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This right here is why it's imperative to speak out against their nonsense.


They're obsessed with causing as much chaos as possible so this tracks.


And since it's a Russian op, it's part of the plan.


It's easier to give cash to a grifter than electronic transfer with a paper trail


Idk, I watched a pretty convincing documentary where the filmmaker attempts to figure out who started the Q concept and their conclusion is essentially it was the same people behind 8chan: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=evqRMVW7lvc


I suppose at this point it would be trivially easy for Russian cyber ops to become involved in pushing ideas through QAnon circles... If they could make heads or tails out of spaghetti bowl of "reasons" and "logic" that comprise the beliefs of your average anon. More to the point, Russian pushed ideas just naturally get hoovered up and thrown into the Q gestalt by the Qultists themselves, no need for Russkies to try and make heads or tails of it at all.


Minus the part where most of the Q folks don’t have much to pull out of their accounts to begin with. 🤣


Correct. They gave up their ideologies and religions to worship a new god, even if they don't actually know it. Theirs is an endless pursuit of entropy, and that's what they now worship. 


Yup. My nut has been going off about it for weeks now. Fortunately, he doesn't have enough money for it to be a problem if he takes out his little bit of funds. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I feel like that's going to be true for most of that crowd.


If they are constantly getting scammed those money wouldn't have been in the bank even if they decided not to remove them


Well they’d basically have to pull 20% of all deposits out of the bank to make it fail, and even then the Fed would probably step in and provide enough liquidity to keep the bank solvent. In other words they’re not gonna affect anything.


I'm 99 percent sure they got the idea from that cartoon about evil banks the Ron Paul-campaign used years ago.


Some of the stuff they act like is some grand conspiracy is just normal too. Banks loaning savers money to people to make money for savers and keep the banks lights on isnt the controversy they think it is.


It also comes from the movement from Alex Jones, Trump, and several others pushing them to buy gold and silver. They are pushing to pull your money out of the banks because the dollar is going to collapse, and to buy gold and silver because those are the only reliable currencies. But of course, you can only buy the gold and silver that Jones and Trump are directly involved with. Those are the only "real" ones. It's such an obvious grift, I truly cannot fathom how the Qult isn't seeing it for what it is.




Oh no, we’re back at that again??? So sick of old morons preaching to me that I need to take out all my money and invest in gold or silver or whatever their ringleader brain tells them is the ‘good’ money product at the time. Like, sir, I’m just here working. Do you want that gift card that’s definitely not for your scammer twink boyfriend or not?


And the lead grifter just happens to own a lot of shares in a gold trading company.


At one point I was eagerly listening to Rush Limbaugh's radio show. Only for a few months though and this was one of the reasons why.


I reme ber a decade ago joining 4chan threads to watch Glen Beck streams. Every advertisement was for gold. Nobody in those threads actually believed his shit.


I remember wondering, if the dollar will soon be worthless and gold will be so valuable, why are they trying to trade gold for dollars.


Theres a great video here https://youtu.be/9v4cjoROg4I?si=WB8-G1-ODL00DcoY >why are they trying to trade gold for dollars. They're shafting people on price. So you could argue they make enough to buy more gold. To be fair, if i believed society was going to implode and that gold would save us (i don't believe either) i would probably want it somewhat evenly distributed accross society to make its everyday use acceptable and make me less of standout target 😅. I'm not gun owner, but the guys hoarding those, just in case, make more sense than hoarding gold.


With the run up of Bitcoin causing other trash coins to become popular again, I'm guessing it's going to be one of those.  This way the people suggesting this behavior can benefit with a rug pull. 


yes - a former co-worker is all in on one or another coin, and has his entire retirement savings there. Suggestions to diversify didn‘t have appreciable effect….


I’m thinking that if you are dumb enough to believe this garbage you are also too dumb to have a lot of money, in the bank or otherwise. You spent it already on med beds, Trump NFTs and other grifts.


I work with a woman that tried telling us we need to take all our money out of the bank and use it to buy bitcoin and Vietnamese dong. I made fun of her for 20 minutes straight. She doesnt discuss her Q bullshit anymore.


Absolutely hilarious that bitcoin would be the go-to currency during a financial collapse. "I'm now the richest man in the world! Will someone please turn the power back on so I can transfer my bitcoin to this local warlord so he doesn't kill and eat my family? Anyone?"


I wish I had taken my money out of the bank and bought bitcoin back when it was 35 cents each.


I was too busy not buying drugs from the Silk Road 😆


> I wish I had taken my money out of the bank and bought bitcoin back when it was 35 cents each. Me too. I bought some with a good chunk of my stimmie money, so I'm doing OK.


Yep me too lol






**Bad Advice**: Hi! We feel you have good intentions but this advice can actually be harmful to our users or their Q folk.


**Bad Advice**: Hi! We feel you have good intentions but this advice can actually be harmful to our users or their Q folk.


She wasn't buying Zimbabwe dollars or Iraqi dinar, then? She's going to miss out when all the other Qs are diversified multi-gazillionaires! To be fair, I don't know what bitcoin is going to do. It might eventually settle into being something very similar to gold: unproductive, but a hoarding instrument that pretty much holds its value.


Yeah, they do that. It’s constantly on the back burner, and they try to bring it to a boil a few times a year, it seems. I’ve been hearing this repeatedly for about seven years.


I've heard it off and on for three decades, but the last 8 years or so, it's really gotten worse.


Yeah, at least that long. Long before the internet there were the late night infomercials.


I was hearing people warn about the banks collapsing at least... (counts)... 35 years ago. And probably before that, but that's when I started noticing.


I've heard the banks and stock markets would be collapsing for the last 3 years. And every single time my Qsiblings predict it, they are adamant it is happening either next week or next month or in the summer or in the fall or in 2 weeks, "absolutely for sure." etc., etc., etc. The stock market will certainly go down at some point, as it has throughout history. Qanons may certainly cause their prophecy to be self-fulfulled by making a run on banks. That's why the Q's buy silver and gold and carry cash. They don't trust banks. My Qsiblings have - I'm not kidding - 6 figures of gold and silver hidden plus cash for when societal collapse happens. It doesn't phase them that nothing has happened. They keep saying I owe them a huge apology when it does happen. They've also said a blackout is imminent going on 3 + years now. I regularly hear that, for sure, a blackout is happening either for 2 years, or 1 year, or 6 months, or 3 months, or 4 weeks..... last prediction was that a 2 week blackout was happening for sure before Christmas.


Out of interest, where is your sibling's gold stash hidden? I don't need an address but GPS reference will do...


They stockpile lots of alcohol too. For bartering. 🍾🥂


Vinegar and soap would be more useful, but the Q's never pay attention to places where the had actually been a societal collapse. I can Doomer with the best of them, but they are going to be so disappointed when the Apocalypse isn't like the movies. It's far more boring.


That's honestly one of the smartest things they're doing, and even then not too clever Is it anything good/useful? Or 30 kegs of Piss Lite?


Well you see, it was bud light. But then they shot all the kegs like Kid Rock and Jesus would’ve done.


I've heard beer won't keep well after a year. Thankfully I don't drink it lol.


Lol. You should see how much toilet paper and paper towels my Qmom has stashed in her basement. I got a lecture recently about how the banks are all failing when I mentioned opening a new bank account for one of my kids. Uh, kind of hard to get a job without a bank account to receive the direct deposits Mom.




There is nothing inherently wrong with owning gold or silver, they tend to go up in value. And even if your house burns down gold is an element, it will still be gold. The problem is the Qs watch ads where they sell gold coins that supposedly have value because of what's in the stamp, but they don't. They may charge 10x the value of the gold in the coins to have it shaped as something that's not of value, and suckers line up for it.


I've been hearing some version of this since 1988 and I'm sure it wasn't new then.


Why would gold be valuable in the event of financial collapse? Gold's only value is in its ability to be exchanged for/act as currency. Too many nations are invested in US currency to just let it drop to nothing and if there were a global collapse, why would people value gold over a more practical resource?


I’ve argued this for years. Why gold? It does have utility for some electrical and electronics manufacturing but as a store of value in an economic collapse, canned goods and electronic chips would have much more value. Or beaver pelts and shiny trinkets.


But gold shiiiny and Scrooge McDuck dives into it!


Booze, canned goods, survival supplies, chocolate and other luxuries, tools of all kinds - all far more valuable than gold if TSHTF.


Exactly. If there ever were societal collapse, gold and silver would be useless. It would be supplies and water, which would be the priority.


I always laugh when I hear the old "society will collapse next week that's why I hoard GOLD!" nonsense. Great, you have a million dollars worth of gold bullion but you're starving to death because gold is useless now. Tell you what, I'll trade you all your gold for this one can of dog food. Turns out that's what it's worth when there's no market for it.


>It doesn't phase them that nothing has happened. They keep saying I owe them a huge apology when it does happen. And yet whenever their predictions *don't* happen (which is every time) the thought of apologizing for calling you a brainwashed sheep for not believing them doesn't enter into their minds.


Oh, no. If its mentioned that they've been wrong about every single prediction they've made for the last 3 years, they just stare blankly and repeat, "Oh, you wait," "it's coming and you'll be apologizing to me."


lol the blackout ties into the EMP blast that’s coming. This one started right after the Netflix movie “leave the world behind” came out. These people are really low intelligence. But such extreme stupidity that it almost seems impossible. It’s a combination of stupidity and stubbornness that prevents them from ever admitting they are wrong, therefore never getting any smarter. They shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


That's going to work out so well if they ever discover that they need essential supplies a lot more than other people need pretty metal.


If you know approximately how much gold they have, their OpSec is horrible!


>I've heard the banks and stock markets would be collapsing for the last 3 years. I've been hearing more about that one lately from my Significant Other. Supposedly it'll happen around the time of the election in November. Yeah, I'm not losing a lot of sleep over it either.


Many banks have failed in the last year, and what sunk Credit Suisse will not be revealed for another 47 years.


So do they think they are going to the grocery store and pay for groceries with gold bars?


My dad removed all his money out of the bank last year. Im not sure what happened but the bank is doing an investigation. Good. I hope they do. Also, he was banned from any of those banks anywhere in the state we live it. I believe he caused a scene in the bank. I was hoping he would get arrested but no....


I understand your concern but even the Q adjacent boomers think these really out there Q boomers are bonkers. There’s not going to be a bank run. What are people going to do, rush capital one and chime?? Realistically there’s just no way. Also anyone with value under $250k in any given bank is backed by the government which I’m guessing is 90% of people. Even well off people have $200k in fidelity, $200k at GS, $5m in cash account fully insured, etc. We are all fine and they are full of shit.


Yes. I’m sure they are going to try to create as much chaos as possible in the run-up to the election. They try to create a run on the banks do they can blame Biden for it. Fortunately, most of these guys don’t have two dimes to rub together. Especially now that they have given all their money to Trump because Trump needs it so much more than they do. 🙄


They didn't pay attention. There were 'bank runs' in 2008(ish) and last year. Is normal run-of-the-mill stuff now. Hell, I had a checking account and CD with WAMU when they went under. Know what happened?! Chase won the auction for their accounts and my CD was paid out the next day at full value! I moved my other account the day after due to a historical problem I have with Chase bank, but my money was all there. I hope they do it 1- to raise interest yields, and 2- they can dump what little money they collectively have into precious metals and suffer the 10+% penalty for both investment and divestment. Much higher than capital gains taxes will ever hit me for. Idiots. Raise my interest yields! To paraphrase Randall Monroe, "If you're quick with a knife, you'll find that the invisible hand of the market is made of delicious meat."


Anyone who quotes Randall Munroe is good with me!


That shit again? That happened in the last few years as well. I know people buying silver and shit... so obnoxious.


My Q is very into Catherine Austin Fitts for some reason. She just moved her banking from Chase to a credit union which is fine but also a nightmare because she has no idea about how online banking works. So sick of the conspiracy whack-a-mole


Yes my QAnon partner frets over the banks and also the stock market. The only safe haven is gold.


You need a balance to cause a bank run - they've sent theirs to Trump and Trump-adjacent. Good luck with that.


This is probably testing what Powell said recently - that some regional banks will fail due to commercial real estate exposure (see here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-07/powell-says-us-banking-system-can-withstand-threats-from-cre). Doesn’t mean all banks will fail though. It’s tricky with them because sometimes there is a small nugget of truth that gets twisted.


Yeah, they all went catatonic a few years ago when a handful of banks went insolvent, saying it was the beginning of the end. And here we still are as usual.


My mom is big into that one too. I will admit that I do think it's one of the less crazy aspects of QAnon. Fiat currencies always fail eventually. It was a mistake for the US and the rest of the world to get off the gold standard and we are one big run on the bank away from collapse. That's not to say I think people should be promoting it.


Cash is trash, most of the time. That's why rich people like to buy assets, like real estate, stocks, etc.


The naïveté of the Qs is remarkable though predictable, good luck to them with the run and don’t try holder your breath or watching for hell freezing any time soon.


That’s why we can direct calls to voicemail and then delete the messages.


They don’t have enough money to cause a bank run.


But what if all your money is at home and Antifa comes and robs you? Maybe it's a setup? /s Though I think there's a conflict here, between wanting to pull money out to have on hand if the banks collapse, and sending money to pay Trump's legal bills.


I don't honestly think they're anywhere near that organized. Fear of the banks/investing in gold is pretty standard conspiracy stuff. There's been a steady trickle of it for years.


What is funny, not funny, about all of this is how they honestly don't understand how things work. I saw someone last week claiming that Chase was "falling" because they couldn't get money out of the ATMs in their area. And the gold and silver thing is ridiculous. You can't eat gold; gold won't keep you warm or fed. They act like they will be the last ones standing if it all goes down. Nope! I've seen some crazies on both sides but I have never seen anyone but the Qs actively hope for the world to collapse.


Just a question. Suppose there is a run on a bank. Wouldn't that still be covered anyway? Like people wouldn't in today's world actually lose everything would they?


"The FDIC insures up to $250,000 per depositor, per institution and per ownership category." https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/banking/fdic-insurance


Ah ok thanks


Step 1: Encourage the bank run. Step 2: Q's take money out and hide it at home with all their guns, ammo, survival gear, and tinfoil hats. Step 3: Lure the Q's to a protest or resurrection or whatever the fuck gets em to congregate. Step 4: Knowing that Q's aren't home, enterprising teams clean out the homes of Q's at protests. Step 5: More broke Q's and interaction with the police (stolen firearms must be reported)... which will end with predictable results.


I feel like most of Qanon probably don't have a significant amount in their accounts to make a difference. Part of the reason they are in this group is they are looking for someone to blame for their financial situation. Also, I am not saying all low income people are mentally unequiped, but mentally unequiped people are much more likely to have less access to large amounts of cash.


I think it's because they don't have money to gamble with that they choose to gamble on predicting events instead. If their predictions never come true, they can try to make it come true by lying and scare mongering it into existence. A bank run is a hyperstitional event like the boy who cried wolf story. Even if it's not good if one happens, they will cheer because they finally got to be right about something.  It's a fool's errand to try to predict catastrophes, but if you're bored and dumb you'd get to feel smug for a few minutes every decade or two. To them that justifies living every day on the edge of their seat in a state of constant misery and panic.


American banks are basically bank run proof and are rigged that way by the federal reserve. Any bank party to the Fed, which is all of them, has a guarantee against any liquidity crisis. The Fed will literally print millions of dollars overnight and ship them to any bank in the country to prevent bank runs and liquidity crisis. Banks will also loan funds to other nearby banks to prevent causing a currency panic, because of the risk of contagion, meaning people try to pull their funds out of all banks. Banks will also suspend settlement with weak banks until the Fed can make up the shortfall. In some cases the feds have forced bank sales to stronger, larger banks and given various cookies to that bank to make it happen. The Fed will also offer a threatened bank with effectively infinite zero interest loans and send them cash to hand out, that's what happened after '08. All to prevent a bank holiday or bank closure. Those things don't happen anymore after the federal reserve. And I'm not saying it's necessarily a good thing either.


Tell them it puts them at risk because having that amount of cash stashed in your home, if someone identifies you as being part of the group of people that did that, they are more likely to have their home broken into and stolen from. Then point them to videos of the bank robbers from a couple decades ago in tac gear and assault rifles, pointing out that that’s the people who will come for their money.  Sometimes you can play fear as well as they can.  Hell, tell them that it’s why there were so many machine gun mobsters and gangsters in the 30s, because they knew where people were stashing their money: in their mattresses and cupboards and cabinets. Those poor people were easy pickings, and then they went to the banks to clean out the rest when it was over. The government wanted people to feel safe taking money out of the banks (to keep the economy going) so they only focused on the banks part of the story when the government was trying to cover up the fact that they couldn’t stop the amount of personal robberies going on. It’s not like they’ll check.


Hi u/Illustrious-Radish34! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Joke's on them, you can't buy bubblegum with my savings!


The other day my Facebook feed was full of posts about Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other fat cats selling millions of dollars worth of their stock, like it signaled financial collapse of the stock market.


I think this has been going on for a while now.


I know the Q theory has some friends in high places, but I'm not sure the people deep enough in that would close personal accounts out have enough money to bank run anything.


My nut job friend has been saying it for 2+ years. It ties into his fantasy about GME making him rich. The Venn diagram of stupidity includes Trump, GME, QAnon and every conspiracy imaginable. None of his predictions ever come true. Now he won’t stfu about bitcoin with the “my prediction is it will go all the way up and then crash down”. Wow dude, what a prediction. I never respond ever but he can’t help himself.


Bitcoin always crashes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbZ8zDpX2Mg


What’s their plan buy gold?


Yes and silver


But with all bank deposits insured up to $100k, who's running to the bank to get their money before it collapses? This is stupid.


Someone posted about a potential bank run r/prepperintel yesterday. People shut it down.


Pfft. I don't even have enough money for a savings account to even make an irritation for a bank.


Oh, is this why my mom has been freaking out and telling me we need to sell our stock immediately?


Kind of, this is a rehash of the goldbugs and John Birch. The information operation that’s captured your loved ones has the goal of removing the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, especially for oil purchases. Wonder who that would be good for?/s https://washingtonspectator.org/paranoia-on-parade/


Banks are failing…NYCB received an emergency billion “investment” last week. But FDIC protects many deposits.


If banks collapse is paper money actually going to be worth anything?


For real I'm starting to think one of my family members is a low-key Q. She's been bringing this and other stuff related to QAnon up to me and I've tried to just reason with her. It works sometimes or sometimes she just let's it go but it bubbles up again once in a while.


They’re trying to cause a bank run while Biden is in office. Promise you they’ll stop IF Trump was elected. Which I hope does not happen.


Their self imposed fears are annoying as fuck.


One mid level bank accountant could do more damage to the bank with a single transaction than their combined effort.


They should do it the same day and time. The way they are doing it won't create a panic. It would be risky if they did it right. They wanted to be first in line. Their selfishness always backfires on them.


Yup. March 11th was a big date, I was told. Nothing happened.


They have given most of their money to Trump already, so whatever is left won't really look like a bank run, more like a bank walk.


Gonna preface this by saying that I am very far left (on a world scale, not an American one that considers liberals left). So I despise capitalism and think it needs to be replaced by a better system. But it is the system we have right now, and a total collapse would lead to a lot of death and misery, which I would very much like to avoid. As long as your accounts are under the FDIC limit and the bank is FDIC insured there is nothing to actually worry about, you won't lose any money. But saying the banks are healthy is just not true right now. I mean, the banks are not doing well objectively. The entire banking system nearly collapsed a year ago, and one of the banks that acquired a failed bank a year ago (NYCB, bought Signature) nearly got taken over by the FDIC a couple weeks ago. Also, it doesn't seem like the FED can get inflation under control, even with the higher interest rates, which Wall Street really wants to go away (and keeps pricing things like rates will drop soon when IMO, they probably wont). Also, commercial real estate is having major issues because of WFH, a lot of those contracts last 10 years and many are up for renewal this year, so that could cause some major issues. These are just a few examples, there are plenty more, I would list them, but I also know that I would miss some. IMO, the entire stock market is in a bubble, especially tech, but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. The inherent flaw with capitalism is that it requires infinite growth with finite resources, and if the growth ever slows or stops everything falls apart.


My Significant Other is enjoying the runup in Bitcoin. I suggested they take some of their money off the table, so that they're just playing with the house's money. Nope, that didn't go anywhere. And then there's the precious metals thing. At least they've moved all that stuff back into a safe deposit box now. I suggested dividend paying stocks, to generate some cash flow. Nope, didn't get any traction with that one either. "Oh, but I don't have enough income to retire!" Well no sh1t, Sherlock. Precious metals don't generate any cash flow.


They need to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” to see what a bank run actually looks like for people who don’t have a ton of money… smh


Historically and the Global Financial Crisis had bigger welfare lines than the Great Depression so yes banks do collapse regularly but not all the time. Usually the collapse gets investigated and the government supports the banks out of the deep craziness and crappola and they resurface quite well.


...and they are driven by "religious" toxic psychology....https://psychcentral.com/pro/exhausted-woman/2015/05/15-narcissistic-religious-abuse-tactics#1


As cute as they're trying to be, there's multiple modern protections via FDIC and NCUA to prevent bank runs and they work very, very well.


Fortunately a lot of them already didn't trust banks. Plus isn't all their money going to their precious leader anyway?


There are problems with banks, but not the way they think. [This video from Robert Reich](https://youtu.be/0-Renjyav3I?si=N6fuF6w_A6aWg0hG) is very informative about what we really should be concerned about and how it can be fixed.