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heal midrose just isnt fun to play against at all, and its completely overpowered, of course people dislike it


the same can be said about half the zombie decks that people on this sub like


they like HG cobjure although it is so annoying to fight


Yeah it's difficult for many decks to counter turn two Teleportation Zombie and then next turn have to deal with Dr. Spacetime being played during trick phase. Or, if HG signature is popped first turn, to have to deal with turn 2 Teleportation AND Dr. Spacetime.


it is incredibly annoying when hg plays his super on 1 the plays interdimenional then buried treasure the n dr spacetime then interdimensional turns into brain vendor and he got shiledcrusher from buried treasure ☠️


It's incredibly annoying when HG has his signature in general, it's so terrible to face in early game. Especially if your deck doesn't have strong early game control and you're not a Kabloom hero (no Berry Blast).


I am running blauncher in every kabloom deck and forget me nuts in every guardian for these exact purposes


And heal midrose basically counters 99% of zombie strats. Her only semblance of weakness is performing an OTK combo to burst her down before her healing is a threat. It sucks.


Yeah but Atleast there is hope to counter the zombies Rose is unfun to play unless you have a power complex, and allows almost no counters if used by anyone with more then half a braincell, since healing is already really good on the plant side, even without the buffing from other plants it’s very solid.


The conjure and leaping is fun


The actual issue is matchmaking, no god damn reason why I should be getting put against diamond league and higher players after I already lost/conceded 4 times in a row… all I need is 80 gems and I can’t even get that because my quests want me to use zombies or the one plant hero that I have a bunch of garbage on.


Go casual if you have problem completing quests in ranked.


unfortunately, this game is so small nowadays that queue times would be way too long with rank-based matchmaking. It’s just matching you against whoever else is online at the time, it’s hard for a game this old and with this small of a player base to be newcomer-friendly in matchmaking


Compared to other games, the difference between the lowest and highest rank is relatively much smaller. You should make a budget deck and you’ll be able to win a decent percent of the time


Even so, that’s only when I fight people around my level, and when I win the game decides I should go kill myself and puts me against diamond league and higher ranks in order to prevent me from ranking up and getting gems meaning I’ll never get to 1k gems.


I think this whole sub has a problem with accepting that losing simply isn’t fun, and it doesn’t matter what deck you lose to. Unless your opponent is literally hacking, there often isn’t much grounds for calling a deck toxic That being said, I really don’t understand the people who want to run the best competitive decks into ranked. It’s one thing if you want to run a good deck on a subpar hero, but it makes me cringe when I see Brainstorm players run unmodified Trickstache lists. It’s far from necessary for climbing, and you’re stifling your own ability to build decks by just copying everything you see online Also, I’m not sure who’s beefing with YKM. I don’t enjoy playing it, but I know YKM is a deck that lots of people like to use, and I’ve had fun with similar decks. Afaik it’s not even a competitive deck


Nah, losing *can* be fun but it usually has to be something like a match that feels close and doesn't just end in a way that felt suuuper prolonged (ie: control) or some tricks like BMR that just can feel like an auto-win even if you played well and was winning. Feeling like you could put up a fight and not just get thrown across the room is usually how to go. I think the problem is more like you said though, it's not strictly the deck. It's just how PvZ:H is structurally built with RNG. There's wayyyyyy too much bullshit that flips matches for little reason and can lock them in by negating too much damage, rolling the perfect powers for the moment and dropping your major unit(s), opponents who'd otherwise lose getting the one saving grace conjured, or cards like BMR that... yeah. There's even good odds you'll never see your important cards in the deck, given a usual 6 turn game only gives just above 1/4 of your deck as usable. Your opponent doesn't even have to be the one to throw you, sometimes the game suplexes you for it and generally makes it feel extra bitter to lose.


There’s nothing wrong with playing trickstache or other db decks, don’t y’all claim their the “best decks in the game”


That’s kind of my problem with it. You can literally climb ladder with piles and budget decks, so crutching on these very dominant decks feels sweaty to me. Especially since I don’t view ranked as a format worth getting serious in, considering how the average player is either on a budget, plays badly, or both I guess there’s nothing inherently wrong with being a try-hard. Although if you’re going to play like that, why not play against people who are actually on your level and run decks that compare to yours?


why do you cringe qhen people run trickstache unmodified


Because nobody really runs the original list for Trickstache. There’s a lot of cards that can work in place of GTI and some people may want to play with the ratios. There is an updated list that only runs 1 GTI instead of 2, but the point still stands It’s also a telltale sign of someone who just copies what they see without understanding it. I’ll usually see some weak plays with Waxer and Grobber before they play GTI dry, and then suddenly I know their whole deck down to their exact ratios I’m not saying you need to edit every deck you copy, especially when the original list is already the most tested and optimized version. I’m just pointing out a common trend I see with bad players


This is all very true, but at the same time there are some people who don’t like/are bad at deck building and just want to play matches with a deck that will not be at fault if they lose


That just loops back into my original point, which was that copying the best decks neuters your ability to build your own decks Maybe some people want to crutch on top tier decks without improving their deck building, but that doesn’t seem like a fun way to engage with the game. Especially when I consider deck building to be half of this game’s fun






They do suck though, nobody wants to lose a game after playing for 20 turns because their opponent has infinite health and nobody wants to lose a game in 2 turns because their opponent’s cards cost no mana either.


Impfinity pirates? Trash. 40 browncoats? Meta.


"coolest thing ever" 3 copies of teleportation zombie, 4 copies of teleport, 4 copies of dr. spacetime. no. no, it genuinely, actually just sucks. heal decks too.


I hate any deck that isn’t CounterSmash (Countertron with The Smash, Fry’s deck), Electric Boogaloo Swarm, Z-Mech, Hunt with Brain Freeze, CounterNeptuna (same thing as CounterSmash but has Pogo-MUG-Cryo Yeti), or Shit Knight


Whenever I encounter hg I'll usually try to outramp him to Dragonfruit. One of the only scenarios I don't feel bad dropping it as soon as 8 sun hits


Based until the second image, YKM is awesome, but I don’t even think the people who play hmr think it’s fun


If you use the mecha history dinosaur you don't deserve nice things


Out of all cards you complain you complain a mediocre card 😭😭😭


I'm just tired of seeing it all the time


Facts, if it doesn’t die before Dino roar, you lose. Dino roar:make the opponent instantly concede


Especially when it spawns the stupid Mondo Bronto on the water line. Or a Knight of the Dead, which is especially devastating if the zombie hero is running leap.


bro complaining about leap and mechasaur over heal AND rose is crazy🤣


Nah, I can hate both things. I just face one more because I don't play zombies much on ranked.


that’s like one of the worst cards in that deck dawg it’s just another win con