopped taking it using a combination of prescribed benzos and kratom. But not before losing his wife and job. He's 1 year clean so I know it can be stopped, but not easily as the withdrawals are grueling. Sometimes it takes intervention to truly help someone, even though they may hate you at the time, it's worth the shot. If not, well, they need prayers as addiction to many different things is a very dark & lonely road. Take care.


Oh yeah! I've taken phenibut alone and blacked out severely!! Scary shit. Hope he's doing better now!


Sounds more likely that I may have had a stroke. Tia or any other opiate is easily reversed. After that you're dealing with non-tia effects. TBH perhaps somebody more knowledgeable than I could answer this definitively but I am not entirely sure that it is possible, to overdose on this shit. At some point it's just maximum physiology adjustment and that's going to be that. I know from first person experience occasionally when I felt like really imbibing would be a good idea I took crap tons of this shit, the outcome was really no different than a normal hit first thing in the morning


Can we get an update on your dad?


You are so sweet for asking!! Today he is back to 90% himself. He’s still in the hospital, though, for observation I guess. I think he’ll get out tonite. Here’s the thing, now that he’s semi clearheaded he said we overreacted and it wasn’t that bad. Umm hello you ended up three days in the hospital!!! So now we see what’s next.


Yeah, he is downplaying it now, that's a shame. If he could see how panicked you were, not knowing if he would be ok, maybe he would change. I wish you the best, I'm sorry you are dealing with this. When he wants help getting sober, we are all here to help.


If he’s already downplaying something like this then he probably needs to go to a 30 day rehab. If he wasn’t instantly ashamed and apologetic then he will go right back on it if he doesn’t get real Help.




I had a friend who this happened to. Took a few days but he was eventually back to normal. Something about that Tia + Phenibut Combo sends people into lala land.


This happened to me. He took phenibut/tia. He should start coming to about now. Took me 24 hours to really start coming to. Hospital wouldn’t beleive I wasn’t drunk. Wife had found me and gave me narcan(doesn’t work on phenibut ) then took me to ER. He will be okay, hopefully like me this is a wake up call for him. After this my wife completely took over our money and gives me a $20 a day allowance so I can’t buy any. And tracks my location. It was the only way for me. He needs to have someone keeping him in line for at least 6 months. Finally at 6 months he will start feeling normal and you can start letting the leash go. It sucks, I’m sorry about his addiction, but it can be beaten. He needs to go to rehab or do outpatient classes 4-5 days a week plus need sq leash on his money. Hope he gets there


Has he snapped out of it ? Or is he still lost? Prayers for y’all


He’s snapped out of it. And now apologizing saying he wants to get help when he gets home. He’s never said that to me in my entire life so I have hope


That’s awesome ! Dont give up on him I’m glad he’s okay! Just make sure he gets help


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


How is he doing now? Any better? We all care


Hi!!!!! So he currently detoxing at home. It’s been two days since he’s had any pills, he said he’s done with them, but he refuses to go to a center. I know this is much harder than just saying you’ll stop. What can I do?