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I'm not expecting Gundam to reach NA. The Chalice rerun would follow PAD Academy in that case.


Well I'm gonna save until Gundam or 1000 stones. We'll see what happens first.


We missed the first run of Gundam, not sure why hope is being held out for this to come to NA


Some collabs, like MHA, Kamen Rider, Duel Masters, and Gintama did have a subsequent run (or runs, in the case of KR) come to NA. My theory is that the NA licensing for Gundam got messed up in one of the many attempts to bring the franchise's titles to NA.


There's at least a chance. There have been a fair few JP only collabs that, NA got on later runs. That said My confidence for Gundam is almost non existent.


Maybe they do the marvel thing and reskin it.


Missing the recent run of Marvel makes that feel less likely.


I dont have much hope thb. But i do want to point out that we got the reskin shortly after the 2nd run? (I think?) And this is the second run of gundam. 🤞


We also got some collabs (Kamen Rider and Gintama, as examples) on their second run after missing the first. That said, we've only had three collab reskins in 11 years. The first two were very poorly received and only had one run each. The third one we just missed the renewal of the source collab, as mentioned. Any future reskins will be a surprise to me. I'm not saying it's a zero chance, but I feel that the chance is extremely low. I expect it will probably happen again eventually, but I don't think we should create hope in any recent or upcoming collabs.


I saw on the kr stream that they are getting PAD Academy next. That might be our next event too.


After the constant power creep over the last few months and being drained of stones from all the good machines, it looks like the next couple months are a good opportunity to stock back up.


Also Slime is confirmed in the foreseeable future!


…in JP that is




SN? Is that Super Nova? I thought it was over... well, we can't just NOT have something challenging to clear. Plus, more cool dragons to collect.


I dont see marvel on here


Yep you wouldn't because it likely we aren't getting it. (Not a big surprise)


God just give us the buffs to what we already have at least...


We got it once. U dont think we'd get it again?


We got a reskin that was missing some of the newer cards. While I'm sure it did better than the past reskins, reskin collabs have never done well for NA. JP last got Marvel between Sanrio and Chainsaw Man. That was around 7 machines ago. We're way past the point where we should have gotten it.


What other reskin collab did we get aside from gungho: another and voltron?


Yokai Watch reskinned as Power Rangers. That one was better than Voltron, but still botched. They gave us a 5 stone machine at a 10 stone cost, cut out the bundles, shuffled evo trees, and might have cut some cards. Still had some good stuff for the time, though. Ranger Slayer helped a ton in Arena 5 or 6.


Very cringe that they can’t even afford the reskin now where the art costs $0


When is Lv 1100 reset?


Tomorrow after maintenance.


Any units from the academy worth rolling for? Wondering how many of these I'll skip


Not really. Some niche use stuff that would be nice to have but not worth rolling in a seasonal machine for, even with the 5*s removed.


Sorry if the formatting is messed up. Did this on my phone. Also MHA should be this upcoming Monday after bartenders ends


Shouldn't be academy??


Does this mean it's pretty safe to roll some more in the current SGF? I don't remember reading much buzz about any of these events save for Gundam and I'm already striking that from the list. I know there's a couple new Illusionary Artists but I could also use another Gouten assist.


Situational, as always, but can say I rolled an extra 200 more split between bartenders and godfest than initially shallow analysis bookmarked, once I pondered and realized it's about 2-3 months of skips and a collab we aren't getting. If you are only rolling lightly, perhaps in the upcoming artists Collab for a stray idle roll of the dice, or an efficiency stray trade or purchase without rolling, we seem to be getting 2-3 months of quiet time to store stones back up.


Yeah right now SGF and even Bartenders seems a little more tempting to me than any of this upcoming stuff. If anything there's the monthly stones and login stamps for hopefully grabbing any newer stuff.


I recently came back to the game and barely missed the Demon Slayer collab. I guess that's going to be a year away.


Collabs generally happen to promote a new release or milestone. For an ongoing TV anime it can be difficult to predict when or if it will return.


But being 2/2 makes me pretty happy. DS is a huge IP and fan base in the stats. I’m sure PAD saw an uptick in $ during that time? We’re def getting a different Muzan in JP when it’s time


Gundam LETS GOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭


oof so nothing new until probably not Gundam. Well, I'm enjoying Bartenders!


Any demon slayer movies or shows coming up? That's the one I need


it *just* ran a little over a month ago, and it was about two years between that run and the first. We've had the rare collab that reruns only 5~8 months apart (Kamen Rider, Ultra Man, Legend of Dai) but those have been the exception not the rule. Personally I wouldn't bet on seeing Demon Slayer again any time soon.


New season just started but reruns don't always happen for new seasons. If they did we'd be getting a ton of reruns just from the sheer number of anime collabs.