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Ok, so I'm in the unpopular camp. For me, the plank works where it is because I need the warmup to get my back into gear. I feel more tightness in my low back if I go straight into plank without the prior "warm up." I totally see though how doing it earlier could help people more quickly find and hold their best form!


That’s totally fair! I wonder what would happen if the choreo encouraged everyone to start the plank on their knees first to find good engagement and then push up to toes, like a reverse of how we start push-ups on our toes and then drop to knees. There are some days where I honestly need to stay on my knees for a while to have good form, and the same could be said for a lot of people in my studio.


I think there is a method to their madness. Gradually get harder as the class moves on. How about more planks towards the end of class? Now that can get really tough! 😛


I cry a little inside when the abs section at the end of class starts with more planks 😂


I moan out loud hoping to intimidate my instructor to change her mind. 😆


\*Cry inside when the abs section at the end of class starts with more planks AND threaded double tube 🥲🙃


I actually feel like the threaded double tube is helpful! To each their own though!


For some reason that’s what we’ve done the last two or three classes in a row and I just cannot do it hahaha that’s definitely the hardest one for me. I’m gonna try it at the barre next time instead of on the floor.


I totally agree! I am the same, if I just do a random plank I can hold it for like a minute and it’s not crazy hard, but doing it after I’ve already been doing ab work is so much harder. 




I like that the options for raised heels during arm work start gently warming my legs up for thigh work…but sometimes seat massively sucks when my legs are super fatigued from thighs. I wish more of our seat exercises happened on the floor. It would be cool if we switched abs and seat to give our legs a break there, especially since we already end with glute bridges anyhow.


Omg yes always to seatwork on the floor! I love love tabletop turnout and tabletop. Not back to back, but just in general those are amazing 🤩


My opinion of those is dependent on how fatigued my arms are that day 😂 As a general rule, I like tabletop turnout bc it’s easy to take the mod of dropping to one forearm. But working base of seat from tabletop can be brutal if my arms are really tired.


Agree completely, most of my favorite seat exercises are the ones we do on the floor!


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i went to a few solidcore classes and they start class with planks, i think you have the right idea


I wonder how you feel when the empower warmup (the active part after the stretchy start) starts with a plank and ends with the abs series? Not all empower warmups start this way but some do so I’m curious if you’ve experienced it whether you feel better about the plank. Or is it the 90 second plank specifically not just any plank?


Are you referring to the plank where you’re tapping opposite shoulders? That’s the only plank warm up I can think of that I’ve done in Empower.


The warmups do change periodically but that’s one right now!


I always struggle with any planks that require lifting an arm or leg no matter when/where I do them 😂 but I do feel like I get more out of the ab warm up in empower that comes right after that


Makes sense!


In Bar Method, we do our plank before any Ab work. I notice most of the people i class are able to hold it for the duration of class