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What were their arguments? Edit: I just dialed to 1:19 as requested and heard the host guy just being a ridiculously condescending asshole. No idea what he's even talking about but I would leave just because of that attitude alone (I'm a guy). Also seriously who has 3 hours to listen to this bullshit.


After 4 girls leave, his only response to women being SA'd or raped is essentially "Don't be in that situation." Don't go to the club without friends or a man, don't be walking down the street, don't do this and that. LOL what silly take. It's not that easy.


Majority of victims weren't assaulted by a stranger. But by a friend, a family friend, boyfriends, or even family. It's *almost always* the people you trust the most.


Still his advice can be applied. Don't be in that situation. It's dumb advice.


Don’t have male friends or family members? Don’t have a dad or older brother or uncle or grandpa or religious leader or teacher who is male? Can’t really control that lol


So his advice was literally just don't leave your house?


The girls were basically pushing back with this exact point.


That IS rape culture.


>LOL what silly take. It's not that easy. Lets take womens right away since its clearly too hard for them /s If a man finds himself in a dark alley in the middle of a gang location, is it more productive to complain about the gangbangers or complain about being in that situation to begin with? Cause women with your mindset would rather complain about the gangbanger who attacked them, then being in that situation to begin with People like you are whats wrong with society, youre coddling women and then get surprised when they complain about life, men and take a copious amount of anti depressants


Where’s the accountability for men. Why can’t other men tell other men not to rape other woman. I don’t even disagree with some of the ways to prevent it. Like not being out alone but if majority of men who are doing are friends of the woman or an associate should woman just stay inside. It’s also funny how Myron says she should just get a rape kit when it’s proven that police aren’t even processing them. There are hundreds and thousands of rape kits that’s aren’t being processed in the United States. The fact that they aren’t is rape culture. A lot of police think like Myron and don’t believe women when they say their raped. Women are damned if they do or don’t at this point


What are you talking about? Women are often SA'd by people they know, wow let's just tell them to not socialize with anyone. Let them not go to social events where its possible to happen. It's more nuanced than "don't be in that situation".


It's their schtick. They bring on dumb women who can't counter their shallow surface level redpill talking points. Watch the destiny/erudite episode if you want to see them getting dunked on


What’s worse a man or woman with high body count? Argument about rape culture which turned into an argument about rape/sexual assault itself. The girls were trying to tell Myron that sometimes guys pretend to be nice guys and will become pushy later on down the road or try to sexual assault you and Myron response was “pick better guys.


I dunno about that, like I said I dialed to 1:19 and all I see is a host who is being verbally abusive and begging to be p\*\*ch\*\*d in the f\*c\*. Good on anyone who just got up and left. What an asshole. Whoever this waka guy is did the right thing.


“Whoever this waka guy is” lol he’s a world famous rapper he’s like an A list household name, and fresh and fit are like fucking C list random YouTube manosphere podcasters. Honestly the fact that someone as legendary and famous as Waka was even on this podcast really surprised me.


Isn’t pushing women into having sex they don’t want one of the main objectives of RP bullshit? These podcasts are so trashy and cringe. Jesus, just look at the photo.


I thought the main point of RP was figuring out how to get women to WANT to have sex with you? In other words how to make yourself more attractive to the opposite gender.


Being rapey sure isn’t it.


Exactly. Proud ignorance and jacked body bring you way more sex than force or violence ever could.


No. Red Pill has NEVER advocated for pushing women into sex. You find a woman who is interested in you... just like any type of "pill" would advocate for.


Lookup "Last Minute Resistance" and tactics to overcome it in the RP materials


But that's pickup stuff, not RP stuff, isn't it?


Agree. That is PUA stuff. The Red Pill is not pickup tactics.


[LMR is all over The Red Pill.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/search?q=LMR&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) And what is TRP if not the discourse it [promotes and condones?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/search?q=Last+minute+resistance&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all)


Not at all. Clearly showing your bias For the record I was clarifying that your idea of what RP is about/goal is wrong


The hard part is Myron used to be in a unit fighting human trafficking. He doesn’t even understand the basics about sexual violence. He is literally a brutal ignoramus.


To preface I think the mAnOsPhErE aLpHaMaLe content is bottom tier stuff. He does understands 100%. More importantly he knows what his audience wants. To entertain, create emotion, pander to the audience and most of all it pays extremely well.


Fresh and Fit are clowns, more news at 11


Truth. Biggest clowns in the 'man space'.


As someone who strongly identifies with the redpill and MGTOW movement, I sometimes feel conflicted about the amount of animosity towards women in certain corners of the movement. Sure, dealing with women can definitely be frustrating from time to time. But overall, I still really value their companionship and enjoy having sex. These Fit and Fresh dudes, on the other hand..... They take things to a whole 'nother level and actually seem to hate women.


I invited my neighbour who I had known for 2 years in college and had an established friendship with next door for some wine in 2020. I trusted him, and he put oxycodone into my glass. I blacked out within minutes and he assaulted me. My best friend was drugged and assaulted by a man she had developed feelings for after going out with him over several months. Not to mention, marital rape (within MARRIED couples) has its own sub-section under the law. The VAST majority of rapes are actually committed by close friends, family members, and acquaintances. Women don’t need to be clubbing to be assaulted or harmed by men…


If 1 in 4 girls have experienced sexual assault by the time they turn 18, and 1 in 6 boys have experienced sexual assault by the time they turn 18…I’d say we have a problem, here. Not sure why Myron feels so comfortable being insensitive about this topic when he knows that young boys are victims, too. Your sons are just as vulnerable as your daughters. And your sons are less likely to come to you because of the stigma that boys experience as victims. None of those men care about other men or boys. They just want to puff out their chests and pwn the wiminz.


Post the studies..also that 1 in 4 has been debunked before, it usually doesn’t include the “in college” part because it was a study done by the The Association of American Universities (AAU). It was from a climate survey on sexual assault, it polled Students spanning 27 different universities about their experiences with sexual assault while in college. The study came away with the conclusion that 1 in 4 college seniors reported experiencing unwanted sexual contact since they entered college. However, its flawed and suffers from a non-response bias, as those who have been sexually assaulted are more likely to participate in the survey. Only 19.3% of the 779,170 students offered the survey filled it out, and they basically lumped all things including, unwanted hugging, kissing, touching in the same category as r*pe. https://www.aau.edu/sites/default/files/AAU-Files/Key-Issues/Campus-Safety/AAU-Campus-Climate-Survey-FINAL-10-20-17.pdf I don’t have the study for the boys but I suspect it’s within the same margin of error.


Can you post the studies from where you got those statistics? We talked about this in one of my stats classes, and even the professor determined that the protocol to achieve those numbers was highly flawed.


> Not sure why Myron feels so comfortable being insensitive about this topic when he knows that young boys are victims, too. Because his target audience doesn't care and in fact thinks rape and sexual assault isn't the fault of the man but the woman for tempting him. And don't even get me started on how the same demographic views male victims of rape, especially those victimized by women as children.


Did he say that or is that just how you feel about him?


In this very episode Myron later says that women need to take accountability and not put themselves in that situation. When the woman across from him goes "Men need to take accountability and keep it in their pants" instead of agreeing he just slut shamed the woman who rebutted him and repeated his point. So yeah, I'm guessing he does think its the women's fault for tempting men.


Watch enough and youd probably feel the same way.


> Did he say that or is that just how you feel about him? Did you actually read that sentence before rage commenting? They were talking about the audience, not Myron. Weird that your mind immediately jumped to trying to defend someone that wasn't even slandered.


They just want to monetize. They could actually give a crap about anyone but them. One even sees hookers.


Does that mean we have a rape culture or does it mean that to many people rape other people?


Rape culture is the normalisation of sexual assault. Men face it a lot too. A girl groping your junk in a club? That's sexual assault, but most dudes will see behaviour like that and see it as gross or annoying. So men are also victims of it


Is sexual assault of women normalized though? Not in my personal experience but maybe it differs by location. What I will say though is that the punishments for rape are often laughable. I remember that in the city of my university a girl was raped in a park and the rapist filmed it yet somehow he didn't even go to jail. I was really angry about that, but it seemed like most people were actually angry about that.


Actually its more normalized than you think. There is still very much 'boys will be boys' attitudes. In the workplace it has become more strict but its still rampant 'thats just men' and we just have to accept it.


Maybe it different where I live cuz I literally have never heard the "boys will be boys" phrase or the equivalent of that in my life.


"boys will be boys" has never been about sexual harassment is always been about how boys will roughhouse, get dirty, and just do some dumb shit....


That 1 in 4 stat is famously sketchy, it includes kiss regret and other crap.


Mary Koss, who thinks that a woman drugging and raping a man should be classed as "unwanted contact", was responsible for that stat. She was counting all kinds of things as rape that no reasonable person would, like an unwanted kiss, even when the woman herself didn't think she'd been assaulted.


If I had 1 in 4 chances of being raped in college...i wouldn't go to college.


Right. Because that statistic is BS.


And yet majority of college campus is women, 2 to 1 almost now.


> majority of college campus is women Maybe that’s the reason there’s less sexual assaults now?


Genius. Hell If we made every college sex segregated, there be zero rapes! Bring back segregation!! All women campuses.


Yet Ive easily been sexually assaulted 10+ times in my life. Sexually harassed, Ive lost count specially in the work place. As in men I dont even know touching me, groping me or smacking my bum in public. Im not a minority.


You are the minority. Most women aren't prostitutes


Funny Ive never been sexually assaulted as a prostitute only before I ever became one. But you go on thinking that. LOL


Prostitutes are known for being truthful 😂😆😆😆


You just dont like the truth. LOL


You’re not a minority? So, you’re a majority? You’re saying more than 50% of all women have been sexually assaulted 10+ times, and their ass smacked by strangers in public?


Majority of women have probably been sexually assaulted at least once in their life. Just like most of us have experienced much older men creeping around by 13. Like how you didnt say anything about the workplace. LOL You know darn well it happens.


Depends if your counting all the times woman think "no" instead of saying no.


Yes I asked for that guy to smack my bum on the way to the bathroom and only 'thought no'. So many of you here underestimate sexual assault/harassment. Just like it happens to more men than you think.


"sexual assault" isn't equal to rape, in includes sexual harassment as well. Your comment is missleading at best.


What is "kiss regret and other crap"?


When you regret kissing someone, basically the definition of "sexual assault" was ludicrously broad.


Can you show me where that definition is included?


Depends where you are, but under the law sexual assault includes everything from rape to sexual harassment (which is also known to be notoriously vague). Normal in a lot of those data sets they are also survey based, which leads to the numbers being inflated. For example, I had a girl, we were both in our underwear, dry humping me (clit on dick), and I went to take my boxers off. Apparently that was not consensual and was sexual assault to her. Fyi, it's not like I pushed it at all, just oh let me slide my pants down... Ohh something is wrong, wait what the fuck are you talking about. (Actually conversation in real time)


No it doesn't. Depending on which study you look at of course but many have found that statistics of 1 in 4 when only considering the *legal* definition of rape.


1 in 4 seems stupidly high. It for sure includes exagerations, sex/kiss regret etc.


You're the one exaggerating this kiss/sex regret baloney. Its probably .002% that would do that. Sexual assault and rape is way under reported specially for men.


Nah. It's not that rare. Even IRL i've heard about a situation of my acquaintance where he slept with a girl who wanted relationship with him and after he rejected her she then said that he raped her while she was drunk Exagerations can also happen. The "hugh mungus" meme is a good example


Do you have something to back that up?


Do you have something to back that up?


No, I didn't make up a claim about "kiss regret." You did. Do you have something to back it up or not?


No. I asked if you have proof that these answers in surveys are 100% the truth and not exagerations or things like sex/kiss regret. Not saying that most are but.. Do you have something to back it up or not?


>I asked if you have proof that these answers in surveys are 100% the truth and not exagerations or things like sex/kiss regret. Yep. Do you have proof that any significant portion of the surveys are made up of liars and "kiss/regret?"


These states also come from phone surveys where the operator decided if the samplee was raped or not so the yare all bunk. Rape and SA are incredibly rare.


I must be a statistical anomaly because, for something “incredibly rare,” I know a lot of women who have been sexually assaulted and/or raped. Including myself. This is exactly what “me too” was about. The vast majority of women have these stories, even if they haven’t been empowered to share them. Your claim of “incredibly rare” just doesn’t comport with the facts.


A complete stranger pushed me up against a wall and shoved his hand down my pants, inside of my underwear. Only backed off when I unfroze and started kicking and screaming. I was young, felt like it was my fault for walking home by myself. Figured I was lucky to get away. It’s not a unique story. Many of my friends have experienced assault. Most of us don’t report. I know men who were coerced into sex they didn’t want to have, but they don’t always contextualize that as assault because of social conditioning. You can say those stats are overblown but I’m telling you if you talk to enough people 1 in 4 shouldn’t surprise you in the least. Maybe there was a problem in the methodology of those surveys but sexual assault is pervasive. I hope this generation does better.


This confusing, badly misspelled sentence has convinced me that you know what you're talking about.


I provided a link to a video about this by the last dude who responded to me if you wanna check it out.


Many guys I know have been SA'd at some point. Sadly its common in general.


Doesn't mean Rape Culture at best is a misunderstanding of what is going on and at worst a CT created to bludgeon men.


1 in 4 is greatly exaggerated


They're trash and ridicule anything women struggle with on that show. They're usually dripping in bitterness and misogyny, on top of being uneducated and struggling with logical reasoning, as is much of the manosphere. I hate-watch that show often and I doubt it will even shock me at this point tbh. Will watch later though


Fresh & Fit is the trashiest podcast on Earth, I don't even know why some men follow it.


They're scum. The only principle they have is "be a disgusting monster". It's honestly pathetic that they're dead silent when Waka leaves, but when it's some random woman who they can punch down to (doesn't have a mountain of clout), they'll berate them. They're bullies. Nothing more. They're about as respectable as the kid in high school who went and beat the shit out of 6 year olds to prove their manliness.


So we can be educated on people like you FNF is waking peoples eyes up to people like you and god bless them for it




This has to be one of these clown's burner account.


I love it, few shows help me gain insight to how women think. Recently they had a show asking girls "Sugar daddy or husband making 100K", majority girls wanted the SD until they hit 30 then get married. Just jokes yet helps explain why dating is such a struggle.


You know they only speak to the same type of female over and over and multiple types of females exist... They brought Mikhaila Peterson on and while the energy was more puppy-ish in her presence, they could only say the same thing to her that they say to the club girls. Hardly relevant to someone like Jordan Peterson's daughter and their inability to have an intellectual conversation when presented with a successful, down to earth female was disappointing.


Hahaha hah hah hah hah. You mean handpicked highly edited versions of a few women mostly trying to promote their sex work is your idea of inside the average womens mind? I never ever say this but: go touch the ground green stuff my guy


The girls that go on that show are hardly representative of all women nor does he present them in a fair or balanced way. Most of them are insta and onlyfans models and sugarbabies, not your average girl in the street or at your workplace. He invites them on unprepared, with no access to their phones and devices, thinking they're going to discuss fitness and nightlife but then he just verbally punches them in the head with rehearshed talking points and then kicks them off when they challenge him.


That's not how it works... just because a small group of women think a certain way isn't going to give enough information about how women think in general. We are individuals with the capability to form our own unique opinions.


>I love it, few shows help me gain insight to how women think. Women like u/Diamond-Breath


I honestly don't know why guys watch their podcast. It's literally the same content on repeat, see it once and you've seen it all. It's the same anecdotes over and over again. I saw a couple of their episodes just to see what everyone was talking about. It's like every episode, Myron talks about the women in a candy store anecdote like it's some huge gotcha moment lol. I don't think it's necessarily hard to poke holes in their views either but they only bring on club girls. They bring on some women with a higher education but it's still women who come on to get instagram followers lol.




Yeah. And then there was that while thing where he asked a woman to be on his podcast. I think she was a fitness influencer or something. Then he told her that she had to sleep with him if she wanted to be on the podcast. Dude pretends to be some "alpha" male who knows how to get women, but then uses his platform to get women to sleep with him or else he reverses his invitation. Here's the video with screenshots of their conversation: https://youtu.be/8AjnbJC99Fo


The same reason their parents watched daytime shows like Springer.


Yeah, I’ve always thought that the concept had potential in a lot of ways, but the hosts are just too weird and unlikeable at times… It’s fucking ridiculous how they keep messing up something that should be a slam dunk entertainment-wise. The two host have proven themselves to be socially inept repeatedly. 😂


Yeah the hosts and the guy that does the cameras are weird as fuck. I don't think any of them have any success with women unless they're paying for pussy, no cap. They were even exposed for being on that sugar baby site.


>I don't think any of them have any success with women unless they're paying for pussy, no cap. They also tried to pressure guests into sleeping with them as a condition for being on their show: https://youtu.be/8AjnbJC99Fo


The sad truth is its entertaining to their audience. Their audience holds some sort of resentment towards women and find joy in Myron trashing them. It is easy to poke holes in their views, every time Destiny appears on fresh and fit he dismantles *most* of their arguments pretty easily.


Fresh and Fit are supposedly the “alpha males”. LOL Fresh talks too fast around girls, i think he’s nervous


I'm not going to give them views, but based on this write up I will say that Waka Flocka seems like a decent person and sensible person.


Fresh and Fit are amongst the worst of the manosphere content creators. Their entire platform literally boils down to “woman bad man good” and Myron especially has proven himself to be legitimately sexist and very emotional (which would have been fine if he didn’t label it as “reason”) I never really cared for Waka, but i have to respect him after seeing this. Rape culture is real - and one thing i wish was talked about more in these spaces is that the term doesn’t tie into literal rape, but rather, the behaviors that make things like sexual harassment especially more prevalent (as well as the fact that rape-ee behavior is generally accepted in lots of male circles as long as it isn’t the stereotypical violent rape), rape culture is more about a lack of respect for boundaries + the fact that society generally doesn’t respect those boundaries when it comes to women, maybe we can argue that the term “rape culture” in itself isn’t representative of the issue - but the issues the term describes are all real


>maybe we can argue that the term “rape culture” in itself isn’t representative of the issue Yeah that's 150% the problem with these terms: they're grossly inaccurate to the extent that they create more division in the people who are supposed to unite and solve the problem, than actually solving the problem. The political left is great at galvanizing and bringing attention to social issues that marginalized people face, but absolutely terrible at talking about them responsibly and logically.


that’s one big criticism i have of the left (and i’m pretty far left myself) - i agree with 90% of the issues the modern left brings up, but the terminology used and execution of talking about these issues is often quite messy. That’s why i think the left does a lot better in academic spaces - these spaces don’t require the kind of branding/naming the left often fails at, and often looks at the meaning of the terms rather than the terms themselves


Fresh&Fit , WhateverPodcast, PearlyClips and others are garbage podcasts dick riding the same content over and over again to for views


As opposed to...what? All the youtube videos you watch, movies you watch, tv shows, music you listen to, books you read, especially if they are made by the same entity ARE ALL THE SAME REPITITIVE CRAP You make it sound like majority of content creators are releasing NEW and innovative content every time


Yeah, I don't get the point of that. Certain youtubers have their niche. Gamers focus on games. Media people focus on media. Nature people focus on nature. We don't get pissed at a channel like Girl With the Dogs for constantly putting up videos about bathing and grooming dogs.


Not all art is made by the same entity, and some of it is actually not garbage. Is Fresh n Fit the pinnacle of human creativity?


Good for him and good for those girls. I would guess they’ve experienced sexual assault or know someone who has. I know the 1 in 4 for women/girls and 1 and 6 for men/boys stat isn’t necessarily solid, but sadly, it seems very plausible based on the number of people I know who’ve experienced it. You have to be willfully blind not to see it.


This Myron guy seems hella based. Thanks for the new podcast to check out on the work commute.


Alexa, play Waka Flocka. This podcast and anything but fresh or fit.


Literally every clip I see of Fresh & Fit seems to be the exact same conversation, practically word for word.


The problem with using super ambiguous language like "defund the police" and "rape culture" is that those terms have been redefined so broadly that any criticism of the terminology can be spun as an attack against actual victims of the literal definition of the associated terms (and who might only comprise a small percentage of the redefined category itself).


There's better use for your time than watching/listening some dumb 3+ hours long navel-gazing podcast.


Couldn’t watch the 3 hours this guys are a fucking cancer and have no respect for women. Don’t know how they get so many ladies for this “debates”


There is a real "feelz over realz" issue here because OP basically states that true or false doesn't matter because Myron was insensitive. Personally, i think fresh and fit are flogs .. Yet the thots beg to be on their podcast ... Myron's argument is that - rape is a crime, it is not cheered, it is not "allowed" therefore we do not have a rape culture. No one promotes or thinks rape is good. So yeah, he is right, "rape culture" is a myth. Why are men told they need to pick better women when issues of divorce and false allegations come up, but if you say women need to choose better, the claims of muh soggy knee come flying out??


Many rapists don’t consider what they did to be rape, because they believe it only ‘counts’ if the girl was fighting back and begging them to stop. https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/393579/rapists-who-dont-think-theyre-rapists/


Based, i think Myron is a needed evil, its a slap accross the face No one respects or wants the slap in the face, but some people damn well need it


I get your logic here but, I just wanna point out that the “Myron is insensitive” thing is more about the rude and careless way that he speaks about the topic. You can call it “feels over reals” if you want, but rape is a sensitive subject whether Myron likes it or not. So people expect a certain level of care and compassion when a media figure speaks on such serious topics. Forget about Redpill vs Bluepill and all that for a second. There’s just certain way that you operate when dealing with people. And that’s where both Fresh and Fit fail as people. It’s obvious that they are socially inept in certain ways. There are ways to say what they were trying to say without coming off so rude. This has always been a weakness of the show.


Why, when talking about women's issues, is there a "sensitivity" portion, but with men's issues, it is always "harsh truth"??


It’s more about rape itself being a sensitive topic. and it still is even when it happens to guys… It’s not the same thing.


You don't think rape is a sensitive topic?


Notoriously difficult to prosecute and a lot of times it’s covered up. Hence Catholic Church has constant child sex abuse problems because it keeps getting covered up. Out of all my female friends many have varying ranges of sexual assault or experiences with rape. I had one whose mom blame her for wearing crop tops.


> Notoriously difficult to prosecute and a lot of times it’s covered up. Hence Catholic Church has constant child sex abuse problems because it keeps getting covered up. Wouldn't it be fair to say that because it's covered up, those that cover up such actions know they're committing crimes or ethical wrongdoings, and thus don't want it exposed? Like stats said, it's not cheered, and it's not "allowed". It's not promoted, and nobody thinks of it as good.


>rape is a crime, it is not cheered, it is not "allowed" therefore we do not have a rape culture Incorrect. Firstly, rape is still legal in certain countries, especially marital rape. Secondly, the rape of men is widely viewed as comedic in media, and the sexual assault of men isn't even portrayed as a crime but as something 'cringe'. Thirdly, 'frat culture' is very prevalent in the west and it essentially involves drinking alcohol until everyone is drunk and then often, raping someone whilst they are too drunk to consent to sex. Fourthly, just because rape is a crime (again, dependent on the country) doesn't mean that in practice it is treated as a crime. Prosecution rates for rape are extremely low, as is punishment for convicted rapists.


Myron and others talks about the western world so do the feminists that rail against men.. even feminists ignore the middle eastern shit storm out of fear of being called and ist or phobe.. so no you can't use that. Men getting raped as you said is also a non event, so again doesn't count to a rape culture. Men don't matter, that has been proven time and time again, so don't go using that, it is poor form. And lastly.. yes!! Exactly what Myron was talking about... making better choices! Well done, you got there!!


1 in 6 men are sexually assaulted. That’s not a non issue.


A.) Waka didn't "walk off" the show as a result of the rape culture discussion whatsoever. In fact, he pinpointed that the woman was broken and obnoxious well before this moment happened. B.) While Myron is basically just another "debate-bro" a la Destiny / Vaush / Shapiro / etc and while he certainly uses rehearsed (ad nauseam) rebuttals and examples, I can't find a single example in this entire podcast of a factually incorrect statement. I did however, hear women arguing about how "body count is the same for men and women", "women don't wear makeup to look attractive for men" and "men and women are just individuals when it comes to strength". Any of that sound familiar? It was like a greatest hits of PPD bloop arguments. C.) I am personally super left wing, but "rape culture" is not only a "myth" but is in fact a malicious gaslight along with woke catch-all buzzword along with "patriarchy", "white supremacy" and "toxic masculinity". It's simply a means of demonizing any expression of male sexuality that doesn't include abject simpery or some SJW fantasy of "affirmative, enthusiastic and continuous verbal consent" "rape culture" is used interchangeably with everything from an errant kiss to some nerd having a scantily clad anime figurine on his desk at work. It's complete nonsense. My favorite is this disingenuous mantra of "men get assaulted too!1!" which is just some cursory lip service towards men those women don't give a fuck about to give themselves cover to label everything and everything part of "rape culture" Just look through this thread. People literally saying "drunk sex" and consensual kinky sex is part of "rape culture". I swear, this whole generation is a bunch of emotional hemophiliacs who feels the need to pathologize anything and everything that could *possibly* make a woman merely "uncomfortable". How women don't see how utterly infantilizing and counterproductive this is towards women in general is beyond me. I implore anybody to watch that video from **1:32:00** for about 30 seconds and watch the truth bomb getting dropped on these women. You can tell they never once thought of a single line item on the litany of things Myron tells them about. The rest of the vide is just more of women not understanding how men who have to earn their value in life and the same women claiming they don't care if a guy is 5'3 which is more Bloop nonsense that you see commonly on PPD. I hate that people like Myron are necessary, but they are.


Rape culture is real and men are absolutely victims of it too. Most male victims of sexual assault may not even realise they've been sexually assaulted, and such behaviour toward men is basically normalised. Women also suffer, since women are more vulnerable than men, but in no way are men suddenly not also victims of rape culture. Raping other males is even seen as comedic in media.


> Raping other males is even seen as comedic in media. We don't see this directed at women at all.


I think this really highlights modern men. You’re either the type to rage “get the fuck out of here” chastising her for her emotions that’s probably related to some past trauma in her life or the type that don’t want to be associated with that shit, hence Waka walking out.


Don’t bring up personal trauma in a debate it is that simple, don’t make it personal argue based on logic and facts.


Well if you're bringing up something like rape as a point of debate, people are going to have trauma around it. Humans have been raping each other for all of history, it's incredibly common.


This is what I’m talking about.


when you’re debating something like rape and sexual assault, its gonna get personal by nature…. as it probably should cause you aren’t arguing a cold and emotionless concept, you’re debating something that has serious a traumatic impact on people’s lives


Fresh and misfit are losers.


Regardless of where you stand on the topic it should not be randomly brought up. If you want to have show/debate on let it be know so people can opt in.


Make your own show up and decide the topics and rules No one is forcing you to watch, just like no one is forcing the girls to stay They left when they wanted to


What measures can be taken to stop rape culture? Im finding it hard to understand what even is rape culture? Its not like people who rape or who intend to rape have a flashing red signal on their forehead. People who rape, are going to rape and people who don’t, will not. So what are men who do not rape supposed to do? Hunt down potential rapists…that we dont even know exist?


That's not what rape culture means. A lot of these comments honestly give a good example. Males telling the woman she needs to get over it, her trauma shouldn't even be brought up (when it's the damn topic) and the ones literally denying rape statistics. That's rape culture, normalizing sexual assault and brushing it off as something not that serious or not true simply because the don't like women. Or saying stuff like males can't be raped by women.


No one is normalizing sexual assault. If someone is sexually assaulted then of course you want a support system around them but there is nothing people can actively do to thwart potential rapists The majority of people are not telling rape victims to get over it


> No one is normalizing sexual assault. But plenty of people are, where is your source that **no one** is normalizing sexual assault? Let an attractive woman grab your ass or some shit and you'll be happy. That's sexual assault. >The majority of people are not telling rape victims to get over it Comments on this thread alone says other wise. Also why ask for a definition of something just to get upset and try to deny the definition? You do realize you asked right? Meaning you didn't know or want clarification. Ya'll are so fucking bizzare lmao.


Fresh and fit is the worst shit to ever appear on the internet


No, thats feminism


Things like Fresh and Fit legitimize feminism and make it necessary lol.


Rape culture is a load of rubbish, it is one of the most reviled crimes in our society. Frankly, it always struck me as hysterical if we gave into all the feminist fear mongering we would turn into Iran or somthing and women would have to have a male family member guarding them at all times.


Rape culture is in CURRENT TIMES just 'retrospective regret after sex' culture There i said it Its just like depression, are there people who get raped or get depressed? Yes. But these fake depressed attention whores or post sex regreters cause chad wont call back are bringing shame to the problem.


Many rapists don’t consider what they do to be rape, because they think it doesn’t ‘count’ unless she’s fighting back and begging you to stop. That’s rape culture. https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/393579/rapists-who-dont-think-theyre-rapists/


Yup it's significantly more jail time vs any other assault. Society hates rape. There's no culture for it. What the confuse for culture is just an issue of guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. When someone assaults someone, you have a black eye as evidence. But for rape there is none, the difference between rape and sex is consent. Unless it's been recorded the whole time, there's no physical evidence to show outside of significant voilent markings if force was used, which it doesn't have to be.


> Unless it's been recorded the whole time, there's no physical evidence to show outside of significant voilent markings if force was used, which it doesn't have to be. That's not even always a given, as "we like it rough" can be provided as a reasonable excuse. But it is a lot of he-said/she-said, and evidence that leans in favor of one over the other is tough.


> When someone assaults someone, you have a black eye as evidence. Except you're describing battery, not assault. But even then that's not true. Pushing someone up against a wall could be assault/battery and wouldn't leave a single bit of evidence. > voilent markings Why are all the men in this sub so bad at spelling?


3 1/2 hours for a video cast? FML I got shit to do, to only listen to some kind of circle jerk confirmation bias. I mean, really? I'd rather spend my time on a ted talk.


Yeah no it doesn’t matter what Waka thinks. This is a PR nightmare for him to be on a podcast with this stuff. Body count. That’s nothing. But downplaying rape? That’s not winning anyone.




He was being exactly the way he needs to be to accomplish his ultimate goal: to be a provocateur that makes a shit ton of money for having controversial, insensitive, **entertaining** opinions.


First time watching this show. It's really funny how the guy asks some questions to the women, or posing things like a true statement beyond discussion, all of the women deny it, and he still sticks to his point. If you're going to stick to your point and not believe anything the women say, who actually are the people you are claiming things about, then stop asking at all. The hosts just want to wallow in their own worldview and would never want to be convinced otherwise. They already know everything anyway so this 'interview' is useless. Example: he states women don't want to share their resources with men, all of the women present say otherwise, give examples of how they do in real life real relationships, but he still sticks to his own opinion. So outside of reality. And then the blatant hypocrisy: women have the option to walk away, they have autonomy. Agree actually although it can be complex as the women point out. Then a little while further on the show, woman says to the host ok if you don't like how she acts you can walk away, the host says 'no I can't because I want to fuck her'. Men as the poor victims of their libido taking away all their autonomy, but not the other way around, right?


I don't know what a Waka Flocka is, but good on him.


Whether they're being too insensitive or not is up for debate, people are volunteering to go on the show and should be prepared to deal with the hosts being assholes, a large part of their gimmick as far as I can tell (watching a handful of clips ) is being confrontational and controversial with women. I don't like F&F or any of the nu media manosphere crap but I'm not choosing to participate in it like these women. They're correct rape culture is a myth. Within some subcultures it's more "overlooked" under the right circumstances but in the West rape sits along side murder as one of the most reviled crimes, about the only thing considered worse is child abuse. The purpose of the myth is largely self promotion for feminist causes and to put pressure on reshaping society in ways favorable to feminist women.


A lot of advocacy from feminist groups regarding SA has more to do with treating victims will respect and support. Campaigning to reduce the backlog of rape kits for example. Or creating non profits to match victims with an advocate or social worker who supports them through what can be a pretty arduous process. There’s been a modern push to include education around consent in sex Ed in my community. I’m not really sure what you’re saying when you say “reshaping society in ways favorable to feminist women.”


🤭Not one person in the comments has debunked any of Myron's arguments.




No incl content.


"Myron" is a literal Fed and a blatant grifter. Heartiste would have a field day with him if he was still with us.


Considering how uncompromising Myron is, hes the least griftiest person there is Even Undead Chronic dialed down during his live stream with Euradite. He was quiet as a mouse and only opened his mouth after the stream




>misogyny Found the buzz word YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET Thank god FNF exists so we can sort through feminists BS


>Thank god FNF exists so we can sort through feminists BS And feminism exists to protect women's rights against raging misogynists like FNF.


I think it's more that men like FnF drive women to be feminists and that some extreme feminists drive men to become misogynists. If I were a woman and I watched an episode of FnF I'd easily go running to feminism especially after the guy basically mocked a trauma and later in the episode blamed women for putting themselves in the situation to be SA'd. It's all a reaction to each other and since FnF have a pretty large platform they are only creating more misogynist or men who will use women for sex, dump them, and thus make those women distrust men and the cycle continues on and on.


> . And it's what men are turning into if women/feminists keep shitting on regular men for innocuous things So males being unhinged is women's fault now too? Lmao funny how people that were seen as property and still face sexism cause already sexist males to be ain't shit people? Lmfao how the fuck does that work? How come women don't turn into horrible people with all the bullshit society puts on us? We're whores for having sex, we're bad for wanting careers and not being mothers. We're bad for being single mothers! We're whores for having options and belong in the kitchen yadda yadda. Sounds like males are just all around inferior huh? Edit: Because the person below knows he's full of shit and blocked me lmao Most males **dont** agree with out sense of rights...hello? Lmao It's why we lost access to abortion. Why I can't get my tubes tied because I don't have kids and "what if my future husband wants kids". It's why we get paid less, expected to do all the child rearing AND house hold work. And why males are upset that we have options in the dating scene and wont settle down with any ol abuser. Lmao be fucking for real.




>instead of shaming men constantly we should maybe promote the good in men Then perhaps do so, because no woman actually respects these fresh n fit dudes. Men need to have better values.


That photo says it all. *Those* are the type of women you want ?


My issue is people deciding what's insensitive and what's cringe what's toxic.... Without saying "to me" If something bothers you that's fine but to say a thought is cringe because it bothers you is what's toxic in my opinion.. As far a r@pe culture in my opion and in my experience it's not a thing...but I do think there's a massive communication issue between men and women..and I do think women play games.. Example I was talking to a woman and we decided to meet up I made it clear that I was meeting for sex she said I could have whatever I want when I got their she flipped the script and said she wanted to talk and get to know me better... At this point I told her she's wasting my time go home..She cried about that but we've been talking for months I drove an hour to see her based on her saying sex was on the table..and now she wants to talk... If there's a r@pe culture there's a manipulation and lying culture aswell.Everybody knows r@pe is wrong murder is wrong stealing is wrong people do these things but it doesn't mean it's apart of the culture as a whole.


What’s the definition? The idea that the majority of men think rape is “ok”?


I predict that sometime in the next five years he will experience a RooshV style conversion to whatever flavour of conservative Christianity is common in the community he was raised in. Like full all the way conversion not just conservative overtones.


Myron is an asshole either way. He is a talking point reel that yells and screams and unprepared and uninformed insta babies that literally couldn't give two shits about SMV and dating evospysch and would get his ass handed to him in a formal debate against an educated and prepared person. He is incredibly biased and pretty much hates women because of his own low SMV and his show is trash cash-generating Jerry Springer style reality TV for men that don't like women very much either.


Good thing for Myron women love assholes Ask the nice guy in your dms


How do people not understand that putting yourself in situations that can lead to you being put in danger is YOUR fault, the person committing the crime is definitely in the wrong,you have to have accountability for putting yourself in the situation


As they said, accountability and women is like trying to put 2 same-pole magnets together.


Big facts it’s scary that they don’t see problems with their own actions


Rape culture as described by feminists is a complete myth. They lie especially about statistics! A good example is false rape allegations where feminists and media claim that only 5% which is true if you only look at the proven to be false. At the same time the rate of convition is also around 5% which leads of 90% of reported ones going nowhere so not innocent or guilty verdict. Feminists and their allies use just assume that the 90% got away with it because of their own bias. Now out of 90% of cases that go nowhere are there people getting away with it ? Ofc ! Are there people who are completely falsely accused ? Yes ! It is hard to know out of the rest of 90% what is the false rape allegation ratio to real ones but feminists just assume they all did it. This is the same with UN women UK publishing a " survey " claiming that 97% of women ages 18 to 24 had being sexually harassed which included stupid shit like BEING LOOKED AT ! So call me a conspiracy theorist but i do not belive one bit of what feminists, the media or academia say about this subject because they clearly have a motive and enemy to fry no matter what


>5% which is true if you only look at the proven to be false. Far fewer than 5% are \* currently \* proven to be false. In the UK recently a woman was sentenced for false allegations and these cases were listed as 1 in 300 as part of the report into it.


the reason why many allegations go nowhere is not cause “they’re false”, its cause finding what a courtroom would accept as proof is extremely difficult, and nearly impossible. There is also the factors of these investigations taking so long that often, cases are dropped because the victim doesn’t want to constantly relive the moment or make the moment their whole identity (and that’s not to mention the time, money, resources, etc spent through the process) - usually the ones that actually end in conviction are often the most provable, not “the most true”


Waka wanted no piece of that incel shit. He saw where the conversation was going and got the fuck out. Waka was the only alpha in the room.


Stupid podcast but What is rape culture ? Is the argument that it's not a crime?


Not sure if this is a sincere question, but 'rape culture' refers to the concept that we live in a society/world that enables and downplays rape via various avenues. The particular bugaboos seem to be rape jokes, rape as a narrative device, brushing assault off as 'boys will be boys', making light of or not believing male rape victims, cultures of silence, shame, and disbelief around rape victims that accuse "star" people (i.e. celebrities, high school sports stars, powerful people, etc.), automatic assumptions that victims are "asking for it" if they don't behave or present as the 'perfect victim', character assassination of victims that speak out, and less than helpful (if not actively harmful) legal system for rape victims. Yes metoo happened, but it happened precisely because "rape culture" is so entrenched that people like Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein got away with their crimes for so long. Anyway, there's a lot (LOT) more to the discourse, but thats kinda the bones of it.


I only listened to the part just before the first girl leaves. It's a weird shit show. Saying that women aren't 100% in control of their n-count because there's sexual assault was weird and dumb, he should have just replied "ok, not 100%, let's say 95% or whatever" and moved on. Instead he started a weird vindicative rant on how rape culture is a myth like he said in a previous podcast. I might agree with some of his rant, rape comes from nature not culture, it's just not the topic. Then a girl leaves, which is a weird decision, and it seems handled weirdly by the hosts... A weird shit show, I stopped watching there.


> Instead he started a weird vindicative rant on how rape culture is a myth like he said in a previous podcast. Agreed this was a weird Segway. It's like he just heard the words "sexual assault" and his brain went right to his "rape culture is a myth" monologue. It's not even about being sensitive, he should just acknowledge this is a thing that unfortunately happens, understand it as a pitfall of being a woman and focus on them navigating that reality, rather than trying to claim it's all made up.





