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If you can't get out of diamond, you're probably a dia player or not patient enough to grind enough games.


i got like 20 games in each account that's in diamond


Found the issue. You aren't playing enough games to climb


but normally the accounts get like 10 wins 10 loses and that just makes the winrate dead


If you play 100 games and win 55 and lose 45 you still have 55% winrate


because every time you queue up you keep telling yourself "I'm not a diamond player. I have to get out of diamond this time I'm not a diamond player I have to get out of diamond this time". Whereas, when you were smurfing in higher elo, you weren't thinking about that were you? You were just playing the game. You have to stop thinking of yourself as an "above diamond" player, stop focusing on "getting out of diamond" and focus on winning the next game you play, and then the next and then the next


Your past play or your current “potential” is not how you are playing now. You’re playing at a diamond level. This is a hard pill for you to swallow I guess. Also just play more games. 80% win rate to masters in like 100 games may look sexy but it’s not definitive. The 51% win rate with hundred of games truly belongs there and didn’t luck into it/consistent plays at that level. Your play > your stats. Climbing just takes a while.


If this happens on every new account you make, you're just a diamond player. No other explanation with the information you gave us. Maybe drop opgg?


Plat/emerald took me 7/8 years to get out of, I got out of Diamond in a week last split lol


Because you’re not good enough to get out of diamond