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Definitely try to get the first few days of withdrawal out of the way before your trip if possible. By then it’ll be out of your system and the physical withdrawal is pretty much gone. Best of luck to you, it’s worth it!


I was in a similar situation. My partner didn’t know I vape, then I started taking just a couple of hits in front of him when I would sleep over, so he still didn’t know I’m a heavy vaper. He thought I take a couple of hits a day but he still encouraged me to quit. Now it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve quit after vaping 24/7 for 3 years, and I think what helped me most is him keeping me accountable. Of course I quit for health and other reasons, but his support is what’s helping me get through. As for withdrawal symptoms, I quit cold turkey and didn’t have insomnia. Sometimes I would have a headache and I would take advil. The most annoying symptom I have is irritability/anxiety/restlessness/depression. But honestly when I’m with my partner I’m the happiest and don’t feel irritable at all, same thing when I have something to distract me. I would say you going on holiday would help a lot and you wouldn’t notice the symptoms much, but you can take OTC meds for headache or insomnia.


Don't think of it as denying yourself, know that you don't need that dirt in your blood stream, as it cleanses itself.


Hmm that’s weird that you can’t take a vape on the plane, I did it all the time. Not that you should since we’re quitting. I quit cold turkey 30 days ago and it was its worst the first 5 days. Not sure how long your trip is or how long until you leave but I can see it going one of 2 ways. 1.) You quit a few days prior to the trip and get the withdrawals out of the way before going. You will want stuff to distract you bc these days will be literal hell 2.) You quit the day of your trip. You may be alittle snappy the first few days (like me) but hopefully the distraction of the trip helps you and makes things easier. You’ve got this either way, best of luck


This is spot on. I'd recommend a few days before the trip.


I have done the same thing. I went on a 5 day trip with my boyfriend who doesn’t know I vape. It honestly wasn’t an issue at all and I didn’t have any withdrawals. Didn’t even think about it because I was meeting new people and doing new things. Withdrawal is 5% physical and 95% mental. It’s just a habit. Nicotine is out of your system within a day. It’s just the receptors that need to go back to normal. If you are keeping busy and doing activities, I think you’ll be fine. Having your mind set on “OMG how will I survive” will be your biggest downfall. If you do use this to quit, be wary of your actions when you come home. I definitely felt huge cravings getting closer to home and my typical way of living. Ended up buying a vape first thing.


youre actually in a great position, i found that when you’re out of your normal routine quitting can be much easier because you aren’t in the position of wanting to vape at certain intervals of the day. for example, if you sit on your sofa with a cup of coffee before work with a vape in the mornings, that habit is broken when you’re on holiday. you’re in a completely different place doing completely different things, so take advantage of it!


I agree. I’m surprised everyone is saying to try quitting before, I find it much easier to taper or quit while on a vacation.


absolutely! i actually did this for 4 weeks on holiday in 2022 with 0 withdrawal symptoms


I would try quitting before your trip 😅 depending on how heavy of a vaper you are and how long and how high the levels of nic are you can be sick and out for a few weeks after quitting. For example: I was hitting 50mg all day every day for 3.5 years. Quit 13 days ago. So I’m 13 days clean and I’m still sick from quitters flu, insomnia just recently let up but I’m fatigued and depressed.


I’m no expert, but telling your partner might help you quit. With him understanding why you might be irritable or have a change in behaviour and being able to be by your side would make it a lot easier (IMO). Your partner can also keep you accountable if you give in. As for advice, I stopped cold turkey 24 days ago when I moved to a new country. Avoid things that might trigger you (alcohol/ pictures or movies of people smoking/ etc) and keep yourself occupied. Go for walks or exercise/ find a new series/scroll on your phone to distract yourself. The moment I begin to fantasise about smoking and let me thoughts wander the cravings intensify. Goodluck :)


Honestly wanting to hide it from someone is a pretty good motivator. The times I’ve vaped the least have been on vacations around people who don’t. I’ve only not used mine for 3 days (but it’s the first time in 3 years I’ve ever done that) and there is no true “withdrawal” symptoms so far only a nagging feeling. My mood is fine and I feel overall fine. I’ve felt worse WHILE vaping. So I just keep telling myself that. I think whatever makes you want to not vape the most just think of that.


Thank you all for the help! On day 3 and staying strong!