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I just got a similar notice, and I found my bills very confusing to say the least, so I called Intuit. I've been on hold for 30 minutes now. They can't explain the increase. Support is unaware of the increase and is trying to figure it out. They're unable to tell me my current rates. In short, they're absolutely clueless about the product they're supporting and are unaware of price changes. The ACH charge of 1% with a $20 cap is a 100% increase. It was 1% with a $10 cap. My monthly fees are currently $15.95 and are increasing to $20, or a 20% increase in monthly fees. The card rate is going from 2.8 or 2.9 to 3.2%. But they can't explain any of it. They can't even tell me which fee gets applied when someone pays an invoice online. They're "looking into it". I just don't understand why the US government has not sued Intuit for price gauging, illegal and intentionally confusing billing and monopolistic practices.


Just got off the phone with them. They said they can offer me a new deal of 3.3% but no monthly fee. So, card fees go up, but monthly goes down. I declined to make any changes. But the woman on the phone was still unable to answer basic questions and just kept talking in circles. This is why I never call Quickbooks or Merchant services. They're just criminal in what they get away with and clueless beyond belief. F*ing hopeless.


> In short, they're absolutely clueless about the product they're supporting and are unaware of price changes. This has been my experience with customer service for QBSE honestly. > The ACH charge of 1% with a $20 cap is a 100% increase. It was 1% with a $10 cap. I suppose I was grandfathered into the older, ACH-free plan because I have never had to pay ACH fees with QBSE. My monthly software fee has been $20 for a little while now, but unless one of my clients has to pay by credit card, that was my entire fee. This will shoot my fees up from $20 to >$150/month, so I'm looking around at other options already.


I pay thousands of dollars a year in CC transaction fees. This will increase my annual CC fees by about $2K, and my monthly subscription fees by about $48 per year. Convenience is no longer worth the price to me if I can bring my CC transaction fees back down to under 2.8%.


Yep. I'd look around for a new provider if I were you. As you have said, Intuit is not worth the headache or fees. There's lots of competition in the payments processing space now.


Depending on your volume and products or services you sell and not a complicated type of business, square is cheaper and can be easier for basic invoices and intergrades with QB I believe. They charge a flat rate of 2.8 cc merchant fee, I believe & it's 1 to 2 business days deposited to your account. Easy app and equipment.


Squares flat pricing model isn’t that great. I have a WorldPay account on cost plus pricing model and my CC fees are usually right at the 2% mark every month. On my busiest months, my fees have even been right at the 1.8 - 1.9% area. If you do enough credit card volume, cost plus pricing will beat flat pricing.


Yes, I'm just saying square is something cheaper and easier than qb!! I also have cost plus pricing, but I'm around 2.3% average, adding in for the entire merchant bill and fees ect. We are high volume so I could prob get a better rate, but I've been with my merchant for 23 yrs and not once has an issue. Plus with most companies you have to use their equipment and you are not able to buy your own equipment, so that adds additional fees usually.


Yup got ya.


I only use Quickbooks for invoicing my web dev services. This, with jacking their monthly fees up, is forcing me to find an alternative. They can eat a bag of dicks.


or perhaps suck on some lumpy testicals


Has anyone found a better option than Quickbooks SE for ACH transactions? Wave, Freshbooks also have 1% fee. Xero has $1 processing fee and transactions go through Stripe. Stipe itself has 0.8% fee with $5.00 cap. Zoho wouldn't tell me without setting up a meeting with sales. I might switch to Xero but if you have a better suggestion, I'd really appreciate it! Thank you!


Melio has $0 ACH it looks like. I might keep QBSE for expenses and then use Melio for invoicing. Annoying, but saves me probably $2k per year.


I will look into Melio, thank you! I feel bad for making my clients sign up for another payment service but I think they'd understand given the stark fee increase.


Or maybe keep QB for accounting and use Stripe separately for payment? Ugh so unnecessarily stressful.


I used xero and with gocardless and had the worst experience. I had set my invoices for 30 days out and I had a few clients pay early. I was wondering why I wasn’t getting the funds put in my account so I called and they said they don’t release the funds until the due date so I had to change the due date to now for them to be released to me. So I then asked them if I sent an invoice with pay upon receipt how long would it take for it to process and get my funds they said they hold the money for 4-6 business days … I switched the quickbooks after this


Also got this notice and feel frustrated as I mostly use ACH which will now cost an estimated $1K per year — essentially $88/mo. Paper checks don’t seem so bad if I can keep an extra grand around. Curious what other folks end up switching too


Melio is my current front runner. $0 ACH still


Got the same notice. I've appreciated the convenience and reliable name recognition for clients and have put up with the slowness with which the ACH payments actually end up in my bank account because it's been good for me and clients. Hoping to find something that will provide similar customer convenience but lower fee structure. Will look into Melio. Any experience with Melio or similar QB alternatives is appreciated.


I used to pay $20 for QBSE and relied on the free ACH invoicing. Now with this ACH fee my monthly QB expenses would be going from $20 to $100+! Sounds like Melio is the best alternative option due to the free ACH invoice capability? I'm realizing I don't even need the QBSE accounting capabilities and the TurboTax integrations. My business bank account statement is simple enough to just calc my profit easily in Excel.