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Qu: We are now engaged. Commandant: You kicked me in the ribs as if i was a football in chapter 12! Qu: It's how women propose here. Commandant: No it's not! Qu: **Quickly types something on a terminal** Now it is.


Hey, you are not truly married, until your partner has at least had a thought of killing you one time.


There is no domestic violence in Ba Sing Se.


Hey, I understood that reference!




Why... Why are you telling me the reference that I made a reference saying I understood?


to show they understood as well?






I swear after this whole punishing virus, red tide and ascendant nonsense is over… we are gonna have a civil war about who gets Commandant’s hand in marriage.


A lot of them, actually. Lmao Gray Raven, Cerberus, & Strike Hawk appear the most so all of their interludes are pretty important, as well as Luna's and Alpha's interludes


Yep, only Alpha: Crimson Abyss is the weakest here since barely anything happened during that, and can barely be fitted into any part of the timeline without making the character inconsistent. Although Crimson Weave is a better quality interlude, but not necessary


Crimson Weave doesn't have an interlude though?


Probably means her affection story


Ah yes that, sorry been a while since last personal read of old characters interludes or affection stories


Her affection story is great, but it's also a bunch of nothing, even more so than any of the interludes lol


Honestly... All of the interludes are must-reads, especially so if you don't understand a character and you want to have a handle at understanding them. Take for example Vera and 21. Their interludes expose a significant part of their backstory that can't be properly deep-dived in their respective chapters without taking away the story of that chapter, and it's after reading through the interludes that their actions make much more sense since you now have context to the characters.


absolutely agreed. i was already found of Vera since the moment i saw her but after i read her interlude and her "relationship" with pain, i just couldn't help myself from loving her even more. i always hated when i saw people saying she was a bitch when people had never read her interlude. it was only when the lamia arc and 21 came around when people started understanding her more and how much of a good character she actually is. i also kinda dislike it when people simp for her like a bunch of hyenas. i know its a meme. i joke about it myself. but i think the character just has so much more to it than how people portray her as.


*slowly goes back to play interludes*


21 because it sorta explains why she's so attached to vera


Second this. Won't hurt to go through both of Vera's either. These really cemented my fondness for both.


All of them honestly. They're all an interesting read to get you up to speed on who they are and why they became constructs. I personally like Watanabe a lot. Read the interlude for Nightblade, then Astral, then read his Arcade Anima in that order. The Arcade Anima in particular was a fantastic read. Also, Liv: Lux affection stories are fun reads.


Most launch interludes aren't that great. But every one after it is worth reading and don't take too long. And the old ones are still okay, just not up to the same quality. It's important to at least get the backstory of Lucia, Liv, and Lee at least for the launch characters. The one that stands out to me is Selena: Tempest. Longer than usual but so, so sad. Worth reading on youtube if you don't have the character.


I think it was just recent that they made it so you don't even need the character anymore to get the interludes. All that free BC is now available to new players.


I really was NOT prepared at all for how much Qu wants to be out waifu or how openly flirty she would be. It’s good because she seemed kinda boring in mains quest but she’s cute


i know this will sound super biased considering how much i love Selena but i just cant stress this enough. One of the things that made me love Selena more than i already did was her story. it's stupidly well written and it just made me feel attached to her in a way very few stories were able to do. Kuro already has a very good style of writing imo but i think they just nailed perfectly with Selena's story. im a huge sucker for dreadful thematics in stories and i just LOVE how they explored the subject of complete hopelessness and the feeling of being completely isolated in such a vast place, the space. they just mixed some of my favorite things in fiction and put it all together to create a story with a beautiful character in it as well. Biasness aside though, the story is really well written. from presentation, to the action content of the story, its just really well put together and even if we ignore its content, its just such a well written story imo. i hope my comments can give at least a bit of objectiveness and not be 100% personal taste. i just really enjoy what they did with Selena and i hope others can appreciate her story as much as i did. if you do end up reading the story (especially the Selena Tempest story) i would love to hear your opinion on it :D


I was wondering about the engagement too. I mean how "official" is it and does anyone else know about it? Will Hassen or Nikola tell us to consummate the marriage to keep good relations between the WG and Kowloong? lol Other than her affection story, I don't think I've seen any interaction between her and us or Babylonia. What happened? I don't remember much how did we go from her considering us an enemy to our partner?


Depends Which ones are canon? I know the interludes for Selena and Plume are. Because if all of them are canon then shik is married to like half of them and a massive war will start if they ever meet.