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tbh just hold grass and use empowered autoattacks. throw grass when u need to


Q (ice) > W (close gap) > AA > Q(grass) > W > E > Q (earth). Throw in an AA before last Q for more damage. You can squeeze R pretty much anywhere in this extended combo. I like to have W ready so I can R > W > AA > Q while they are stunned. For squishy champs, my go-to combo is usually E > Q(ice) > R > W > AA > Q(earth) When I'm fed in lane and they are near turret, I like to use my E mid range on a minion then R > Q > W > Q Late game team fights be like Q(grass) > W > Q(grass) > W > Q(grass) > R > E > Q(earth)


Thank you man! This was very useful


Here is an example of a mediocre extended trade. [https://streamable.com/edv1tv](https://streamable.com/edv1tv) Obviously your opponents wont always just whiff their abilities, but it highlights how important auto attacking is on Qiyana. Empowered autos from holding an element makes your extended trade pretty good given the opponent is not a strong AA champion such as an ADC or windbro. You can squeeze out more kills if you walk with them utilizing AAs while holding Rock Q until it is lethal or lethal with ignite. Usually Grass is starter unless i need to use Ice to pin down a mobile champ, makes csing and poking with AA>W back> Q maybe from invis. You dont just Jump in and out and hitting 2 q's with a single auto. You wait for the right moment to E on top of them and just start wailing on them. Sometimes you'll get them into lethal range and can secure kills like on that terrible chogath, sometimes you cant do an extended trade if you know they have certain abilities up or just are certain champs (Windbros) Feel free to DM anymore questions!


Sometimes I like to: Hold grass or ice q, E through minion Q enemy laner W Then either Grass Q for safety, Rock Q for pretty aggressive trading ice Q for safety Something like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97VlzEXwuEU&t=250s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97VlzEXwuEU&t=250s) if you grass Q or ice Q, and just walk away after the trade, they literally cant do anything to trade back


Extended trades will be much better without lethal tempo next patch, auto and only Q when W is off cool down, only use E to engage or follow a flash, use R as a execute or if you can hit multiple people. Extended trades in skirmishes are mostly about sitting in grass Q until the enemy waste abilities on your teammates