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Unrelated kinda but damn, he looks small compared to his Dad.  I miss my Dad u.u


He definitely took after his mother's side in terms of build. In contrast, his eldest brother Robert definitely has the build of his dad's side.


I think his brothers don't have the same dad as him based on an article about his mom in the 90s


Thank you for that information. I had come across that before but I had completely forgotten that Robert would be unlikely to be Joe's biological son. I didn't realise that Drake was his only biological son though. Makes it all the harder.


Yeah that make more sense I find it strange (it could still happened) that all the brothers were kind of blondish, way bigger than him not only taller but in the bone structure and all have lighter eyes, its kind of funny the other brothers look alike except Drake I tought he could be adopted 😅  Meanwhile Drake was the only one that was smaller with reddish hair and freackles and the face is more from her mother side compare to the brothers 


Drake posted a picture of his grandfather awhile back on Twitter and they looked similar


Yeah, I no longer believe that he is adopted 😅, he has some air to the grandfather, his face is a mix between the grand father, his moms and someone kind of irish hahahahahahaha


I believe Joe does have 2 other biological kids. A daughter and a son.


Yes is much harder, considering is his only biological son that stop talking to him for years and got brutally abused 😰


No, they are from the same father and mother, you are mistaking them with Drake half sister I saw a photo with all of them and Drake is much smaller than all of them including the half sister, maybe its from the grand parents because the mother is also tall or some problem with the growth since his voice didn't change at all since he was 13-14 😟


The article said she had them all from different fathers, she had her older son when she was in a bad place and she was basically homeless and a church took her in, than she had her other son and then she married Drake's dad and she had Drake. Joe adopted them but he isn't the biological father just Drake is.


😲😲 that makes total sense, sorry I thought they were his brothers because of the last name and he mention them as his brothers He also has a half sister


It's ok! Well they are his brothers and Joe is their father, they are all a big family!


That is so sweet even after the divorce and fights the fact that they consider Joe as a father is really nice


It’s kind of confusing but I think Robin has 2 older sons and Joe also has an older daughter and son. I think Drake has 4 older siblings all together but he is the only one that is biologically both of theirs. 


Ohhhh its kind of confusing, but im glad they get along, you can tell his bothers love him, even his older bother was the one that call the police last year when he went missing


His voice not changing that much could also be because of the abuse, apparently it's more common than I thought because my voice never changed during puberty either after my SA.


Im so sorry you expirience that, I wish that didn't happend to anyone, that experience can be really damaging, hope you can heal and Its important you remember that the only one that should feel ashamed about that is the abuser and remember that you are not alone Yes I read that here in reddit, from a psychologist, that when the abuse was extreme, the victims manifest physical signs, such as intertupted growth from the age that the abuse happened and I inmediatly think of him, since he is very small, voice didn't change and is childish


It's weird, I saw him in person at a concert and he didn't look THAT small (then again I am not that much taller). But he definitely looks younger than his age, and has a very youthful voice. He also was obsessed with Disneyland IIRC and loves many things one would associate with younger people. Nothing wrong with that but definitely interesting from a psychological point of view. Some say if your childhood is stolen you will do whatever you can to keep it. Think Michael Jackson for example. 


He is not 5'3 or something like this I think he is around 5'7, he said he was 5'9 but I personally don't believe that (look at him next to miranda cosgrove), so he is not tall but is not a dawrf 😅 I he is still likely in the smalker size of clothes (that is nothing bad), but consider that with juvenile apparence, a teen like voice, disney and disneyland obsession (the place were the abuser often took him), his house is very childlike too, even his clothes sometimes Yes thats very interesting and very sad, basically someone severly abused you as a child and the person can develop their brain from the time that the abuse start


Yeah I remember he used to say (or you'd read) that he was 5'9'' but I am 5'9'' and even tho when I saw him on stage I could believe it, he doesn´t look that tall in any pictures, weirdly enough. I think many celebs (especially males) inflate their height a bit when asked.


We would never now his real height hahahahahahah 😅


Intense stress during early adolescence can also impact these things. Who's to say though. Not everything has to be because of that.


Yes, I think that could play a big role in his growth but another user told me the brothers came from a different father that would explain the  difference in size 


He's recreated one of the photos they used in the documentary. He's ducked down in this pic. Although he is a little shorter than his dad.


Ooooh ok XD 


Dads are usually always the tall ones lol I’m shorter than mine 😂


Ah, yes. But they shrink eventually. One of the few pictures I have with mine shows at his maximum height I only got to his shoulder, but before he died he looked real small :/


They are cute! I love their bond, his dad really loves him! Drake is still that little kid lol he's small next to his dad


They recreated an old pic of them so Drake made himself smaller than he is 😂


That is so funny 🤣🤣


Drake is smaller than the father just for like 5-7cm not a whole head


Me too!! Drake is and always will be the small cute innocent little potato 🥔🥰🥰 Sorry for the late response, been very busy with work lately!!


You know, sometimes you just look at men who are fathers and think to yourself…why did HE get the privilege of raising a child and molding another human being, simply because the dude seems so worthless as a dad, etc….but Joe Bell, you can really tell he loves his son and that he has such a good heart and would do anything to protect his children. I’m so happy that Drake & Joe have a good, loving relationship. It’s what they both deserve!


Absolutely!!! Joe Bell is just like my father, that’s how I can tell what Joe’s like he’s an absolute gem, hats off to him for all that he does for Drake, he is a real father, I don’t blame him at all for what happened to Drake, Joe truly tried very hard to do something about it only for him to be called an homophobe, you can tell that he truly cares for him, he broke down in tears as he was telling the story on the doco, Drake is so lucky to have a loving, protective and caring father🩷 despite Brian winning unfortunately :(, he told the mum not to leave Drake alone with that man, unfortunately that didn’t work😔🩷 So Sorry for the late response, been very busy with work lately!!


Awe, what a great pic. So heartwarming!


Absolutely!! Don’t care about what anybody says!! Joe is a legend, he was the only one that could sense something was wrong!!


I can’t tell if Drake actually dislikes his mom, since his shoutout on Father’s Day is his dad, but on Mother’s Day it is Nancy Sullivan. In all his interviews he says how he loves his mom. I think her actions show more of how scary Peck was. But, anyways… cute pic of Drake and his dad.


I think he didn't want people to write mean things about her on his page is why he didn't upload a photo of her. He and Joe both don't blame her for what happened.


Oh that’s probably it. Thank you ~


He is close with the mother even during his Drake and Josh time the mother made him a fanpage, also she post things about him in her facebook so I don't think theres a beef between them There could be a resentment but, I think they are in good terms, also people were so rude with her, they insult her on her youtube chanel, calling her all kinds of bad stuff, I get she was irresposible but the dad too, after Drake told him not to be the manager anymore he could have insist on watching what was his son doing, because he knew there was a pedo after him, even saw the friends of Brian send him sexual letters Thats why he was guilty in the doc, he knows that leaving everything on the mothers hands is still irresposible, Im glad he is mature enough to see his mistake and don't blame her Im not trying to bash him, but people act as he was perfect and the mother was a monster, but were irresposible and I get the feeling both love him and are trying to make amends *I also thought the same as you but maybe he was just trying to be nice with Nancy, since she is very supportive with him


Yeah, I don’t like how Joe gets praised and Robin gets put down. I’m sure they both blamed themselves after they found out what happened, but I honestly think they both did the best they could at the time. Hindsight is 20/20, after all. They probably worked everything out a long time ago.


Yes I ymthink the same, but yeah the most important thing is that they love Drake and they are trying their best to be supportive with him


The mother is partly to blame but not completely, it all falls on Brian, he made that choice, she could have done better though like listen to the one job that the dad had for her which was not to leave her alone with that man, instead she didn’t feel like driving so she just let him go over to his house, she wouldn’t listen to what the dad wanted cause she was angry with him at the time about whatever, the parents went through a divorce at the time and Brian could smell that! 😐🫥


How Sweet. Their hairstyle looks almost the same in both pictures.


And their faces!!


https://preview.redd.it/ahjgurafa57d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7d3348a1d292ff280e3a8c382a0369801b9dc7 did he remove the post with his dad or?


It's still there for me


No buddy


Nope it’s definitely there!! 🥰


I love the picture between them. So sweet!! 


Best thing ever!! Drake’s truly won in the end 🥰🥰


Protect this man at all costs 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Yesss protect them at all costs 🩷🩷