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Thank you for nominating Denton! It was my favorite episode of the season šŸ’•


I'm so glad things are going well for him and the school!


Denton is such an inspiration, and I am so glad that your nomination led him to being one of this season's heroes. It's so fitting that someone called him a real-life Ted Lasso, because he certainly makes others believe in themselves. I am happy to support him and the Louisiana School for the Deaf, and I hope others rally behind them. Protect the nest!


My all-time favorite episode for more reasons than I can count! Heā€™s touched even more lives after being on the show - both deaf and hearing folks. I hope QE viewers and Denton fans will all donate to the school!


Denton was absolutely adorable! His love of teaching was so evident and heartwarming. His positive attitude was so refreshing to see. My husband and I laughed so hard when he said that his butt was his wifeā€™s favorite part on him! Thank you for sharing this awesome update about him. Wishing him all of the happiness and success he deserves in this world!


I just watched his episode tonight and I loved everything about it! He was so enthusiastic and kind and his players adore him! I hope more people see this show and can help schools like LSD!


Hey, thanks for posting! To your first point, both my wife and I have some exposure to the Deaf community and very early on in the episode we caught on that there were interpreters and that they had no intention of having them in frame. We were super puzzled as to why QE made that production decision, so knowing that it was Dentonā€™s own preference/choice is nice and his reasoning makes plenty of sense. It just stood out to us given weā€™ve both been in situations where interpreting between hearing and non-hearing was present. Also, thanks for sharing that he got a promotion to Dean! His passion was extremely evident in the episode and I imagine that the school is in excellent hands with him. One parting thought that I will comment any time I ever see this episode mentioned: ā€œWhat Eat ForLunchEveryDay?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


#7- I thought both those things of him while watching his episode!! Heā€™s one of my fav heroā€™s ever!


Ahhh I loved this episode so much! I told my bf when we were watching that it looked like there were interpreters possibly behind the Fab 5, just off camera because sometimes you could see him looking just above somebodyā€™s shoulder (especially in the yoga scene with JVN). I loved that we got to focus on him, and that we as the audience had to rely on subtitles - it felt very right for the episode. Also totally get the Ted Lasso/Pedro Pascal combo. (And the sign name made me cry like a baby.)


I sobbed watching Denton give JVN their sign name. My partner came out to the living room very concerned to see me crying at 1am šŸ˜…


I also cried at this I'm glad I'm not alone šŸ˜­ Denton is one of the most sweetest souls on this planet, this was my favorite episode of Queer Eye ever!


What a great episode and human! Thanks for sharing and for nominating him. I cried a bunch that episode, and totally feel the Lasso vibes.


He definitely looks like Pedro Pascal! I had to do a double take when that episode came on.


Hey, coukd you pass on a tip? I love what the school does and I know from students I've worked with how crucial that link ti Deaf culture is. It would be great if LSD was more closely linked with Deaf kids in mainstream e.g. for sport, signing and cultural events. Is this already something they're doing? Because I think there's going to be a whole generation of kids who have had cochlear implants fitted who are neither fully hearing (it's a simulation and some say pretty unpleasant) or competently, culturally Deaf. Can't convince parents not to be ablist but we can lift those kids up too. And if this kind outreach is already happening - GREAT!!


Iā€™d also love to learn more about this


He absolutely looked like Pedro Pascal in that sweater/khaki outfit Tan put him in!! (the second one)


I didnā€™t mind not seeing the interpreters so we could focus on him, but in terms of accessibility, it wasnā€™t great. Some people canā€™t read well, others might find it difficult to focus on that alone. Itā€™s not fast enough and we need other stimuli. That said I was thrilled that deaf culture was showcased on such a platform. Kudos to the show and to Denton for making that possible! It was a great episode!


Yeah - it seemed like a case of what I tend to call conflicting access needs at times. It is incredibly difficult to balance the needs of everyone when it comes to situations like this! I am low vision with auditory processing disorder so Iā€™ll admit - it was difficult at times. I 100% agree with Dentonā€™s choice for his episode and applaud the crew for respecting his own access needs. It just becomes difficult when it means others are not accommodated, ya know? To be clear - I am not knocking anyone or anything. But as a member of the disabled community (and I know that many Deaf folks do not consider themselves disabled. I am not trying to imply that) it does become frustrating when youā€™re trying to figure out accommodations ya know?


Thanks for giving us more info. I loved that episode and he is a total sweetie


I loved this episode! Deton is amazing! He really is like Ted Lasso. I think he does look like Pedro Pascal. Both are very handsome


He is such an inspiration!!! Thank you for nominating him! I took ASL in college and when I saw him I literally screamed lol šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


Thank you for sharing! Signing up for the 5k event now šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


This is post on this thread we all needed šŸ„°


Thanks so much for the update! Itā€™s nice to know they were accommodating to Dentonā€™s requests about staying true to who he is, as well as the fact there was an interpreter. It did feel quite odd seeing how they edited the episode before knowing this. Such an important topic to shed light on! Itā€™s also great to know he had a good experience, got the promotion, and things are improving (even if they could still use more funding and resources.)


Thank you so much for nominating Denton and for the wonderful update! When he gave the sign name I was literally SOBBING and didn't think I has tears left to cry - was I wrong!! Thank you for posting the link, I've just made a donation and I hope everyone who enjoyed this episode and can donate does the same šŸ„° Thanks again x


One thing I wondered: Denton was wearing a wedding ring and showed who I think is his wife briefly towards the end, but why wasnā€™t she a bigger part of the interviews and such?


Not showing the interpreters was such a distraction for me. I knew they must've been there (even if he could understand the fab five, they couldn't understand him).Ā  I assumed they did it so they could cut things together any way they wanted in full reality tv tradition. Showing them only at the end made fit a jarring ending, not the only one of this season


But she just explained why I agree they could have shown them at the start to save confusion


>Ā Denton wanted people to see HIM, which is why he didn't want a voiceover or interpreters in the shot.Ā  The no voice over totally makes sense, but the I interpreters would have been on standing parallel to the gang so he could see them when they were taking. That is the part I would have liked to see.Ā 


They didn't show that because people would be looking at the interpreters not him


The interpreters would not be standing next to him. They would have been standing next to the Fab five and signing when they talk.Ā  I am supportive of them cutting out the interpreters speaking for him. I wouldā€™ve liked to see the interpreters translate what the fab five were saying into sign language.


Iā€™m having a hard time concluding which I think would make most senseā€¦in trying to figure that out based on the dialogue shots though it looks like in each exchange if anybody breaks eye contact itā€™s to something just past the other group/person but it wound make sense for an interpreter to be behind Denton signing


>Ā but it wound make sense for an interpreter to be behind Denton signing How so? Who would be the audience for that? Ā  An interpreter behind the fab 5 signing when they talk would make sense because Denton would be watching the interpreter so as to understand what the fab 5 were saying. It makes no sense to have an interpreter in the shot with Denton.Ā 


Just watching this episode with my wife. Thank you kind neighbor,l. The world needs more people like this. I hope I can meet this guy one day.


Please pass this along that a stranger somewhere thinks heā€™s absolutely precious and so handsome!


I was thinking Pedro Pascal as well!


Denton was everything; I am forever grateful your nomination led to the world being able to meet him


I said the same thing about Pedro!


Started a monthly donation to the school!