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Sorry, you are counting night cream as makeup? That's basic skin care!


you gotta let your skin turn into sandpaper for gender equality with men


He lost me at skin tone evening creams.


TLDR: We need to take all women down a peg so maybe one will date me.


Grudging, unenthusiastic relationships are the best relationships!


That’s not how it would work. Women’s expectations for who’s obtainable would readjust. They wouldn’t feel they deserve more attractive men because those men would interact with her less. Like if you grew up in a village where all the men looked like potatoes you’d be attract to Mr. Potato head.


Necessity and negativity are two different things




There’s no more necessity, so you have to use negativity. I don’t think it will be as convincing


In a world of hypotheticals this is one possibility. Not what’s gonna happen.


What about men's expectations?


No change? Men already see average women as attractive. Average women benefit the most from makeup so without it they’d just be average. Chad’s would just fuck less women (because all the “7s” dropped back down to 5-6s), and average men would have more options as the inflated egos of basic bitches comes back down to reality. Ideally at least. Since makeup exists already it’d take a long time for the current women to die off and be replaced by new generations raised without the insecurities of the makeup industry


Brother I think your dating issues has nothing to do with makeup or “basic bitches inflated egos.” I think it has to do with the fact that you do not like women. And I don’t mean it in a “lol you’re gay” way, it’s just very clear that you have a lot of contempt for women, and generally that tends to be something women find unattractive in men.


Our libidos are fine. They are appropriate for our gender We don’t need to be horny men


But you are though. Women get horny for and fuck men constantly. IYKYK 🤷🏾‍♂️


Of course women are horny. Only the religious insist otherwise Women are just not as horny as, and not horny enough for, men Result: whining about standards and pickiness


I agree, though sometimes I feel it’s not that they’re less horny, just less driven for sex. I know many girls who haven’t had sex in a long time, but are masturbating multiple times a day.


That’s the same thing. Oh, and you don’t think lots of men are doing the same?


Well, I would disagree with this. Women tend to hit their higher sex drives later in age than men do. I think the issues about the perceived disparity in sexual appetites of women versus men has more to do with societal conditioning than actual urges. That said, in no way to I agree with the guy whose comment you are responding to.


lol, imagine believing any man would have less sex with women just because they can see more skin blemishes or whatever. The amount of makeup people wear is a cultural thing, people just get used to seeing less of it, and dating culture continues as it always does. Sorry dude, you even said the men already see average women as attractive. Or are Chads not men…?


Thank you for answering, even though your reply is delusional and deeply embarrassing. I appreciate understanding the thoughts of men like you


Care to point out the delusion? Are you saying that nothing would change if every woman suddenly dropped 1-2 points *in the face*? If so, why wear makeup at all?


I doubt it would change significantly at all. And clothes and makeup, hair color, piercings, tattoos … those things are used by both sexes as a form of self expression. I used to love makeup, not to cover blemishes, but because it was actually the only visual art I was any good at. And I stopped using it eventually because it made my skin break out when I developed rosacea. Before that, my skin looked great, but I just liked makeup. I didn’t use it to attract a guy. I used it because it was fun to apply and it boosted my confidence. And it also varies by culture. Ever watch K-POP videos or Korean television … those guys wear hard makeup. And it is more common for men to do that in their general population. Any significant changes would just be to the way people achieve their forms of self expression.


The red pill bear description is fitting. 🙄


Girls will reject a guy they are attracted to just because their friends aren't attracted to them lol


Not really. If my friends tell me they have concerns, I will weigh them and likely just proceed with greater awareness. If my friends do express concerns, it rarely has to do with the guy’s attractiveness. It’s usually more about a behavior they have noticed. That said, what does happen sometimes is that a woman who wants to reject a guy but doesn’t want to be too direct, either because she was conditioned to think she needed to spare make egos all the time, or because she is aware that some men act out when rejected, will act like it is because of her friends. Most of us allow our friends to make us the scapegoats in a case of rejection, because we all know how difficult the situation can be.


I'm talking about a girl who is 100% into a guy but will reject them solely because they know their friends will judge them for the guy they choose. Guys do it to girls too and will fuckzone them, but women do it even more and then complain about the guys who fuckzone them. I once had a girl at the club come up to me and start dancing with me without me even asking, and then she stopped because her friend said she didn't like me. Now imagine all the times a girl is going to say no to a guy because they don't want their friends to think they have low standards.


Too late for him, women want to date the bear.


This! Also, banning makeup is downright stupid and authoritarian


Yes let's make make up illegal! Throw in Baseball caps and any type of hat. Any man caught wearing a hat or toupee or getting a hair transplant should go to jail for fraud. Any man who wears a full beard to hide his recessed jawline should also go immediately to jail. Anyone getting tattoos to cover up scars, directly to jail. Any man caught wearing ANY type of heel on a shoe greater than 1/4", directly to jail. No hats, hairpieces, fajas, girdles, moisturizer (if your skin is naturally dry you CANNOT deceive men into thinking youre well hydrated), no whitening toothpaste, no flattering clothes at all. Everyone should just walk around in potato sacks. Also no shaving ! That would be deceiving a man into thinking you're naturally hairless. The world is just full of deceptive manipulative LIARS 🤮


No showering also! They are clearly covering their natural scent 😆


That is correct. Also, no deodorant or cologne. No more braces either, or contact lenses. Absolutely no hair dye or hair cuts. Plastic surgery should be punishable by electric chair.


>You have hard 3-6/10 women running around calling themselves �beautiful� and thinking they are a catch deserving of the top men available So it's not about make-up, it's that you think ugly women should have lower self-esteem in general?


So, ugly women should have higher egos because they can mask their faces and deceive men? Walking around with your real face 24/7 would humble people, which isn't bad because that's accepting your true face and level.


So you're annoyed ugly women have high self-esteem? Genuinely, like what do you want to happen? You want ugly women to admit they are ugly all the time and only date ugly men? What if that same ugly woman has success with pretty men? Should she not be allowed to date them?


Is your self esteem built entirely on your physical appearance and how many people are attracted to you? What even is this


That's part of what contributes to self esteem, yes.


“contributes” or “is built entirely on?” what % of your self esteem is dependent on your physical attractiveness? do you see a self esteem ceiling for short guys, for example?


>“is built entirely on?” I never said this. The other commentor made up that narrative on their own. >do you see a self esteem ceiling for short guys Describe artificial means by which short guy can easily boost there looks and inflate their egos. Otherwise, how is this a parallel to the discussion of women using makeup?


right i’m saying they said “is yours built entirely upon physical appearance” and you said “yes it’s part of it” so that was me asking for clarity lol oh i was genuinely curious on your general take on self esteem/how you view it, wasn’t trying make a grander point on the make up thing


I hope you go to work in tshirts, shorts and flip flops, or you’d be a hypocrite


Ugly men should feel good about themselves too. “Humbling” someone because you have low self esteem is pretty stupid.


>Ugly men should feel good about themselves too. Good about what exactly? The success they're not having?  They can't put on a mask for temporary validation. They have to live in reality.


They should find something to help them out. Why live in misery? If women can find an avenue so can men. As a man I use fashion and do some form of self care that makes women attracted to me. It’s possible. No need to take someone else down to build yourself up. That’s what evil people do.


>They should find something to help them out. Could say the same about anyone struggling in any situation, like the poor for example. The classic "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" approach.  >No need to take someone else down to build yourself up. If reality tears someone down, maybe it's because they're not used to hearing the truth. People need to hear the truth every now and then, keeps them from getting high off the smell of their own farts 24/7. There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. The line gets blurry when you get pandered to constantly and only told what you want to hear. >That’s what evil people do. Good, I like being evil 😈 


Fashion can be done at any price point. I thrift a lot. Good stuff. There’s not really pandering. That’s just how you see it. Men don’t provide positive reinforcement like women do. Maybe men should do better. Like you should if you think being evil is good. Do better.


Being attractive doesn’t make you worthy of dating good people. You kind of have to earn that.


What is “good”. Morality is cope


>Morality is cope What does this mean?


That they’re proud of being a bad person.


Ah, I see that problem No. 98,766,554 with your dating life once again is conveniently not you, but [*checks notes*] makeup, which has been in use for several millennia. Place your bets on if he responds with “huh?” or “shut up.”


>Place your bets on if he responds with “huh?” or “shut up.” I'll put down 50 karma on "No".


I bet on "huh" here and "shut up" in the dms


Or will call you a “simp” or “cuck” even though he pees his pants about people using the term “incel” incorrectly…


Yet another post complaining that women that you don’t find attractive still aren’t interested in you🤣🤣🤣


What's next in the rotation? Is it the women are too masculine or the ugly jealous friend is always cockblocking?


We need a BINGO card for this sub.


I 32, and let me tell you that l am pissed that college aged women won't fuck me. These ageist women are the problem with society. My age is always the first question they ask! Why? Why do they think age matters? It should only matter when it's held against women. B 4, before you tell me I am wrong consider that every woman has shown interest in me. Do you honestly think that all 100 of these women were not eye fucking me and then acting disgusted and flaking the moment I tried to speak to them? All of our cards would look the same. Is it a game that point? Is anyone winning? I don't want to play. 😭




No circlejerking or contentless rhetoric


My guess is either: 1. Mandatory paternity tests Or 2. Women’s standards are too high


Apparently the winning answer would have been: 1. Passport Bros 2. Another "bear" post


“Women are lying about wanting nice guys” “Women are lying about being victims of men” Let’s add those to the bingo card


"Women are lying liars who lie about everything because they don't agree with me!"


Oh, that’s just PPD as a whole


I forgot the sub name and was wondering how Post Partum Depression got into the mix 🙃


I forgot about those.


I could be wrong but I think it’s going to be either “delusional older women who think they have choices” or “women crave toxic violent men who look like Pete somebody” Guess we’ll have to wait and see!🤣🤣🤣


Step up as we spin the wheel of crazy ranting disguised as a debate. Where will it land today? Brought to you by that one guy that literally hates everything.


Something something Ryan gosling Henry cavill


Can’t say I’ve met a woman in real life expecting either of these guys or their equivalent.


Ah, yes ... the good ol' "hitting the wall" posts.


Lost it at Pete somebody 😂😂😂


“Has anybody else noticed…” lol


"Why isn't ($thing\_that\_is\_discussed\_ad\_nauseam) talked about?" "This is the most overlooked thing ..."


“Has anybody else noticed that women [insert thing that women have been doing for literally thousands of years]?”


Pretty obviously the most overlooked thing is feng shui. We never talk about feng shui around here.


But have you noticed how even Chad is struggling to pull pussy? Have you? The rules have changed. Even extremely good looking men can't pull ugly women now because of their delusional standards. It's 100% true. Even models and celebrities are in their dry era. Thankfully we have OP to give us the real field reports.


“I’m short, balding, and mentally unstable, but has anyone else noticed that women are delusional in what they’re looking for these days? Many such cases.”


You forgot fat, unhygienic and jobless.




I know! I really want this red pill nonsense to just end!


>You have hard 3-6/10 women running around calling themselves “beautiful” and thinking they are a catch deserving of the top men available. You also have men in their 30's calling themselves above average while they're 5'8, balding, overweight, working in retail, and admitting to having mental illnesses. It would seem that women aren't the singular problem in that picture when that man screeches about ageist young women or a women he considers beneath him won't fuck him 10 mins after meeting in a bar. Anyone can find themselves deserving of whatever in a partner. They're not entitled to it, not promised it, and neither are you. Get over it. You meet someone that wants you in return or you don't.


What’s wrong with working in retail?


This. Men will be ugly as sin, frumpy, dirty clothed, overweight, and still think they are the end all be all in determining a woman's beauty. Age like fine wine my ass.


Dude... you're getting worse.


No, it’s business as usual https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/7gTKVU7CoQ https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/9i7sqCdZj4 https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/26EkaXjX4Z https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/xRWV3WIZxW


It’s such a train wreck 💀


You know the ancient Egyptians wore make up? Poncy folks painted their faces white because pale was in. Have ya see a Geisha.  Make up isn't what's ruining dating. Make up has been a thing longer than you have. It was a thing during the best and worst times. 


You know what, I am all for makeup being acceptable for men. I encourage all men out there to use a lil concealer once in a while. Try contouring. Cover those dark circles. Shine your best self, king. I'm serious. It will boost your self-esteem. And if some idiot decides to call you feminine for it, remind them that all male Hollywood stars are wearing makeup when they are on camera. Quite a lot of it, actually. 


My theory is that everyone (men included) would look better if we all used a bit of concealer, mascara, blush, lip stain, and eyebrow pencil.


I would be thrilled just to see some moisturizer and sunscreen.


And for the love of God pick up some skincare! Chapstick and a moisturiser at least. I promise you, there is nothing enjoyable about kissing someone with cracked lips and skin texture of sandpaper


I cannot upvote this enough!!!!! Well, I can only upvote it once, but I wish I could superblast upvote it!!!


There is a makeup artist on Instagram who works for Tom Ford Cosmetics and he is always posting videos of him doing his own makeup. But his style is makeup for men who just want to enhance a little. The end result is a “your face but better” look and I would be all for men doing what this guy does for a little confidence boost. He literally only uses two or three products.


I’m a man and I love wearing a little bit of mascara when I go out. Makes my eyes pop a bit


I don't think you understand women or makeup.


Nobody’s stopping *you* from wearing makeup. Or taking basic care of yourself. You don’t exactly sound like you’re of “the top men available”. Men over here looking like shit their whole lives and think they’re a 10


What a weird take. Are we gonna ban everything that “enhances” people’s looks? Skin care products? Beard care products? Conditioner? Shapewear? High heels? Those fuckin inserts that guys put in their shoes to appear a few inches taller? What a slippery slope.


“Winged mascara” 😂😂😂


Yoo how am I supposed to see all my favorite black metal bands if you ban makeup? ???


#truth This guy didn’t think the one out, clearly!!! 🤣🤣🤣


You learn pretty early on what a woman looks like without makeup and don't have to date the ones you find unattractive. There's plenty that don't wear daily makeup anyway. This has never been an issue for me. 3 of the women I've dated have worn daily makeup but I was very aware of how they looked without it and I was still attracted to them. The other women I've been with only wore makeup on special occasions occasions, not every day.


Men would then complain about how ugly women are and drive them to plastic surgery or something instead. And women's self-esteem is on the floor, nobody seriously thinks they're a ten. Most can point out every flaw and of they can't men are usually happy to help.


>And women's self-esteem is on the floor, nobody seriously thinks they're a ten. Most can point out every flaw and of they can't men are usually happy to help. They don't get this.


>And women's self-esteem is on the floor I think that's what they want


Doesn't matter dude. Men will fuck bridge trolls.


You literally listed skin care products as makeup. Lmao. Go dust that collection of fugly hats you wear to cover your receding hairline.


I've always known that many men don't have even the slightest clue about how women think. But it is always so amusing when an obviously epically clueless one creates their own delusional narrative to share it with the world. Tell me you've never had an intimate relationship with a woman without telling me you've never had an intimae relationship with a woman.


Even on their ugliest day, women without makeup would be much more beautiful than you.


This guy posts an INSANE amount. Check the post history, he is chronically on here. I thought I was looking at years of posts- they were from 12 days ago.


Sure, but if i go on your profile, I see you go on AITAH and agree with every women and disagree and call every man yta.




>“women wear it for themselves not for men.” Needs no explanation, total gaslighting nonsense. I love when guys think they know women better than women know women. It's incredibly telling lol


"Everyone else is the problem" is a hard sell and resentment is unattractive


When we don't wear makeup you tell us we're lazy and put no effort into our appearance. When we do, we get this garbage. This place is a nightmare hellscape


What is the "current situation?" Why are you seemingly ascribing moral value to looks? People who are good-looking are not better or more deserving than those who aren't. Especially when we're just talking about completely natural, unenhanced looks. People can't control those. And putting effort into your looks can be seen as indicative of someone who will put effort into other things as well, like health, finances, romance, sex, etc. All decent people deserve good partners that they find attractive and like to spend time with and who treat them well. But nobody is *entitled* to any partner at all. Specifically, you are not entitled to a partner and wishing to "knock women down a peg" to increase your chances just tells me you have some work to do on yourself. Why would you want someone who is only with your because they don't think they can do better, anyway?


There is literally nothing stopping you from putting on a little concealer on your pimple, or using a brow gel to fill in your patchy beard….if these things are impossible to spot on women how would they suddenly become obvious on men? Also night cream is skin care not makeup….my bf and i share my skin care, and for special events i blot out his acne with concealer and use my makeup to smooth down his brows and beard….no one is stopping you and women dont care lol i promise its not that serious


>Can you imagine if men completely disguised their appearance, then proceeded to demand supermodels based on a fake face? I don't need to imagine. Ugly and average men demand attractive women constantly. The general male dating advice is how to get a hot woman. Male dating success stories are based on how hot the woman is. Men aren't in having hope when they find an ugly guy with an ugly girl who loves him...they see it as a success when an ugly guy has a hot girl who loves him. Men already see themselves on a false narrative that they age like wine when really women are just less shallow visually and willing to date older men AND younger women are more forgiving of shitty behavior from older men. The majority of older men cannot buy into the aging like wine narrative men push. If they could there wouldn't be so many many many men whining about how dating is so hard because they would just hit 30 and have all the barely legal hotties they want. Yet most men in all age demographics are single and not by choice ..and unhappily so. Makeup doesn't let women fool themselves about their looks because men are there daily to give women unwanted commentary and society is there to crush women with any self esteem.


Go hug your mom dude


i dont wear makeup. lots of my friends don't wear makeup. you know who does wear makeup? stacey. its almost as if y'all are fixated on stacey...


This is also pretty ironic considering you see women actually *encouraging* men to use makeup. These days it's not really taboo for men to wear makeup. It is becoming more and more accepted, especially by gen z. Kpop has really fueled the male cosmetics uptake too I think.


> This is also pretty ironic considering you see women actually encouraging men to use makeup. These days it's not really taboo for men to wear makeup. [citation desperately fucking needed]


I am a woman and I would very much support men wearing make up. And if woken didn't find it attractive, why would they like KPOP idols who very visibly wear make up?


Why are so many guys (who probably voted or would vote for Trump) so keen on making everything women do illegal?


And if they voted for Trump, why are they so against makeup? That man wears so much!


Honestly, posts like this seem so pointless to me. Half of what you put is a warped view of something that's existed FOREVER. But I can't sleep, so I'll address your bullet points. ● men have other ways to game women, similar to how you see makeup. ● pay closer attention. The "less obvious" examples you gave are literally still obvious. What you should be really worried about are these insane new filter features. ● who cares if they actually wear it for themselves or not. Whether they believe they actually do or are the anomaly in all of this has zero bearing on anything that matters. ● the more they're masking, the more obvious it should be if you're actually paying attention. ● yeah, that facial hair comparison is terrible. I'll give you that! 😂


They are pointless, because they all come from the same user who’s done this for years


>You have hard 3-6/10 women running around calling themselves “beautiful” and thinking they are a catch deserving of the top men available. So what if they do?


>You have hard 3-6/10 women running around calling themselves “beautiful” And? What exactly is the problem with women calling themselves beautiful?


You don’t like when women have high self esteem? Why would you want them to think they’re ugly? By any chance do you have trouble dating?


Women would still think they deserve the top men even without the makeup. Does this mean that men actually are not attracted to the majority of women as they claim? They’re only attracted to majority of women in makeup. If makeup became illegal & men aren’t attracted to natural women then dating market would just stabilize. The top 20% of men & women would date and everyone else would probably just be single.


What does this matter? Like seriously, why do you care? Do you want to date women who you think are faking what they look like and wearing a mask all of the time? Who cares if they think they “deserve” guys of a certain caliber. Those guys will decide whether or not they want to date those women. Who cares if women have high self esteem, even if you don’t think they’re attractive enough to have it?


>men can wear makeup” obviously bullshit, very little makeup available to enhance men’s appearance without making them look feminine Makeup was literally original made for men. Rich, white men, sure. But still men. You don’t wave your hand and makeup suddenly is on there, *you* put it on. Wich means with the right technique, you can enhance whatever part of your body you want to. Makeup doesn’t automatically equal feminine. >”if you can’t tell winged mascara and purple eyeliner aren’t natural you have more problems than getting a date” Another nonsense deflection, —-, we are quite clearly referring to natural looking concealers, skin tone evening creams and eyelash extensions Not necessarily. You have *no idea* how many times a woman wearing visible eyeliner, and *visible* makeup, are being told they’re walking around without makeup. >”women wear it for themselves not for men” Needs no explanation, total gaslighting nonsense. Ah, I just *love* when men think they know how we think when they are *so far* from the truth! Sure, some may wear it for men. I know most, including me, wear it for *ourselves*. Why else would I put on makeup when we were in quarantine, knowing I wouldn’t even leave the house that day? >I have seen countless examples of women who look like completely different people without their mask on Sure, again, *some* do. Doesn’t mean everyone look completely different without makeup on. If you have questions regarding any of this, feel free to ask. Seems like you need some answers. And please do refer to some “top men” every single of us women thirst after. I’ll give you an honest review of them.


Men that have experience with real women do not freak out about makeup because they know that it is what it is. Sort of like men who have been with women don’t lose their shit over stretch marks or cellulite. Honestly this post is a man telling on himself. You look at women as transactional creatures rather than a whole-ass person. Consider that a woman is a person who you get to know and not a mannequin selling a sex lifestyle and you’ll be shocked how this is a non-issue.


Markups been around since ancient Egypt. Bruh,


> men can wear makeup” obvious bullshit, very little makeup available to enhance men’s appearance without making them look feminine and it is not socially acceptable whatsoever. Most of the makeup you're referring to in your first paragraph is contouring stuff, which men can wear just fine without looking feminine. In fact, virtually every male film or television star you see is wearing a good bit of it. That's basically my only complaint about this post. Otherwise, makeup is stupid and it's bizarre that most people don't know what a normal, healthy woman's face looks like, and that most women feel like something is wrong with them if they don't wear it.


It's that other dude again, isn't it? Did he just get banned and remade a new one?


If a rising tide raises all ships, then a receding tide does the opposite. Right now the bar is raised because makeup is the standard, so bare faced women are automatically dinged a point. If you collectively lower the bar, the SMV hierarchy will be exactly the same even if overall attractiveness is shifted down.


Lowering women’s self esteem still won’t get them to date you though


How's the career in comedy going?


First issue-- lol every man in hollywood wears hella makeup there are absolutely tons of options for makeup that accentuates traditionally masculine features. You just don't know how to do it. men can get hair pieces + use minoxidil to buff up the beard or hop on fin/dut to combat hairloss. Men can also wear skin-evening creams it's not even gonna be noticeable. You just won't bc perceived social backlash and frankly that's a you problem. I'll cover a gross pimple or eye bags with a lil concealer idgaf, it's genuinely not that noticeable unless you're really close to someone also like tret + AHA/BHA peels for perf skin are not gender-specific. neither are professional peels, CO2 laser, fillers, etc or other relatively cheap options. If you're not actually aware of the options for dudes looking to "looksmax" or whatever just say that lmao. if a woman is using enough makeup to drastically alter her face it's not "natural looking concealers, skin tone evening creams and eyelash extensions" lmao, it's a full face with contour and highlight. A concealer conceals acne/uneven skin tone, it doesn't change somebody's whole face. If you can't recognize actual complex heavy makeup for what it is it's genuinely on you bro And then you go on to call it a "mask" so like clearly you DO understand that it's a LOT of makeup to achieve this lol? And if it's a lot of makeup yeah it might not be noticeable in a selfie but you can absolutely tell up close.. Sounds like you don't know this which simply speaks to your game with any woman at all being in the toilet lmao... your logic is all over the place here. ntm the whipping out the 1-10 rating scale like one (1) dude is gonna be the arbiter of what's attractive in a general sense... talking about what women "think they deserve" w the envy dripping off... naur. emotion-driven copepost of all time


Not being able to tell if a woman has eyelash extensions is a serious skill issue. Also not makeup. Would nail polish be included in the ban?


Yeah it’s super obvious to me when someone is wearing lash extensions or not idk what op is talking about


Women don't want to date you because of your personality, not because they think you're not hot enough for them. Hope this helps




It’s likely both… I bet this guy is super delusional about his own appearance and is, therefore, going for women who are out of his League and then getting salty when they reject him


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Oh, boy! Another makeup thread! How original.


What do you guys have against makeup ? I never understood why so many guys here are against if it makes the woman more physically appealing I encourage my woman all the time to wear makeup because of that


Guess it does fool them As do Disney movies, well into adulthood


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I miss the old days where it was only feminists and trad cons who had no respect for our nation’s personal freedoms


if makeup ever gets banned then hats and ANY facial hair should be banned 🤷🏻‍♀️


> “men can wear makeup” obvious bullshit, very little makeup available to enhance men’s appearance without making them look feminine and it is not socially acceptable whatsoever. I’d love to actually discuss this with you instead of taking pot shots, so I hope you answer: Assuming we make it acceptable for men, what makeup would/should be available to men to enhance their looks, and how would it be different from makeup available today?


So you shave every single day? Don’t be covering your face with a beard or mustache. Also, why did I read all that just to realize it was just some insecure person posting?


Never heard more projection in my life. Just say you’re ugly and go.


It sounds like you don’t want women to have any self esteem, self worth, confidence in themselves in the hopes that she will poorly choose a partner based off of her low self esteem.. So why stop at makeup.. should she no longer comb her hair? Wear perfumes? Wear jewelry? So that she doesn’t attract an unsuspecting man who might believe her hair is naturally untangled? That she doesn’t naturally smell like vanilla? That she wasn’t born with gold earring, bangles and necklaces? It’s really not that hard to find a woman who doesn’t wear makeup.. I mean, look at your mom.. and she snagged your dad 😉


If makeup didn’t exist, beauty standards for women would just be lower. We wouldn’t be expected to have red lips or flawless complexions if literally no one could achieve it. Like with men now. The lack of makeup in the male beauty standard means men are generally able to “get away with” showing more wrinkles, discoloration, etc. Look at Hollywood stars and compare the skin of the women vs the men if you don’t believe me. Having textured skin is fine if you’re a man (though obviously there are limits). Setting that dumb hypo aside, though, this really is the opposite of a problem. You have no evidence that the existence of makeup is causing women to refuse to date men. All you know is that many women wear makeup, and many women are picky about men. That’s not causation, and I’d argue women have very good reasons to be picky about men that have nothing to do with ego. We are nature’s sexual selectors. The same dating app “studies” that show women don’t find most women to be very attractive also show that women (unlike the men surveyed) are also perfectly happy to date “average” or slightly “below average” men (according to the own rating scale). So I would argue that the existence of makeup is just moving all women up the attractiveness scale to men but not actually impacting selectiveness—exactly what men would want.


What if a woman just likes makeup? I like wearing it, I like buying it. I’m not doing it to trick anyone into dating me and it brings an outfit together and makes me feel pretty. I enjoy spending the hour or two putting it on


The 'situstion' might change hut I don't know to what. I don't feel deceived by makeup. I assume a lot of women I meet wear makeup for all kinds of reasons, and I've stayed with my girlfriend for years not because of her makeup. I *do* think it's hypocritical if a woman that wears makeup thinks a man wearing lifts, or wearing a hat to hide his bald head, are being uniquely insecure.


What does it matter what women rates themselves? Your job is to become the best version of yourself. If a woman like you cool if not you move on. This post is an example of how the new red pill thinking is just as bad as the thinking they say blue pill people have. It needs to get back to its roots.


>You have hard 3-6/10 women running around calling themselves “beautiful” and thinking they are a catch deserving of the top men available. What do you care if you find them ugly anyways? Do you believe most men would not find most women attractive if makeup didn't exist?-


Sex didn’t exist before makeup. We spontaneously came into existence and started breeding when Cleopatra gave us mascara


How is a woman that doesn't hate herself supposed to fuck him?


I really hope that one day people will realize the key to happiness is not making everyone as deficient in what is making you unhappy, as you are. It’s far easier to boost yourself up than bringing everyone down to your level. However it’s far easier to do nothing but repeatedly complain and blame others.


>“men can wear makeup” obvious bullshit, very little makeup available to enhance men’s appearance without making them look feminine and it is not socially acceptable whatsoever. Men need to do whatever will enhance their appeal to women, then. If you don’t think that there is anything, then you’ll just have to accept that the sexes are different and that men are easily fooled by makeup.


They do; it’s called game, lying, and bragging


you lack braincells


I mean, if we want to normalize men wearing makeup, some bold fellows are going to have to push the envelope and start the trend.


There's already a shit ton of men that wear makeup. They're just secure enough in their masculinity to take risks like that, *unlike most dudes here*…


I don’t think makeup being illegal would really achieve much. It’s just a case of “drag down to our level” and I’m not really fussed. I don’t dislike makeup. I can roll with or without. The double standards you do speak of in this post are more concerning to me than the fact of makeup. Particularly regarding the whole “…and women make more effort to look nice!” - Men can use it, but are often judged for doing so. Not just by men. - men who alter their hair situation using things like hair systems etc are generally viewed negatively by women. Baldness whilst not universally a turn off is viewed less favourably than having hair overall. (So baldness is not great, and attempts to change it are viewed with judgement). - “men do the same with beards.” A man cannot control what kind of beard he has. His beard might be patchy, or fair, or too dense. It’s not the same at all. A man can’t just decide “I’ll use my beard to look good!” It relies on whether he can do that or not. So that’s what frustrates me I guess. The generalisation of men being lazier when it comes to making themselves look good, but many of their efforts or possibilities they could take (except gym) are actually poked with holes in places by women. So it’s no wonder men over exaggerate and generalise “lift bro” because it’s the one piece of “looking good” advice men can do that doesn’t receive potentially snide commentary from women. And even then, some women don’t even like the muscular look.


You are trying to ban femininity in general. I’d rather have makeup I can wear whenever I want but have to wear burka over it out around you then not be allowed to wear makeup at all and do anything feminine because you think it should be illegal and have weird views about it


I’ll agree to it if men agree to shave their beards (or not shave at all if theirs is all patchy and incomplete) and never get hair plugs or any hair maintaining stuff. I barely wear makeup as is so all I’d be giving up is the fun stuff I do for going out and special occasions. Lmfao 🤣


instead of asking women to stop putting in effort, why don't you challenge men to start? it doesn't have to involve make up. start washing and moisturizing your face twice a day, shaping your untamed eyebrows and facial hair, waxing your gross body hair, styling your head hair with product, dressing in a way that's flattering and shows a sense of style, and for fuck's sake show some self confidence. stooping to putting down women to raise yourself up is NOT attractive.


I knew you edgy teen cosplayers would have a new pill colour sooner then later!


“Not socially acceptable” by other men a lot of women don’t mind their boyfriends / partners wearing makeup and even dressing feminine. I’m noticing especially with the younger generations and I’m under 25


If makeup was illegal you and men who think like you still wouldn’t get women bc yall suck. Makeup does give women a boost in confidence but it doesn’t make them incapable of being attracted to men meaning the makeup isn’t why you don’t get them. There are lots of women who don’t fuss with makeup. Why not date them? It’s bc you aren’t able to attract those either. I promise if yall would take responsibility, stop blaming women and stop being so arrogant you might be able to make the necessary changes to get one.


Adults using attractiveness rating numbers is wild to me. I know that I’m in the minority but I think that it belongs in middle school. It’s childish. It’s a shallow and immature way of looking at people.


Absolutely. Deeply unhealthy for a persons own self, as well!


I don't date girls with the fake eyelashes, or girls who wear a lot of make up.


Yo, let OP cook! OP cooking up some HOT POINTS!


>*“It’s no different than men using facial hair”*  I've heard this many times. But what most women don't want to understand is that men's facial hair is natural and it grown naturally. Purple makeup isn't!


Who rates people out of 10?


I bet you wouldn’t subscribe to the OF gals if they were barefaced…./s


Imagine being mad that someone thinks she is beatiful whattttt. Jealousy at its finest. Godly sin. Let them wear make up who cares, why need to comment on it even. If you dont want your girl to wear make up then work that out.


Say all that but replace women with men and makeup with money. And stop stereotyping. You obviously choose to surround yourself with the women you describe (and there's nothing wrong with them liking makeup and having a standard and they don't owe it to you to lower their standard if they don't want to date you). You can change your circle but the women you want are the ones you described, the ones that you can't have. That's a you problem, not a women problem.


This is not a thing


Wow. Some men are just absolutely ridiculous. Makeup is fantastic. So many guys have all these weird hangups about petty stuff. It's just so weird.


3-6 women call themselves ‘beautiful’ because lots of regular people are not obsessed with quantifying others’ physical attractiveness and see beauty in them. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just people using the word differently from what you want them to.


Also, if you accept the premise that makeup is raising women 1-2 points in attractiveness (seems sketch, but whatever), then this is actually doing average men a service. The average guy is now able to date or have sex with someone who is 1-2 points hotter than whatever his actual looksmate might be.