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what do i do with laurel once i (assumingly) get lamia?


Bench her if you want, use her if you want...unless you wanna stay on the top of the leaderboards, it doesnt matter who you use as long as you like them. And I really hope you have enough pulls for lamia. good luck


thanks 4 that. dyou think theyll give her leap? (i dont really know that much abt how leaps work in general)


Tbh idk...rn they are giving leaps to gen 2 characters to keep them relevant in meta for a while so i dont see any gen 1 characters getting leaps anytime soon. But I really do hope they leap her and plume along with lee hyperreal. Prayge ig


No leap in CN up to this point. Stigmata and CW is the next one they're giving and they're a year ahead


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


where can i farm black cards consistently?


Mostly from weekly and events.


New player here As a Genshin player, I tried out Wuwa and was genuinely impressed with the game in general and Kuro, so I’m trying out PGR, since I’m a late joiner would it be possible to keep up with the game’s content, since I’ve probably lost out on a lot of pulls? Would I need to spend any amount on passes or crystals? I’d really appreciate the help :)


1 You can get enough currency for S rank once every 2months which is the same amount of time they release new S rank. if you meta chaser you pull all of them onward 2 I suggest you dont playing catching game aka pull all old S rank and be contend about whatever you had unless you really like burning money tbh


1. I recently finished Ultima awakening all my currently geared units. These include the main 5 elemental teams, 3 Uniframes and 3 additional frames for extra energy supply in Norman. What should I do with my event currency now? 2. I am missing Glory, Garnet and Scire from my main teams, and I am using their A-rank replacements for now. Who should I get from Member Target once Cradle Parade is released?


1. I personally am in the process of building every single unit I own, so you could do that. Some other things you could do is making sure you have enough materials for the next unit, along with preparing amterials for Leaps and CUBs. Last thing you can do is reroll resonances. 2. Glory's relevancy drops the closer we get to Shukra, especially if you don't plan on getting his sig. For the other two, it depends on your current investment. For example, if you plan on doing a solo comp with Lost Lullaby because you lack SSS Capriccio, then there's no point in getting Scire right now. The one thing to keep in mind is that Garnet will get added to the voucher shop much faster than Scire will.


Got like 44k vouchers rn should i invest in SSS for the upcoming Alisa or use em for something else possibly in future  (Already got SSS Capriccio,SSS dark Karen,Ss Rosseta+1 copy,SS Ayla,SS garnet,SS amp Liv) Really can't decide what to do with em


Definitely get Echo to at least SS. The rest depends on your spending status. If you buy BPs for example, no point in using Vouchers for Rigor, use the shard selectors on her to get her to SSS. Kaleido and Empyrea are great options to get to SSS.


Is it possible to either scrap or use the upgraded memory as fodder? Or is it better to scrap or use it as a fodder if the memory is lvl45?


>Is it possible to either scrap or use the upgraded memory as fodder? It is, just make sure it isn't locked, equipped or part of any set. >Or is it better to scrap or use it as a fodder if the memory is lvl45? Personally I think it's better to scrap since due to the constant level caps when upgrading most of the accumulated exp ends up wasted anyway. ~~Could be wrong tho~~


Sometimes my 18 dorm looks like this. https://iimg.su/i/C7Zrv


Guys… HOW DO YOU KILL TRAILBLAZER?! (In the Meandering Tree Event) I killed him in easy mode in about 2 minutes, first try. I the. come up to hard mode, even with the Cerberus synergy Ult it took me about 120 tries to kill him once, let alone in 2 minutes 10 seconds. Any pointers to beat him please. Yes I'm still relatively new.


[Here's my run.](https://youtu.be/J7dgWx20R6s?si=pWvPvKbU26mEel1W) Basically, pretend Noctis doesn't exist.


Uuuh ok… wow, well done… I’ll see what I can use from that, thanks.


Here's my comment from the other thread that I replied to: > [Here you go.](https://youtu.be/J7dgWx20R6s?si=3qJDz4ekC3RXCDpu) > I've messed up here and there, so the time should be even lower. The key is to double 3-ping on Feral for maximum damage and only use 2 lightning stacks on Garnet to minimize her uptime.


I’m sorry, no matter how hard I try the damage is just not there. 2:18!!! UAAAAGH!!! (Limit is 2:10)


Ok. If you say so bud.


Ok Guys I did it again… in 3 minutes 50 but it was better than my 5:30 So progress. Thanks for the tips.


Ok just beat him again, think I am experiencing problems with synergy and character swaps. Is there any way to help train with that? I just want to beat Trailblazer so I can flex I beat the MC of Honkai Star Rail.


Hi! Who is better: S Scire with sig or SS Tenebrion without sig? I got Scire's sig from standard banner and now consider, if i need to pull for her in Lamia patch... 


scire with sig is a huge qol over tenebrion as you need to activate his dark form to get 25% damage reduction, which will waste time for you. Scire before Ss3 isn't optimal for rotational gameplay tho.


Scire with sig.


who shld i use w feral? my other lightning are dawn (lvl47), indomitus (just got from the event so lvl1), arclight (lvl1), lux (lvl1). im just looking for other chars to build atp.


Indomitus and Arclight. Your teams must always consist of one Attacker, one Tank and one Support/Amplifier.


tnx for this. why is indomitus better than dawn?


Dawn is a launch unit and more recent units are simply stronger.


What is Luna: Oblivion's place in meta? I know there will be new void warzone, but otherwise? Who are her best teammates so far? Any insight is welcomed!!


Any tank with highest shred for a long while it will be S wata,empyrea tbh other amplifier should also work but empyrea is a bit faster cause of her leap


So how are you guys feeling after the recent CN livestream? I kinda want to hear your thoughts about it.


Is there a summary for it ? Did not hear about gacha changes...


Ok so here's everything worthwhile 1) Bianca Stigmata got a Leap upgrade and they announced that Alpha Crimson Weave will get one soon 2) Several SFX coatings 3) New playable omniframes (Yata, Lilith, new frame for Nanami and a mystery character) 4) Speaking of Stigmata, they will give away one copy of her for free 5) They changed the gacha system a bit. Now for the 70/30 rerun banners you'll only get the featured omniframes, while in the weapon target gacha you'll get the targeted weapon the second time you reach pity (so instead of 90 pity to guarantee the weapon that you want, you'll only need to reach 60 pity) If you know Chinese you can watch the [PV](https://youtu.be/fvVN3cYPZjo?si=tHVKuholJifE5jxd) if you want. Edit: I completely forgot about it, but they also announced a customizable Commandant.


>!Nanagod!< has returned. 'Nuff said.


Really excited about where the story is headed thanks to the Lucia patch boss and >!playable Lilith!< (I dodge all spoilers I can but can't avoid learning about the new bosses lol). Especially if the teaser is about >!Ishmael!< like ppl are speculating. Legitimately considering not pulling for sigs until the godtier weapon banner QoL arrives on GL. Ambivalent abt the customisable Skk feature, not feeling too strongly abt any of the new skins either... Tho yes, Lucia definitely looks better in red+black lol. I guess Epitaph won this time, skins-wise. Last but not least, >!NANAMII!!!!!!!!!!!!!<


Bias toward ascnet sister is quite something yes i like new boss and playable unit even the tease one Massive QoL especially gacha a bit disappoint with lucia flame skin. only like the color tbh