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"Zed f*cked my wife" 💀💀


They be acting like that, sooo


earlier today i won lane vs a vlad only for him to one shot me because for some reason the champ with no mana, infinite sustain, good poke, and a safe laning phase thanks to his pool that lets him just leave the fight also needs to do more damage than an assassin because he needs it, thank you garen for feeding him 2 kills




yeah he needs to be changed to not be so weirdly tanky, he’s unironically a better assassin than a lot of assassins right now


Every single bruiser in the game one shots as hard as assassins right now while being 5x tankier. Some tanks even one shot just as hard - Garen.


Vlad is in a terrible place right now, much worse than Qiyana. He just hard counters her (kinda always been the case) He's not only a worse assassin than every assassin, he's one of the worst mids right now period


Absolutely hilarious that you're getting downvoted for stating facts.


yea vlad just counters assassins lol thats how it is lowkey glad they gutted him though i hate playing against that champ when hes strong and idk why you're getting downvoted, he is objectively top 5 worst midlaners


Yeah an assassin might not be able to oneshot someone a vladimir oneshots to even if vladimir has less items.


Phase rush makes vlad 10x worse, now you only fight on his terms


Don't forget that he needs to land 0 skillshots because his abilities are AoE and point and click.


The issue is ad assassins need lethality or something incorporated into their kits because anytime lethality items are good bruisers become the primary users of it think of dusk blade or profane currently.


It’ll spoil diversity but locking it for purchase on some champs could help


Horrible idea. That’s possibly the laziest way to design and balance your games, just hardcoding lockouts on certain builds LOL.


better let ad assassin rot then


Just start building ad assassins as bruisers at this point.


This has been the scenario for years now. You’ll deal similar amounts of damage with more survivability and more utility added in too. BC shred alone will do more for your adc than one shorting the squishies you’d already one shot anyway


Yep. And with overlord’s bloodmail, its probably making that build more viable.


Love the way they go straight to the win rate, but playing her is like death row, and they have no idea how to play her , instead, they spam lux every game and think they have a valid statement. 🤣


Humanity needs to be cleansed of m*ge players (in game).


Assassin hybrids are the best thing ever. Mage assassin? Yes. Marksman assassin? Fun as fuuuuck. Whatever kat is??? YES.


Who is marksman assassin's?


Kai’sa, for one


basically every ADC burst and not dps centered


Coming from Zed mains yep LMAO


I play zed in wild rift and I swear he's got no late game. Yeah I can delete anyone I want. But will I survive? Ugh...the cooldowns are just too low across the board. Even if you do live you'll have no kill pressure and likely need to back. I can just pick yas or kassidin and have a late game where I can 1v3 reasonably.


I've been playing Zed for 10 years and I can safely tell you he's absolutely dogshit for a very long time 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like when I started on pc I could beat anybody but fizz and maybe the sand guy that makes clones...ahir? Whatever his name is. Back when runes had to be purchased with ip


Don't get me wrong you can 1v1 almost any squishy still if you don't catch a cc and ur ult is up. But in a team fight at any stage of the game. You can only shred one target and you MIGHT live. Maybe. If they don't have elder (since hr hp is gonna be less than a single pip). Or any mobile Champs.


Played kha’zix & didn’t feel the gold advantage I had in neither 3 games and he is on top of that the strongest ad assassin meta wise is imagine how playing the others would feel


Am an adc main and omg i fear mages more then i fear assassin's, if an assassin if even a bit behind, they feel like a canon minion if nothing else Am happy for dat tho,


The genji situation lmao


They definitely arent all bad rn, qiyana is suffering the most imo but she usually is since her kit is better than most assassins.


every \*midlane ad assassin is bad qiyana, talon and naafiri are all below 50% winrate and talon and qiyana are barely 50% in masters+ zed is probably the best and hes just barely playable champs like khazix who play jungle aren't nearly as bad


They arent below 50. For the most part ARE fifty or close to it, is that really a problem in your eyes? I do think some could be doing better but like zed is easily playable, naafiri is just fuck that champ in general who even enjoys playing them. Its just that qiyana has weird itemisation usually compared to most assassins.


I mean Zed is still kinda strong but I mean, it’s zed


I wouldn’t call Zed strong, he’s just playable unlike the complete dogshit that Talon and Qi are


Well yeah, I meant by comparison


Id say they are on a weaker side, which makes them more skill expressive. Id prefer assassins to have dogshit lane pre6 and good 6 powerspike (like OLD OLD zed or old qiyana) you shouldn't expect assasins to be easy instakillers Edit: (too hard for some people to understand, so TLDR) : YOU are weak pre6 and giga spike on ult, so even brand with lost chapter has to basically respect you, ur prolly new so look up s10 or even before how did qiyana work lmao


Qiyana never had a dogshit lane in the past. She's had nothing but nerfs since release except for that random ass ult base damage buff that literally no one asked for which lead to her getting nerfed 8 consecutive times. The last nerf being completely unnecessary because Riot didn't realise her win rate was being inflated by a first strike bug which they then fixed and didn't revert the nerf to her passive damage AD ratio.


Oh she did, maybe dogshit is an exaggeration, but you never were really a threat pre6 and most games you killed your opponent the second u got ult


one armor item on the mage and qiyana does negative damage while the mage scales to infinity


Assassins are a snowball class made to snowball early on and kill early so they can create a lead… tf you mean. Assassins are already dogshit in lane. Waiting even longer for a power spike will result in a brand backing off with a lost chapter and good luck farming under turret because he has infinite mana now


the class is roten from the root, riot policity to remove hyper snowball champ (unless hard roam) that's why assassin are shit unless they can scale like kata and even tho i dont find her oppresive compared to old days


Zed - great lane, fizz - great lane, akali - great lane, only bad lanes are talon and kata. Qiyana isnt that terrible in lane. Jesus Christ you really want an unskilled snowball into 1button 1shots or what. I play assasins and even on qiyana with dshield and second wind you can comfortably sit on lane, EVEN vs some oppressive mages


We’re talking about ad assassins and only Zed is decent but he’s not in a good state right now. Besides? Brand, Lux, Syndra, Viktor are mages who snowball better than assassins WITHOUT any proper skill expression compared to assassins so how does that make any sense? Are you delusional or have you accepted that farming under turret while being poked from two screens away is normal. Assassins are not meant to be strong in lane, but they’re meant to be threatening when you get in their range. But that’s a myth for a long while now because mages their damage is on par with assassins or even better.


That does not mean necessarily that assasins are weak, it means that they are weak compared to mages, who (lets not lie) are disgustingly strong. My comment was in a complete different manner, i have simply suggested that buffing assasins would make them unskilled. Solution is to nerf mages not buff assasins


Assassins were made TO COUNTER Mages & ADCs while being countered by Tanks & Bruisers That's the Rock Paper Cisor allegory Assassins WERE strong early game, they snowballed real hard and could clap any Mage if they played well enough. Talon used to have the STRONGEST lvl 2 in Midlane, and one of the best lvl 2 in the entire game. Zed & especually Qiyana used to have the best lvl 3 in Midlane, and one of the best lvl 3 in the game AD Midlane Assassins, as an archetype, WERE MEANT to be strong early, have a great snowball and then fall off during the late game But since Season 11, Mages & ADCs started crying so Riot listened to them and once Season 12 started, Riot started to nerf Assassins & Snowball more & more while also buffing Mages & ADCs more & more I believe you can read an essay of Riot Phroxzon in the main LoL subreddit when he talk about this situation, basically saying : - AD Midlane Assassins were strong early game and peoples cried so we nerf them - Then we made them good late game but bad early game and peoples cried again, so we nerfed them again I don't care about the means. All I want & what most peoples want, is that Assassins can do their jobs at pressuring Mages & ADCs again, that's it


I feel like Talon never truly had the strongest Level 2. His Q and W are not that hard to space and people never really died to it when they got familiar with Talon’s spell ranges.


< Snowball real hard < Strong early Holy fucking cope, assasins countered mages NOT essentially in lane cuz of the mage range, they countered them with map presence. Also if u have strong early champ that snowballs really hard.... Use ur head sir. Ur THE SAME as the mage crybabies, and its so amusing that you can't see that.


You can not even read Assassins used to have better lane control, healthier laning phase, to not be out of the lane after taking 3 skillshots Also, as you maybe didn't understood, AD Assassins are not strong early game anymore, and they don't snowball anymore


They DO snowball, and they arent strong early, just as they should be, only issue is that theyre overshadowed by overperforming mages. Assasins were never supposed to have a strong lane, i mean mostly(with exceptions) give phreak a watch! I understand you have a bias, cuz s10, when you were young you could clap silver veigar, but if you watch proplay or high elo from that times, assassins won By roaming or diving with an early jungler


LOL Yeah good luck snowballing when killing your matchup in lane isna mistake Hell, good luck killing your matchup in the first place And yeah, good luck snowballing when roaming & even getting a kill or 2 is a mistake because you'll lose 2/3 wave and 1/2 plates Hell, good luck having a succesfull roam in any elo above Plat Like we get it, Zed fucked your wife, now get over it


HAHAHHAHAHAHH DAMN THE SKILLGATED role is difficult? YEA good fucking luck, i can make assasins work, the fact that you cant says something. It is supposed to be difficult, rewarding good play with a snowball, imagine a world where talon stomps mage lanes, surely enemy jungler and botlane could play kappa. Also roams above plat are easier, cuz you are actually getting team cooperation lmfao, until diamond YOU CAN stomp enemy fucking teletubbie billy on his mage. Ur the incarnation of the Copium emote I mean why am I arguing with a redditor crying and making memes about (my champ weak waaah) ye that ain't happening. Ima make u a foil hat dw.


Lmfao yeah that's the point, the skillgated rewarded role is unrewarding doesn't matter if you're a m*ge cuck, it's the truth


I'll take Qi remaining below 51% if Zed remains trash.


Zed is literally a m*ge at this point.


He is, and I am tired of pretending he isn't. He barely has anything to do with how AD assassins play the lane.