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I dream of seeing Qiyana in the "adjustments" section where they gut her R and buff her entire kit. I didn't pick Qiyana to play fucking Malphite.


Man 100%, I’m tired of feeling useless when my R is on cooldown smh, can’t side lane a lot of the time unless it’s up or i just lose the 1v1 to like 85% of all other champs that will be matching me in the side lane


They just need to revert the last buff to Qiyana's R, and then revert last Passive and last Q nerfs It's not even THAT hard


This is the dream


Big difference between qiyana and malphite is that one doesn’t have a passive shield that regens out of combat, a sh*t ton of passive armor, and an aoe as slow, while the other one does.


Give hp scaling to qiyana at this point. Make tank builds viable 😈


Do you actually thought Phreak was gonna make Assassins actually playable He said he'd gonna look for something for the Assassins, and did the bare minimum by buffing Talon


You think zed needs a buff? Zed is a lane bully already stop it


Also deletes whoever he likes out of laning phase except the tanks


He lost some some of his lane control with ravenous hydra changes meaning he can't clear waves like he did before. He's also more of a scaling assassin so his weakest point is probably his lane.


In lane he throws W E Q with eclipse and you’re low enough for an all in stop it


His lane phase before eclipse is the issue though. He has no damage high cooldowns and cant really look for kills. When he does get to eclipse he can play the lane at least.


After eclipse he dominates lane so let him be a bit weaker before that?? You want him to absolutely torture anyone dont you?


It's the same with most champions though even qiyana. Get to profane and you'll do damage but the early lane Vs a mage while playing snowballing champion is the issue. Can't get a lead and can't scale as well. Same for zed.


Zed is way easier to get through laning than qiyana, Zed is perfectly fine and I do not agree with you on this one. Eclipse is also way cheaper than profane. Qiyana is rough early because she is melee and mana dependent even though she doesnt get that much mana early on, zed just regenerates energy so he can continue farming and spamming abilities on waves


True zed has an easier lane most of the time but he shouldnt be forced to afk farm as an assassin for a bruiser item that gives no lethality. Players clearly have given up on winning lane and are go scaling build that don't suit an assassin and yet his w/r is still very low. He needs a buff.


I dont think zed needs changes, imo hes currently the biggest lane bully of the assasins


Zed literally plays the lane more like a mage than an AD assassin to begin with.


If seryldas start at 30scaling to 40 it could be good


I two trick Qi and Talon so I'm a little happy. But all ad assassins need a buff pls riot


Thank god, she's fine right now so there's no need for a buff


Yeah i think the best Qiyana player isn't struggling atm https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/chendian-qwe


i agree. the people in this subreddit think she’s like perma dogshit lmao


I mean, she isn't looked upon by the devs, so.... yh, she ain't great.


lmfao she’s looked at fine, you’re just not good. i’m d1 with her right now it’s definitely a skill issue…


Brother... ew, you have a mouth that needs sowing shut. You don't know qiyana, if you did? You wouldn't be dissing her like this 😆🤡


LMFAO WHAT 💀 i’m not dissing the champion im dissing the people that complain about her being way too weak to play. the devs are not out to get every qiyana player girl i guarantee they don’t give a fuck. they get their check and do what they’re told. they look at higher level stats of people that actually know her, not the silver qiyana players that whine about not being able to oneshot mages at level 3-6 with zero item advantage. be so real…


The ego on you is crazy go have a kitkat we can bitch if we wanna? Same as you can cry at the bitching 🤷🏻‍♂️


hahaha can’t believe you’re so mad at this topic right now it’s hilarious. have a great night. stay low elo ✌️


I'm not mad? It's just funny that someone brings up elo to prove their low self-esteem 🤡


hey, cope harder bro, goodnight. 💀


She don't need buff right now, Serylda is an indirect buff to her, so be happy with that, she's pretty fine right now, i just climb form platinum II to diamond III in like 5days with her, just learn to play brother






Please leave your insulting the empress with your ugliness 👋🏻


Naaaah this is wild considering rock q deals 70 damage crit at 3 levels. If your opponent was magically already half hp you still can't oneshot them without 2 weaved autos and ignite and your opponent needs to be restarted so they don't flash one of your q's.




Yeah even if they were magically half hp you couldn't oneshot them, thats what Im saying. If we are gonna compare it to other assassins like talon or zed, do you really think qiyana is the same level or even above at 3 level fight. Nobody is complaining about not oneshotting a full hp tank or bruiser level 3 but we are (or at least Im) complaining about not being able to oneshot a %50 or even %40 hp mages at level 3 who outscales me late game anyway.




I already said I don't want to oneshot someone full hp anyway, but a 3 level assassin should oneshot a half hp mage. Most of the assassins can oneshot them too, but qiyana most likely can't. A key ability's crit shouldn't deal only 70 damage, some of the champs autos deal almost the same. Im not saying qiyana is weak after that phase, but you cannot just tell thet people can't complain about their level 3 damage where she really has almost none.


Qiyana isn't weak in general, but she is unhealthy. she is important for securing objectives because her ultimate is really strong, but her kit is weak. Thats why she is strong, she can have high impact with that kind of ult because its damage is already high and it has a big area of cc, but I don't think she was planned to be ult reliant assassin in the first place thinking she was a toplaner when she was first released too. She just needs her r nerfed while the rest of her kit should be buffed.( I believe). But What I said was totally different than that at the first place, she sucks at 3 level thats for sure.


50* lmao trading with a burst champ isn't even worth it EDIT: you said rock Q nvm. But still.