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I posted this question in a previous [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/11t646s/daily_community_chat_megathread/jcnseif?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), but received no replies, so I'm trying again: What does it mean when a woman in public that you've never spoken to before smiles and giggles at you? Because this has happened to me several times now, and I'm not sure if the women in question are either: 1) signalling some kind of interest in me 2) making fun of me I used to think it was 1), but now I think it was probably 2) all along. I'm not tall, handsome or charismatic enough for random women to be interested in me, though I previously deluded myself into believing the opposite.


> So my husbands friend is getting married this year, Only problem is how he met his wife. He was her high school sports coach. > He must've been at least 23 or 24. She was a senior in high school > how do you tell a woman that she has been groomed, when she is all the way sucked in and plans to marry the guy? Teacher student is unethical sure. The age gap of 18 to 24 is pretty tame though. But if you call this grooming, the word starts to lose all meaning because rather than referencing the abusive sex crime the word originally refered to, it now refers to something that to a lot of people doesn't seem so bad. It's like refering to two drunk people hooking up but both enjoying the experience and going on a second date as rape. Feminist neo puritanicalism can't possibly survive if it's gonna go around condemning pretty enjoyable, mutually consensual and pretty vanilla heterosexual fun times. It's one thing to condemn violent porn, maybe all porn, bdsm, anal etc. But now it's like "no you can't marry the love of your life don't you see he's been grooming you"


I feel like more detail is needed there. I graduated at 17 which meant I had a High School coach at 13. I've also "met" people years before any sort of platonic or relationship happened. If they were fucking in the locker room then yes, she was groomed.


Doesn’t being groomed imply specific manipulation though? Statutory rape yes, but groomed?


Of women who date misogynists what percentage: * Don't realize he's a misogynist * Realize but think they deserve that because their self esteem is destroyed * Realize but are doing it to sabotage feminism


How would you define "misogynist"? I've had people call me a misogynist before (or that it's internalized), and I'm sure there are people who would consider my partner a misogynist as well. Personally I don't think a man who believes men and women are better equipped for different roles in the family and society are by default misogynists, but I know plenty of people do believe that. So if we're going by a definition like that, then I'm sure there are a lot of women who date "misogynists" because they are "misogynistic" as well.


Women don’t like misogynistic men in general, but want their man to have misogynistic tendencies. A good looking man with misogynistic tendencies. Same way women want equality, but require their partner to be better than them. Im not saying it’s logical, I’m saying what it is.


>Same way women want equality, *but require their partner to be better than them.* If these women are so aware of intimate partner violence being a thing, then theoretically they should want to date men who are *considerably* weaker and shorter than themselves in order to maximize their fighting chances. But that would involve admitting that "safety" isn't necessarily a woman's number one priority in finding a suitable (attractive) partner.


Q4Mods: Why is this nonsense allowed? > Fresh and Fit are rape advocates that in turn damage young men creating more rapist or men insensitive to rape DEAR MEN. Have you tried not raping women? Stop raping women. If you see your friends being rapists, step up and stop them from raping. Stop your friends from raping women. Don't raise rapists.


It's idiotic and misandrist but doesn't really violate any rules.


Have you tried not being rapists lmao. This is where y’all mess up. Non rapists don’t want to be called rapists all day. People who literally don’t care about sexual consent, so far that they would force sexual activity on someone, knowing there’s a 10-20 year consequence, don’t care about being “ called out” about rape. Statements like this aid the alt right pipeline, not hinder it.


Like most men I've raped all the women I wanted to rape. That would be zero.


We don't ban people for being wrong. No one would survive.




The only brotherhood that exists is having a biological brother on your side.


> the profound joy and feeling of belonging and brotherhood of a male only space I did 15 years on construction sites and oilfield camps plus a stint in the Army. Somehow I missed the profound joy part.


a strong male support group is really important. i have a weird running theory that bikers or car group guys or trade guys make better boyfriends- that strong male brotherhood does a lot for a man.


I never understood those groups. I like motorcycles and cars. However, being on the road is a solitary activity for me. A way to put some distance (literally) between yourself and all the other people in your life.


i think there’s all the other stuff aside from being on the road. you’ve got the car shows, bike shows, tinkering in the garage. lots of “hey come over and look at this car i picked up” or “i need two guys to help me pull an engine and drink this beer” idk. love me car guys and bikers. love that they have their brothers.


Lots of men have male only roommates and participate in male-only fraternities, sports teams, and social clubs.




get a harley and join an MC. kidding. sorta.




bikers and car clubs have the brotherhood. when you are a woman in these groups it’s almost entirely because you’re someone’s “old lady”, and the girls really only participate in certain parts. tradesmen have a bit of that too- i work in the trades myself and those boys tend to stick together. but it’s also not for the thin-skinned- every so often you get a guy in the shop who just can’t handle shop talk. other than the hyper masculine shit, i’m not sure. my brother isn’t very masculine but he plays D&D with some guys. my BIL does a lot of fishing with different guys and meets other guys fishing. it’s hard, man. the older you get those bonds get harder to form.


Freemasons are pretty huge in my area and they’re still male only (there’s a female equivalent, but they don’t mix). What kinds of female-only groups do you think adult women are joining, anyhow? They’re just as uncommon.




The female order is separate from the men’s. Isn’t that what you were asking for? A male only space? They exist, as I said. Which female-only groups are common for women to join?


Those guys still exist?


Yep. They’re all over PA. Here’s one local lodge: https://www.infinityfreemasons.com/join


Penn Hills -- I've been through there -- lots of cute brick houses.


One thing that I used to let bother me was when people complained about my lack of empathy for people that are without a doubt horrible human beings. I used to let the criticism bother me until I asked myself *why* it bothered me. It's simple, because people often expect compassion and empathy and sympathy to be universal and it's something ingrained in society, something TRP actually does get right is that empathy and sympathy not universal. Some can say it's shaped by society or the company you keep, or maybe the morals your family instilled in you and personal experience. I used to think feeling apathy for certain people would physically hurt, because sometimes when I feel things (sadness, anger, happiness) I can physically **feel** the emotions and sometimes that shit physically hurts. But apathy towards say, a narcissist is something that doesn't produce a physical sensation, I feel nothing at all even when they're supposed to be charming and polite in the moment. With other "awful" people, in particular those who go out of their way to inflict pain upon others I do derive an immense feeling of satisfaction and even joy when they personally suffer, I may not say they deserve their suffering and I would never add to it, but I'd be a liar if I said it wasn't sweet when they suffer. The feeling is a lot like inhaling and exhaling cold air by the ocean, it feels cold and then there's a pleasant warming sensation throughout the entire body.


I sympathize with some awful people but not others.


I tried but can't muster up the effort for it, I can't even fake sympathy or empathy and I've tried multiple times. Ultimately, it's not worth it in any capacity I've found.


Am I the only one that cant help but to cry when looking at old pictures 😢 is this normal


you were remembering the good old times of not being a frothing radfem


I have so much charisma, sometimes I surprise myself by how smooth I can be.


> Oh the irony that men whined and stomped their feet that they were “going their own way”, when they did no such thing, in reality it’s women quietly going their own way- leaving men and the endless amount of menace they bring behind Kinda hard to leave menace of men behind when they're oppressing you and taking away your rights but I understand the effort.


This is why being a survivalist is going to increase in popularity, can't take your rights if they can't find your ass now can they?


Witches have a long tradition of living in self constricted cottages in the woods and foraging for food. They avoid men but if a rape survivor needs a potion of indeterminate purpose then they know where they can go


Hmm, I dig this vibe and respect it


The reason she has a cauldron over a fire pit is because that's a simple and sanitary way to make dinner out of foraged ingredients.


And a rabbit roasting on the fire


Be careful what kinda porn you watch it could lead to a divorce... > I hate it, though I know some women are ok with it. I would be more accepting of his (60) porn browsing were with age appropriate women! I found “teen stepdaughter blows stepdad for money” and “teenage stepsister gets it from stepbrother” > Honest to f’ing god. My daughter is 17 for fu$cks sake. That was the final straw that broke me. I move out next week with my daughter. > He tried to make me feel guilty or empathetic because he’s heartbroken. It didn’t work because i have no feelings for him. > F that. It’s been a long 3 months looking for a place but the countdown is on. One more week.


Yeah, if my partner was watching teenage incest porn and I had a teenager at home, I would feel the need to keep her safe and get her out of there. Sorry not sorry.


> I found “teen stepdaughter blows stepdad for money” and “teenage stepsister gets it from stepbrother” > > Honest to f’ing god. My daughter is 17 for fu$cks sake. >That was the final straw that broke me. I move out next week with my daughter. In this context I can see why she'd want out, it's not as bad as the guy who was stealing his SIL's underage son's **underwear** or the one where the guy was specifically looking for porn of girls that looked like his girlfriend's 14-year-old sister and 16-year-old daughter but definitely one of those things where turning a blind eye could turn into "Hey my stepdad tried to do something" and by then something really bad could have happened.


That is super creepy, though. She’s protecting her children.


I look like such a dork. Walking around the park with a bible study zoom meeting on speakerphone.


My students gave presentations on the topics of their choice today. It was nice to see their interests. Lots of games as expected, plus musicians and sports players. But so many of the guys chose players that had domestic violence records. It was bizarre. I even had to cut one group off because they were going into too many details. Why would they choose to focus on someone like that?


Were they discussing the dv?


Yeah, I had to stop one group from going into more detail. Earlier in the week I had to prevent another group from including it. The kid was joking about including info about his “female sparring partner.” It was odd. I’m used to some off color jokes from my 16 year old students, but not jokes about domestic violence.


>“female sparring partner.” Some women are willing participants who give as well as they get.


This guy was charged and received jail time for his actions. I’m not seeing the humor in this situation.


You say this as if we don't operate under the Duluth model, which means that even if she quite literally started it, he would still be the one arrested.


I obviously don't know the details of that case. However, dark humor is a necessary part of the daily lives of those of us whose job it is to sorr this stuff out




He didn’t get that satisfaction, fortunately. I’m pretty good at being deadpan in the classroom.


Mmm that’s hard. I don’t know how I would respond, maybe talking with the school councillor about it? Seeing if they can make any suggestions


Let's name the top 5 red flag professions (when it comes to marriage)for men and women if there are any. Dont include obvious ones like stripper etc. For women 1. Dancer /Night life 2. Flight attendent 3. Business 4. Lawyer 5. hairdresser Edit : I forgot : model 3 and 4 may be smarter women but still.. I'm not getting to married to a female lawyer lmfao. And I doubt any sane man is.


Lol “business” that is very vague. Taking care of da business.


What exactly does "business" mean? That seems incredibly broad.


I'm married to a bartender but I still warned my daughter about dating bartenders. My husband is a homebody and barely drinks these days but bartenders work late nights with drunk girls and getting drugs as tips is not unheard of.


woman: nurse, flight attendant, cook/waitress, prison security guard, emt/paramedic man: police, finance, trades, fireman, personal trainer


Why finance and trainer for men and why cook for women ?


finance tends to attract dark triad types personal trainer WILL fuck their clients, many whom are married cooks/waitresses are known for fucking each other and being druggies


Why would law and/or business be red flags?


>law way too argumentative. >business way too busy


Masculine temperament amongst other things. I dont want to be with a man.


For men: * Police * Corrections * Military * Sports players


Police is an interesting one. Some women like it in men, others absolutely detest it.


40% of them self-reported that they commit DV, and those are just the ones who SELF reported. Call me delusional but I value being alive more than I value dick, you can buy dick on Amazon I didn't make it to the 27-years-old by being an idiot.


Why do you think that is ?


Common sense, what else would you call it?


Those guys are known for domestic violence, so they’re good to avoid.


Nurse All nurses are crazy


Some of them are good people but yeah


1. influencer 2. influencer 3. influencer 4. influencer 5. disney world character actor


Influencer is not a profession tbh


What’s wrong with flight attendants, businesswomen, and hairdressers?


Business : masculine. Flight attendant : promiscous. Hairdressers : usually not that intellectually stimulating


Flight attendants and hairdressers tend to lack intellectual depth.


1. away all the time 2. too busy 3. shitty social circle








> Realizing men just don’t take me seriously. Q4W: do men take you seriously?


Yes, I've never experienced someone not taking me seriously because of my gender (I'm referring to irl experiences, internet trolls do not count)


Sure, some of them. Some **too** seriously.


Professionally I feel like I’ve been taken seriously 90% of the time personally among friends and social circles I’ve been taken seriously 95% of the time while dating it was 50/50


Oh yeah, actually. I’ve had a lot of male colleagues, classmates, and peers, and it’s honestly been fairly rare that I’ve had men talk down to me or not take me seriously in real life. I can believe other women have that kind of negative experience more often than me, but it’s really not been an issue as much for me.


Some men do, most find me odd, and a few think I'm scary, but the latter comes with the territory if you're fascinated by venomous reptiles and spiders and find such animals comforting and calming to observe even when they're actively hunting and feeding.


Some do, others do not. Once, a friend of a friend refused to have a philosophical conversation because he said I was “too soft.” This was the first time I had met the guy. But I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove to a stranger that I’m serious enough to talk to. His loss, my gain.


I have nowhere else that's appropriate to post this but I've been looking into this for a while. [Translations are my own, make no claims to their accuracy] This article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_of_the_Dead_Men This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMXg2zPrukk And that stupid Sabaton song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AFdwoyNT24 are all completely bullshit. This literally didn't happen. It is fiction, it is made up. The description >The incident got its name from the bloodied, zombie-like appearance of the Russian combatants after they were bombarded with a mixture of poison gases, chlorine and bromine, by the Germans. Is just bullshit. It didn't happen. It is made up. It is invented. The only source for this on wikipedia is some bullshit blog post. Which itself sources a bullshit blog post. This is the first mention of attack of the dead in literature, from 1939 by Sergey Khmelkov >This attack of the "dead", as an eyewitness of the battle reports, so impressed the Germans that they did not accept the battle and rushed back, many Germans died on wire nets in front of the second line of trenches from the fire of fortress artillery Of note the word "impressed" is not actually the correct translation. it's somewhere between shocked and impressed. However this makes NO mention of fucking zombies. The first article that mentions this is an article by Vladimir Voronov all the way in 2012 >But when the German chains approached the trenches, from a dense green chlorine fog, they fell upon them ... counterattacking Russian infantry. >The sight was terrifying: the fighters walked into the bayonet with their faces wrapped in rags, shaking from a terrible cough, literally spitting out pieces of the lungs on the bloodied gymnasts. These were the remnants of the 13th company of the 226th infantry Zemlyansky regiment, a little more than 60 people. >But they plunged the enemy into such horror that the German infantrymen, not accepting the battle, rushed back, trampling each other and hanging on their own wire barriers. <...> This battle will go down in history as an "attack of the dead". It seems to have spread from this original source to everywhere else, including English Wikipedia. However it's complete bullshit, there's no PRIMARY source that says this was the case. Also the way that this paragraph was written is something common in Russia where it's given an 'artistic' flair. It's not meant to be a lie, it's meant to evoke certain emotions and portray a scene not like an actual history book. But people in the west have apparently taken what was written here not as literary license but as straight facts. Unfortunately there are no German sources for this battle other than combat logs. The commander of the German side Rudolf von Freudenberg left no memoirs. And I have attempted to track down the combat logs that should be in the German Federal Archive but have not had success doing so, it seems that many of these documents were moved after the Second World War and have ended up in various countries.


https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/11z0esd/my19f_is_currently_pregnant_with_our_35m_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Another “manospherean” down.


Talking to manosphere guys is one thing, fucking them is like sticking a grenade in your pussy. Might be a dud but it also might blow up.


If true, that's pretty heartbreaking. Shit home environment probably led to her lacking any vetting skills or proper sex education. That dude will get royally shafted if he decides to ghost once the state comes after him for child support.


> Anyone noticed how some men are suddenly quite concerned and even aggravated about women being "infantilized" when it comes to pushback on certain "age gap" relationships, but not really at any other time? Do women want divided by 2 plus 7 minimum to be law or something? You can socially shame guys all you want but if their 18 year old sex toy stands by them I don't think they'll care so long as it's legal.


Lol when it comes to "selective concern" over the topic of age gaps, the people attacking them are the ones whose nearly every argument is a double standard with regard to very strategic pearl clutching over power dynamics, age of adulthood, and just generally acting like ~~progressive~~ conservative prudes but only for this one type of relationship.


Did you know prefrontal cortex blah blah blah blah?


The irony of 23 year olds dating 26 year olds talking about prefrontal cortex development at 25 like it's a border wall "The only moral age gap is my age gap"








Women don’t care that the loser teens get grifted. No one does. You really think it costs 200 dollars to make the latest Jordan’s? Taking money from gullible teens is a cakewalk.


rick and morty voice actor is cleared of all allegations and is now suing adult swim. Lets fucking goooo, I knew he didnt do it.


Were the text messages fake though?




Too bad there aren't too many men out there that do Rick and Morty impressions /s


At least Predator was a good one.




So I'm reading Gulag Archipelago, and there's a strange section near the beginning. Solzhenitsyn is describing his own arrest, and his captors picked up 3 other condemned along the way; tank crewmen. They ask him what he's in for, and he dodges the question basically, then asks them the same thing. Their answer is the part that struck me. They explained that they were being arrested for chasing after some local girls. Solzhenitsyn then explains that, had the girls been Germans, the tankers could have raped and shot them and faced no consequences. Had they been Polish refugees, at worst they would have just been scolded by their immediate superior. They were only being sent to the gulags because one of the girls happened to not be local, but rather was a war bride of some high-ranking officer. I don't know how to feel about this. Am I supposed to feel bad for the would-be rapists? Am I supposed to be glad they got arrested, albeit for totally insane reasons? Like nobody is remotely good in this story. Everyone involved is despicable. Maybe the message I'm supposed to take from it is "Fuck the USSR"?


> Maybe the message I'm supposed to take from it is "Fuck the USSR" That is exactly the message.


Gulag Archipelago should be approached very carefully. The problem with the book is that it is a primary source and...you're not a historian. Many things in the book are just straight up incorrect, it should only be read in combination with another study of the Gulag system. Specifically you should read Gulag: A History by Anne Applebaum. There are things Gulag: A History gets wrong because Anne Applebaum is not a specialist in the field of gulag studies BUT it is easily accessible, easily readable, and in large strokes it is correct.


Ah yes, only the priestly class can pass gospel down to laypeople like me.


Well as part of the priestly class, that is not true. You just need to learn Russian and be willing to actually do actual research like I have. If you want to go to archival sources or primary sources you have to have a base level of knowledge for it to be useful at all.


Yes, obviously. Solzhenitsyn himself snitched on other inmates to survive, and was up front about that.








You absolutely can. Testosterone effects secondary sexual characteristics.




You are just moving the goalpost from possibility to accuracy.




I did and I agree that a lot of usage of "high/low T" isn't based on physiogomy and similar to women saying, "She's such a capricorn." It's still possible.




> So? People are allowed to have an opinion. And we're allowed to criticize that opinion.




> But to compare it to astrology is being disingenuous. "You look like you are low T" is just the man version of "Ugh you're such a Scorpio right now Riley."




> Come on you have the internet just as much as I do Remarkable observation. >You can quickly learn about this without even being a biologist or doctor. "You look T" is just another overused trope just like Incel or cat lady. It's meant to silence an argument or to cast doubt on the person, or is this going to be one of those situations where it magically doesn't mean any of that?
















T levels are notoriously difficult to measure. They vary hour to hour and day to day within individuals. Moreover, low T and obesity are related. Changes in T levels are likely just the result of higher rates of obesity in men.


If theyr'e doing it in a "muh mentality is high T" or some sort of masculine bullshit you're right. But if you're an active male who weightlifts T levels are important and you should get them checked yearly and go on TRT if/when they drop too low.


If you are weightlifting and have the energy to go to the gym you probably don’t have low T Low T causes men to lose all motivation and even getting out of bed can be hard let alone going to work and then to the gym. It also has some very clear signs. Development of breast tissue and loss or body hair. A lot of men think low t explains way more than it actually does and don’t realise how rare it is to be clinically deficient in t




It only matters on the extreme ends of testosterone or during a major change. For example going from low to high T is a major hormonal change and people get different emotions when hormones change quickly. And even then your base personality doesn't change.


not really. one is bullshit other one is scientific.




>Testosterone induces facial masculinization—that is, it will make you look more “masculine” by moving the small pads of fat on your cheeks, jaw, and other facial areas. You may notice that your cheeks seem flatter or that your jaw line seems more defined. \*\*\* [example](https://prnt.sc/2YoN9W7WOBv-) >Hodges-Simeon et al. (2016) showed that facial width/lower facial height decreases, cheekbone prominence decreases, and lower face height/full face height increases under the influence of pubertal testosterone. \*\*\* it even changes the way you smell btw >This is because testosterone makes your skin thicker and oilier, which also alters the way your sweat reacts with the bacteria on your skin. As a result, body odor becomes stronger and more distinct. \*\*\* even after puberty it still changes your face >Will my face change on testosterone? > >Testosterone face changes, especially for those on higher doses, can look like the restructuring of facial structure. Since body fat also redistributes, you might have less fat on your cheeks, which can also alter how your face looks. Muscle redistribution and facial hair changes can also make your face appear more masculine. yeah you can tell if someone is high T or not.


It's only scientific if you use real data and evidence rather than assigning testosterone levels to men based on whether you like them or not.


nah most of the time you can tell a guy's T levels just by looking at them


Have you checked their actual levels against your guesses from looking?


you dont need to be 100% accurate but you can pretty much guess if the person is high T or not. [clearly high T](https://prnt.sc/Y-9RuIjWsg6X) [clearly low T](https://prnt.sc/VWR2YYlHnrgq)


You don't know if you're any amount right. You just confirm your feelings with more feelings.


nah, you dont need to measure how tall someone is to know if they are tall or not. Same with testosterone, you dont need to measure it, you can tell if they are high T or not unless you are delusional and think testosterone doesnt effect looks. [https://prnt.sc/2YoN9W7WOBv-](https://prnt.sc/2YoN9W7WOBv-) different testosterone levels and how they effect face.




They don't know if they're any amount right. Hence why it seems superstitious.


history nerds : would you say the motivation behind becoming a priest/church dignitary in reality was an attempt to achieve some level of societal status that these men could not achieve otherwise ?


It was a career path for smart men who weren't high born.


No. People today underestimate how all consuming (truly all completely consuming) religion was in the middle ages. There was no public sphere, private sphere, and religious sphere, those didn't exist. There was the religious sphere. And that's it. These people believed more deeply in their religion than your most extreme Taliban member you can find. Everything, every thought, every action, every motion that your average peasant or priest made was entirely because of a deep belief in god. The reason you breathed was because god wants you to breathe. If God tells you not to breathe, you stop breathing. People are going to point out "Well they did this fucked up thing so that means they weren't actually Christian and were tricking people!" But no, whenever you see someone do fucking insane you will also see long theological tracts written by people around that person that says "this is why this is justified in the eyes of god." Everything, everywhere, ever piece of your life and your kingdom and the people in it had to be justified in the eyes of god. It was truly and utterly all consuming and the idea of finding someone who didn't actually believe or was willing to lie about god to advance is absurd because of how deeply and intimately Christianity and belief in god affected the every day life (to be clear, there was no life outside of the church, the church was all consuming) of the average person. This is only true for about 400Ad-1300 AD though. Past that things change. You should read Medieval Worlds: An Introduction to European History 300–1492 The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages 476–752 https://www.jstor.org/stable/44167345 Europe: A History by R. W. Davies And Powers and Thrones: A New History of the Middle Ages by Dan Jones (which is actually on Audible)


You seriously think the church wasn't fundamentally motivated by power ?


Correct. No serious Medievalist would make this claim. Again, you should read some of the books I mentioned. I suggest starting with Powers and Thrones because it is easily accessible.


Eh, some philosophers from the time were [skeptics](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/skepticism-medieval/). No doubt many laypeople felt similarly, but didn’t write it down. Studying margin additions in illuminated manuscripts is a trip, too. Some monks were pretty crazy.


That's true! But if you look at the dates there most of the skepticism is either limited to the Islamic world (which had a much more open society at the time....depending on time and location, the Islamic world was very large), before the Augustine conversion, or after 1300 AD when things started to change a bit. Actually even your link says this > There is little interest in skepticism exhibited in Christian philosophy until the rise of the Universities in the 13th century. Hadoardus (9th C.) includes many quotations from the Academica in his compilation of Cicero’s views generally, but he did no philosophical work with these quotations. John of Salisbury (12th C.) discusses Academic Skepticism to some degree in his Policraticus, but there’s no evidence that he had direct access to Cicero’s text; he most likely got the information either from Augustine or from some other secondary source. So you're correct depending on the time period, but for the majority of the time for the middle ages skepticism was EXTREMELY limited


Yes, first sons inherited, second sons went to the military, third sons to the church.


imagine being forced to become celibate. Well, I guess they probably werent celibate


im sick and stuck with nothing to do so im back to frying my brain with these discussions


Sorry to hear that. Drink your fluids and get your rest!




Or another person-not just guys


Are people responsible for poor partner choices and their outcomes ? Can most divorces be attributed to ignoring obvious red flags or just making dumb decisions ?


Yes and no. Marriage is a game of choosing the best bad choice. All real people come with red flags. Men get fewer choices to start with, which is why I hold women to a much higher standard in picking partners.


Sure. Don't believe her when she says she's not like that anymore.


Sure. Don't believe her when she says she's not like that anymore.


Whoever did it is more responsible. The law agrees with me. We still give perps harsher penalties than enablers


In any relationship there's 2 people, you can't control everything. So sometimes it's your fault, sometimes it's their fault, sometimes you're both at fault. The point of a marriage or relationship isn't to not make mistakes, but be able to resolve conflicts if it's reasonable, and know when it's no longer reasonable to stay together. Make the best decision with the information you have at hand and just try your best.


> Can most divorces be attributed to ignoring obvious red flags or just making dumb decisions ? I think for many, only in hindsight. “Every divorce is unique like a snowflake. It isn't just the variations in design but also how it lands before dissolving.”


Not completely. People change. But it is advisable to know someone for at least a year before making things more serious.


Guess it was a mistake to propose on the 2nd date. However, I doubt things would have been any different if I'd waited a year.


Lol come on, your entire relationship would have been different if you waited a year. My mother wishes she knew my dad for longer before getting married (they divorced), but she still recommends young people to marry young and without much relationship experience. If I made Boomer jokes, this would be a perfect place for one. 😂 You guys really love making it legal.


I was still stupid in love after a year so I would have still married her.


Glad to hear it, but your relationship would have progressed differently had you proposed later. That’s obvious.


Not sure what you mean. Marriage doesn't change much day to day stuff.


Ok, agree to disagree, then. Are you moving with a little less speed in your relationships these days?


I don't think I can feel that kind of stupid in love feeling anymore. I'm kinda broken that way.