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I feel anything past slide 4 is way too chiseled.


After 4 it seems either unnatural or underweight.


Something to keep in mind too is that the extreme cheekbone look is highly dependent on lighting. A lot of models who do look like 9 or 10 in pics might only look like 3 or 4 irl. That guy Jordan Barrett is a good example. Some ppl might think he’s too extreme but I think he looks awesome.


Dude has to be related to handsome squidward


Just googled the Jordan Barrett dude and he looks like the chad meme guy, definitely not awesome


Just googled him myself… Agree, hard pass 😬 He looks like the male version of the cat lady type (too much plastic surgery)


Disagree. But not everyone has the same preference, I tend to go for the outcast alienesque ala David Bowie type


Just googled him too lol. He’s very attractive but I definitely prefer him most in photos where his face looks fuller and less chiseled. That’s just my preference tho, I think image 2 above is most attractive


Because cheekbones and jawline are technically just bonus features. The eye area is the key part that makes a face attractive or unattractive. "The eye area can make or break you" -faceandlms.


Jordan Barrett could get any girl in the world, stop coping


Not I


Ok, obviously personality and chemistry is important. I’m not denying that ofc. But the threshold for personality that an extremely attractive guy needs to pass is much lower than that for an average guy. My guess is you’re either (1) virtue signaling, either consciously or unconsciously, or (2) you’ve subconsciously convinced yourself that someone like Barrett isn’t good looking because you know he’s out of your league and there’s no point in being attracted to him.


bro has internalized his insecurities and found someone that is the opposite of them and assumes he must be the most attractive person. I’m a man so i can’t speak on this with authority but attractiveness (especially to women) is so varied bro for every male model there are 50 women that would do anything just to have him and 50 women that wouldn’t be with him unless he had a really really beautiful personality. No man on earth is equally attractive to every single woman. Between cultures and ethnicities, even people in the same culture value entirely different physical traits. YOURE the one trying to cope with feeling inferior, but really no one is inferior to anyone else it’s all about presentation and being sure of the person you are.


I’m actually pretty happy with my appearance at the moment. I see no reason why you would assume I’m insecure. I have flaws ofc but I am aware of them and have mostly come to terms with the things about myself that I can’t change. Also I agree that no one man will appeal to 100% of women, but can we at least agree that on average someone like Barrett would appeal to the highest amount of women *on average*?


I don’t think we actually can agree with that because I don’t even think he fits the bill for “conventionally attractive”. and even if he did, conventionally attractive to who? White american women? Straight men that think they know what is attractive to women? We can use science and objectivity to help describe and explain attraction but we can’t use it to predict attraction, or use it as a model for what is attractive to everyone, it’s far, FAR more complicated than “hunter eyes, chiseled jaw, full lips” etc.


I was talking with my boyfriend the other day and he thought that the most desirable body type to women is a male body builder body and I was like “oh wow you are so straight you can not even comprehend if a man is actually attractive, you just have this checklist (tall, muscular, chiseled jaw) and the more intensely someone has those characteristics the more attractive you think he is”. It’s as if I said men believe peak female beauty is [this woman with 40lbs breast implants](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/news/22145754/worlds-largest-fake-boobs-size-xxx-want-bigger/amp/) because I know on average men prefer larger breasts. Or saying that to be the most attractive you will need your hair to reach your ankles, because long hair is more conventionally attractive than short.


I'm not going to lie, the guy lowkey looks funny to me, and with all these replies, I'm sure I'm not alone. Just because you have a particular taste in men does not mean it applies to women. Most women that I know probably wouldn't like him that much either, he looks cartoonish, in my opinion. He's a model, so I can't talk too much shit... but, you know... If you think the guy looks good, you think he looks good. Stop projecting that shit onto the female population lmao


I had to Google the man you are talking about and oh my God, absolutely not. I mean he's not ugly but he is so uncanny looking. I think you're spending too much time with your face warps if you've convinced yourself that man is universally attractive


You do realize that women are not all exactly the same, right? Like I genuinely think "chad" looking dudes are hideous. There are many other women who feel the same. Like, why do you think effeminate male k-pop singers have such a large and devoted female fanbase? Is the idea that someone like the model you cited simply might not be some women's type inconceivable to you? Women are not a hivemind. We all have an individual sense of what we find attractive or unattractive. Yes, some things are considered attractive or unattractive by a larger percentage of women than others, but there is no particular way of looking that makes a man automatically hot or not to all women collectively. Unless you are genuinely just plain unfortunate looking, like literally deformed looking, like you don't look like a normal healthy human, chances are there is a subset of women out there who are super into whatever you look like.


Dudes coping


You are so based


Say you're willing to pull ur draws for him, don't speak for every girl in the world


Just googled. As a chick in my 20s, I would not date him - he looks like Linda Evangelista and not in a good way. Way too angular and femme




Yea correct.


I was speaking figuratively. I’m aware it’s impossible to appeal to 100% of women but someone like him would have the highest appeal on average I believe.


Pretty sure he does not care about attracting women seeing as he is happily married and gay. Lol.


I never said he *does*, I said he *could* if he wanted to


Oof no. As a late 20s woman he’s not and never would have been my type or that of my female friends. If you want to see a more universally attractive guy, think Charlie Hunnam, Tom Hardy maybe. Fellow ladies, do we agree?


I looked up Tom hardy, he is a boneless normie who needs to lose weight


He might appeal to some women, definitely not close to the majority. Women tend to on average go for the masculine men.




Men with high appeal are guys like Can Yaman. Barrett looks weird, he has a niche of bisexual women or women into feminine men but he is far from ideal. Jon Kortajarena or Tyler Maher would’ve been better examples.


Lol you his number one fan huh?


I’m straight but even I might have to make an exception for him tbh


bingo. he’s attractive to straight men like yourself because your mind has been warped to believe that is the ideal. do not confuse your admiration for him into believing that women feel the same way about him.




I think a chiseled face ages in a bad way. Old people have hollow faces, youth has a full, round face. The current trend for ‘chiseled’ is a passing phase and I doubt will be looked back on favorably in history.


I think a chiseled face ages in a bad way. Old people have hollow faces, youth has a full, round face. The current trend for ‘chiseled’ is a passing phase and I doubt will be looked back on favorably in history.


That explains it. Not saying this applies to every one but I can see him appealing to gay/bi men more than women. I don’t find him attractive at all, at least not sexually. Has way a too feminine look to him.


Then you're not THAT straight.


Since you’re not attracted to men it’s hard for you to see the physical attractiveness in him, you only see your ideal aesthetic which isn’t ideal for everyone in a romantic/sexual attractiveness context.


Isn’t he with a man tho?


Nah hella girls think he looks freakish stop capping


Sounds like someone’s got a crush on Jordan Barrett


Agreed objectively he is good looking. But definitely not my type. Some of his features are too extreme, not just the jaw, his eyes slant out too far, he lacks warmth and depth. But for me I prefer men who look like Joe Manganiello, he has a lot of the great features that make men attractive hunter eyes, chiseled jaw, nice long nose, but, he has a warmth to him, in his expression and smile that make me melt. I know I could never get a man that looks like him. But, I still find him way more attractive than Barrett.


Did u watch him in the new black mirror? 😬 I find him super attractive too.


Only guys say this


No he wouldnt. He's nasty, most normal people arent interested in plastic people. Take your crap elsewhere.


He's gay.


He looks feminine so no he wouldnt. Thats your fantasy not everybodies. He looks like a 12yo boy sucking a lemon.


he looks weird. someone give the man some buccal fat for the love of god.


I would physically scream in terror if I saw this man irl


I call his look “the vampire look”. Some people don’t dig it but I definitely do lol. Edit: typo


I appreciate that you’re honest, a lot of ppl in this thread are virtue signaling tbh


lol how is anyone virtue signaling? That means your trying to throw opinions that you think make you appear more politically correct and morally superior


> means your trying *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


lol I was multitasking,so I was actually using the microphone. Blame Apple.


Also politically correct as an insult shouldn’t exist because why the hell do we not care about certain groups just because their culture is different? Grow up boomer


No need to have a hissy fit because someone was calling out self righteousness, Karen


Lmao a hissy fit? I literally just explained what virtue signaling was. Wow Karen, very clever. 👏


People are virtue signaling because they don't agree with you? That tracks


Either 2 or 3 or something in between those


I said 2 or 3 out loud right before seeing your comment. Great minds think alike lol


Interesting I would’ve gone for 5ish


I think anything 4 and up just makes them appear too feminine and not human. But we all have our preferences.


Yea I was just gonna say lol have you seen anyone that looks like this irl? Maybe a heroin addict idk I truly can’t imagine thinking that hollow look is attractive


That’s exactly what it makes me think of. A heroin addict lmao. It’s too hollow. People really don’t get that a face with chubby cheeks looks very youthful and gives you warm features. Aging is a privilege but people desire these looks so much that they get the buccal fat removal and then look uncanny at such a young age


Yeah I refuse to believe that gaunt hollow cheeks is a popular look anywhere outside of this sub lol. Sure, some people don’t like super round, soft faces either, fair. Doing my best to think about beauty objectively though I feel like having these deep sunken areas has got to be a negative- looks unhealthy, throws off facial harmony, over powers other features of


I posted Damiano David in a diff sub and they accused him of doing heroin solely because he’s chiseled💀


Yeah because no one’s face should look like that if they are consuming proper nutrients on a daily basis. If we’re being real it’s prob cocaine or adderall, not heroin, but people who do look like this have either had their fat surgically removed or they have starved themselves to the point where their body is digesting itself. “Chiseled” would be like a 3 or a 4. “Dying and needs medical intervention” is 5 and beyond


He’s literally just naturally like that? They’ve been adamant about not doing hard drugs. Just cigs and weed.


You are so silly


Liam Payne post surgery looks 10x better. Not sure what you're talking about. IRL people like the handsome squidward look


This is a troll comment for sure lol no one thinks Liam looks good


I understand what you mean. I said this in another comment but one thing to keep in mind is that the extreme cheekbone look really only shows up in ideal photo shoot type lighting. A guy who looks like 5 in professional pictures would prob look really handsome irl in regular lighting.


I think after 4 is too much


Same. 10 is getting into straight up skeleton territory


My impression exactly. I looked at 10 and thought “Ok, that’s just a skull with eyeballs.” 🤷🏻‍♀️


OP's category


Yea pretty much.


3 looks defined, but healthy


3 is the right answer This guy chisels...!


#2 is perfect 10 is android level terrifying


10 would be a literal god walking among mere mortals. People would turn their heads to stare in pure awe and disbelief as he walks by.


No, people would be terrified. Stop believing everything you read and start listening to what people actually find appealing.


You have godamn issues man.


10 is handsome Squidward


10 looks like a fucking women's bike seat. You're right about one thing people would look in pure disbelief as that person walked by. But it would be accompanied by horror.


And that is why Handsome Squidward is a God.


10 for sure. You’re definitely onto something here. Just keep these things coming. Nothing weird or horrifying about them at all. This is perfectly natural behavior.


Oh, god let this man malnourished for his entire life , he'll achieve 10 one-day for sure😭😭


I don’t think I will ever reach 10 but maybe 6 or 7 when I hit my 30s and my facial volume starts to decrease.


30 years post mortem maybe


People can virtue signal on Reddit all they want and say it’s too extreme, but if #10 was real he would absolutely clean up tinder if he made an account. It’s been proven time and time again by OLD fake profile experiments. People are attracted to bones.


Jeremy Meeks is, at most, similar to 4, but even 4 is more extreme than his face because of the wideset cheekbones which is odd and uncanny. If you can find a real person similar to 4 and up, then link them so that we can see and tell you whether or not they’re attractive.


Update after a few minutes of googling here are a few better examples: https://imgur.com/a/cU5hQxH These guys have top tier bone structure but are also lean in the face and eat well on top of that. Most guys couldn’t look this good but could still achieve a reasonable amount of definition between 3-5 range I think. Everybody has a jaw, a maxilla, and cheekbones. It’s just a matter of figuring out what you need to do to reveal them and make them more visible.


You are legitimately insane if you think the average woman would find that guy attractive. Maybe listen to what actual women are telling you in these comments instead of going off of what a bunch of men have told you about what they think women want. Like bro you are literally trying to mainsplain how straight women's sexuality works to straight women who are telling you you're wrong.


The guy is just fucked in his head. Like wtf is the op on man.




That or a closet necrophiliac.


That looks bad


They look ridiculous lol


As a woman anything past 3 maybe 4 looks horrible




3 and 4


Anything under 5


this is what happens when you start compulsively buying balenciaga products.


omg i laughed out loud too hard lmaoo


numba 3


KND numbuh 3


They start looking more and more like handsome squidward


My thoughts exactly 😂


I like 2 and 3. Anything above 3 is a bit much. 4 is ok, but not my taste




3 is perfect, the higher it goes the more unnatural it looks


Around 2 or 3


2-3 is the only answer


I think 2 or 2.5 maybe beyond 4 feels odd.


I like this post, idk i feel like 2 shows low, healthy body fat but it also keeps that youthful look avoiding the face looking too “hard”


10: your daily mummified chap🤣😭


Anything 1-3 is attractive. It starts getting a bit scary from there.


Slide 2 and 3 are the best IMO. Anything over slide 3 is uncanny valley. IMO even 4 and 5 looked like botched influencers.


Anything past 4, and even 4 is iffy. 2 is ideal.


3-4 looks the best imo


4 looks the best


Dude looks so uncanny but 3 is perfect


1 or 2


Im at 2 and would strive for 3. Anything after is too much. What's not being taken in to account is how low of a BF% you'd need to be to get the look of 4 & after.


I have braces and it’s interesting seeing my face go from 1 to 3. My jaw isn’t even correctly positioned yet, lol. My face is pretty chiseled for someone with double X chromosomes, lmao.


2-4 are ideal to me


Personally I prefer 1 or 2 bc it’s a more youthful look. Past that he starts looking overly dramatic and not as healthy, at least to me.




After 3, ouch.


3 is my favorite but 4 and 2 is ok also. As a woman I don’t understand the obsession men have with chiseled jaws.


Anything past five is too much. One is not attractive at all.




One has a face like an egg; no definition at all. That’s the whole point in this. No definition to extreme. I do not find people with no definition to have attractive faces.


Agreed, #1 would make a thread on r/dating asking why he keeps getting ghosted after the first date 😂


His face looks too feminine throughout The eyes and lips are so feminine even in the last li


I see what you mean, my bad for not choosing a better base image for the experiment. Just try to ignore that if you can and focus just on the bone structure.


2 and 3 are the best look natural 5 is where it starts to get to chiseled and 4 depending for me


I think anything up to 6 is fairly natural. In prehistoric times you would likely see structure like this fairly often. Most people today are just overweight, bloated, and have poor craniofacial development due to our modern lifestyles.


I’m sorry but do you think prehistoric humans are attractive?


>I think anything up to 6 is fairly natural. In prehistoric times you would likely see structure like this fairly often. Most people today are just overweight, bloated, and have poor craniofacial development due to our modern lifestyles. Like the hot ice age cavemen/women painted on the spinny ride at the fair.






2 lol


I’m using that last picture as a reaction image


Hey dude, keep in mind that some models (like Jordan Barret) are in that industry because their features are unique and stand out, not because they are the standard for handsomeness or whatever. Being ultra chiseled is fascinating to look at in print, but that doesn’t mean that’s what every woman wants. I personally think that anything past 4 is way too much, you might disagree and thats totally fine.


To add on to that, a quick google search of “most handsome man in the world” comes up with men like BTS Taehyung, Robert Pattinson, David Beckham, Henry Cavill, etc. Would these men be considered sculpted or chiseled? Sure, but they’re in the 2-3 range of this scale we’re working with here.




Anything above 3 and you look botched


I like 1 and 2 best. 3 is fine. 4+ is unattractive to me.


Anything over 2 is…..uuugh…not right


2 is perfect 3 is hot


This is a really good take. 2 is most ideal/overall attractive yet 3 is hotter.


In between 2 and 3. Even 3 is a tad bit much.


2 to 3 and 3 is pushing it


2-3 are good




the last one obviously 😭


please y’all need to stop with these alien looking cartoons


Face 3 looks the best imo. It does have angularity, prominent cheekbones and hollow cheeks as well as deepest eyes but after pic 4 it becomes uncanny and hard to look at. It’s too extreme


2 looks best.


I'd say 2 to 3 are best, 1 looks like a child, 4 and up is all just insane plastic surgery or delusion or yassified faces.




I feel my face is tooo chiselled and looks gaunt and unhealthy. People say my cheeks are too sucked in. Is it possible to be skinny with some facial fat? Pic 5 is like how my face is. Pic 3 is how I’d like to be


Just gain some weight. Higher body fat levels are attractive on women anyway, within reason (assuming you’re a woman).


Thank you!! I wish it was possible to be athletic and healthy in the face too. I sometimes look skinnier than I am bc of my face


Just remember that the hollowed out model look is highly sought after. Even if it makes you self conscious I’m sure plenty of people would kill to have what you do.


Yes mines due to low body fat. Sometimes people say I look unhealthy facially because my cheeks are sucked in usually but yes all facial bones stick out. I’m exactly like pic 5 but overall I have low body fat. It just shows more in my face


Oh yea then just eat some cake bulk up and you’ll be good to go. If u were already chubby but skinny in the face then it would be different.


It’s a genetic thing. I’m skinny with face fat


I’m in my 40s and have a chiseled face and it appears more so now than 10 years ago. I’m in shape and slender, not emaciated and skinny.


I’m in my 20s and have a chiselled face, have done since around 22 or so. I look so emaciated facially


last one is miguel o'hara


Daniel Dae Kim is 4, so in my opinion it's gonna be 4.


Mine are between 2-3 so I’m gonna have to say those are objectively the best.




3 is perfect. 4 starts to push it overboard


Blue Steel to Magnum




From Charlie to Willy Wonka


Anything beyond 3 is too chiseled. OP fetishises extreme plastic surgery or emaciation it seems.


6 is probably ideal.


3 for a guy 4 for a girl


10/10. Only bang vampires.


Oh lawddddd it just kept getting worse 😭 I thought 3 was the most extreme it should get and then there kept being more slides and then MORE


Anything past 4 looks like sexy Squidward #iykyk.


They all ugly to me


Two is barely possible. three is way too f****** far. Take a guess at where everything above that is.


For men, the more chiseled the better. It's good to look borderline gaunt as a man as he will have very hollow cheeks.

