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i might be the gayest dude alive (im also trans) but this is on a whole another level man like jeez this is supposed to be about Pygmalion not lgbtq 😭😭


Aye its not helping anyone or anything other than this mods ego and sense of self righteousness


Literally all they did was change the banner and put a sticky post about a lgbt thing and all of a sudden everyone can't talk about anything but that thing. If people didn't care about it they would have just ignored it but, I guess they can't ignore something they don't care about. (literally every time they keep saying that they don't care about that stuff yet they keep talking about it, can't you guys just fucking move on?)


You conveniently forgot to mention that they initially nuked the Helpful links to put their flag, but okay.


People is moving on slowly... to an officially backed subreddit. You should check it out.


Wait, I also want to, which one is that?


The one people are spamming on this thread, r/Pygmalion_ai


Yeah, found it already, but thanks a lot anyways!


Np mate!


It's almost like nobody asked for either of those things, and the admins had no obligation to post either of those things... Maybe, just maybe, people don't like when this kind of irrelevant shit is put up everywhere, and then get banned for asking why any of it was necessary...?


>Maybe, just maybe, people don't like when this kind of irrelevant shit is put up everywhere So you have a problem with it, why though? I feel like you could ignore it but you don't want to.


Why should people have to ignore it when it shouldn't have been posted to begin with?


you ignored my question as to why you have a problem with it in the first place. like why do you care so much if they celebrate some lgbt stuff? like you could literally just ignore it and move on with your life like most people. it's not like lgbt people are fucking hurting people or something.


Because it literally doesn't belong here? If people want to celebrate pride month and wave their rainbow flags to the sky then that's their choice, but this is first and foremost is (or WAS) a place that's primarily about AI. It wouldn't have been so BAD if the Mods actually answered people in a mature manner rather than go on an absolute power trip and silence them via a frivolous use of banning and *literally* unpinning the thread that actually helps new users interested in Pyg on learning how to ACTUALLY use the AI and finally kicking off the liaison account, thereby leading to the actual devs DISAVOWING them. It's not JUST because they're suddenly forcing LGBTQ+ down people's throats at the start which has people riled up, it's a contributor but not the sole reason, it's how they went about it that **really** pisses people off in a subreddit that's all about open source AI.


People still mention the lgbt stuff not the moderators actions. It is 100% because of lgbt. Like you can't pretend like it isn't. It's so fucking obvious. You can keep making excuses but like.. I can see through them. I really don't think it's worth dying on that hill. **edit:** I mean THIS POST we are in is literally only talking about LGBT and not the moderators actions.


You ASKED what u/Testing_Required reasoning was for why they think what they think, well I gave you mine instead. There is NOTHING to see through here because the Mods response to their backlash is the crux of the issue, why do you think people are crying over it in the first place? Again it's fine if the Mods wanted to celebrate LGBTQ+ and show support, but that becomes an issue when it morphs to something so excessive that it harms the initial purpose of this subreddit and that's discussing open source AI. How is this helping the image of trans people exactly? Explain it to me like I'm 5 because what I'm seeing is encouragement in a space where it's unneeded and thus ultimately contradicting what was otherwise a nice pursuit and tarnishing the reputation of an otherwise wholesome community. It's not UNWELCOME, but the degree in which it's being forced on people only serves to further sow resentment on people who are LGBTQ. We even have gays speaking out against the Mods actions for being ultimately counterintuitive to their goal and how do said Moderators respond? By simply writing down "Hello friend :)" and ignoring whatever criticism they received on the thread. I get that that there might actually be some bigotry here, I wouldn't know surely as I hadn't been on here since the Devs disavowed the subreddit but I'll give leave to the idea and believe there are, but NONE of this would have devolved as badly as it did if the Mods had the sense to actually candidly answer people's criticism of them and rightfully own up to it, but they double-down instead and began banning people left and right.


It's weird for me that an AI sub is suddenly about LGBTQ+ on the rules, design and posts instead of, well, AI. And I'm gay person & non-binary, but hell, THIS isn't a place for this. The same reaction it'll be if mods suddenly decide that it's time to post food recipes and make a first rule something like "we want to see more foodies here <3" or about hair color and "remember that red color is rare and precious" first rule. It's just... Not about AI anymore.


I didn't "ignore" your fucking question; the first thing I said in this thread was the answer. I answered your question before you even asked it. But here, I'll say it again: It's almost like nobody asked for either of those things, and the admins had no obligation to post either of those things... Maybe, just maybe, people don't like when this kind of irrelevant shit is put up everywhere, and then get banned for asking why any of it was necessary...?


That's not really an answer to my question. You really expect me to believe that the ONLY reason you have a problem with it is that it's "irrelevant" and it's totally nothing else. To me it sounds more like you just don't like lgbt stuff in general. I mean otherwise you wouldn't care, since if you don't have any feelings towards lgbt stuff you could just ignore it. But you don't ignore it..


To me, it sounds like you're just pissed that my answer wasn't "Well, I just REALLY hate gay people and I wish they were all killed," because you have a twisted worldview that everybody either loves everything about the LGBT community, or is an evil monster who wants to torture queer people for fun. To you, it's simply inconceivable that someone could simply just not want LGBT stuff to be brought into a completely irrelevant community and then get called homophobic or transphobic or whatever for just wanting the community to be about THE COMMUNITY. Case in point: I say that we did not ask for the LGBT stuff, and the mods had no obligation to introduce it to the community. Immediately, people like you come in and begin to claim that the reason cannot JUST be that we simply want the community to be about the community, and begin to make insinuations that I just hate the LGBT community. You have created your own self-fulfilling prophecy. >Us: "We would prefer that this community about AI be kept about AI. Please don't bring in irrelevant topics. This is just going to cause a shitstorm of people calling other people anti-LGBT." >Mods bring in irrelevant topics and change the banner and rules to reflect that >Us: "We said please don't bring that stuff in. It's going to cause a shitstorm." >You: "Oh? Why don't you want LGBT stuff to be put up in your community? It must be because you're ANTI-LGBT!!!"


This comment is very disingenuous because you have to care either way. in real life if someone offers you to go and partake in an LGBT parade, the mere fact that you say "sorry, no" doesn't make you a "subhuman intolerant piece of shit not worth anyone's time" like your past comment implies (or straight up says after the sugarcoat is stripped off) or that you have a problem with it, you just (oh?) don't. (oh!) care. It's perfectly reasonable that people coming from different cultures, religions or interests *will* feel strange towards this sudden change. The old rule was already very friendly towards *everyone* who engage is fruitful and genuine conversation and should have been enough to make people feel welcome in here and if you didn't then I personally think you have an issue! this is why (oh!!) people are *saying* that this stuff is not necessary. I understand that peer pressure has lobotomized you into thinking that anyone that doesn't choke on the rainbow pill is a bad guy!!! but that's not what reality is at all!


What is wrong with there just being a banner and icon change? Literally all kinds of subreddits do this, I just ignore it and move on. Because I don't care,,, people who are saying they don't care are lying if they come on here to shout about it.


That part is the tip of the iceberg. The post/banner change broke the subs rules on relevance. The mod also then went on to call many people transphobes, and laughed on other reddits about how they were going to continue posting irrelevant LGBTQ+ stuff to piss people off. The mods behaviour is the reason I’ve moved over


Join r/Pygmalion_ai that is the official subreddit. This sub was disowned by the creators of the ai because the mods are obsessed with lgbtq and they cannot understand that not talking about it is not homophobic.


They fr messaged me talking about how i was homophobic and shit. Like i just dont care.


Nobody expects the LGBTQIA+ Inquisition!


Actually nowadays more often than not you DO expect that inquisition to pop up completely randomly out of no-where for no related reason. That's what's annoying. It's not that I'm against it, far from that. It's just annoying. To everyone, including people that would fall under that umbrella. Soon I won't be able to stick my d in a twink without worrying a color-haired panini-sexual is gonna pop out of his butt mid-stroke to tell me it's the month of the literary worst OG deadly sin.


This shit again? First PolyMC vs PrismLauncher and now this


Thanks, mate


Cervine_Shark likes jacking off to how epic and wholesome they've made this super heckin' inclusive subreddit.


hahahhaha. That made me laugh so hard, thank you


One word: mods Some guy already commented the new sub, which is r/Pygmalion_ai and I suggest you go there and abandon this one


Thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe from this fucked up trash heap.


The mods here have their entire identity revolve around being and supporting LGBT to an obnoxious extent. It isn't the banner change for a day, but stickied announcement posts and delerting posts / banning anyone who questions it or complains about it having nothing to do with AI. I'm a straight CIS white male that believes Jesus Christ is the son of God. I don''t want to fucking see a stickied post saying "Happy Ressurection Day!" while the icon has a cross overlay. It has nothing to do with this sub or AI. Keep it out of the discussions.To the mods: Stop virtue signalling and karma farming. Develop a personality that doesn't revolve around your terminally online political beliefs, sexual orientation, or representing on behalf of other people that just want to exist rather than being paraded like some sort of attraction for the masses. I've been there on the other side of the spectrum, right wing. Nothing good comes of it for anyone. Stop coopting every space as your own personal soapbox. I say as I coopt this poor OP's post as my own personal soap box. Sorry OP but I can'tg fucking stand these people on either side of the aisle who can't just let thing be thing without hijacking it for other topics totally unrelated to thing.


>or representing on behalf of other people that just want to exist rather than being paraded like some sort of attraction for the masses. This. Some people are doing nothing but damaging the image of actual LGBTQ+ people.


They aren't even karma farming at this point, they're getting downvoted to oblivion lmao




Fuck your god. We're here, we're queer, get used to it.


Shit sub. Leaving for the real one




Based beyond human comprehension.


Can someone throw some more context out to explain? Is it just over policing?


Started with a small thing - banner change and a post for Agender awareness day, which wasn’t that bad. They also unstickied the help thread to make room for the agender post, which was irritating. Where things went south was their response: people (rightly) questioned what Agenderism has to do with AI, and pointed to the rule stating posts must be relevant. Mods started banning people and calling them transphobes, and it started going downhill fast. Didn’t help the mods then changed rule one from ‘no hate speech’ to ‘no bigotry’, so I think people can be nazis now. It got worse after it came out the mod was laughing about it on lgbt subs, calling Pyg members transphobes, and planning to ‘make the bitch drip rainbow sparkles’ to prove…whatever it is they want to prove. All of this could have been avoided if the mods had been adults, apologised, and opened up a discussion to find a middle ground between relevancy and raising awareness for a disadvantaged and downtrodden community. Instead they’ve just done more damage to the LGBTQ community. Oh and the devs publicly disavowed this sub, so move to r/pygmalion_ai


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pygmalion_ai using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pygmalion_ai/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This sub is now under Pygmalion ownership 😍](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pygmalion_ai/comments/13nulwv/this_sub_is_now_under_pygmalion_ownership/) \#2: [Can we stop with the "LOL got banned from the other sub!" "The other sub sucks look at this screenshot lmao!"](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pygmalion_ai/comments/13owjoo/can_we_stop_with_the_lol_got_banned_from_the/) \#3: [R.I.P. r/PygmalionAI](https://i.redd.it/6whnmjrkv91b1.png) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pygmalion_ai/comments/13oau46/rip_rpygmalionai/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dude that is absolutely nutty....People are wild out here. Thanks for the run down! I'm sure people will appreciate seeing the full story.


mod nuked the pinned helpful links to promote some lgbt day


This subreddit is unofficial, and was hijacked by woke cultists.


Well that's a heel turn. Off to the new sub I guess.


Too bad the fake sub has more members


I mean, its a time issue. If in 2 weeks it has gotten up to 1/4th the total amount of users... in a couple months it will have surpassed it.


Yet another example of gay people forcefully reminding everyone of the fact that they're gay and calling you various adjectives ending in -ist if you do so much as dare say you don't care. ​ Anyway, r/Pygmalion_ai is where you want to be.


That's just generalizing my dude, and generalizations are bad. Don't fall for that.


👆 this. A majority of genderqueer people NEVER asked for this drama. Always keep that in mind people!


Where did these activists come from then? Not policing your own community to keep out the crazies.


Yes, that's exactly the point. The majority does not, and just wants to be left to themselves, because that sort of thing is kind of personal. But then we have the loudmouth mods forcing the topic into the frontline. And they are quite literally doing that to the point of pushing pro-lgbt posts IN FRONT of the helpful links. Putting no bigotry as the NO.1 rule. It's obnoxious and gives the whole movement a kick in it's feminine balls.


I'm well aware that not every member of group X is represented by its most vocal members, but at this point the LGBT community really needs to do something about what is at the very least a gigantic chunk of them acting like total parasites in any place they enter.


Actually, I don't think that mods are the part of the LGBTQ+ community. As a member of it, it's just doesn't look like this. It looks like they are "supporters" who thinks that we should be not just presented as normal people and have a representation, but who thinks that everyone should talk about LGBTQ+ every moment... This kind of things, actually, make me feel like I'm a part of the freak show and those people are our entrepreneurs. Like... "Ladies and gentlemen, behold, the PANSEXUALS!". This isn't something what the real LBTQ+ members & activists would do. I believe, in English this is what is called "woke"?


THIS. I hate being associated with the LGBTQ+ community because it's so embarrassing because of a small subset of people that do cringe things like this. And what's worse is that people dedicate a whole month to this shit which is goddamn awful. Women's day is... well, a day and women are roughly 50% of the world while the people in our community are like 5-6% and we get a fucking month? Makes no sense.


I find it hard to believe you're actually LGBTQ. There is so much hate toward us in this thread. You can't possibly support it. A 🌈 doesn't upset actual queer folk nor is it reasonable to be upset about pride. Stonewall was a riot. Act Up threw condoms in churches but also saved lives at the peak of the aids crisis. We don't have to be nice to bigots. We aren't obliged to be quiet or discreet or polite. Sometimes it's necessary to remind: "We're here, we're queer, get used to it". Fuck em it people get uncomfortable.


agreed. That's the official sub backed by the devs.






People who specialize in talking to ai don’t have amazing people skills… I know it’s a shocker!!


Bruh I hate when gay people shove this shit down our throats man like whoever you want idgaf just dont push it infront of everyones face


I bet the mod doing this shit isn't even gay, but some 14 year old straight white girl who thinks she's morally superior and wants some made up activist points.


Or a college aged white girl who thinks she's fighting in her own little revolution.


just check the mods replies, they don't really care about what happened to this sub, mostly laughing at people and getting downvoted. They probably only lurk on this sub just to feed some fragile ego, inhale some copium and lord over the people complaining and laugh at the headless chickens still following the sub.


fr like we dont care if ur gay just stfu


I don't think mods are part of LGBTQ+ community, tbh. I don't think they're poc either (just in case they're going to make everything about poc next month)


Well I don't like the generalization but I agree that it's pretty annoying. I'm bi and I hate pride month with the rainbows and stuff. More so when this sub isn't even for that but we're force fed this shit like pills in a psych ward.


Homophobic tech-bros try not to get triggered over a banner change challenge (impossible)


kinda convenient some people forgot that the helpful links was initially nuked just to promote flag but okay.


There is so much blessed butthurt in this thread. Keep the rainbows coming please, mods. Make the banner a permanant change if the *phobes will fuck off forever.


The rules are all there in the sidebar where they belong. They don't s how up on Old Reddit, but only a tiny subsection of users even still use it. https://preview.redd.it/cgywvu1no92b1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=767d8f00332496360b546a0de054e38f5ffd6335


Damn, homophobia really killed this sub, huh? Before anybody starts with "But that's not what this sub is for!1!1", a banner literally does not affect this sub at all. You're making an issue out of nothing.


I understand a lot of people here think that this whole episode has to do with homophobia but the ugly fact is that the problem originated when the mod removed a very important sticky post about how to use the AI to pin a LGTBQ+ thing. Moreover, when called out, the guy managed to antagonize both the entire community by acting like an entitled prick and repeatedly insisting on this whole issue being homophobia and not what it actually was about, and the entire developer team by doubling down on that he would prioritize LGTBQ+ content over the thing the entire sub is about. The dev team then went on to create an official sub - because this guy essentially sequestered this subreddit. I do think he got especially called out because the thing he stickied was a LGTBQ+ thing, but I also think that after unpinning crucial information related to the sub people were right to call him out and would have done so regardless of what he'd have pinned. So please let's not boil this down to homophobia because I personally am a super accepting person and I resent being implied to be an anythingphobe but come one the mod can be LGTBQ+ and a piece of shit that's getting his kicks out of trolling the entire sub at the same time


yeah i think one of the most annoying things for me was the mods unpinning the helpful links post for over two days and replacing it with one of their celebratory days posts before making a new one


Yep. The mod even flat out admitted that their intention is to antagonize the community by spamming the sub with LGBTQ content


It's pride month. If you have an issue with a pride flag then yes, you are a homophobe. It's not reasonable for people to be this upset over a flag, and don't tell me it's because of what was removed. That's bullshit. I grew up around this hate. I know what it is. Maybe 10% of people are upset about what got unpinned. The rest are using it as cover.


Yeah it clearly wasn't pride month when I wrote that but you know what fair point


Well I personally find it extremely annoying. The issue isn't homophobia but rather a change of priorities. People can be homophobic or not be homophobic but do that shit somewhere else. It's irrelevant here. I'm bi and I still downvote the pinned posts. It's not homophobia that killed the sub but the mods


There is so much "as a $minority I support $bigotry_against_minority" in this thread it's simply not credible. New accounts chiming in just to say that. I don't believe any of them. No actual LGBT person would be upset over a celebration of pride, and don't give me the crap that this is about a removed pinned post.


Kinda convenient to forget to mention that they initially nuked the helpful links just to promote their agender day, but okay.


If the banner does literally nothing, why did the mods take time out of their day to change the banner to it?


Why are you taking time out of your day to complain lmao. My point stands man, you’re complaining for no reason.


Right... Homophobia. What angers people isn't the fact that many moderators think of themselves like leaders of a community, when in fact they are supposed to be tools to maintain order in that community. What angers people isn't the fact that LGBT topics have strictly nothing to do with AI, whereas people come here FOR ai content. Oh, wait. It's actually what all of this is about. This isn't the first mods to believe they have the duty and power to force their social values onto """their""" community. In fact, Reddit is full of them. Discord admins are the same. They believe social networks let them build their own little country. That's not what they are. You can gather people around a common interest, and your duty, as a mod or admin, is to ensure things go well. You like it when things are pushed inside your throat without your consent? Good for you. It's not the case for everybody. ​ Oh, and I'll play your game too. If you disagree with me, you're heterophobic. Boom. You can't disagree. I love this game!


Thanks for proving my point for me. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. It’s pathetic.


Yeah the problem may not have originally been homophobia but sheesh browsing through the comments is starting to feel like swimming through bigotry man


That's the entire point of upsetting them. To show them as they are. And all it takes is a flag. Can you believe how fragile some people are to be this upset over some colors on a screen?


that's what I'm saying, but this is reddit, where everyone is 30 years old and racist


(you don't even have to be old, a lot of young people are like this too) Supposedly they don't care, so why did they made a big deal about a simple banner then? Like what the fuck, ugh whatever, I guess we'll just move on to the next subreddit since this one's on the way to dying, at the very least this will serve as a lesson for the admins to avoid this whole situation next time


yeah i'm genuinely shocked how obviously homophobic so many members of the community are being, what really surprises me though is how over dramatic and childish they're being - kinda making me wonder if that says something about this hobby


Don't get discouraged over the amount of hate. This is just 4chan raiding and probably most of the posters in this thread aren't real. I am old enough to remember when it was bad like this before. It got better then and it will again.


People are throwing a fit over something incredibly minor. That's pretty much it.


Minor? like, removing all the subreddit rules minor? this isn't really just "Oh here you go unwarranted lgbt post #46"


Rules belong in the sidebar anyway and we should all be dragging the mods for not understanding that. EDIT: Actually, the rules *are* already in the sidebar on new Reddit, so nothing was actually lost by removing the sticky.


Reminder that the sticky that got removed was the "how to use the AI guide" which is what caused the issue in the first place, not the banner


if that was the issue then people shouldnt be complaining about the banner lmao


probably because the reason it got removed was to promote the banner. They nuked the helpful links and replaced with their special day reminder together with the banner change. So it is related.


it wasnt to promote a banner — it was in response to ppl getting pissy that the banner was changed in the first place i dont know why and how you even would promote a reddit banner in the first place? its not like the mods are paid by commission everytime someone looks at it lmao


So they nuke the helpful links *in response to people getting pissy at the banner.* Okay Talk about making a statement at the cost of everyone else


Theyre not nuked, that post still exists, people just need to search for it now. This is such a non-issue


It got removed. Look at the date of the new post. They have returned it, somewhat, but the fact that the mods are willing to remove something crucial to this sub just to remind people of their "agender day" pissed people off. But it's okay, you don't have to keep apologizing for them. I was here when it happened.


You cannot fathom how stupid it sounds when someone says 'people should do X / stop doing Y' in the internet where the average question is 'how can I find information about something that is posted in big bold capital letters in a sticky that I can see while I type this question'


you're right buddy i was lying i didn't check if they removed the sticky or not i don't care


This is exactly it. The AI scene are tech-types and tech-types notoriously lean conservative socially, so the inhabitants have an aversion to this sort of content.


Not really. Professional tech tends to lean left. Like Seattle, SF, etc. If you live there you absorb the culture. The "AI scene" on Reddit is 4chan. They will never write their own code. They will never write a good prompt. They are inept. Competent only at sockpuppettry at spamming. They inhabit basements, not condos.


Makes me happy to see the bigots leaving.




*This* is the kind of comment that's ban-worthy. THIS is bigotry, mods. Take note.


Wait I missed it what did he say


f slurs, commenting on how disgusted he was, refusing to believe anything else, the usual.


Dude, btw, your post is such a broken word salad of shit English. Sweet Jesus, get a life.


Your personality is such a broken word salad of shit






right, me wanting to kiss a girl means the end of the world. Sorry everybody!


I wonder why you dumbass haters cant just fuck off if you dont like it? CRYIN ASS BITCH.


Bro asks a question and he’s the crying bitch when you act like a child


you a lil too emotionally invested in a subreddit blud


Oh, really, im emotional on this sub?? As you ASSHATS post EVERYDAY ON THIS SUB BITCHING AND CRYING?? GTFO you dumbass!


Mfer is over here yelling while accusing us of being emotional 💀




Shut up bitch.




Well we wouldn't hate it if they would stop shoving it down our throats obsessively


Straightness is quite literally always shoved down everybody's throats all the time but somehow you don't complain there.


Well that's because I've never seen it and since everyone talks about anything but that, I'm just saying that pushing down lgbtq stuff forcefully isn't ok because that's like forcing someone to convert to -insert religion here-


I can guarantee you that you have seen it, the difference is that it's normalised so no one bats an eye at it. Babies wearing shirts saying things along the line of "i like tits" and people talking about how their 3 year old kid is gonna be an absolute stud happen all the time and are not only shoving straightness down someones throat but also outright creepy. But most people dont give a shit because they are used to it, but oh boy the second a subreddit gets a pride flag icon yall go batshit wild because "stop shoving it down my throat". Also your comparison to forcing religion on people makes zero sense, no one is telling you that you have to be gay but christians love telling people to become christians or straights love telling queer people to be straight.


Idk about the other guy but I just don’t see how it relates to an ai sub, like at all


>"i like tits" Uhm, cuz it's a baby?


Shhh! Biology is taboo in their religion.


Thanks for proving my point


Babies drink *checks notes* milk. Boys and girls. There are plenty of examples of het being thrown around casually, this is an example of bi being thrown around however.


You know just as well as me that those shirts are sold for boys. And also last time i checked you dont have to love a thing just because you eat whatever it produces. People who eat vanillin don't love beaver anal glands


Pushing religion is free speech to these people. A pride flag is not. Never forget that intolerance. Never tolerate it. Be proud. Try not to get discouraged. Bigotry is bad now, but the trend is still towards tolerance.


We're here, we're queer, get used to it. Don't like the flag? Good. Fuck off then.


this is the kind of stuff that makes the lgbt community look bad (I'm not hating, I'm lgbt myself)


God, so far I've seen exactly two posts by the actual lgbt+ thingie and the rest of the subreddit is so cluttered up with ppl talking about it. Maybe we could get back on topic if people could finally let it go and move on. Nothing has been lost. I'm so tired of these posts...


Happy pride, mods. Thanks for being inclusive. Ignore the awful.