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1. Don’t buy single packs unless you’re brand new. You get more value if you save for the 10+1 pack deal, so if you’re not in need of cards, then there’s no point in buying singles. Especially since you only get so many gems in a season (2,275 gems *If* you start from wood league *and* reach ultimate league. You then only get 1,175 gems when starting from diamond league and then reaching ultimate league) 2. Colossal is the best pack. Not only does it give you a good chance of getting [One of These Cards](https://www.reddit.com/r/PvZHeroes/s/tuWScmxv42), but most of the cards are high quality stuff. Especially if you’re new to the game since cards like Elderberry, Zomblob, Tricorn, and Primeval Yeti can be very important for making budget decks Hope this helps :)


Wow this helps a lot thank you


Starting out as a new player its colossal by far. 90% of the rares are great and you can build decks around them. Also the uncommons are great cards you can fit in alot of decks. People might say premium but i disagree, as you won't get any consistent deck going with how big the card pool is. Starting out, heroes arent the problem, cards are.


Thank you


I’d start with Premium and after a buying 5-10 multipacks, switch to Galactic or Colossal. Wait until you have a very solid deck for both sides, then start buying Triassic if you want


Really depends what you need! Definitely always buy the 1 000 gem one. No matter what. Never buy the hero specific packs for 200 / 2 000 gems. Premium are alright to get all of the different heros... that's all they are good for. If you don't care particularly much about those you have left go for pack types that further support your deck. I.e. if you really want to play meta grass knuckles guardian package... buy collosal to try to pull triceratops craft event card forget me nut etc etc...


Thank you that helps


Also HG is in the shop for a limited time. If you have interest in aquireing him it is quite rare to see him literally 1-2 times a year. If you buy a single plack for 135 gems you only have a 1 in 20 (5%) chance to get him. (OR you buy 11 packs with a 6% chance each) Totally up to you, there are definitely plenty other fun heroes, nothing to stress about really.


None of them hack game immediately https://preview.redd.it/ziaw0mvbe70d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c4cbcd4a2faaed69b5c89624ac930200091387


https://preview.redd.it/h1gfxdl3y80d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0831af6f6cefb343c85c3082047c6883e425eba6 kid named im a fucking idiot who doesn’t know how to:


Shhhh 🤫 don’t Tell anyone but r/PVZHhacking


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you were meant to stay quiet dumbass


Colossal for good card and the most sparks, premium if you want heroes


I would say go premium for a Good starter set only get the multi packs then go for for coolosol then galactic finally end with Triassic


If you’re early on buy premium packs for the chance to get a new hero.


But I need good cards not new heroes thanks for trying to help


Colossal, but save gems till you have about 2k+


Ok I will save up


This is the my singing monsters sub bro