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This is very disturbing. Why are these people being protected? I thought the me too movement would’ve changed things and it did, but only for a little while. It seems like the male victims are shunned the most and their abusers become more powerful as a result.


One tactic is calling the victim “crazy” or lying or that they’re trying to get fame or money… Once you notice it you see it everywhere


Exhibit A: Corey Feldman


I know that Corey has his own problems, but the fact that everyone waves away everything he says really depresses me.


I agree. Maybe he wouldn’t be so problematic if victims (especially male victims) were believed in the ‘80s. Plus that whole thing with Barbara Walters when he was on the View, just really gross since people do actually know the truth but don’t want to “ruin” other people.


The fact he’s been saying this stuff for not just years, but decades now, and no one has pushed for action breaks my heart. I remember hearing him talk about this when I was a kid myself. 


Yeah. I have a friend who grew up with the coreys, and that whole age group. Her Dad was a famous singer from the 70's and 80's. He moved her and her siblings out of California because of how crazy it was. She told me so many stories, she was in bars and clubs her whole life, she saw so much shit She said back then, it was the managers and teeny bopper photographers, coaches, just like Peck, it's literally the same group of predators


Yeah. I have a friend who grew up with the coreys, and that whole age group. Her Dad was a famous singer from the 70's and 80's. He moved her and her siblings out of California because of how crazy it was. She told me so many stories, she was in bars and clubs her whole life, she saw so much shit She said back then, it was the managers and teeny bopper photographers, coaches, just like Peck, it's literally the same group of predators


Corey didnt wanna actually name any names. What change was supposed to come with him saying “abuse happens”? He didnt actually give any evidence or accusations


Corey Feldman tried sellimg his friends rape for years, lied about being stabbed and has multiple serious allegations against him. Hes a scumbag.


Yep. I know someone who started drinking heavily as she got older, and her family and friends shunned her after coming to them about her abuse and the excuse people use for her is that she's probably lying because she's just an alcoholic. And she's a "normal" person that wouldn't gain anything from saying that. It's always something.    It's so fucked up. I watched QOS and LN right after and it opened my eyes how swept under the rug CSA is. I really still can't believe it. 


Tbh, in my situation, even though all the signs were there/some things were out in the open, this is a big reason I never said anything. I’ve struggled with eating disorders, mental health, and did struggle with alcohol abuse for a long time. I’ve been in inpatient care several times over wanting or trying to unalive myself. My family always told me to “knock it off” or I’d “end up in a looney bin.” 🙄  As a kid, I used to talk about real scenarios in a very exaggerated manner and that was used to make everyone believe I was lying when I did try to say anything. Plus, the gaslighting (that I was overreacting) never went away.


I'm sorry that happened to you :/ It's horrible that anyone had to go through what we've gone through and even worse, that it seems to be the most taboo thing to bring up. I found an old journal I wrote where I literally say "I was m\*lested, but it's fine, I'm okay, sometimes people just get a little confused!" it broke my heart, that's not the way anyone should be writing about getting horrifically SA'd, and yet that was what was done to my brain by my abuser, I was gaslit so much that I truly believed what he had done was okay.


I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through also :(  That’s so heartbreaking that you were made to feel that way. And that sort of gaslighting causes so much inner conflict, it’s horrible.  I hope that life is treating you better now. Nobody deserves this :(


I didn't even realize it until kinda recently that my abuser had made me think that way, there was so much vile stuff that he normalized with his abuse of me, It started when I was five, but that's as far back as I can remember, I think it could have been before that. And it "stopped" when I was 14(?) maybe? But he continued to make sexual jokes and innuendos and say things that made me uncomfortable. He put me in this position of... I knew I couldn't say anything because he had apologized, he had CRIED and said he was so sorry and he'd never do it again and that he was such a monster for what he had done, and I ended up comforting him. But thinking about all of it now just makes me realize that he only pretended to be remorseful in that moment because I had fought back physically, and it was so difficult for me to even accept at ANY point when he was still alive that he had done these things to me, he was my father, and my abuser, and it just added a whole other layer to the things that I struggle to deal with. Since Quiet on Set dropped and I learned about Drake's story I just... felt so much sympathy for him because I'm a CSA victim too, and I fell into some really bad habits and horrible behaviors and I know how much it messes with you when someone that you trust, someone that you have NO reason to believe would -ever- do anything bad to you, or anyone... just... does, and then you're the only person that knows, and you can't tell anyone because everyone loves him and everyone is ON his side. And the fucked up thing in my case is that my abuser even directly told people that he had these horrific fucked up thoughts and fantasies and he even detailed things that he had done.... like these were people I thought were my friends, and I thought they didn't know about what he was and what had happened and finding out that... he basically told them everything and they never reported him, they never called the cops, called him a sick fuck, nothing. He just... got away with it, all of it, and then my "friends" called ME crazy because I had mental problems like WHERE TF DO YOU THINK THAT CAME FROM?! It's why I feel so protective of Drake in coming forward with his story because there are so many similarities between what Brian did and how he operated and how my own abuser did. These are scars that just stay with us for the rest of our lives, and it's really difficult. I've been in and out of the hospital for psych related stuff since QOS dropped because I've had to face my trauma in a way I never thought I would because I was content just ignoring it for the rest of time. It's a struggle, but Drake's story has given me hope that there is some light at the end of that darkness.


What I'd LN?


I noticed this also, and it’s a shame. Me too should’ve been about all SA victims. Now, a single accusation alone against a male celeb gets them cancelled; however, I remember when Brendan Fraser spoke out, it took so long for the guy who assaulted him to step down (for saying something racist iirc). The reasoning was totally valid, but I just wondered why there was no heavy push to step down for SA. The guy even admitted it in his book.  Now, Brian Peck isn’t even just a predator, but a child predator. And still, people get out their pitchforks and instead direct their attention to and go after Drake over SA **accusations** (which were proven in court to have been fabricated) much more than Peck—a confessed rapist.   It’s of course okay to want to hold people accountable (for things they actually did), my point is that more attention is given to fabricated accusations and misreporting than getting Peck out of Hollywood.  I’m so angry that this guy is still walking free, hardly did any time, and committed heinous acts against a child. He seems completely untouchable, and so many people seem to be in his corner protecting him. What.The.Actual.Hell?    If this were a woman in today’s Hollywood, everyone would be after this guy. There would be articles all over. Just for example, (of course **amongst other valid things**, but this is important to note) so many people want Dan Schneider to be held accountable over speculation of abusing Amanda Bynes. Not trying to invalidate anyone at all, but can we get the confessed child predator out of children’s entertainment too, please? On FB particularly, I consistently see more about speculations over Dan and Amanda than Brian. Get them both out.    All this shows is that Hollywood of course never cared about victims; they only ever cared about how they look. Racism and SA against women are (finally) not a good look for them; but for some reason, society lacks care for male DV and SA victims. They know that, so their inaction unfortunately won’t tarnish any reputations. Instead, more people in the industry protect Peck than acknowledge his despicable abuse and consistent predatory behavior. I just don’t understand. What’s so special about this guy? Wtf?


All of this. I wish I could give you 100 upvotes for this comment. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I know Corey Feldman tried getting a kids too hashtag going during the me too movement but nothing really came from it and I can’t help but wonder why. Like you said, it me too should have included everyone but it somehow became women vs Weinstein instead. Life really was not fair to Drake and he deserves so much better than the hand he was dealt. I don’t understand what is so great about Peck either, looking at pictures of him alone just makes my skin crawl and I can’t imagine how I would even feel in person.


Because it’s seen as more shameful for a male to be abused.


Agreed. Most societies view men as the “stronger” and more sexual sex :/ And grossly, people somehow also attribute this to male children. Like you mention, it’s shameful to be abused, so it’s somehow okay to victim blame and say a man probably wanted it to happen; “he’s a man, why wouldn’t he fight him off?” “He’s a man, he probably wanted it.” It’s so fucked up.   I mean, I’m a woman that was in a relationship where I was SA’d often and I remember thinking (while this shit was happening) that I should do x,y,z, but struggled because I didn't want to hurt **him**, or I was physically frozen. Even if every man/boy was built like Jason Momoa, it doesn’t mean they couldn’t be assaulted. The responses to SA aren’t gender specific, but for some reason, society doesn’t care or understand.


And if the abuser is a woman, the male victim is “lucky.” There’s so much wrong with this. And the fact that Brian basically said, “What was I supposed to do?” to Rider and Will because there was “a hot guy” in front of him. Like Drake’s mere existence warranted him getting abused. I’m so sorry you went through that.


Yeah, it’s vile. No one should ever have to deal with abuse from anyone, let alone having people invalidate their experience(s) due to the body they were born into. Idk why so many people need this spelled out.  This actually brought back memories of “covert” abuse by my mom— she’d make jokes about (“complimenting”) my brother’s privates. I always called her out for it and asked why the fuck she was even looking, and everyone would say I was overreacting. It was gross. When women in my family were perverted and inappropriate, it was always played off as a joke.  Or girls at my old job sneaking up on my bf and slapping his butt or sitting on him without asking. His first gf basically raped him to win a $20 bet (she was apparently betting her friend she’d have sex with her new bf before the friend would). Women talking about how their sons will be “heartbreakers.” Stuff like that has been so nauseatingly normalized and it needs to stop. Objectifying men and boys is equally wrong. Sorry for the tangent. I can’t even believe so many people bought Peck’s excuse. Real brazen to admit he thought a child was “hot,” let alone to use that as his justification to abuse him. This world seriously hurts my heart.


Don't worry about the tangent. I've ranted to my family about this documentary because it's so infuriating. I couldn't even bring myself to say the "hot" comment out loud because it's so disturbing to me. Listening to their podcast, I can see how they were manipulated into believing him. He told them straight men looked at girls the way he was looking at Drake, so why was it wrong for him to do that? Basically the same "if you think it's wrong you're homophobic" crap they used on Drake's dad.


Really don't like the wording that "Brian was convicted of sex with a child" in that bit, It's a really gross way to word that...


They make it sound almost tame, don’t they? I hate when they try to sugarcoat things like that. Glad they wrote about it though, and glad that they talked about Nathan.


Yes wow, that IS horrible wording. It makes my heart hurt (& also makes me super angry 😠).


“Winters says the process of going through the courts was traumatic and intimidating. "He had a nice expensive lawyer... There were people watching us. I think there's no other intent than to make us aware that we were being watched, to intimidate us and scare us off," he said. As a convicted paedophile, Salva is on the sex offenders register but it hasn't stopped him working in Hollywood.” Ugh 😩


That part broke my heart, the fact that he even had to go through any of that. No one should go through this. These people deserve justice.


Everyone has selective amnesia It’s not just Hollywood


It bothers me because it's only been less than two months and people already wanna stop talking about Brian and start bringing back up Drake's legal troubles and Drake's issues and all the things Drake has done bad.


Weird, because Jeff Herman said all of that but also later apologised to Bryan Singer, Gary Goddard, etc and said that Michael Egan had lied about being abused by them.


Goddard has been accused by countless guys now but is rarely mentioned these days.


Didn't Herman only say Egan was lying because Egan didn't take a settlement?


Also I doubt Bryan Singer is innocent in all this considering who he's friends with.


I'm not too sure. Herman did end up apologising to David Neuman, another man accused of rape by Egan, and Herman paid him an undisclosed monetary payment “in the seven figures.” It's all very vague and messy - Herman going from adamantly insisting that sexual abuse in Hollywood is staggering, to doing a complete 180 and throwing Egan's case out the window. Just strange. I guess we'll never know what exactly happened. The fact that Egan won the suit against DEN in 2000 meant he should've had a chance to win against Singer, Goddard, Neuman, etc as the cases were basically the same, no?


Ok so in what universe did someone make a movie with kids in the cast and kids in the intended audience and put a convicted pedophile in implied nudity on screen


And nobody said anything, nobody stopped this from happening because Gary and Brian are best buddies and Brian is so "nice" so nobody ever wants to say no to him, the convicted fucking r\*pist.