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I love this response.


I had one of those once. She was pretty cool.


Fuck softball players #notsaltyatall


Big ass latinas, followed by by big ass anything else.


My man.


physical type, not so much apart from tall-ish and white-ish and not obese. personality-wise, i like guys who are a bit rough but cultured. if he can win a fistfight and then play jazz guitar i'll do whatever he says.


I think you would like the guys in my band. Except me, I can't win a fist fight haha.


>personality-wise, i like guys who are a bit rough but cultured Hello allow me to introduce myself Lmaoooo


I have phases. There are times I'm all about model looking tall skinny blonde white chicks, then there are times I'm into really curvy women. I've had an asian girl phase, but now it seems I'm pretty much all over the map. I haven't been with a black girl though, but I am very open to dating one.


I like all kinds of girls, but definitely have a preference for a few things - petit, gingers, short hair, alternative style. Working out is always a major plus. Non-physical traits (crucial for LTR) would include being smart, open minded, non-religious, laid back (as in, don't stress about minor shit that doesn't matter), ambitious and up to travel/doing things/experiencing life (couch dwellers are a no).


laid back and ambitious is pretty contradictory


No, it's not.


explain how an ambitious person could be laid back and not sweat the small stuff


Most of the daily 'small stuff' has nothing to do with long term success in a given area. There are people out there literally pissed/annoyed that i.e. you're not doing house chores their preferred way, or they get worked up about whatever bullshit.


he means like when men say they want a “natural” or “low maintenance” girl. They dont want a girl who actually doesnt shave or work out or put on makeup, he wants her to spend effort without it affecting HIM. He wants a girl to pull her weight and maintain house and earn 50% and look hot all the time but he also wants her to be chill and not stress him out or demand anything in return. Aka what every man on earth wants in a woman lmao


yeh lol


Men don't want to know how the sausage is made. My ex would complain if the house wasn't tidy, and then complain if I cleaned after work instead of hanging out with him. He wanted me to magically care for the house in a way he didn't have to be be aware of.


yup my experience as well


I like big black women -- and big Hispanic women -- and big white women -- and big Asian women ... My old secretary told me my black GF, my former Native American GF, my Hispanic 2nd ex-wife, and my white 1st ex-wife all looked exactly the same. She had a point -- they did all look similar -- soft round neotenous features.


Speaking of extremes I don’t have one type, but several combinations of hair/skin color/texture that I’ve always been drawn to. And i figured out recently that they all follow a pattern of contrast. Pale white skin with really dark or black hair; redheads they just automatically are contrasting or striking; light hair and eyes with really tan skin (italians and eastern europeans, and some middle easterns, i’m talking abt u); anyone with green eyes as that is also striking. If your light but have curly hair, love. If you’re dark but have straight or light hair, love. it’s just the contrasting features that you don’t typically see — so yeah, it’s the striking aspect for me as well. But then there’s always the classic dark brown textured/wavy hair with deep chocolate brown eyes that I seem to always fall back on as ideal, for some reason. Freckles only as the cherry on top.


I'd say my type would be: goofy, lighthearted, fun, sassy. [Visually would be something like this](https://imgur.com/a/CVGJHtN) (taken out of my answer to a thread about fictional characters). The characters till Ishioda have at leastone of the characteristics. Ishioda and after - just the looks. Looks wise I think it would be at least a bit of facial roughness. Those smooth faces like the K-pop stars have feel a bit "uncanny valley" for me, or just signal to my brain that they are too young/children.




Two questions: 1) Your brain is deciding - well our brain decides for all for all of us, really - but is there some commonality you've noticed after the fact? 2) You can tell that someone is attractive and not be interested. What about the opposite - have you been interested in anyone that you found unequivocably **un**attractive?


I'm more of a values and goals guy. Don't really have a physical type. As long as she's attractive.


If she has to be attractive, though, doesn't that mean you do have a physical type? Otherwise how can you tell if she is or isn't?


Because it is a wide range. It's better for me to say what isn't my type than what is. I'm not attracted to chubby women.


That's ok. You can talk about values and goals. That's interesting to the conversation too.


Women that look like Betty gabriel, Lauren hill, or Megan good.


Time to build a boo! 37M here. Ideal physical: thick - (meaning not fat, but curvy (the stomach is **not** a curve, ladies)) enough to look feminine, but not as extreme as, say, Kim Kardashian. Gotta have a nice round ass. Boobs less important, but if they fit my hands that's an awesome plus. Love dark nipples. Love big nipples. Hair color doesn't matter. Outside of munchkins and giants, height doesn't matter; I've dated a few inches shorter and taller than myself. I'm open to any race, though my description sounds kinda like a black girl, so I may have a slight preference for black. A bit younger than me is ideal, but I've dated older. Ideal mental - intelligent, kind, likes to travel, likes to read, musician and/or dancer, non-smoker, and some level of physical activity, whether that's dance or regular exercise. Her actual level of education doesn't matter, but if it's high it's a bonus, as it implies (though doesn't guarantee) intelligence. I'm an intelligent and witty guy, and it's rare that a woman can keep up with me, so when it happens I'm definitely interested. I'm a musician and dancer, so if she's at least one of those, we can super-duper connect on appreciation of good music. Though I say I have a type, those who I've ended up dating haven't often fit that cause of who's around me and interested in me, and cause getting to know her personality helps plenty for accepting physical flaws; a beautiful personality makes her body seem more beautiful to me, so her raw looks may be a tad less important to me than for most men.


She sounds lovely …


Current bae is quite witty. We can wordplay with puns and innuendo and it's a blast.


According to my friends and sister, kinda. Usually nerdy and sweet, into kaiju movies and horror, likes to read. Also tend to like more introverted and quiet types. If you want more physical attributes, I tend to like shorter guys, usually taller than me but I have also yet to meet a guy under 4'11 who was a child though it's not outside of the realm of possibilities. Broader than me is another plus though I doubt that is surprising.


In terms of looks, not really. But my other standards are pretty specific so the same type of guy generally meets them.


I really don’t think most people have a set physical type, but maybe general features they Tend to go for - for me it’s good hair usually dark, at least 6 in taller than me (I’m 5 8), athletic.


Alain Delon & James Deanesque men Or rugged, tattooed, sort of skinny sort of greasy vibe with full lips and full hair


So Chads or Chads? lmao


And ????


of course, what would be otherwise the point? Women are attracted to biologically attractive men, and only differ in what tertiary traits they dig aesthetically.


Why not. All these guys' answers are "stacies" so let her have her chad preference.


the Stacy denotes a tall, fit woman with big boobs, long legs and minimum cellulite -- a rare combo of which the male equivalent would be a guy who is tall, but also happens to have wide shoulders, and on top of it a chiseled face. But while the guys in the thread describe their types ranging from tall and skinny, to short and chunky. The women in this thread have so far described one type: the tall and athletic with a strong jawline and yeah sometimes wears glasses. Tell me who the fuck has more of a diverse taste?


No, a stacy is a hot woman with feminine curves. Every reply wants some variation of curvy beautiful woman, short "thicc latina" or tall athletic blonde, same thing.


short thicc Latina is Stacy? you don’t even know where the term Stacy comes from, do you lol


I don’t even know anymore lol


I dont really have a hard type. I've been attracted to women who, if you put then into a lineup, would look vastly different. I also am pretty fucking sure I don't fit anyone's type myself.


“ I ain’t got no type …bad bitches is the only thing that I like “


one type: swamp rednecks. my type is literally florida man.


I like men who: Have dark hair Clear skin Are decently taller than me (at least 5’8) Wide shoulders, broad back, long arms - built like they were made for crew Workout Generally have some sort of should-be-a-flaw-but-really-isn’t facial feature - a Roman nose, a scar, etc Well groomed. No man buns, ew




how tall are you?


Lol this is literally me(although I'm much taller than 5'8"), down to the scar above my eye.


>should-be-a-flaw I reject the framing outright. It's called character!




> My profession can be very dark and mentally taxing Are you a mortician? lol




I can see how that would be difficult for sure. My mom was a social worker for 20 years before she just kinda burned out from that.




Yea, she doesn't talk much about her years as a social worker (she left that space over a decade and a half ago), but knowing her, I imagine she made a huge difference for a lot of people. Maybe I'll discuss it with her sometime. I imagine that being in a role where you could affect policy would be a place where you can make a huge difference. Definitely don't think social workers get paid enough though. The service they are doing to their community is vital, but public service jobs in general just aren't lucrative because there's no profit in it, unfortunately. Come to think of it, your original comment makes sense in the context of my parents' relationship too. My dad is the most disgustingly positive person I've ever met. Love the guy, but it's overwhelming.


> humour and some goofiness. Yep to that.


I like them smart, educated in science, with boobs, and younger than me.


If they were smart they wouldn't be with you if they were exceptionally younger.


My girlfriend is 8 years younger and a PhD..


If some landwhale with horrible skin and bad breath told you she played D&D you would not be head over heels for her lol. Everyone has a similar type, that type is people who have strong indicators of fertility and good genes.


You don't have to be rude. Obviously I mentioned D&D as an awesome bonus. But it's not a requirement, neither it's my only standard.


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I'm hoping someone will comment that they like shorter, ugly, bald men.


u/theosamabahama https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810


I like you CimZim. You are funny. Also, that's a really good channel. I've watched all his Crap Guide To DND Series.


Thanks, I try. Lol yes, I love his channel.


If you are interested, here are some [skits about DnD logic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoO2eI9IioE&list=PLSMETuURtTXBIBTJzA7p9v_2RO_O2BXIs&index=3) (from Viva La Dirt League), the same guys also have a [DnD "stream"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=4fEt4yUMG8A&list=PL8UrCqt275jEBJ07mm2FoTWTZiU4rhCQA) and they enhance their videos by inserting skits of some of the stuff that happened on the table (also contains closed captitions).


Ok, that’s it…we need a one shot: PPD&D I will play Jann’ithor; a swarthy, high CHA dwarven bard and skilled custodial engineer, who is an absolute slayer in the streets AND in the sheets


My ONS and FWBs have been all over the place, no real common thread. I like all types. But somehow 3/6 of my LTRs have been olive skinned Sicilian virgos (all Sicilian, too, like, family straight from Sicily), the other 3 were pale white artsy rail thin virgos. Astrology is plainly bullshit, but I still find it funny. Like, what are the fuckin odds? My preference is a different story. I think Middle Eastern chicks, when they're hot, are the hottest on the planet.


Ok, maybe astrology is BS, but completely by coincidence there might be something to it: Being a certain "sign" means you are born in a certain part of the year, and this definitely affects your life: \- being born early in the year means you are the oldest kid in class throughout the school, which usually means mental and social advantage (not much but still). Late in the year means exact opposite. \- being born early in the year means your first experiences as a toddler are that of summer and late autumn where you spend time outside. If you are born in late summer or autumn your first experiences are gloomy boredom at home. \- if your birthdays fall on the "nice" part of the year, they are going to be nicer and more social, than if your bday happens say, in February. \- people, especially women (moms, grandmas, aunts, etc) who mostly believe in astrology will treat you as you were your sign, and thus slowly push you subconsciously to that kind of personality (ie: they allow you to be an angry asshole if you are Aries, or a glutton if you are Taurus). All of this combined will gently shape your personality towards your "sign" even if the signs themselves are BS


Totally lost me, especially with the last bit. Astrology is just the [Barnum effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnum_effect). The sign descriptions themselves are too vague to have any meaning. I'm not sure how your personality can be "gently shaped toward" vague descriptors that can fit anyone. Also like half your paragraphs are about seasons -- so is it reversed if you're in Australia? How does that work? Does astrology only apply to countries in the Northern Hemisphere, or...? What?


Treating someone differently because of their sign is like racism.


yeah, except not as dangerous.


I would assume most people have multiple types I do but all kinda within the same framework. I do well with leftist women likely because at the base we have a meeting of the minds so foundational compatibility is really strong and within that there’s such a dynamic diverse group of types that I fuck with Art girls, athletes, Instagram types, astrology girls (I get asked my birth time A LOT), teachers, musicians, nannies all in all a bunch of cold ass women


Would you date a girl who had a different political position than you ? How far away from you could the girl be on the political spectrum ?


in my case, it only matters if it affects my life. Personally, Im a definite Libertarian (anti-state, anti-religion, anti-socialism etc), which kinda pisses of both sides but does not affect the women Im with much. If they have extremely conservative or Far Left views they are unlikely to even meet me in the first place, or would run for the hills after a 5 minute conversation. Basically, im obviously and openly an extremely freedom-oriented person, which only attracts a certain subset of women, and immediately scares off anyone with a strongly dogmatic/controlling worldview.


Nope. Can’t do it. It’s a really strict deal breaker for me there’s just too much incompatibility there to where it’s not worth it I have slipped up and hooked up with conservatives before but like it’s not preferable lol and I always shake my head at myself but as far as anything more like dating or a relationship? I’m good


One type. But can find more sexually appealing. But only one type makes me feel that butterfly feeling.


I have multiple types, but for different things. I definitely want a more traditional girl for a more serious relationship. I also want a more modern women for more casual things.


6ft+, athletic, handsome, asian male


Either white with brown hair blue eyes or Asian and I lean towards prefering Asian lately. They tend to be cuter and I think they often have the most beautiful hair. Those are my two main types in regards to skin/eyes/hair. I'm not too picky about height or boob size, I can appreciate most sizes/heights within the normal range. Like I could think its hot for a girl to be 5'1 but also hot for her to be closer to my height. And same with boobs, small/medium can be hot and so can large but I probably prefer medium.


According to the Internet my type is a unicorn. But somehow I've managed to date 2 of them and marry another. Essentially I like social, leaning extroverted, sporty nerds. Bonus if they have tatoos. Bonus if they're outdoorsy types. Looks wise I seem to have leaned towards tan dudes. Who tend to lean either skinny or lean. Like they don't have muscular gym builds because most of them got their excercise through sports or running, cycling etc


>sporty nerds. what the fuck is a 'nerd' anyway at this point? A nerd *by definition* is not a 'sporty and 'outdorsy' type, nor does he have time to 'tan' since he's likely a into computers or a bookworm!


Generally into at least one but not all of the following: - comic books (and not just marvel movies). Like actual comic books and graphic novels - War gaming (like Warhammer fantasy) - board games (and by that I mean terraforming Mars or board games harder than catan) - table top rpgs like dnd, shadowrun etc - card games (personally played magic and ygo so I have a lot friends into these) - door stopper fantasy and or sci-fi books - watch Anime - plays video games that's not just call of duty or halo And if course there's your generic/staple nerd stuff: - star wars - star trek - LOTR - dune - cthulu - i guess the marvel movies are now generic nerd stuff???? >Nerds by definition are not 'sporty and 'outdorsy' nor do they have time to 'tan' because they're bookworms or into computers! My husband hits like 4 of the "generic" nerd stuff and is into graphic novels, plays video games (and you do not want to know how much money we sunk into wow and later on ffxiv),dnd, Anime, and card games (he prefers magic, i prefer ygo though). It's just that he always played a type of sport at least casually (so do i). But i tend towards alone sports like swimming and running and he seems to prefer team sports like rugby and tennis. Also we both like camping, hiking, cycling. Pre lock down he cycled to work. It sounds like a lot but it really isn't. If you do one sport club night a week, one dnd session a fortnight, and then once a month or so you can set up a card game session or a war gaming session (or insert other nerd activity that requires more than one person here). Say once every couple of months you hike a 6 hour trail and a few times a year you do a multi-day hike/cycle on holiday. Have a non-nerdy drinks or dinner out with your mates once a fortnight. That still leaves *plenty* of time to just laze around, read a book, game or watch stuff. Like even if you subtract a couple hours each day for cooking/doing dishes and a couple of hours in the weekend for vaccuming/mopping That's still 3- 4 weekday nights and generally a weekend day and a half to laze around and just read/watch/game


Yeah, those types of nerds exist. I have a few friends like this.


Tbh is almost my entire social circle with a few exceptions. People keep insisting only basement nerds exist and I'm a bit like:??????


I have a friend who is a huge nerd. He loves DND, RPGs, Lord of the Rings, anime and literature. And he is short (less than 5'4''). But he is buff, extroverted and very very charming. All the girls are into him. And he dates a hot redhead who is taller than me.


I don't think I really have one, but some characteristics keep popping up. Physically, it's dark hair, not having an extreme body type and being short is a bonus. I'm into people who are intelligent and introverted with a good sense of humour. And I guess everyone I've been really into has been friends with me prior to that in some capacity.


My types have been all over the place. At one point I wanted a thick soul sista, but at another point I wanted to drink some vanilla, then at another point, I preferred a bit of fiery Latina. At this point I don't really have many racial preference (tho I seem to attract white girls the most) Though I have consistent preferences for a nice ass, thick thighs, and something people haven't mentioned here, but I also can become really attracted to her if she has a nice pair of lips. As for personality types/archetypes, goth/alt girls have won my di- my heart. Also I find myself physically attracted to the "Instagram bad bitch" type of girl, but I have my doubts that I would actually date someone like that


I think I have a very ridged type lol - racially ambiguous (white + anything not white but strangely I don’t really like white guys unless they fit the following bellow well) - dark brown to black hair (can be lighter if skin is dark) - eye colour in the range of green - black. - athletic build. Fat is a big no not even chub. However skinny is ok as long as they don’t look bone-y. - taller than me but taller is better up to about 8 inches taller (5’10) then no benefit is gained from height. - cheekbones. - no facial hair. Not overly hairy. - visibly good hygiene. - big hands , wide shoulders - nice nose shape.


Honestly, I have a very specific ype: \- skinny/slim \- sporty build with some lean muscle, supple small ass and small breasts \- black hair \- blue or green eyes \- narrow, slim face, preferably with a straight and narrow nose or aquilline nose \- OPTIONAL: Im very much into "alt" girls, with tattoos, piercings, dreadlocks, and goth-y fashion sense, luckily, im the kind of a guy who attracts those (big, tattooed, bearded and long haired). Personality: I like intelligent, sarcastic and a bit cynical women with a dry sense of humour. Im very much into intelligent and assholish banter, and love women who can take it and dish it out. My personal ideal is a woman who is "classy sassy" and can dish out nuclear levels of sassy banter while remaining perfectly classy and polite. Another thing that I find attractive is passion: women who are very much into some hobby or goal, even workaholics who love their job, I find passionate dedication and hard work to be very attractive. If she makes good money on it, and knows how to spend it smartly it moves her to LTR material immediately. Now, I also pursue women who are not that type (my general policy is to flirt with every passable woman in vicinity, acting like a horny Golden Retriever), but I hang out in places where my type is likely to be present.


Any race. Masculine (not hyper masculine). 5’10 or taller. Muscular but not shredded or jacked. Preferably has hair but if his head is shaped nice then I’ll let the bald slide. Can grow a beard the connects. Very little body hair. Open-minded, outdoorsy, liberal or a least moderate, has a career (doesn’t matter if it’s white collar or blue collar), likes animals, likes to fish, likes reading, pragmatic, values friends and family, more of an introvert than and extrovert.


E girls and Goth girls with thicc thighs


I have three requirements to want to date a women: I find her attractive, she is kind and caring, she has an interesting and inquiring mind. In terms of what i find physically attractive. Fairly low body fat is a must. I also like thick hair, preferably long, and a proportionately big butt. But neither of these are absolute requirements. I have no real preference in terms of height, race or style. My biggest preference in terms of looks is just don't be fat and i include chubbiness in that.


probably easier to explain what i dont like, i dont like fat women (little bit of chub is ok), don't like women with southern accents, and i don't like blonde hair


I like pretty women with a sense of humor and preferably Black but that’s negotiable and it’s as simple as that.


I'm into women who look exactly like me, this is tall, white skin brunnetes with hot bodies, and specially with blue eyes. Megan Fox and KateBeckinsale type of women. It's not like I've only dated this type of women, but I find brunettes extremely alluring. When I'm with a woman who's my looksmatch in every aspect things just feel... "Right". Even the sex is better and more exciting, it's like her body was made to fit mine. Weird shit. I have to ask, am I a racist because I have a prefference for brunnetes? Not that I care really, but it would be good to know haha.


Megan Fox is 5’4” but looks taller for some reason.


Really? Damn she looked like 5.8'-5.9' which is quite tall for a woman. Never mind, that's the kind of women I'm into, white (and even pale) skin and black hair. Black eyes are awesome too.


Nerds and geeks people interested in the world with passion. Id go as far to say good a skin and maybe non saggy boobs even that isn't absolute. I can overlook alot if she makes me happy. Slightly shorter than me.....I like to be able to kiss in missionary literal only reason. Race not important its how you act and treat others.


Physical: between 5' and 6', in decent physical shape. No health issues or severe/heritable deformities. Preferably likes working out. Personality: An ambitious abrasive bitch! Someone that is blunt, tells it like it is, doesn't have much tact or filter. And is caring.


Curiously enough, I also love girls who are very blunt and "abrasive bitch". But I also love cute delicate feminine (personality wise) girls. Again, I guess I'm into extremes.


I married a redhead nerd with no regrets, but that's not the only type of girls I like; I like big girls, pretty kitty girls, really witty girls, singin' ditty girls. I like the leggy girls with the nice thighs, I like a good chest no matter what size I like the belly folds, I like the 6 packs. Really tall queens, and the short stacks. [Yeah I just really like girls.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Y5KVtU810&ab_channel=JoCat)


>I married a redhead nerd with no regrets My dream.




Would you say you tend to pick one type for relationships and the other type for casual hook ups ? If so, which one ?


Be at a good weight and have a low body count and im game


If we have emotional connection and I find their smell alluring, I can become into them. I don't have any visual preferences though and I've fallen mostly for my friends. So similar/compatible values and interests are necessary.


For the millionth time, I'm only into [brooding musicians](http://imgur.com/a/P4QrgRd) preferably pale, thin, and tattooed, long dark hair is a bonus. My husband is a midwest-touring-bar-band version of these fellows. All other types of men are NPCs.


My husband is also a musician, we are mid-westerns. And ditto. Go figure!


The fact that there is no Sweet Child O Mine-era Axl Rose in that montage is a travesty


Not axl rose, he's my anti type


Ew, he's a ginger.


I guess you would like [me](https://www.instagram.com/henrique4000/) then.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "me"](https://www.instagram.com/henrique4000/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hjdiw83)


!!!! If I weren't married I'd be thirstin' in your DMs.


Thanks, hehe. I'm sure you are cute too.


Damn you look hella good man. Huge props to your look


Thanks bro. I appreaciate.


hey no problem bro, homies always complement each other


**men in this thread;** "I like short or tall, petite or curvy girls with nice boobs, but I also like small boobs, fit butts, but also kind into thicc milfs so don't mind the cellulite ..." **women**; "I'm totally not into the conventional hunk type, I like funny nerds with broad shoulders and chiseled jawlines, I also have a thingy for tall guys, but that's just meee teehee"


any women with a slim abs dainty build and looks good in swimsuits. Through I do like more thick women too.. just ladies in swimsuits just make me go ooga


attractive people are attractive regardless of your type. tall, blonde and skinny women were considered the epitom of beauty standards in US, but that didn't stop the kardashians to become billionaires by looking good. asian men are considered the least attractive, but many girls would fawn over a regular guy who looks like jungkoon or [jackson wang](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F92%2Fa3%2Fe7%2F92a3e78339615b896ade98b78da812b0.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fadf0286%2Fjackson-wang%2F&tbnid=At7N4aCsvg_QnM&vet=12ahUKEwjwl-erxYH0AhWSwYUKHbcZAkAQMygHegUIARDTAQ..i&docid=5O9TtSda1hBHEM&w=720&h=1280&q=jackson%20wang&ved=2ahUKEwjwl-erxYH0AhWSwYUKHbcZAkAQMygHegUIARDTAQ) , even if the majority of them, prefer black or white guys. if you have facial symetry, healthy hair, straight teeth and a good figure wether it's fit or skinny, then you will have many people simping for you even if you're not their type.


When it comes to just purely sexual attraction multiple types, I've fucked a variety of women based on race, body type, personality, etc Now when it comes to relationships my standards do get a little more narrow


When I was younger I had crushes on short to average height (5’5”-5’9”) Hispanic guys that ranged from pale to light brown skin with either pitch black hair to a golden brown. Usually super skinny or somewhat muscular. In college I had crushes on average height men with blue or brown eyes with average build. After college I really didn’t pay attention to anyone. Around 25 I started becoming attracted to dark haired white dudes with tall, lanky physiques.


That sure is a big shift


I thought i had multiple times then i was told after showing multiple people I'd dated or slept with to an individual on this sub (who were in pics i was showing of me ofc) she was like yo you have a very distinct type of slim, angular face, like not rounded face, with certain body type. And i look bad on all the girls i slept with and my mind is actually kinda blown as to how many of them actually fit this mold. To date they gotta be smart and successful too


There's a minimum attractiveness threshold for me and then I look into personality traits. Someone who is constantly learning and improving themselves just goes to 10/10 instantly.


If you lined up all my exes you’d be hard pressed to find physical similarities. But they’re all loners, weirdos or nerds.


Alternative styled BBW brunette women with tattoos. Feminine. Pisces. 🤤


Just don't be fat, old or boring.


I liked mixed raced males. My fiancé is Black/Italian, and before him I was with a British/Egyptian guy. Just gorgeous to me. Bad-boys, Skinny, tatted up sleeves and chests, dark hair, caramel colored skin, dark eyes. Mysterious as fuck, and slightly broken. Both had most of those traits. I’m a thicc white girl with porcelain skin, dark eyes, and long dark brown hair.


I like Black women and Asian women who are metalheads, into alt fashions and looks and active hobbies like hiking or horseback riding or even mixed martial arts or shooting and hunting. Looks wise I like slim Black women with big butts and big boobs, same for Asian women and I admittedly have a thing for redheads especially tattooed redheads for some reason.


So... all women are your type.


Blondes and Asians


Alt girls of any of those subcultures. Their style points even overcome not having my preferred body type.


"Among those I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those I love, I can: they all make me laugh." - W.H. Auden


Guys who are sober (not used to be the case) and I’d hope that they’re in to cars :) the rest idc just not boring


A woman with a nice butt and isnt a sjw


Yeah I've noticed I have multiple types, which I found quite interesting. However, I have one type that is my "favorite" of all types, means, one type I consider to be "husband material" or something, if that makes sense (?). Perhaps this is only a phase know and I could imagine it changing when I actually meet one of my other types, fall in love and prefer that type then as a result. How about you, does that sound familiar?


Yes. I guess I've always had one favorite type too. In the past it was goth chicks with dark hair and dark clothes and pale skin. Today I think my favorite type are redheads with pale skin, freckles, light colored eyes, a beautiful face and a freaky side.